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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Vera Quinn

  “Well damn, Devil. You have a twin.” Sarge is half laughing. “Are you sure your just cousins? He looks more like you than Stone ever did.” I have a sick feeling in my stomach.

  “Where the hell is Stone and your brother?” I put my forearm up against this guy’s throat. He doesn’t try to speak.

  “Devil if you want him to talk you are going to need to let him have some air in his lungs.” Sarge barks out. I look at the guys face and it is red. I back off and take a step back.

  “Hacksaw search him and make sure he has nothing on him.” Kane looks like he is getting himself back together.

  “I have a 9 behind my belt and a knife in my boot. I didn’t come here to cause any problems. I need some answers about what Stacks and Stone have going on. I have tried finding out and I know it has something to do with the Feral Steel MC but I need to know if what they told me is true or not. They are both flying high on drugs most of the time and I can’t straight answers from them. Everything my mom told me about the Feral Steel MC does not line up with the shit that Stone and Stacks is telling me and as much as I love my brother, before I get in over my head, I need to know the truth. I came to talk and try to help if I can.” I look at Kane closely for the first time. My gut is telling me to give him a chance and there is more to this story but I am not sure I can do that with the people I care about. I see Kane hand Hacksaw the gun and the knife. Kane then turns towards the building and assumes the search position. Hacksaw does a thorough pat down. At least he was telling the truth about that. Hacksaw steps away from him.

  “Let’s go inside and have this talk.” I tell Kane. He shows no fear of going inside where we could do anything to him. He either has nothing to hide or he has balls of steel. We point Kane towards the front doors of the clubhouse. We make the distance in no time and Kane is walking in front of us. As soon as we are in the doors he stops. And looks back at us. “Straight ahead and to the bar first.” As soon as he starts forward I motion with Hacksaw to go down the hall to check on Starla. He shakes his head showing me he understands. I just want to make sure this is not some kind of ploy to get Starla out. I motion for the prospect to bring us a beer. He sets them in front of us. I take mine and Sarge grabs his but Kane does not attempt to get his. I pick it up and try to hand it to him.

  “I don’t drink.” I hear Oz laugh.

  “You don’t drink or you don’t drink with us. We’re not going to poison you or anything.” He raises his hands.

  “Look, I am not your enemy. I do not drink alcohol, period. My mom had a problem with drinking and drugs in her life and I have no desire to tempt fate. I do not drink or do drugs. That’s Stack’s thing, not mine. I try to stay on the right side of the law.” Kane tells us.

  “How do you blow off steam then? What’s your thing?” Sarge asks him.

  “I work out. I get in the ring and work it out. I run as much as I can and if none of that works then I get on my bike and ride. Can we just get this over with? I’m sure you didn’t want to come in here and talk about my stress relieve.” Kane seems so calm. I don’t know what has me so bothered by Kane. The way he is so calm or the way he keeps looking at me. Like he is trying to get inside my head.

  “Alright, then let’s take this in my office.” I see Hacksaw coming back up the hallway. He shakes his head yes. “Hacksaw will you get Dra from Oz’s office? Then you and he can join Sarge and me in my office. Slick we will need you too. I’ll text Tazer so he can come over from the house.” I take my phone out of my pocket and text Tazer. “Prospect give Kane a water.” The prospect hands him a bottle of water and he takes it. I finish my beer off and leave the bottle. I turn and Kane and Sarge follow me with Slick behind them. We make our way into my office and I point to a chair for Kane to sit in. Sarge stands behind him against the wall. Slick back on the couch. Hacksaw and Dra makes their way in. “Let’s get comfortable because we are not leaving here until I am satisfied with all your answers. First off, do you know where Stone or your brother are?” Kane looks like he is considering his answer. The door opens and Tazer walks in. The talk we are having may come to a quick halt if Kane doesn’t cooperate. He may have come here but he won’t be leaving until we get answers or he’s not breathing. I look at Sarge and then to Slick still waiting on an answer. “Are you going to cooperate or do we need to do this the hard way because I am telling you right now that blowing off steam by taking it out on you seems like a pretty good idea right now?”

  “I do not know where they are right now. This whole situation has a bad feel to it to me and I needed answers. I came to get answers. If for some reason, you think you can’t trust me then we both have a problem. I love my brother but the things him and Stone have been saying make no sense and their behavior is erratic at best. Stone told me you are holding his woman and her children against her will. He also said the Feral Steel MC is helping you. He keeps changing his story and I finally did some digging on my own. The stories don’t line up. Then Charisma and Starla quit coming around. Charisma is a woman I don’t really trust but Starla was a different story and she was trying to tell me something the last time I saw her. Then she disappears. Stacks said the Feral Steel killed her.” I see no deception and I am watching Sarge and Hacksaw as they listen to him. Dra is paying close attention.

  “What did Stone say his woman’s name is?” I know but I need Kane to confirm that my brother has completely lost all touch with reality. “Think real hard Kane. If I get the feeling you are lying, then I am going to take this little meet to the shed. This is your only chance to be honest with us.”

  “Devil, I came here to get some answers but I am not scared of threats. I don’t want to see any woman or child hurt. I know Stone and Stacks has some shady deals going on. I don’t trust what they say anymore but I had to know. Callie is what Stone said his woman’s name is. Stack’s is my brother and Stone is blood but you are my blood too. They wanted me to come after you but before I did that I had to face you and check everything out for myself. I don’t spill blood unless it is necessary. I don’t enjoy causing someone pain unless they deserve it. I know Stone and Stacks are doing hard drugs and they will do whatever they need to get their next fix. I couldn’t turn a blind eye to what they are capable of. They are both ruthless and they hate you. I am worried what lengths they will go to get to you and the Feral Steel MC. I also know they are working with someone in Colorado on their next big deal.” I look at Dra and he is paying close attention. “I don’t know all the details. They don’t even trust each other let alone me. They are both paranoid. I’m not shitting you. I’m giving it to you exactly the way I know it.” Kane finally finishes and sets back in his chair. He pats his top pocket on his jacket and watches for my ok. I shake my head yes to him and he takes his phone out and a card. “Check my phone. You can read every message I have received or sent to Stone and Stacks. The card has the number to two of my C.O.s in the army. I have kept in touch with both and they can give you a rundown of my past. I don’t know what else I can do to prove I am telling the truth.” I take the phone and card. “6329 is my password to my phone.” I take the phone and hand it to Oz.

  “Dra, you might want to reach out to your brother, Krill. If this goes back to Colorado, you may want to head home.” Dra shakes his head and then gets up and walks over to us.

  “Kane, Callie is Devil’s woman. They have two sons and Callie loves him and no one knows that better than I do. Stone is one sick son of a bitch. He has fucked with all our lives for so long. Don’t stand too close to him if you get out of here because his day is coming and it is coming fast. That you can take to the bank.” Dra takes a deep and looks at me. “I’m going to go and try to get in touch with Krill. For what it is worth I think Kane is telling the truth.” Dra leaves to work this out. Oz comes over and shows me the text he had brought up. Everything I read confirms what Kane has said but I am still not sure.

  “Oz, go over every single one of them because Kane here is going to be our guest until we have
our hands-on Stone. Kane, do you have a problem with that?” I look at Kane and he has a smile on his face. Oz looks through the phone and hands it back to Kane.

  “I would like to get to know you since we are close family. I have no problem staying here. That way you will know I have nothing to do with anything going on with Stone.” Kane has something he is hinting at but he is not just coming out and saying it.

  “What do you mean close family? Your dad and my dad were brothers we have never been close. Up until today I had no idea you even existed. You or Stacks either one.” I look at him closely.

  “You may not have known about Kane but you can’t argue the fact that you look a hell of a lot alike. Kane, is there anything else you might could tell us about where Stone and Stacks are?” Sarge is being a smartass.

  “There’s an old motel on the edge of town where we were staying. They weren’t there when I left. It’s the only thing regular about what they do. Any time else they would call and give me a certain amount of time to meet them in different places. I grew tired of jumping every time they called.” We already knew about the motel.

  “You said you thought Starla was trying to tell you something. Do you think she would tell you if you talked to her?” Hacksaw asks Kane and then looks at me. It’s worth a try.

  “Maybe. Since Stacks and Stone aren’t here maybe so. Starla fears Stone, Stacks and Charisma. I will try.” Kane says. I feel my phone vibrate. I look at the text. Oh, hell no! “Did they send you here to distract us? Stacks went after Callie in the hospital. I am going to kill that motherfucker! Lock this asshole up until we get some answers.” Kane stands and the brother are waiting for me to tell them more except for Sarge. He is out the door and gone with Tazer right behind him.

  “Devil, I didn’t have anything to do this. I wouldn’t. You are my… talk to your mom. Ask her what we are to each other. It’s not for me to tell you. Your mom can tell you.” What the hell is he talking about? I don’t have time for this.

  “Hacksaw put him in a room until we get this settled. Everyone else let’s ride.” I look at Kane as Hacksaw takes him by the arm. Kane goes without fighting. That knot in my stomach just got bigger. Ma and I will be having a talk real damn quick. All I can do right now is get to my woman.

  Chapter 20


  I am shaken up and when dad finally got to bring Killian to me did very little to calm me down. I want out of this hospital and to be at home safe. Is there any place my family can be safe again? The cops finally finished talking to me but I think it had more to do with Dad’s death glare on them that anything. Dad and Fe have not left my side. I just want Kylar here. Just his presence would help but I won’t text him. He needs to fix this and he can’t do that trying to hold my hand every minute. I need to be strong and do my part. At times like these I wish we had a normal life away from the club but then again, I might be dead if it wasn’t for the Feral Steel MC.

  All my paperwork is done and I am ready to go. The door flies open and I don’t know who moved the fastest Dad or Fe. Dad moves to the end of the bed and Fe throws himself over Killian and me. “Don’t do that shit again! We’ve had enough surprises for one damn day.” Mason and Ty are standing there. They barged in like they were ready to take someone down.

  “Darlin’, you doing ok?” Mason asks me.

  “I’m ok Mase. Just a little shaken up.” I tell Mason and I see the relief in his eyes.

  “Are you sure baby girl? How’s the baby?” Ty asks me.

  “He’s good Ty. We’re both ok. I’m just ready to go home. I think we are ready.” I tell my older brother. He walks closer to my bed and grabs hold of Killian’s little hand. He smiles at his newest nephew.

  “Sarge, you and Tazer are a little bit late as usual.” Fe tells them and then the door is thrown back again by Crockett and Tito. “How’s Rix doing?” Fe asks Crockett.

  “It was a through and through wound. He’ll be out tomorrow or the next day. Going to be more annoying than anything for him.” Crockett lets us know. Thank goodness, we don’t need any more death. “Devil should be here any minute.” About that time the door opens and Kylar walks through. All I can do is smile. I knew he would be here. He always comes when I need him. He’s over to me moving Ty and Fe out of the way. He looks at Killian and kisses my cheek and then bends down and kisses our son. This room is getting smaller by the minute with all this testosterone in here.

  “I love you babe. Let’s get your sweet ass home where you can be safe and get some rest.” Kylar looks at everyone. “Fe you are going to be in the SUV with Callie and Killian. Chief you drive and Tazer ride shotgun. The rest of us are going to surround that son of a bitch so no one gets close to it. Crockett make sure you ride right behind the SUV. Bowie will be there with you. He’s down stairs. Hacksaw and I will be in the lead. Rye and Bourbon are at the house making sure the house is secure.” Kylar looks at Dad. “Kane walked his ass right up to the guard shacks today. When we get to the house can you go over and talk to him and see what your take is on him. Seems I need to have a serious talk with my ma.” Dad shakes his head at Kylar but doesn’t say anything. “Dra left for Colorado. Something come up. He texted me he was leaving.”

  “Did he talk to Maddie?” Kylar looks at me like I just made a joke. “What?”

  “Babe, I don’t know what the hell Dra did with your sister. We’ve had a few things going on and we couldn’t get our chat on.” That breaks the ice and tension in the room. He said it with such a straight face and everyone is laughing so hard but leave it to Fe to pick up my slack.

  “Hey, I would have asked.” Fe is trying not to laugh.

  “Yes son, you probably would have.” Dad says to Fe. Putting his arms around Fe’s shoulder.

  “Ok let’s get my woman and son home so we can get business done.” Kylar reaches down and takes Killian so I can get up off the bed. “Did you already give your statement to the cops? Chief is her paperwork done?”

  “I answered all their questions for today.” I answer him. I see Mason up against the wall texting. “Nurse Chad should be bringing my papers in any time.” The door opens and there is Chad pushing in a wheel chair but he must stop because there is no room.

  “Could some of you please step out so I can load up mom and son in the wheel chair?” Ty, Mason, Crockett, and Tito walk out into the hall. Fe walks over by Nurse Chad.

  “Honey, the rest of us are going nowhere but right by Callie’s side so do what you need to.” Chad smiles at Fe. I need to get the low down on that.

  “I have already explained the aftercare. Be sure to make the doctor appointments for both of your follow-ups. You have prescriptions to be filled and Dr. White said to continue to take your prenatal vitamins until your follow-up and formula feed only. He stressed that but I know you know that. I am going to wheel you downstairs and I wish you all the best. You have a beautiful son there.” I get in the wheel chair and Kylar hands me the baby. I am ready for this. Nurse Chad wheels me out into the hall and there stands all my protectors waiting on us. I am so ready to get home to Kellan.

  “Devil, I have something to handle and then I will be back at the clubhouse. Later, Callie girl.” Mason says and he takes the door to the stairs. The elevator opens and half the brothers get in and leave. Then the other elevator opens and my family and the rest get in. Home sweet home, here we come.

  Chapter 21


  Oz sent me the text I had been waiting on. He is blocking all hospital feed to the security cameras while I make it out. I make my way down the stairs while putting my gloves on and then I am out the back exit. I take my phone out and they are taking the exact route I thought they would so I am ready. I have been ready since the night Charisma attacked Callie in the hospital. I know exactly where all the security cameras are aimed around the hospital. There’s nothing I have left to chance. I run in the building across the street and to the room I know I will give me the best view point to all the roads. I don’t se
e anyone around and I pick the lock. Knowing this building has no camera surveillance. I lock the door behind me and go to where I have stashed my rifle. I don’t like leaving my rifle but sometimes you must adapt to your circumstances. I sit and wait. When I was in Afghanistan, is when I honed this skill. I know my chances of getting caught are higher this time but it doesn’t make a difference. I owe Callie. I promised Diamondback. I gave my word I would always watch out for his daughter. The first woman I ever loved. To tell you the truth she may be the only woman I have ever loved. I have feelings for her half-sister, Micah, but it’s not the same. The feelings I have for Micah is a physical attraction. What I had for Callie was a meeting of our hearts. I just screwed it up. Callie owns a part of me that no one else will ever touch. I know she belongs to Devil now and I will respect that because that is what I need to do to be able to be in Callie’s life. If he ever fucks it up he will not have a second chance to claim her again because I will not be taking no for an answer from Callie. It doesn’t matter she has two children with Devil. They are part of Callie. This line of thinking gets me nowhere. I regulate my breathing to calm myself down. I block feelings and emotions completely out. I sit and I wait. Keeping a close eye on the street below and the door to the hospital. I have the perfect view. I look down my scope, perfect. I take out my glass cutter and cut a circle in the glass. Big enough to shoot through but not big enough to draw attention to it. I look through my scope and make sure no one is watching from any surrounding buildings. I don’t know how long I waited but I finally see the cars arrive that are there to take Charisma away. I look through my scope and wait. The door to the hospital opens and there is Charisma with a man on each side of her. One of them bends to open the car door. I breathe in and out, slowly and I pull the trigger. There’s no noise. Charisma goes down. I am up and out of the room and gone before they have time to realize exactly what happened. I am taking my rifle apart while walking. I text Oz and head for the stairs. I go out the exit on the opposite side of the building. The SUV pulls up beside me and I hop in. “Is it done.” Rye asks me.


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