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Beginning of the Inevitable (Feral Steel MC Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Vera Quinn

  “Is Keifer going to lose his ink and cut?” It’s the least offensive question going through my head.

  “Stone was already voted out of Feral Steel. That means he loses both. We’ll vote on everything tonight on how we proceed.” I shouldn’t have asked the question. I didn’t want the answer.

  “Who killed Keifer?” Kylar looks at me and without flinching he says the words that kills part of my heart.

  “I shot Stone.” Callie gets up and goes to Kylar and puts her arms around his waist. He stands still. When Callie puts her head on his chest he pulls her to him and they walk out of the kitchen side by side. I step away from Bourbon.

  “When I leave here this time I won’t be coming back. I can’t.” I expect Bourbon to understand my feelings. This place holds too much pain for me.

  “Then you are a fool. I must say I have never respected Devil. I thought he was like the men coming up these days with everything handed to them the easy way. You always coddled the boy. Steel never made him work for much. Today, I respect him for the man and President he is. He deserves to be the President of the Feral Steel MC. He made decisions that were hard for him to make to make sure his family and club were taken care of. Now he deserves it and has earned it. You still have Devil, his boys, Callie, and KD in Texas. If you walk away from them then you don’t deserve them. This may seem harsh coming today, but woman, I love you, and I won’t sugarcoat it for you. I also will not let you hide from your problems with me anymore. I’ll be here for you through Stone’s funeral but then you need to get your head out of your ass. I won’t let you hide from the facts that Stone got exactly what he deserved. Hard fact, but true.” With that Bourbon walks out the back door. I sit down in a chair and take in everything that Bourbon just said. Now what do I do? Bourbon just told me he loved me and then he walked away from me. Well, damn.

  Chapter 29


  Kylar went in and played with Kellan for a little bit and then we left him with Felix and Hanna. Kellan thinks those two are his playmates. Then Kylar fed Killian but his eyes looked so tired. I took the baby and left him with dad and Em. They’ll be leaving soon and it will give them time together. Keifer is in the shower and I am waiting for him to get out. He brushes his teeth with me watching. He doesn’t bother with clothes and I must say I am admiring the view. Kylar’s chest is broad and his abs make me drool. I move closer to him and run my hand down his ass of steel. I love my man’s body. Kylar stops me from moving my hand. “Babe, I love it when you explore my body but I have had a shit few days and I am dead on my feet.” Kylar stops as he realizes what he has said. I know my man is hurting. I know Kylar better than anyone. I see the pain in his eyes. “Crawl in bed with me and let me hold you. It seems like forever since I have had my woman in my arms.”

  “What did I do to deserve all this sweet? Where is the real Kylar Steel?” I try to joke with him.

  “You don’t like the sweet? Ok. Woman get in the bed and sleep with me.” He slaps me on my backside. I move to the bed and pull the covers back. I go back over and lock the door. Kylar raises his eyebrow. I run and jump on the bed. Kylar gets in the bed on his side and I move close to him. I run my hand down his hard abs but he takes hold of my wrist. “Babe, first sleep and then play.” I smile and look up into his eyes.

  “I am going to do everything to take care of my man. Just shut your eyes and feel.” I wiggle my hand out of his hold and he lets go. That is my green light. I take his half hard dick in my hand and squeeze and stroke him. I move all the way to the root and then back and swirl my hand when I get to the head. I rub my hand and I feel the pre-cum leak into my hand. I work the lubrication around the head. I swiftly go back down his shaft, that is now completely stiff, and then back up to the head. I do it a couple more times swiftly and I feel more moisture leaking from the head. I use it for lubrication. Kylar’s is moving his hips with me now and his breathing is heavier.

  “Damn babe, it feels like it has been forever since I have had your touch.” I slide my body down beside his and run my tongue under the head of the head of dick. I hear a moan escape Kylar and it pushes me on. “Quit teasing me Callie. Take it.” Never one to disappoint my man, I take as much of him in my mouth as I can. I can feel him hit the back of my throat and I stop and come back up slowly. Kylar’s hand is in my hair but he never pushes me down. He just goes with the rhythm I set. “Damn woman that feels fucking amazing.” I set a pace that is fast and then slow. I hollow my cheeks out and make the suction on the head better and then swirl my tongue on the throbbing vein underneath the head. Kylar breathing has turned raspy. I deep throat him on the next downward stroke. I maneuver myself between Kylar’s leg’s and take the base of his dick in my left hand and massage his balls with my right. “This is not going to take long.” I slow down the pace just a little. “Fuck no Callie, I need this. I play with yourself babe, I need you to get there.” I shake my head no while sucking on the head and running my tongue on the vein that drives Kylar crazy. I let the head of his hard dick fall out of my mouth with a pop.

  “No, this is just for you. Enjoy it.” I take my fingers in my mouth and suck on them and then lean over and take as much of him in my mouth that I can. I set a pace to get Kylar ready to erupt in my mouth. He doesn’t disappoint.

  “I’m going to come. Take it deeper babe. Fuck, yes!” I feel his dick pulse in the back of my throat and I know he is going to come. I take my fingers and massage his perineal area. I know Kylar is going to cum so I do something I have never done before. I stick my lubricated finger in his ass and I feel the tight ring close back around my finger. “Oh shit!” I move my finger slowly in and out in small motions it slowly trying to be gentle. I’ve never done this before. We’ve never even talked about it but his reaction is telling me he likes it or at least he seems to. His cum hits the back of my throat and try to swallow it all but it is leaking out of my mouth. I let him slide almost out of my mouth so I can swallow more then I slide back down slowly and he is still leaking cum. I come up and swallow and move back down. I love everything that is my man. His body finally relaxes and I put small kisses on the head. I wait until he is still and I see he still has his eyes close. He catching his breath. I back away from him and then jump off the bed and go into the bathroom and wash my face and wash my mouth out. I grab a wash cloth and wet it with warm water. When I get back into the bedroom Kylar is watching for me. “Baby girl you didn’t have to do that. I could wait for you to be able to enjoy us together. Damn, I feel like I could sleep for a month.” I go to him and start to wash him. He tries to grab the wash cloth from me. “I can do this.”

  “I want to. You are always taking care of me. It’s my turn to take care of you. Lay back.” I push on Kylar back down. “Did you enjoy it?”

  “Hell Callie, when do I not enjoy a blow job from my woman?” He’s smiling at me. He wants me to say it.

  “Did you enjoy…you know?” I hesitate, and then I just blurt it out. “Did my finger feel ok?” I know my face is red. Kylar pulls me to him and I go willingly. I throw the wash cloth on the floor beside the bed.

  “You are too cute. After everything we have done you still blush. Yes babe, it felt good. Made it more intense. Everything we do feels great. We can always try new things.” Kylar pulls me down where my head is lying on his chest. “I love you. I need to sleep now. You drained the last strength I had out through my cock. Now hold your man while we sleep.” Kylar kisses my head. I kiss his chest lightly.

  “Are you ok Kylar? You know with everything that went on? I mean I know you are not ok but I am here if you need to talk about anything. I want to help you through it all.” Kylar hugs me close.

  “I’m not ok Callie. I’ll never be ok with what happened but there is not a damn thing I can do about it. I did what I had to. I needed to protect you and the boys. I needed to protect the club. I did it and I would do it again but I don’t like it. If I liked it, I wouldn’t be the man that you could love. I know you will help me
through it. Right now, let’s just sleep. I have church later. I am going to talk to them about some investments I want to take on. If the club isn’t interested, then I am going to do it alone. I mean us, together. Then after I prove they are solid the club can join us. I’m not Steel. I’m not shoving it down their throats. I’ll tell you more after church. Now sleep. Love you babe.” I know it is time to drop it. I relax next to my man. We are going to be just fine one step at a time. Kylar is the man I need and love and the last few months he has become the President the Feral Steel MC needs. I feel Kylar’s breathing even out and I snuggle in and let peaceful sleep take me. The first peaceful sleep we have had in months.

  Chapter 30


  I got about five hours sleep and the women had food ready when Callie and I made our way into the kitchen. I couldn’t even tell you what I ate. It was good and filling but my mind is on my meeting at the clubhouse. I texted Hacksaw to have everyone ready in two hours. I spent some time with my boys and talked with Rye, Bourbon, Chief, and Tazer. Sarge left while I was sleeping. I wished I could have told him thank you before he left. He wouldn’t want to hear it and I must say that Sarge and I are not friends. We respect each other to a point, and we can work together if it is a mutual goal we are working towards. I know he will always be here for my woman and our boys if he is needed but we will never be friends.

  Rye and the rest of his brothers left after our little talk. Bourbon is the only one left behind. He is staying until after Stone’s services but then he said he is going home without my ma. They have issues to work out and they will need to do that one on their own. I won’t interfere. I can’t. Ma needs to deal with losing Stone and Bourbon is too set in his ways to change the way he sees things. That is their story and something I won’t touch.

  Chief, Tazer and their women are leaving tonight. They have a club and family to get back to. Chief and Tazer are good people and I am proud to be part of their family now. Our family is intertwined and they will always be that way. I respect both as strong men. If I keep Callie and the boys safe and happy they will never interfere and I expect no less. If they don’t upset my ol’ lady and they keep KD, my dead sister’s son with Chief, safe and happy then all is good. I know if I need to reach out they will be there and vice a versa.

  I get to the clubhouse and it looks like everyone is here by all the bikes in front. I keep right on walking until I make it to the bar. Rix is back and behind the bar. I nod to him. He’ll be getting his patch soon. He’s proven himself more than once to all the brothers. He lifts a beer and I shake my head. I want to keep my head clear for this meeting. “Church now.” I say loud enough for everyone to hear. I see Gertie and Slick sitting in the corner and Terrence is sitting with them. Hacksaw is sitting beside them with his arm draped around Terrence. All the brothers are headed in the same direction. I follow but stop and knock on Oz’s office door. Hacksaw makes in front of the chapel door first and opens them up. He has a basket for phones and Bowie takes all the weapons. I take my place at the head of our table and wait for everyone to sit. All the brothers are unusually quiet. I know no one has had much sleep and everyone needs rest. We just need a few days to regroup and then we can hit the floor running. I nod to Hacksaw and Bowie and they shut the doors. Hacksaw takes his place at the table and Bowie stands by the door. I hit the gavel on the table and bring the meeting to order. My head is full and I need to get it all out. “I have a lot of subjects to go over so let’s get this moving. First thing is Stone. I am paying for his funeral. He was voted out of the Feral Steel MC so how does everyone want to proceed? I will be attending his service out of respect for my ma. The way everyone else wants to handle it is open to the floor. His cut and ink were taken by the bylaws. They both have been taken. We will dispose of them properly with everyone in attendance. This will not be a club funeral.” I wait for someone to say something.

  “I think we should have the dinner here at the clubhouse after the funeral.” Tex starts with. “I don’t mean make it an honoring thing. Kat is Feral Steel and we can do this for her if it will help make it easier on her.” This is not something I would have asked them to do.

  “I second it.” Slick is fast to get his word in. The vote goes around the room and it is left to me.

  “I vote yes. Thank you all.” I say and look at them all. I see understanding from each of my brothers. “Vote carries.” I wait a minute. “Was Stacks taken care of? Give me an update.” Oz stands up.

  “Stacks was cremated. His ashes will be given to Kane in the morning. Kane took Stacks down outside so we left the cabin and Kane is there. Both Stacks and Stone’s bikes were in a shed behind the cabin. We impounded them and took the vin numbers off. The papers Kane gave to you had a safety deposit key in it. Tito and I are trying to find where the place is that it goes to. We’ve narrowed it down to a couple of places in Texas. Tito was going to ride down next week and check it out if you give us the word. There was nothing else of importance. No names or anything from the Colorado link. That’s it.” I think about it and I have been hesitant about this next part but I need to put it out there.

  “Cut the bikes down for spare parts in the garage. No one will be after them. Tito make that trip but take someone with you. Anything that has ties to Stacks or Stone, then we need to proceed with care. I’d rather be safe than sorry. On a different subject, about Kane. He may be sticking around for a while. Oz, I want everything on his background. If he took a shit I want to know what kind of paper, he wiped his ass with. Leave nothing unturned. I want to get to know him but not at the risk of anyone else. After you get everything you can on him then we will vote on how much access he should get to the club. I won’t make the mistake of trusting him too much. I know he helped us but this involved all our lives so if you are around him pay attention. Compare stories and we will see if we should trust him. Just because he is my blood does not mean he is trustworthy. Anyone have anything else on it?” No one speaks up.

  “Our next church, I want an update on our prospects. If they are ready to be voted in, then we need to take care of it. Rix and Cricket have been here the longest. Tim has done some good things. We need some new recruits and new club girls for all the single brothers. Everyone coming into this club in any way will be put through background checks. Oz I want you to take care of that. Unless they completely clear with no red flags do they get in.” Slicks looks like he wants to say something but he finally says it.

  “I am going to be slowing down. I won’t be here as much actively. I’m an old man and I need some play time before I kick the bucket. Gertie and I want to see the country a little bit. I won’t be taking off until everything is settled but I am going. I’ll talk to Gertie about staying until she can help with new girls coming in.” Slick was always there when I was growing up but I think him going will be the first step of the new Feral Steel taking over from the old. “I know this needs a vote for me to go so I am asking for it.” I nod my head yes. Creole is the first one to speak up.

  “I say yes.” Everyone falls in line behind him until it is my time.

  “I vote yes.” I hit the gavel on the table. “Vote carries. Slick, we will miss you, old man. We will take care of the club girls. I am sure my ol’ lady will pick up the slack. You and Gertie take that trip. You deserve it.”

  “I’m leaving you for your votes then. I’ll be around until after the funeral service.” Slick looks at all of us and then turns and walks over and gets his phone out of the basket and gets his knife and gun from Bowie. The brothers are getting restless so I know we need to get on with it.

  “Next up, Tito, I want you to investigate Tritan’s drag strip on the north side of town. It’s for sale. It’s a good business investment. I want their numbers for the last ten years. I also want you to look into Brogan’s Gym. It’s in Ida Bell. Same ten- year range. I am purchasing both. When you get your numbers, give them to Hacksaw.” Tito and Hacksaw both look surprised. “I have the research but I want it from a
different source and I want it brought to the table from someone besides me. I am buying the businesses. They are a solid investment and both can be made into a very lucrative business and Feral Steel MC needs just that to grow and be completely legitimate. I believe in it so much that I am willing to invest my own money but I want the club to come to their own conclusion. We own a garage, a diner, and strip club but those three businesses will not keep this club going without other cash flow. I want us to be on the right side of the law. We can still do the protection jobs and security details but with these two businesses we can employee a good deal of our mc members. I also want to consider some commercial property in the Beaver Bend area, but that will come later.” I take a breath. I look out at the faces of my brothers. Cowboy speaks up.

  “Devil, we trust you or you wouldn’t have been voted in as our President. Why all the extra precautions? We have to be able to trust one another or we aren’t a brotherhood.” That is exactly what I wanted to hear.

  “I understand that, but if we keep doing things as the club always has, what is to keep us from making the same mistakes Steel made or the other brothers made? I want everything in the open. I want checks and balances. I never want to go backwards only forwards. I want to make us grow and prosper. I know there are times I will have to be an ass to all of you. I know I have to make the hard decisions. But this is the way it should be. Leaving no stone unturned when making decisions that affect the whole club. That’s what I want to bring to the Feral Steel MC. When Stone could steal from us it was the beginning of the inevitable. We need to do this. I’m still the same asshole as always I’m just making sure I will never be blinded by anyone. You all will have my back and I will have yours.” Cowboy is shaking his head yes. “Now we have that out of the way there is one more thing I need voted on today. This is non-negotiable for me. Drugs are not permitted here in the clubhouse and as members in the Feral Steel MC. We are only as strong as our weakest link. I am saying none in our clubhouse. None on our runs. None in our businesses. None in your system when you are doing work for the Feral Steel MC. I am not coming into your homes and telling you what you can do recreationally. That’s no more my business than what you do with your woman. I’m saying anything that has to do with the Feral Steel MC.” I never waver. If we can’t agree on this, we can’t agree on anything.


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