On Frozen Hills
Page 16
Derrick checked out Michael and Vivian, slow dancing just as they were, but as if they were one with the music. He didn’t know if he would ever be as good as they were. Derrick closed his eyes for a few minutes to listen to the music and matched his moves with the rhythm. When he opened his eyes, Tessa stood smiling at him.
“You’re getting it. Now when a faster song comes on, that will be the big test.” Tessa laughed.
“Oh no. Let’s stick with this for now,” exclaimed Derrick.
Tessa laughed and turned to continue watching her parents.
* * *
Michael spun Vivian around, grasping her hand as she came back.
“Are you having fun, my dear?” Michael asked.
Vivian smiled up at Michael. “Yes, I’m having a wonderful time. From the looks of it the girls are having a great time as well.”
“Yes, I noticed Ivy got Derrick out here to dance. I’ve never seen him dance at any of the bank functions, so that’s saying something.”
“Never underestimate Ivy. She has a good head on her shoulders. I hear she wants to go back to school to be a teacher, and I think she would an excellent one.”
Michael nodded and glanced over at Ivy and Jace before responding, “Yes, I think she would be too. She has a great temperament for one.”
“My question to you, Michael, would be are you going to support her if that is what she decides to do?” Vivian asked.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
Vivian sighed. “Think about it, Michael. You made Ivy go to school for finance when that wasn’t what she wanted in the first place. Now she wants to go back, it will be us along with her putting out money for her schooling, and then there will be Tessa thinking about college soon. They’ll want to know you have their backs and not to say you do and then change your mind later.”
Michael took a deep breath. “I know. I wasn’t fair to Ivy. I was doing what I thought was best for her. Now I think back, I was doing what my father did to me; choosing her path for her. She isn’t me. Neither one of them are. But enough of that. I’m looking forward to seeing Ivy’s reaction later.”
Vivian smiled. “Yes, me too.”
The music slowly ended, and the dinner bell rang. Michael and Vivian strolled back to join the others for dinner. As they neared, Tessa teased Ivy about her getting Derrick out there on the dance floor, and Ivy giggled as the rest took their seats.
* * *
“Do we know what we’re going to be having yet?” asked Jace.
Michael cleared his throat. “They usually do a buffet, but this year the committee decided they wanted to do something more elegant. From what I heard, we have a choice of grilled chicken, steak, and shrimp, and I believe there is another choice, but I can’t remember what it is. But your mother and I put down our order when we got our tickets.”
“Good evening. I will be your server tonight. What can I get for you to drink?” asked the young woman who’d approached their table.
Tessa sat there with a frown on her face.
“What’s wrong?” asked Derrick.
“I’m the only one who can’t drink.”
“Sorry, but at least this way, you can keep an eye on us and cut us off when you feel we’ve had too much,” Derrick replied.
“True, but still sucks.”
“Someday you won’t feel that way,” Vivian said.
“Yeah, like in like two years,” remarked Tessa.
As their server returned and placed the drinks before them, she said, “I’ll be bringing out your meals.”
Derrick laid a hand on top of Tessa’s. “After we eat, do you want to go around and explore the building, if we’re allowed?”
“I’d love that.”
Ivy listened in at the different conversations going on around the table. As she came around to Jace, he was silent and looked a little bit nervous.
“You okay?”
“Huh? Oh yeah. Just a lot going on in my head right now. I promise I’m fine,” he said.
“If you need to talk, let me know.”
Jace smiled. “Don’t be worried. I promise there is nothing to worry about. You how I deal with crowds. This is out of my comfort zone, but I’m dealing with it.”
“I’m glad you’re giving yourself a chance to overcome something. It can’t be easy.”
“I’d do it for you though.”
The server came back with a huge tray. Once Jace’s plate was in front of him, he picked up his fork and steak knife.
Michael cleared his throat, causing Jace to glance up. “What?”
“They haven’t finished bringing everything out yet. They bring a big salad and breadsticks and place it in the middle.”
“Oh, I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware.”
“I understand. Feel free to carry on.”
“Can I eat? I’m hungry.” Tessa asked her dad.
He nodded and picked up his own fork just as the server was bringing the salad and breadsticks.
Everyone commented on how good the food was. Next to Ivy, Jace was inhaling his food. She chuckled to herself.
“May I ask what’s so funny?”
“If you were so hungry back at the house, why didn’t you get something to munch on?”
“Then what, be full and miss out on this wonderful meal?”
“I can’t see you ever being full. You always seem to eat.”
“True. It’s like I’m in a growth spurt all the time.”
Michael chuckled. “That could be a good thing with you being a firefighter. I suppose working burns up the food you eat?”
Jace shrugged. “They keep us well fed at the firehouse. But I like to keep in shape, and I like to exercise. I want to be able to move fast even with all that equipment on my back.”
Michael nodded slightly, finally accepting him for who he was: a firefighter.
As each person slowly finished their food, their plates were cleared away and dessert was brought out.
“Oh, this looks absolutely delicious,” Vivian said.
“It sure does. Do you think we can get seconds?” asked Tessa. “Hey, what’s so funny?”
“My dear, you only get one,” Vivian answered, amused.
“Oh, that royally sucks. All those apples and cherries with the whipped topping. Hmm, I get to eat mine and Derrick’s then.”
Derrick arched an eyebrow at Tessa. “Don’t even think about touching my dessert. You have your own.”
“You need to remember at events like this there isn’t usually seconds or thirds like there is at home. You only get what is served to you and that is it. There might be some nibbles later on, but that could be a while yet,” Vivian told Tessa.
“Like how long is a while?”
“Might be two hours, could be longer. I don’t know what the organizers have planned.”
“Let’s make the most of what we have, Tessa. I’m sure you’ll be too busy dancing the night away to worry about food,” remarked Michael.
Derrick smiled at Tessa when Michael mentioned dancing. Tessa grabbed his hand and held it under the table.
“Oh, I’m full. I don’t know if I can do any dancing tonight. I think I’ll sit here all night long and watch everyone,” said Ivy.
“Don’t think you’re going to get away with that too easily. I want to dance and as soon as they start the music again, we’re going out there.” Jace wagged a finger at Ivy.
“Oh? Since when are you in a rush to dance?”
“I feel in the mood to dance. Is that okay?”
“Yeah, it’s okay. Usually you stay as far away from the dance floor as you can.”
“Maybe I want to dance with my girl.”
“What?” Ivy said to everyone.
“Nothing. Just wondering why you’re questioning him,” asked Vivian.
“He only usually dances the slow dances but never anything else. It just shocked me.”
“A person can change. Your dad is proof of that, my dear.”
Ivy nodded
and looked at Jace, who had a slight twinkle in his eye. “I’m sorry, that was rude of me. I’d love to dance with you when it comes time.”
Smiling, Jace caressed Ivy’s face, and their server returned and began clearing away the dessert dishes.
“Once all the dessert dishes are picked up, they’ll be pushing back some of the tables to make more room for the dance floor,” she said.
“Thank you for letting us know,” Michael replied, and the server nodded and walked away.
Around them, people headed back out to the dance floor when music began to fill the room. Jace stood, offering his arm to Ivy who smiled, and placed her hand in his as she stood. Jace pulled her the rest of the way up and to his chest, Ivy’s eyes went wide before she chuckled.
“I sure didn’t expect that.”
“I’m glad I can still surprise you,” Jace said.
They turned in the direction of the dance floor.
Tessa pointed her chin at Derrick, who was wiping his mouth. “So, do you still want to go walking around?”
Derrick set down his napkin and nodded. “I’m up for it if you are.”
“Cool, let’s go. I’m tired of sitting here,” Tessa said and got up.
Derrick looked over at Michael and Vivian. “I guess we’re off.”
“Be careful,” Vivian said as the two walked away.
“I don’t think you have to worry about that, Vivian. Derrick will make sure nothing will happen to her.”
“Oh, I know. But I still worry about my girls.”
“Never said you couldn’t, my dear. After all the crap we have been through, they need to learn things on their own now. It’s time for us to step back and watch them grow up and become the women they need to become. As hard as it for me to admit, it’s the truth,” Michael said.
Vivian laid her hand on Michael’s. “But at least you have come to that realization and it will be a new year and we can start fresh. We can do this, Michael.”
“As long as you’re by my side.”
Ivy flopped down in her chair. “Man, I never thought I would ever sit down.”
Laughing, Jace sat next to her. “Too much for you?”
Ivy shook her head. “Never.”
Ivy turned at the sound of her mother’s laughter. Michael wrapped his arm around Vivian’s waist and pulled her close, all the while whispering in her ear. Ivy grinned when her mother realized they were being watched and patted Michael’s chest. Michael gave Ivy a sheepish smile.
As her parents sat at the table, Ivy cleared her throat. “Having fun?”
“Oh my, yes. It’s been years since we danced like this,” said Vivian.
“So I saw.”
“Oh hush,” Vivian said with a twinkle in her eye.
“Hey, I have no problem. As long as you’re having fun, that’s all I care about.”
“We are. Have you seen either Tessa or Derrick lately?” Michael asked.
Jace looked around the dance floor and pointed to the windows. “There they are.”
“Ah, I see them now. I knew they went walking around but hadn’t seen them since.”
“We hadn’t either until you said something. I guess they’re avoiding everyone.”
“Well at midnight, I’d like to have the whole family together, if possible,” Michael said.
Jace tilted his head. Michael nodded slightly in Jace’s direction, acknowledging Jace’s displeasure.
“Well, you can sure try. I don’t know if Tessa will want to join in or not since she’s avoided us since dinner.”
Vivian gazed in the direction Tessa was in. “I sure hope everything is okay.”
“Mom, do you want me to go check on her?”
Vivian thought for a few minutes before answering Ivy. “I’m not sure. I don’t want to make her mad.”
“I’m willing to go over there by myself to check on her. I don’t need Jace to go with me.”
Ivy didn’t wait for her mom to respond. She walked toward Tessa and Derrick, who were standing by the windows, glancing out over the grounds. Ivy tapped Tessa’s shoulder.
“Ignoring everyone tonight?”
“No, we just wanted some time to ourselves. Why, who says we’re ignoring everyone?”
“We haven’t heard from you guys since dinner and that was about four hours ago.”
Tessa raised her eyebrows. “You’re kidding me. That long ago? It feels like it’s only been a couple of hours.”
Ivy chuckled. “Yep, I know that feeling. Once Jace got me out on the dance floor, time just seemed to slip away, and here it is four hours later and my feet hurt.”
“Derrick was just saying he wanted to go sit down when you walked up.”
“Well, follow me, and we can go sit with the parentals.”
Tessa laughed. “Now I’ve heard it all. Ivy’s turning into me.”
“In your dreams, little sis.”
As they approached the table, whatever talk Jace was having with her dad quickly came to an end. Ivy narrowed her eyes but plastered a smile on her face.
“Hmm what’s with all the chatter that ended when we approached?”
“What? We wouldn’t do that. Our conversation happened to end, that’s all.”
Ivy grinned and shook her head at Jace. She had a feeling he had something up his sleeve, but this wasn’t the time nor the place to call him on it.
“Okay, you’re right. That was silly of me.”
Jace patted his knee for her to sit. “No, not silly. Just precautious, and I understand. I would never do anything to hurt your trust in me.”
“I’m not going to pretend this way or that at what it could be. I do know I’ve had a lot to drink and I’m getting tired. So I’ll leave it be.”
Jace kissed her on her cheek. “You’re rambling. Do you know that?”
Jace shook his head, “Never mind.”
“Now I have everyone at the table. I would like to have everyone here at midnight, if possible.”
Tessa looked puzzled at her dad’s words. “Why? It’s just another day. What’s so special?”
“This is would be a fresh start for all of us, so I feel we need to do it together.”
“Why should we? We never have spent any other New Year’s Eve together, so what makes this more special than the others?” Tessa argued.
Anger quickly flashed across Michael’s face, but it was quick enough for Tessa to see it. She grinned. “Ah, I see the old Dad hasn’t gone far. Don’t think I didn’t see that.”
Everyone eyed Tessa, when Michael spoke up. “Yes, I admit you angered me a little bit. I won’t hide that fact. But I didn’t lash out rudely like I used to. I only wanted everyone together to try to start the New Year on the right foot as a family.”
Tessa peered over at her mom, who happened to be nodding her head. Tessa bowed her head, then glanced back up at her dad. “I’m sorry. A part of me doesn’t believe you will change. So when I saw the tiny bit of anger, I thought oh here we go. But it vanished as soon as it came.”
Michael sighed. “I understand, I do. I’ve treated you girls so harshly as you grew up, and I know it’s going to take a little bit to see the change. Don’t assume I’m going to go back to that each and every time you see anger flash across my face. I’m still going to get angry; there is no stopping that. I’m your father.”
Ivy cleared her throat, and everyone looked at her. “Since there is about an hour left till midnight and a good song came on, can I steal Tessa and go dance?”
Michael laughed. “Yes, go enjoy yourselves. I’m worn out from all the dancing.”
Tessa and Ivy squealed as they jumped up and walked toward the dance floor, their dresses swirling around them with their movements. Ivy swung her hips back and forth and raised her arms over her head, letting herself be free, no cares in the world. Tessa grabbed Ivy’s hands and swung the
m back and forth. Behind them, both Derrick and Jace put their arms around their respective girls and swung them around, then pulled them close.
“Wow, this is a surprise. I figured you would be sitting and talking with Dad until midnight,” Ivy said.
“Nah, I saw you out here having fun, and I figured I’d surprise you.”
Everyone from their table was heading out to the dance floor. “I thought Dad was tired of dancing?”
“I’m not sure. Who’s to say with your parents?”
Her dad twirled her mom around. Vivian had a huge grin on her face, and when Ivy saw that, it put a big smile on hers.
“I’m glad to see you so happy,” Jace said.
“I am. Seeing Mom and Dad happy after everything they’ve been through and knowing they’re going to get the help they need makes me happy. I’m also glad you’re here with me. I wouldn’t have imagined this holiday season without you.” Ivy looked into Jace’s eyes.
“I wouldn’t be anywhere else. I think this is the most fun we’ve had in a long time.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“Oh. What other time was fun?”
“Are you forgetting the casino?”
“No, I most certainly am not. That was a whole other type of fun. That would be something I’d like to explore more of.”
“Hmm what do you have in mind, Mr. Tysen?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“Going to keep me in suspense? I like that. I think our life together will continue to get better and better. Once the New Year starts and we get back home, I can focus on looking for schools and talking with Dad to see how he feels about certain schools.”
“Not to seem like an ass, but do you want his opinion on this?”
“He may have been difficult to deal with when it came to my schooling before, but I truly feel he’ll help me achieve my dream to become a teacher.”
“So, is that what you have decided, or is there any other option you might consider?”
Ivy shook her head.
“Okay, whatever you want, babe,” Jace said.
Ivy smiled, then laid her head on Jace’s shoulder and enjoyed the change of music that slowed them down. Tessa and Derrick were swaying to a rhythm, but it didn’t match anyone else’s. Those two always did their own thing.