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Friends With Multiple Benefits

Page 26

by Luke Young

  Shaking her head, Victoria tore herself from clinical mode. “Sorry.”

  Amanda pulled her shirt over her head and grabbed her shorts off the floor. “I’m getting out of here. You guys are out of your minds.”

  “Hold on.” Victoria moved her finger across her phone’s screen. “Okay, here it is.” She tapped the screen and Amanda Jo’s unmistakable voice screamed out, ‘I want your dirty, redskin, Indian cock now!’”

  “You recorded this?” Amanda stepped to Victoria. “Give me that?”

  “Okay.” Victoria handed it over and shot her a snooty look.

  Amanda smashed it against the cinder block wall and the phone shattered into a dozen pieces.

  “It’s already in the cloud.” Victoria smiled.

  “What the hell is the cloud?” Jillian asked.

  “How the hell should I know.” Victoria shrugged.

  Brian began, “The cloud is just a bank of servers that—” He shut his mouth when he discovered all three women glaring at him.

  Amanda returned her attention to Jillian. “When I’m finished with you, you’ll never sell another book or script again.”

  “I don’t think so Little Miss Fake Tits.”

  “What did you call me?”

  “We all know you’ve got fake teardrop implants.”

  “I do not.” Amanda looked at her insulted. “You’re all insane and so, big deal, you’ve got a recording of me saying a couple Native American slurs. No one is going to care.” The superstar shot them a snooty look.

  “That’s where you’re wrong,” Jillian began. “This is an important issue now. Congress may even vote on it soon.”

  Victoria announced, “Yeah, maybe even the Supreme Court!”

  “Really?” Brian asked.

  Jillian frowned at him.

  “Sorry.” Brian curled his lip.

  “So… So…” Amanda shook her head. “No one will ever believe that it’s me on the recording. Go ahead release it.”

  “That’s why we videotaped it too,” Victoria said matter-of-factly.


  “You little cunt.” Amanda lunged and took hold of Jillian’s hair. With one hand still tugging on her hair, Amanda swung a girly style punch at her face.

  Victoria grabbed her arm and stopped her. “You lay a finger on her and we’ll have you arrested.”

  Brian moved between the women and held Amanda back.

  Amanda glared at him. “Get off me you idiot. You’re so stupid you actually thought I wanted to sleep with you.”

  “No, I know you didn’t want to sleep with me. I know you were just trying to get my wife back for some ridiculous event that happened more than twenty-five years ago. What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What, how you do know about—”

  “We know all about you and summer camp and your giant ears,” Victoria said.

  “My ears were never too big.” Amanda groaned. “How dare you.”

  “Come on, they were a little big.” Jillian shot her a frown.

  “I’m going to have you thrown off the show,” Amanda announced. “I’ll tell those freaking morons over at the network that you framed me and they’ll never believe your word over mine. I’m worshipped in this business and you… you’re just a wide-hipped hack.”

  “We thought of that too.” Victoria nodded.

  “What?” Amanda narrowed her eyes.

  “Yes, that’s why all this…” Victoria pointed to the air vent on one side of the wall and the clock on the other, “… is being recorded as well.”

  “You… You…” Amanda glared at Jillian. “This isn’t over.”

  “Oh, it is. Here’s what’s going to happen. This recording is going to remain locked away in that cloud thingy forever…” Jillian pointed her finger to the ceiling and made a face, “… as long as you find a way to get out of your contract and leave my show without doing anything to mess it up. And you stay away from me and my husband.”


  “But nothing,” Jillian snapped. “If I ever hear that you are trying to mess with any of us or my career, both the tape and the video will be going viral.”

  “You can’t do this. It’s illegal.”

  “So…” Victoria smirked. “Go ahead. Go to your lawyer or the police. Sure, they may get an injunction to have the recordings sealed, but stuff like this always finds a way of getting leaked. Your beloved career will be over just as fast as it started.”

  “Fuck you.” Amanda put up her middle finger toward the camera on the right then toward the one on the left. Next she stepped up to Brian. “And to think that I did actually like you at first.”

  “Well…” He frowned. “I, um—”

  In one quick motion, she kneed him hard in the balls. He cried out and dropped to his knees then flopped over to the floor moaning and gasping for breath. Amanda bolted out the door and Victoria took off after her.

  “Oh my God,” Jillian knelt down next to her husband and rubbed his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

  “I… I’m so glad I’m wearing a cup,” he struggled to say. Then he felt around the hard shell protecting his manhood and took a deep breath. “It still hurts like crap though.”

  “Poor baby.” Jillian helped him to a sitting position then finally to his feet. “Are you hurt?”

  “I don’t think so.” He carefully slid his shorts down.

  Jillian examined his parts carefully. “It looks okay to me. How did you know to wear a cup?”

  “I just had a feeling I might be taking one for the team.”

  “You’re so smart.”

  “I have my moments.” He put on a smug expression.

  “I love you.” Jillian kissed him.

  “I love you too.” Brian tossed the cup onto the bench and carefully slipped his shorts over his hips. “Can that be our last covert op, please? I don’t want to fake any more strokes or do any more racist role-play games. I’m done.” He sat gingerly on the bench and grabbed one of his tennis shoes.

  “Yeah, I’m done too.” Jillian sat next to him.

  Suddenly Victoria pushed open the door. “She’s gone.”

  “Did you beat her up?” Jillian asked.

  “No, but I did rip out a bunch of her gorgeous hair.” Smiling, Victoria held up a sizeable fistful of eight-inch long locks.

  “Wow, that must have hurt,” Jillian said.

  Victoria moved to the bench. “Something tells me that Miss Joseph will be wearing hair extensions for a while.”

  The three shared a chuckle.

  Victoria pointed to Brian’s groin. “How are the, um, boys?”

  “We think they’re okay.” Jillian picked up the protective cup. “He was wearing this.”

  “Smart,” Victoria began. “You want me to take a look?”

  “No, that’s okay.” Brian held back a chuckle.


  There was a minimal amount of damage to Brian’s testicles and he was fully recovered in four days, although he was already pawing at his lovely wife in the middle of the night after about thirty-six hours. Citing creative differences, the network released a statement that Amanda Jo was being replaced with the beautiful and talented Leslie Mann. Both Jillian and Brian were thrilled and, despite Brian having a bit of a crush on the new leading lady, Jillian agreed that he would be allowed to meet her. However, he was forbidden from working with her on the court or being with her alone in any capacity whatsoever.

  The twins continued to thrive although their parents sleep time and alone time suffered greatly. At one point Brian was convinced that the two adorable boys were somehow in cahoots since they were on completely opposite sleeping and feeding schedules. The babies kept the loving couple apart, on their toes and off their backs for any extended period. The couple maintained their split overnight shift schedule ever since the twins’ birth and it seemed like it might never end.

  Then finally in month seven, Dylan and Griffin settled into a more normal routine of sl
eeping approximately six hours starting around midnight. The parents were relieved that they could once again share a bed and occasionally, when they both weren’t exhausted, share each other. Let’s face it, having one baby is draining. Two is another proposition altogether. Brian gave his wife dispensation on collecting on the promised reward for his work in the covert operation. He wanted her well rested and enthusiastic when he received his prize. In late October, the first of three multiple oral pleasure sessions was scheduled and it was worth the wait.

  Kaylie was heading toward her third birthday and was as vocal and precocious as her mother. She had taken a keen interest in her two young cousins and would line them up next to her baby dolls as she set out pretending to be the mommy of quads. Her little hands were really full.

  Jim and Brian hired a new manager for the club named Krista, who was not only a great tennis player, she was smart, passionate, and gorgeous. Jillian and Victoria were relieved to know that she was also happily married to a wonderfully gorgeous man who was an ex-marine. Not that they didn’t trust their men, but McMilitaryDreamHusband certainly had more than enough testosterone coursing through his veins to keep Krista occupied as well as both their husbands in line. The new addition to the staff allowed the two young fathers to spend more time at home and take an active role in raising their children. Not to mention affording them the opportunity to take a more hands-on role in fulfilling their somewhat older wives’ burgeoning sexual desires. The ladies would often discuss how wonderful sex was for them now that they were in their early forties. They were hoping they could milk this feeling at least until they hit the big 5-0. They had both heard horror stories and were not at all looking forward to what another decade of raging hormones might have in store for them.

  The movie ended up earning just over four hundred million dollars worldwide and it was the third highest grossing R-rated comedy of all time. The television show had six, twenty-five minute episodes in the can and it was testing through the roof with the network’s focus groups. The plan was to air the first episode supported by a huge media blitz which would coincide with the release of the DVD on December 16.

  The Nash parents finally wrapped up their visit and took their traveling sex show back to Delaware. Victoria and Jim were both relieved and busy restocking their wine rack. Victoria’s practice was thriving and her special client Peter had actually met a woman who could accommodate his unusual talents, well at least half of them anyway. Peter was now happily engaged, getting regular action and no longer needing Victoria’s services.

  Rob, Bridget, and the baby were prospering in the glorious beauty of Hawaii and were looking forward to returning to the east coast for a five-week vacation from Thanksgiving through Christmas.


  Just a week before the Thanksgiving holiday and with Jillian the night before getting an unheard of eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, she decided to give her amazing husband another one of his overdue rewards. She decided, however, to go the extra mile and give him a little more than he negotiated for. She was just that kind of woman. With the twins, hopefully, down for the night, she set up the baby monitor and popped her head into the bathroom.

  Brian was soaping up in the shower when she opened the glass door and looked him up and down. The water was cascading down his chiseled chest to his tight abs. Feeling the hot rush of steam on her face, she said, “God, you look cute in there.”

  “Why don’t you join me?” He flashed her a suggestive smile.

  “No, I’ve got a better idea. Just wait in bed for me. I have a little surprise for you.”

  “Really? Can you give me a hint?”

  “Let’s just say it involves that right there.” She pointed to his groin.

  “Okay, that doesn’t narrow it down at all, but it sounds promising.”

  “You’re just going to have to trust me. I want to try something out that I might write about.”

  “Cool.” He motioned down to his expanding penis. “Look, now he’s getting bigger.”

  “Perfect.” Grinning, she shut the glass door and headed out of the room.

  About seven minutes later, Brian lay nude on his back in bed. Jillian entered the room wearing an oversized T-shirt and tiny, tight shorts. She carried two thick towels along with a covered plastic bowl and a blindfold. When she entered the room, she turned away from her man and shuffled sideways to shield his view. Then she placed the plastic bowl on the dresser and headed to the bed.

  “What the hell are you up to?” He grinned.

  Smiling, she raised her eyebrows. “You’ll find out soon enough. Just move over for a second.”

  After he had done as she commanded, she spread out the two towels in the center of the bed before motioning for him to move back.

  He returned to the center of the bed. “Now, I’m really intrigued. But what are the towels for?”

  “I can’t tell you and I do need to blindfold you.”


  “Uh-huh.” She slipped the blindfold over his eyes and secured it.

  “What now?”

  “You’ll find out. Just relax.”

  Sitting on the edge of the bed beside him, she ran her hand slowly up his calf to his knee then to his thigh. “I’m going to enjoy the two things that I crave most in this world together and at the same time.” She wrapped her fingers around his shaft.

  He swallowed hard. “What are they and how, um, exactly are you going to do that?”

  Twirling her fingers around the head of his cock, she gazed down to it lovingly. “Well, I’m going to show you.”

  He exhaled deeply. “Something tells me, I’m really going to enjoy this.”

  “I’d say there’s a strong possibility.”

  Click here to skip over the Ian Dalton expanded scene.

  Within seconds his erection was standing at attention and rock hard. A drop of precum oozed from the tip. She captured it with her finger and swirled it over his cock.

  Repositioning herself, she kneeled next to him and used two hands to slowly stroke his shaft up and down. With one hand still massaging him, she slid a hand under his balls and slowly teased him. His head flopped backward. “Oh, okay, that, uh…”

  Bending over, she placed a tiny kiss on the head before swiping her tongue over his slit to capture a salty drop of his juice. She purred with delight then plunged her mouth over the tip and bathed it with her tongue.

  He moaned loudly and stretching his arms out wide, grabbed the sheets in his fists. Taking hold of his shaft, she ran her tongue down the length of him then back up and finally down the other side before taking him back inside her mouth.

  His jaw fell open. “Oh, fuck, that feels good.”

  Rising up, she smiled. “Don’t get too excited yet. You don’t want to finish too soon.”

  “You’re killing me.” He gasped. “I can’t take much more.”

  “It sounds like you need a little break.”

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  “I’m going to take you to the brink so many times your head is going to explode. Then when I finish you off it’s going to take you two days to recover.”

  “Wow, that sounds—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, she took him back inside her mouth, this time covering half of his length. He sighed and his head rocked from side to side as she, using the slightest amount of pressure ever, ran her mouth slowly up and down his shaft.

  She rose once again and wiped her lips. “Like I said, I want to bring you to the edge. I think I can tell when you are getting too close, but if not, just pinch me gently, okay?”

  From behind the blindfold, he nodded quickly. He placed his hand on her thigh and slowly ran his fingers over her skin.

  Cupping his balls in one hand, she slid the thumb and forefinger of her other hand up and down his shaft. One her last upward stroke she swirled her finger around his head. She spotted another drop of his juice then dipped her head down to suck it off.

  “Oh, God
, you’re killing me.” He pinched her gently. “You… you’ve got to stop for a minute.”

  “Okay.” She shifted over toward the headboard and kissed him on the lips. Pressing her tongue into his mouth, she moaned.

  He grimaced. “I feel like licking you.”

  “Not tonight.” She shook her head. “Not tonight, baby. Tonight, is all about you and well, this other thing.”

  “What other thing?”

  “Shh.” Grinning, she hopped off the bed, retrieved the plastic bowl, opened the lid, and pulled out the room-temperature grapefruit. With the ends sliced off and a hole carved out in the center, it was just the perfect size to fit over Brian’s erection.

  “What are you doing?” He blindly reached for her.

  “Lie still.”

  She returned to kneeling on the bed then while hovering over him, lined up the grapefruit over his cock. She placed it at the tip then slipped it down slowly over him about an inch or so. His mouth dipped open and he let out a slight moan.

  She smiled. “I take it that feels good.”

  “Is that… is that you… your sweet pussy?”

  “No.” She shook her head.

  “Does it feel like my pussy?”

  “It does.”

  “It’s sweet but it’s not my…” She didn’t finish her sentence instead she dipped down and took his juice-covered head into her mouth.

  “Fuck.” He gasped.

  Removing the fruit, she licked the citrus juice off his cock then took half of his length between her lips.

  He groaned then she plunged up and down quickly slurping up more grapefruit juice before rising to the tip and running her tongue all around the ridge.

  He gripped the sheets once again and craned his neck back with his jaw hanging wide open. “This… this is killing me.”


  After again positioning the grapefruit over him, she slid it onto the tip then down his shaft. Slowly, she pumped him up and down and she watched as the juice dripped down his cock leaving it glistening and wet.

  “Oh…” He moaned. “What’s that smell? Is that a new perfume or something?”

  “Maybe.” She chuckled.


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