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The Twelve Hot Days of Christmas

Page 7

by Неизвестный

  She turned the vibe on. The sound of its buzzing created a prickly, tingling heat which ran up my thighs before settling between them.

  I moaned.

  “You want the toy?”

  I thought of shepherds and wise men following the North Star. The glowing rings were my beacons reminding me once again that I hadn’t reached my destination.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  She turned it off. “Come for me and you can have it.”

  Something stirred deep inside of me. My body was responding to her command. As I rode the wave through the endorphin rush, I felt the contractions in my vagina.

  “Oh...God...” The words escaped my lips but the voice did not sound like my own. It was deeper, almost primal.

  I bucked my hips and shuddered in release. Once it was over, I began to cry. Even though it was a shared experience Mistress and I had been working towards, I had never been sure we’d ever really get there.

  “What’s wrong?” Mistress asked. She lay down next to me and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  “You did it,” I said. “It really worked.”

  “I know,” she said. “And watching it was wonderful. I am proud of you.” She kissed my cheeks and my forehead.

  I sobbed.

  “Did it scare you?”

  I nodded.

  “The first time it happened to me, I was scared too.”

  “Why?” I tried helplessly to choke back the tears.

  “It’s not easy to give someone else that kind of control over your body.”

  “That’s not what I’m afraid of,” I said, sobbing.

  She brushed my hair back and tucked it behind my ear. “What scares you?”

  “We’ve reached the goal. I’m not a challenge anymore.”

  “Ah, you’re wondering if I’ll tire of you.”

  “Will you?”

  “This is only the beginning,” she said. “There are lots of other things we can work towards.”

  “Like what?” I said.

  She pulled a sex toy catalog off of the dresser. “I still have to get you a Christmas present.” She flipped through the pages while singing, “On the sixth day of Christmas...”

  “Finding a vibrator with five gold rings was a fluke,” I said. “You don’t really think you’re going to find something with six geese on it in there, do you?”

  She stopped at page eighty-seven. “What do you think?”

  I looked at the picture she pointed to. The Exxtreme Goose: a toy shaped like a goose head and neck photographed next to a grown man’s arm.

  “You really should see the look on your face right now,” she said, laughing.

  “I think you’re going to have find a new favorite Christmas song.”

  “Don’t be so quick to judge,” she said. “After all, you didn’t think you could handle coming on command.”

  “But that looks...painful,” I said.

  “It would be if you tried it right now. But think of all the fun we could have working our way up to it.”

  “Our way?”

  “It wouldn’t be fair to ask you to try something I wasn’t willing to do myself,” she said.

  “Hm...I don’t know,” I said.

  “Well, you have time to think it over,” she said. “Even if I ordered it now, it won’t get here until the new year.”

  She winked, then smiled that wicked smile.

  A New Year’s challenge. How could I resist?

  Six Geese a’ Laying

  by Katie Sirls

  The sun was just disappearing below the horizon through the tiny square window, casting hues of dull orange and pink over the vast expanse of sky, when the public address system broke the drone of the engines to announce that the plane was beginning its descent. With a small gasp, Stacia eagerly peered out her window to take in the expanse of New England below. Somewhere down there, only minutes away now, he was awaiting her arrival.

  It had been too long. Three months, to be exact. Three months without seeing his face, without feeling his touch, his kisses, three months without him inside of her. . .

  Stacia fought back the familiar pang of heartache that came with thoughts of him. She reminded herself that only moments from now they would be together again, in each other’s arms. She shifted restlessly in her seat, as if her continuous movement would push the plane to its destination faster.

  Now that she was so close to being back in her home country and with the man she loved, she honestly couldn’t comprehend how she originally thought she was going to last six months. The decision to come home from France three months earlier than expected had been hers and hers alone, but she knew Luke would be thrilled with the news.

  I have a Christmas present for you, she had written seductively in her own fancy handwriting, wanting to wait for his response before telling him she would be home in time for Christmas. And when she did tell him, she made sure to include that simply thinking about his “present” made her wet. And it did too—three months was a long time to build anticipation for what she planned to do to him upon her return.

  Stacia unbuckled her seatbelt before the cabin lights flickered on. She was on her feet before she was supposed to be, and grabbing her luggage from the overhead compartment. The passengers around her glared in annoyance, and a flight attendant motioned for her to remain in her seat, but Stacia was hardly aware of them. There was only one person she was thinking about.

  Once she was off the plane and through customs, Stacia fought her way through the crowds of people, looking for the face she hadn’t seen in too long. The handsome, tanned face framed by glistening dark waves. She looked around her and saw myriad people, but not the one she was looking for. She almost called out his name despite herself—but then heard her own name, being called excitedly from across the room.


  She spun in the direction of the voice, and all at once, she saw him. Luke. Running towards her, skirting his way around people blocking him, a broad grin lighting up his face. Even from a distance, she could see how his blue eyes glittered with the happiness he felt at seeing her. Stacia immediately dropped her bags and ran towards him as well. When they met, he swept her up in a tight embrace.

  It was just as Stacia had envisioned it. His arms were tight around her, his body against hers in the way she had missed every single day that she was in France. His face was in her hair, softly kissing her neck, then kissing her lips, and for just a moment it was as if they were the only two people in the airport. She savored the taste of his lips, his tongue, against her own.

  “I missed you,” he whispered softly, his mouth playing gently over her ear.

  “I missed you, too,” she replied. She pulled away to look into his eyes, and laughed lightly. “Let’s never take a three-month hiatus again.”

  His expression told her he wholeheartedly agreed. “Let’s just get through Christmas,” he told her, running a hand through her hair. “Then we can go to New York together, just like we planned.”

  She sighed happily at the thought, wrapping her arms around him again and leaning her head against his chest. It had been his idea to spend Christmas with his family in Sunderland before heading up to New York, and as much as she was looking forward to getting settled, she had to admit she was looking forward to seeing the farm Luke grew up on. She was eager to arrive in his hometown, most likely lit up with Christmas lights and smelling of apple and pumpkin pies cooking in the homey little restaurants.

  Luke picked up her bags, and together they walked through the frigid New England winter out to his car. The majority of the drive was spent talking about the various things they had missed in each other’s lives during their time apart. While the conversation was interesting enough, Stacia’s mind was elsewhere. As she watched him drive, she wondered if he was aware of how she was feeling, how she wanted him right then and there, and if he felt the same way. Simply looking at his body, his toned chest and arms only slightly hidden by his sweater, made
her hot.

  As if to test how Luke was feeling at that moment, Stacia reached over and put a hand on his leg. Then, slowly, she began to move it up until it rested on the unmistakable hardness that told her he was indeed feeling as hot for her as she was for him. Through the shroud his pants created, she lightly stroked his cock and heard him exhale slowly at the long-awaited sensation of her touch. She thought about the pleasant surprise she could give him if she were to unzip his pants and take his cock into her mouth. She thought about all the familiar places along his shaft, the veins stretching up to meet the ridge of his cock head, where she could run her tongue and tease him into a wild frenzy. But she ultimately rejected the idea, deciding instead he would have to wait with her until the moment when they could both release the sexual anticipation steadily growing inside them.

  The sky was dark but lit with stars when they arrived in Sunderland. Stacia took immediate pleasure at the cozy sight of children playing in the snow, couples walking hand in hand with presumably peppermint- or gingerbread-flavored hot chocolate, and colorful lights woven into various trees. Luke took the scenic route through town, heading for his family’s farm near the Connecticut River, where they would spend the holiday.

  When they pulled up in front of the picturesque farmhouse, Stacia couldn’t help but smile at the plastic Santa Claus figure, lit from inside, perched on the roof. As she got out of the car, she saw thin wisps of smoke coming from the chimney, disappearing into the night air, and in the distance she could see the flowing river. Still, the calm beauty of house’s exterior didn’t compare to the inside, where they were greeted by warmth, the delicious smell of meats and breads wafting into the front hall, and the sounds of I’ll Be Home For Christmas playing softly in the background.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” Luke said with an amused smile, referring to the large meal his mother had prepared for their arrival. Stacia didn’t have a chance to answer as the two of them were instantly surrounded by Luke’s family: his parents, grandparents, and five siblings. As they all sat down to dinner, Stacia found herself engaged in conversation, but that didn’t stop her from exchanging glances with Luke across the table.

  She could read those eyes too, and knew exactly what he was thinking: he wanted desperately to be alone with her. But dinner and the machinations of “catching up” with the family dragged onward and it was more than a few hours before they were able to sneak out onto the front porch. They sat together on the porch swing, breathing in the refreshing but chilly night air, and hoping it would be at least a few minutes before they were discovered by someone wanting to play a board game or bake Christmas cookies or reminisce about Luke’s younger years on the farm.

  “It’s so nice out here,” Stacia commented, gazing at the stars above them. “If I had been you, growing up on this farm, I might have been tempted to stay forever.”

  “That’s easy to say when you didn’t grow up here.” Luke laughed. “Besides, there’s only one part of the farm I’ve ever actually enjoyed taking care of. It’s my area.”

  “Really?” Stacia’s eyebrows went up in interest. “And just what area do you consider to be ‘yours’?”

  Luke opened his mouth to answer, but stopped. He cocked his head to one side and his eyes narrowed as he considered how to answer her. Finally, he stood up and offered his hand to her. “Come on. I’ll show you.”

  Stacia smiled, but looked around doubtfully. “Now? It’s so dark out.”

  “The moon is bright,” he reminded her. “We’ll be fine.”

  Stacia reached out and took his hand in her own. She had been waiting so long to feel his touch again that feeling their palms pressed together, their fingers intertwined, made her body tingle.

  They walked for a few minutes in the direction of the river until Luke stopped before an area that appeared to be a rather large chicken coop. As they neared it, Stacia could make out the forms of birds, some of them walking slowly over the grass, and some of them on the ground sleeping. Geese. Six geese.

  “You take care of them?” Stacia asked, stepping up to the fence and leaning over slightly.

  “Yeah. No one else really does,” Luke answered, looking at the geese warmly.

  “How come?”

  Luke grinned at her. “Because the geese like me. They’ve been mine since I was a boy. They don’t respond well to anyone else.”

  Stacia reached her hand out to the nearest goose, who promptly snapped his beak at her. As she yanked her hand back, Luke laughed good-naturedly. “I told you.” As if to prove his point, he reached out and lightly scratched the head of the same goose. “They actually mean a lot to me. They’re the one reason I was sorry to leave the farm.”

  “Don’t they fly away?”

  “Sometimes they fly down to the river,” Luke said, pointing, “but they always come back. And, as an added bonus, we get goose eggs from time to time.”

  As Stacia watched, three other geese realized Luke was at the fence and waddled over. He ran his hand over each one of them, fondly petting them as if they were cats or dogs. As he did so, Stacia reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, lightly touching the fabric of his shirt. She could only just feel the form of his body underneath.

  At her touch, Luke lifted his head and turned to look at her. His eyes, tender and intense at the same time, bore into hers. Stacia wondered what he saw there. Could he see that she wanted, so badly, to wrap her other arm around him—to feel his chest, grab his ass, grasp at his cock? She felt her breath catch in her throat as he slowly leaned in closer to her. She closed her eyes as his head came in next to her own, and she felt his breath on her neck. A light shiver ran through her body as his lips brushed ever so softly down her neck and onto her shoulder.

  “I’ve missed this,” she breathed, her hands moving over the muscles in his chest and arms.

  Luke lifted his head and smiled playfully. “What? This?” He slid his hands beneath her shirt, using one to rub her back and the other to clutch at her breasts. Then the hand on her back slowly slid down, into her pants, until it was resting on her ass. “Or this?”

  Stacia bit her lower lip. The sensation of his touch was so close to the sweet spot between her legs, it was already growing wet in anticipation. “You’re getting closer,” she murmured.

  She shivered at the tickling sensation as he dragged his fingers lightly away from her breasts and down her stomach. He paused for a moment before sliding them past her waistband and down to her clit, where he began rubbing slowly. He leaned in again to kiss her, gently whispering, “I know you’ve missed this.”

  Breathing heavily, Stacia could only nod in agreement. She felt him suddenly slide two fingers into her, and her heart began to race. She saw the outline of his hard cock, hidden behind his pants, and all at once she wanted him. She wanted—needed—that cock inside her. Her hands dashed madly for his zipper, ready to take his pants down and pull his cock towards her.

  The hand that had been clutching her ass reached out though, and stopped her. He offered a mischievous smile as he artfully kept her from reaching his cock. With his fingers still inside of her, searching for her G-spot, she didn’t put up much of a fight either.

  Stacia eyed him. Her breath in ragged gasps, she reminded him, “This is supposed to be my present to you. How is that going to work out if your cock is hidden away?”

  Luke laughed and said teasingly, “You want to make love to me right here? In front of the geese? In the snow?”

  Stacia glanced over at the geese and burst into laughter at their inquisitive, watchful gazes. “That’s not fair,” she complained, though her voice revealed her good humor. She put her arms around Luke’s neck. “I thought I was going to get lucky.”

  This time it was Luke’s turn to start laughing. “I hope not,” he said. “That could have been bad.”

  “Huh?” Stacia furrowed her brow in confusion.

  Luke pointed behind her. Stacia spun around to see Luke’s two sisters prancing through the snow, h
eading in their direction. They laughed together as they ran, and hardly paid attention to Luke and Stacia in the distance, but Stacia blushed at the thought of what could have happened if they had carried on the way she had wanted to.

  “Shit.” She giggled under her breath just as Luke quickly withdrew his hand from her pants. They did their best to act like they had spent the entire time playing with the geese.

  Luke’s sisters, they found out a moment later, had come to fetch Stacia. The baking of Christmas cookies, a female tradition in the family, was about to take place, and they wanted to make sure she was included.

  Stacia looked forlornly at Luke. “I guess you’re meant to get my present a little later on,” she said quietly and allowed herself to be led back to the house.

  In truth, Stacia was much more disappointed than she let on. She had been so hot, so ready for the feeling of having Luke’s body at one with her own, and being pulled away so abruptly left those emotions raw and hungry. Luke could see it in her eyes and she could read his face as they walked through the field. It told her, I’m sorry. And it said even more clearly, I’ll make it up to you.

  For the next few hours, as she rolled dough and mixed icing with red and green food coloring, she held on to the remnants of Luke’s touch. She thought about his hand on her ass, his fingers inside of her, and managed to retain the tingling sensation she always felt when she was turned on. She began to wonder just how easy it was going to be getting away from the myriad people who lived in the house.

  Once the cookies were baked, frosted, decorated, and put on display on an ancient heirloom Christmas platter, Stacia headed to the guest room to change her clothes. Her black sweater was covered with so much flour it was barely recognizable. She decided it would be a good time to put her pajamas on and settle in for the rest of the night.

  Before she had a chance to rummage around in her suitcase, though, her eyes landed on a peculiar object resting near her pillow. It was shaped like an egg, and as Stacia curiously took it in her hands, she noticed it had been lightly dusted with red glitter. The weight and feel of it confirmed it was, in fact, an egg. It was bigger than a regular chicken’s egg, though: a goose egg? It had a small red bow stuck to its top, and a small note attached to the bottom.


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