by Madison Cole
Malcolm nearly lost his breath. This was not what he’d expected. His heart thudded heavily against his chest. His nerves were shot.
“I would never consider myself an expert on chemistry,” Caroline said huskily, “but I think the way I’m feeling right now eliminates any doubt that we wouldn’t be compatible.” Before Malcolm could speak, she cupped her hands under either side of his cheeks and brought his mouth to hers.
Despite being taken off guard, the surprise gave way quickly to pleasure. Malcolm teased her lips apart and slipped his tongue inside the warm cavern, stroking, exploring, the tang of wine mixing with her sweetness.
Her tongue stroked his, and he became aware only of the intensity of the heat they were creating. Malcolm felt his body react to her manipulations, and he fought to maintain control. His body began to ache. He moved his hands to grip her bottom as he relished the sensations zipping through his blood.
Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he stroked her sensitive upper palate, the inner surfaces of her lip, absorbing the essence of her. He withdrew, and she followed, exploring his mouth more tentatively. He touched his tongue to hers, encouragingly. Growing bolder, Caroline teased his tongue and caught his bottom lip gently between her own and sucked gently.
She slowly pulled back, releasing his lip as she did so, and he was immediately aware of the loss of warmth their kissing had created. Her mouth still close to his, she whispered, “Are we compatible?”
Malcolm struggled to clear his head. He released her bottom, but didn’t remove his hands from her completely. He smoothed his hands up her back and up over her shoulders. They came to rest on either side of her neck. He could feel her pulse pounding rapidly, and he was relieved to know that she was just as affected by their kiss as he was. Her lips, slightly parted, were swollen. He’d kissed a number of women, but none had affected him like this. His response to her was as genuine and thorough as he could have ever thought possible.
Malcolm drew in a deep breath and shifted his eyes from her lips to her eyes. “Yes,” he said huskily. “I can see your point.”
Chapter Fourteen
Caroline stared out the window of the Rolls Royce, not seeing as she became lost in her own thoughts of the kiss she and Malcolm had shared. Malcolm was standing just outside the car, talking quietly on the phone. With his cell phone snuggled between his ear and shoulder, he was scribbling notes on a piece of paper held against the side of the building. His pager had sounded as they’d untangled themselves. He was on call, he’d explained, and needed to check in with the hospital.
Flushing at the memory once more, Caroline refused to believe she’d taken on more than she could handle. He was a man, yes, a full-blooded-knock-your-socks-off man, but still just a man. She’d known this would be a challenge. Perhaps she just hadn’t considered all the consequences of what his masculinity could produce. Enjoy the moment, but don’t lose sight of the goal, she admonished herself, shaking her head and looking away.
She traced her lips with her tongue, tasting him there. She hadn’t counted on not being in control, but the kiss had lasted longer than it should have. This was not her first time around the block, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember a single other kiss.
Ridiculous, she thought. One kiss was the same as another. Mouths touched; lips tasted; tongues engaged. The difference, she surmised, must have something to do with those people involved in the kiss. If there was something deeper, more meaningful between them, realized or not, did the kiss change? Did it then go beyond mere physical activity to a mental and an emotional connection that created such an intense reaction that the physical connection was thereby also increased?
She definitely hadn’t counted on a connection, physical, mental, or emotional. The desire that had radiated through her had caused a slow meltdown of any doubt or plan or defense she may have created. She wished she could claim that it was just because of restless energy or a build-up of sexual tension. But she knew that was not the case. Even now she could imagine his hands on her, stroking her naked skin, his lips tasting every inch of her body, and their bodies connecting intimately.
“Sorry for the interruption.” Malcolm closed the car door softly and turned in his seat to look at her.
“Nothing too serious, I hope.” If she’d asked herself before the date if she’d hoped for an early night, she probably would have thought about her work schedule and said yes, but now….
“No.” Malcolm smiled, obviously pleased she’d shown some interest in his work. “It was just an update I’d asked for before leaving this afternoon. The patient is in full recovery after surgery.”
As he spoke, Caroline allowed her eyes to roam over him. She liked the way his muscles filled out the suit. She could see them ripple as he turned toward her and then away again to reach for his seat belt.
“That’s great. I’m sure that’s a relief for the family and for you.”
“Yes, definitely.” Malcolm turned to her once again and reached out, running the back of his hand along her cheek. He let his hand fall to the space between them and took her hand in his own, holding it firmly. “I didn’t plan much more than dinner knowing it was a work night and not knowing what your schedule would be like tomorrow.” He hesitated, but continued when she didn’t comment. “But I’m open to a drink and a movie or conversation at your place or mine.”
Squeezing his hand in response, her pulse raced faster than the calm tone of her response would have indicated. “Actually, when Gloria called she indicated that we might see each other tonight and tomorrow. So I took tomorrow off, thinking I might need the morning to plan something as spectacular as you did this evening.” She smiled. “So … I would love a drink. And a movie depends on the depth of your collection.”
“That sounds like a challenge,” Malcolm said, smiling.
“Tit for tat, dear,” Caroline said, returning his smile.
“Indeed. Well, I hope I can succeed as well as you did.” Caroline blushed at the memory of her success.
“Let’s do it then.” Malcolm leaned across the small divide and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. It didn’t have the depth of their earlier kiss, but it still managed to make the blood sizzle through her veins. He pulled away slightly and then planted yet another, firmer kiss on her lips. It was as if he were pressing in the memory or finalizing an agreement. Either way, she was a willing recipient.
“Geoffrey, to the house, please.”
Chapter Fifteen
Before stepping out of the bathroom, Caroline appraised herself in the mirror. And though the ensemble wasn’t the height of sexiness, she thought it would do the trick. They don’t sell girl versions of boys’ clothes for nothing. There was a certain sex appeal to someone of the opposite sex wearing your underwear. The t-shirt, a basic v-neck, was thin, and her bra showed through. She was glad she’d worn a matching set. She smiled, remembering her Bridget Jones sexy panty versus granny panty dilemma earlier that evening.
“Hi.” Caroline spoke the word in a soft tone as she lounged against the bathroom door frame. They’d agreed that watching the movie in their dinner clothes seemed too formal. Without a change of clothes for Caroline they’d discussed the idea of swinging by her place. She’d ultimately decided, if Malcolm didn’t mind, to simply borrow something of his.
Walking back into the adjoining bedroom, Caroline found Malcolm changed into lounging pants and t-shirt.
Eying her inappropriately for a first date, Malcolm took in her red toes nails, long lean tan legs, shapely hips, small waist, and small high breasts. She crossed her arms loosely under her breasts, pushing them up further.
“Are we not on speaking terms?” She teased softly, knowing where his mind was.
“I’m sorry. I was just thinking those look better on you than they do on me.”
Caroline giggled. “Yeah, right. I seriously doubt that.”
“I’ve decided,” he said huskily, walking toward her, “that you are what fantasies are ma
de of. Even in cotton there is a sensuality about you that can’t be created, can’t be faked.” When he stood in front of her, he reached out and cupped the back of her neck to guide her mouth to his own. He pushed his tongue gently past her full, soft lips, and she responded by rubbing her hands up his back. They came to rest on his shoulders, gently pulling him into her.
The reason they met might have been staged, but the chemistry between them was genuine.
Breathless from his kiss, Caroline broke her lips away and buried her face in his neck. Blushing as much from his words as from his actions, she said, “You know, people don’t usually say things like that out loud.”
Malcolm chuckled. “They should. Especially if in saying so they get to do this afterward.” He dipped his head and captured her lips once more.
Caroline moaned and twisted her head away slightly, exposing her smooth neck to his lips. As Malcolm explored her neck and ear, Caroline raised her leg up to his hip and hooked it around the back of his calf. As he outlined her ear with his tongue, her toes curled, and she gasped. With his body pressed intimately against her own, she could feel how aroused he was. And she knew that if she let him, they would make love right then and there. The thought made her feel lightheaded.
Overwhelmed by his touch, it was all Caroline could do to keep on her feet. She hadn’t been intimate in a long time, too long perhaps, but she didn’t think that was the most compelling source of the excitement. The kiss was hungry, greedy even. And as his mouth and hands continued to roam her body, she felt lost. She didn’t fear him so much as she feared herself. Like him, she had a plan that led her to this exact moment. And she intended to enjoy herself and take from it what any hot-blooded woman would, but she hadn’t considered how easily he could sweep aside all her defenses and leave her exposed. It felt so right to be here in his arms, with his mouth on hers, his body pressed against hers.
She gasped for breath when they finally parted. After pulling air into his lungs, Malcolm leaned into her and said in husky tone, “I don’t think words could ever be as effective as that.”
And Caroline agreed. Speechless, her mind operated solely on keeping her legs working. Slowly returning to reality, she processed his words and smiled. She couldn’t believe 48 hours ago she hadn’t even known this man, much less contemplated a relationship with him, and now she was completely being thrown for a loop. Her heart was racing, and she was rooted in place.
“Let’s relax in the movie theater.” Malcolm seemed completely recovered and unmoved by the experience. How could that be? He picked up the wine glasses as he passed and walked across the living room. He opened a door on the far side the room, opposite the balcony doors, and Caroline could see stairs leading down to a lower level. Fine. If he was fine, so was she.
But she wasn’t. Glancing across the room, her gaze met his, and she felt a throbbing begin deep inside her body. Simply put, he was gorgeous. He was tall and lean, broad shouldered with narrow hips. Malcolm was the epitome of sensuality and masculinity. Caroline wasn’t sure she was going to be able to maintain her sanity.
“You coming?” he asked with a smile. Before she could answer, he disappeared down the stairs.
She followed him across the room, taking in the décor as she went. Well put together, she had no doubt he’d had a professional complete the work. She was in and out of clients’ homes all the time. She’d seen some real disasters. But whoever had had the pleasure of working with him on this project had managed to create a warm, masculine style without focusing on heavy wooden pieces. In shades of gray, eggshell, and brown, the room definitely belonged to a man. But the throw pillows, accent vases, and artwork lightened the space.
Walking down the stairs, Caroline stopped at the bottom. This was definitely a bachelor pad. The room was small compared to the upstairs room, but the far wall was covered side-to-side and top-to-bottom with a movie screen. Floor pillows filled the space between the screen and black leather reclining chairs. Each chair had a cup-holder and pull-out table. In the back corner was a wet bar and mini kitchen complete with a popcorn cart.
“I took the liberty of filling us a bowl. I hope you like butter.” Having already completed the prep work, Malcolm was lounging in a chair.
“Of course. Nice seats. And we didn’t even have to wait in line. What are we watching?”
“It’s your night. Your choice.” Malcolm clicked through a few screens and showed her how to access the streaming movie options. Caroline took the remote and scrolled through a few titles. Choosing one, she took the seat next to him and dipped her hand into the bowl that sat between them. “This is great. Thank you for suggesting it. I don’t get to just sit and relax very often. It’s been a wonderful evening.” She felt like a school girl saying it, but if pushed, she could easily say it was the honest truth. She felt comfortable, relaxed. She’d spent so much of her life trying to please this person or that one, doing this or getting that done, meeting this goal and setting a new one. But tonight, she’d simply had a great meal with a very engaging companion, and was looking forward to letting her mind wander as they sat together watching the film. She’d seen the movie a million times; she could recite the more memorable lines. But she didn’t care. She felt great.
“Thanks, Caroline, I’m glad. I wanted to share with you some things I enjoy. I know the time we have to get to know each other is limited, but I’m hoping that by being open and straightforward we can get a sense of each other and feel somewhat comfortable with the decision we each need to make in a very short time.”
“How about I plan something for tomorrow then?”
“I think that would be very appropriate. What are you thinking?”
Caroline laughed. “I have no idea. Let me think on it.” After a moment, she said, “The weather is supposed to cool down, so maybe something outside. Fall is my favorite season. I can’t wait ‘til the leaves change.”
“The park is beautiful in the fall. Have you been to the lake in the fall?”
“Near the Tavern? When we were kids our nanny would take us out on the little boats. I used to love that. You could watch all the people, but feel totally at peace in the middle of the lake.”
“I run through that area in between cases sometimes. There is a crispness in the air that makes going to the gym unthinkable.”
“I love it. Speaking of crispness, is there a throw handy? As stylish as this outfit is, it leaves a little to be desired in its coverage.” Caroline drew her legs up and wrapped her arms around them. She hoped he didn’t see her goose-bumps. Nothing more attractive than chicken skin.
“Of course, and I can turn the thermostat up, if you’d like. I didn’t think about the effect of the temperature change down here.” He leaned over the side of the chair and pulled out a drawer built into the base of the chair.
“Huh. There’s only one. Want to share?” He eyed her wolfishly and waggled his eyebrows.
Caroline laughed. “I think that’s the best offer I’ve had all night.” She wasn’t sure if he was joking, but she stood up and moved to his chair. He slid to his right and shook the blanket out. Caroline climbed into the chair, pressed her chest to his shoulder and threw her legs over his. He pulled the blanket over them and turned into her.
The movie started, cutting off any further talk.
It wasn’t long, and Malcolm heard the soft, even breath of sleep. Caroline’s cheek rested lightly against his shoulder with her face turned slightly to the ceiling. He gazed into her face and was struck by her delicate structure. How had someone so petite completely bowled him over? She was beautiful, intelligent, playful, and motivated. Could he be so lucky?
He gently shifted her over into his arms and lifted her slight frame up from the chair. Carrying her up the stairs, he briefly considered the guest bedroom. He supposed it was what a gentleman might do, but he was in a unique position and didn’t have time for niceties. He wanted to know what it would be like to s
hare a bed with this woman. Did she snore? Hog the blanket? Talk in her sleep? Walking through the living room, he passed the balcony. The sky was clear and the stars bright. It would have been a great way to end the evening. Perhaps tomorrow.
Balancing her in one arm, Malcolm pulled the duvet and sheet back. As he laid Caroline gently against the pillow, she moaned softly. He was reminded of an earlier moan and was forced to step back. She did amazing things to his body. She snuggled deeper into the blankets. Malcolm joined her on the other side.
Chapter Sixteen
Malcolm woke to her touch. He hadn’t been aware of his erection until then. Her hands, soft and feminine, smoothed their way down his shaft. His cock jerked in response, hardening further. The last wisp of drowsiness gone from his senses, Malcolm could only feel what was happening between his legs. He lifted the duvet and watched as she continued her ministrations. She leaned forward, and he could feel her breath on him, warm and exciting. He rose up on his elbows to get a better view, but his head fell back to the headboard as she guided the head of his cock into her mouth, sealing her lips delicately over the glans. A tortured groan escaped him, and in response she took more of him into her mouth. His hips rocked into her mouth as his back arched into the bed. For a moment his vision blurred, and his world shrank, encompassing nothing more than his cock and the hot, wet suction of her mouth.
He felt her fingernails run down his backside, and he thrust upward. His shaft slid in and out of her mouth. Her mouth left him long enough to trail kisses across his inner thigh. Though he’d nearly protested the loss of warmth to his penis, the intensity of the passion building in him only increased when she returned.
“Ah, Caroline, that’s so good.”
Her fingers played lightly in places her mouth had visited, and he was soon reaching the edge of his self control. She held him firmly in her hand and stroked him toward the tip and back down. On her next stroke she caressed the tip with her thumb, and he jerked in her hand.