by Madison Cole
“Caroline, baby, if you don’t stop….” The heat and wetness seemed to intensify. Oh, God. “Baby, you have to stop. I’ll….” Too late. His hips thrust forward on their own accord. His heels dug into the bed; his back arched, and his head dropped back onto the pillow. Holding her head to his crotch, Malcolm released into her mouth. His breath was harsh, and he heard nothing except the sound of his heartbeat in his ears. His body collapsed onto the mattress. He cradled Caroline’s head against his groin.
Malcolm lay back, breathing deeply, trying to steady his heart rate. Caroline kissed his hip and nuzzled upward to his stomach and finally drew her tongue across his nipple. Malcolm shivered and brought his arms up around her shoulders. He pressed a kiss onto the top of her head.
“I can’t remember the last time I orgasmed from oral sex. That’s quite a talent.” He said it with a smile, thinking he was a very lucky man, but his subconscious was mulling over the question of where she’d learned such a skill.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” Caroline said, raising her head and kissing him lightly on the lips.
Straddling Malcolm’s supine body, Caroline leaned over him and rested her head on his shoulder. “You’re amazing,” he whispered.
Chapter Seventeen
“Are you awake?” Caroline whispered into the semi-darkness. Her watch read 8:30a.m., but the heavy drapes kept much of the sunlight at bay. She’d awoken only a little earlier and had lain awake, watching Malcolm sleep. She wouldn’t have thought herself capable of doing what she did last night, and she blushed at her own audacity. She didn’t remember falling asleep or being carried up the stairs. She didn’t remember his laying her in bed or him crawling in beside her. But she did remember waking up well past midnight wanting to touch him, to see and feel his reaction to her.
When she’d woken up in the middle of the night last night, it had taken her a moment to orient her brain to where she was. Once she realized what must have happened, her mind had flown into overdrive thinking about the possibilities. He hadn’t undressed her or even taken off her socks. As far as she’d been concerned, he’d been a perfect gentleman. She wasn’t sure she was going to be able to reciprocate by being the perfect lady. When she realized he’d stripped down to just his boxer briefs, she hadn’t even tried.
“How about breakfast to start round two?” Caroline sat up, leaning on an elbow to look up at Malcolm’s face. He looked peaceful. His handsome features were relaxed, his eyes closed.
“Sounds good. Where do you have in mind?”
“Good Enough to Eat?”
Yes, you are, Malcolm thought to himself. Out loud he said, “Where is it?” He opened his eyes and furrowed his brow. She’d laid her free hand on his stomach, and his skin was beginning to tingle. She played mindlessly with his chest hair and then lower as they spoke. “Don’t start something you’re not prepared to finish.” Malcolm growled, rolling her over onto her back and slipping between her thighs.
She giggled and crossed her legs behind his back. “What makes you think I won’t?” She asked, smiling. “I think I have a pretty good track record for completions so far.” She crossed her arms under her head, bringing her breasts forward and up. Malcolm slipped a nipple into his mouth, sucking it deeply.
“Actually, I think I owe you a little payback for last night.”
She moaned and brought her hands to his head, holding it gently in place lest he stop. Malcolm pressed his erection against her panties, and she raised her hips to meet him.
“Oh, God, if we don’t stop we won’t eat,” he said softly into her ear.
“Oh, please don’t stop,” she whispered against his cheek. He took her lips, applying fierce pressure. He released her mouth, but didn’t move away. They lay, Malcolm bracing himself on top of her, with their lips mere centimeters apart. He dropped his head to her breast. He sucked the hardened tip and then teased her with his tongue. She responded with a soft moan and reached out to sink her nails lightly into his scalp. She held his head into place relishing the warmth building inside her.
He rolled so that his body only half covered hers, a leg still insinuated between hers. He caught her lips as he slid a hand between them into her panties. Sliding over her mound, his fingers brushed against her lightly and then more firmly as she moaned her delight. She could feel his erection pressing against her thigh, hard and heavy. She wasn’t sure which was sending her over the edge faster, his mouth or his fingers. Thrusting her hips into his hands, his fingers continued to stroke her. He raised his mouth to hers, deepening the kiss as he increased the tempo of his strokes. An intimate ache grew within her. A thrill ran through her as he rocked his swollen member against her.
She moved her hands to his shoulders and tightened her grip, calling out his name as her body shuddered. He nipped at her chin and nuzzled her neck, the feel of his hot breath trailing across her collar bone sending shivers up and down her spine. Working his way down her body, he buried his face in her cleavage while rhythmically kneading her breast. Caroline moaned in pleasure at the feel of his warm palm on her soft skin. Her nipple stiffened as he drew his thumb back and forth across the taut peak before giving it a little pinch and twist.
It had been so long since she’d been with someone, since she’d felt that sweet release. Tension quickly built within her as she thought of what it would be like for Malcolm’s strong muscular body to possess hers, of wrapping her legs around his waist, her fingers digging into his back while his long, thick shaft moved within her.
Her hips bucked seemingly without any direction from her when he pushed a finger deep into her sensitive flesh. Blood pounded in her ears. She gasped, jerking at the onslaught of sensations. He moved his finger in and out. The feeling was incredible and yet left her squirming and pleading for more.
“Patience, Caroline,” Malcolm murmured against her breast before enveloping her aching nipple in his hot mouth.
She arched her back as the sucking and stroking sensations caused need to coil inside her. He switched to her other nipple, and she began to whimper. His stroking changed pace, and he added another finger inside her, then a third. Her breathe came in ragged gasps; her heartbeat thundered in her ears, and the tension building within her was almost more than she could stand. With the extra thickness stretching her, she was conscious only of the pleasure rippling through her body. And when she thought she couldn’t survive any more of his attention, her body curled upward, and she cried out Malcolm’s name. Caroline went over the edge, convulsing as release swept through her from head to toe, leaving her panting and limp. He kissed the skin at the base of her throat. Slowly he removed his hand, and she collapsed onto the bed, eyes closed, unable to move. She lay motionless as she floated back to consciousness.
“I think that makes us just about even.” Malcolm rolled to the side and pulled her with him, and she followed like a rag doll. She curled up on her side and snuggled next his side. Not prone to climax so easily, Caroline felt like a puddle of wax, as if she had no control over her body.
“You look exhausted,” Malcolm said. Caroline smiled, but didn’t open her eyes. “Relax. I’ll shower, and then you can. And we’ll go.” Malcolm was about to stand up, but returned to her and said innocently, “Unless you’d like to shower together.”
Caroline opened one eye. “I don’t think we’d get much cleaning done.”
“You don’t think we can share a shower without making love?” He asked the question as if wounded. She opened both eyes, looking at him as if to say Were you just here a few minutes ago?
“What do you think?” she asked, rising up onto an elbow and lifting an eye brow at the same time.
Malcolm looked her over, naked above the waist, only panties below. His gaze made her hot. Finally, he said, “I guess you’re right.”
“Oh, I’m right, all right. You go ahead and shower, and I’ll take one after you. In the meantime, I’ll make reservations for tonight.” She rolle
d to the edge of the bed and put her feet onto the floor. Though the living room was hardwood, the bedroom was carpeted. Her toes sank deep into the soft fiber, and she curled them into it.
She looked over her shoulder as he walked naked to the shower. God, he was beautiful. Not a butt woman, she could easily be converted when it came to his posterior.
“Stop looking at my butt, woman. Or we may have to revisit our previous conversation.” Malcolm didn’t turn around as he growled the words. Caroline turned her head away with a giggle. Was she in love?
The thought had slipped into her consciousness without warning. Love? What did love feel like? Since her father passed away, she wasn’t sure if she’d experienced it. If she thought about how her relationship with her family had developed over time, she’d have to say that love was an exhausting one-way street. She didn’t feel that way now. With her father she’d felt safe, supported, and happy. If she had to describe her feelings at the moment, post dinner, movie, and sexual activity, she’d definitely describe it more like the latter than the former.
Damn! This was not what she planned. But had anything really changed? They hadn’t discussed the terms of the marriage or even agreed that there would be a wedding yet. She was jumping the gun.
She shook her hand and vowed to concentrate on the moment. She’d said she was making reservations. But she didn’t want to do anything traditional—she wasn’t a very traditional woman. Good Enough to Eat wasn’t her favorite breakfast haunt, but she decided that they would spend the day as she’d love to spend each Saturday. Not that she’d make all her dreams come true in this one day, but given their location, timing, etc., what she would do any Saturday on her own. She wanted to give Malcolm a sense of who she was, what she liked, how she thought. And then pray he liked it.
Well, a Saturday in the fall would have to include a stroll through the flea market and then cupcakes for a pick-me-up. Then what? She’d probably take a nap. Probably not the best choice of activities. Not that getting back into bed with Malcolm would be a bad thing. It just didn’t get to the bigger picture of what they were supposed to be accomplishing in their time together. When Caroline thought about her down time, it usually included either her sister Sarah, Gloria, or her kitchen. Had she always been this boring?
Caroline walked to the French doors and stepped out onto the balcony. Her nipples hardened in the cool breeze, and she turned her face to the sun. Leaning against the stone she closed her eyes and remembered her younger days. She’d loved dancing and eating. Opening her eyes, she rounded out the evening. Stepping back inside, Caroline clicked her phone on and jumped on the internet to check addresses. She had just finished jotting some notes into her day book when the bathroom door opened.
Steam rose out along the ceiling as the door swung open. Malcolm stood in the door way, a towel wrapped around his narrow hips. Water still clung to his chest. Caroline watched the water make trails down his stomach and disappear under the edge of the towel. She involuntarily licked her lips.
“The shower is all yours. And I was thinking, for the sake of realism in this experiment of ours,” Malcolm raised a smaller towel to his head and wiped the water from his neck, “I don’t think I should shower alone next time.”
Caroline cocked her head to the side and studied him as he dried. A smile played on the corners of her mouth. “Maybe,” she said. Malcolm smiled.
“Are you going to shower now? Or would you prefer to do something else?” He loosened his towel and let his eye roam up and down her body. Still only in her panties, she felt hot under his gaze.
Caroline smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. If she didn’t get to see all the goods, neither did he. “Hhhmm, well, you are standing in front of the door.”
“I am, aren’t I? You don’t think I’d let you go by?”
She laughed, tossing her head back slightly, pushing her hair back as she did so. The movement highlighted her graceful neck and pushed her breasts forward.
“Do that again and I can’t promise you’ll be able to pass unmolested.”
“I don’t think you could stop yourself.” Not that she’d want him to. But she reminded herself that they did have things to do, and this whole affair was his idea, not hers. “You’ll recall we have a date today.” Her face hurt from smiling so much. She enjoyed their banter. She felt like a school girl on her first date. “And I would prefer not to be stinky, but if it means actually leaving the bedroom today, I will skip the shower.”
Malcolm laughed. “No, please, by all means, take a shower! I promise not to touch you … much.”
Caroline walked slowly toward him. When she was next to him, she placed her hand on his chest. She felt his heart jump. “I’m attracted to you on levels I wasn’t even aware of. I want every moment we have to get to know each other to be memorable and perfect.”
Malcolm placed his right hand over hers and used his left hand to tilt her chin up further. He kissed her gently and said, “It’s been more than I could have hoped for, and I have no doubt today will simply reinforce what we already know.” He kissed her again gently and reached around to squeeze her butt. “Now scoot. I’m starving.”
Caroline leaned against the inside of the door. How was she supposed to get through an entire day when the man was such a temptation? And he knew what he did to her because she was very certain, after last night, that she did the same to him. In terms of answering any concerns she may have had, she didn’t have to be convinced that he knew how to please her. Just thinking about where the day would lead made her weak in the knees.
She pushed off the door and went to the sink to brush her teeth. Malcolm had laid out a packaged brush, a travel sized tube of tooth paste and a bar of soap. A towel and washcloth set lay on the tiled shelf inside the shower stall. The man thought of everything. Had he planned this? She stopped brushing her teeth long enough to look into the mirror and think about the previous night’s activities. Even if he had planned on bringing her back to his place, having her fall asleep, carrying her up a flight of stairs, and then not undressing her for bed, she thought with not a touch of sarcasm, she was the one who initiated last night’s activities. He could hardly be blamed for responding to what she started. Satisfied she had not been a foregone conclusion, Caroline finished with her teeth and stepped into the shower.
Chapter Eighteen
Malcolm couldn’t recall ever meeting a woman like Caroline. He’d been introduced to women by his friends, colleagues, and family, but none of them came close to what she offered him. Of course there had been women in his medical program, and there were quite a few on the hospital staff. They’d been intelligent, but they’d also been so one-dimensional. He enjoyed not only the conversation they had the night before, but also the banter and the witticisms they’d traded. And she’d even chosen The Running Man as the film they’d watched. That had to say something.
But he liked her confidence as well. He hadn’t thought much about it the night before, but even before the middle of their first date, she’d mentioned a second. So not only had she been enjoying herself to the degree that she wanted to see him again, but she hadn’t been afraid to communicate that to him. She wasn’t coy either about what she wanted or what she thought. He didn’t like loud, ostentatious women, but he wasn’t a mind reader either. And she had made plans for the day. He didn’t care what they did, beyond perhaps glimpsing another side of her interests and personality. He simply wanted to spend time with her.
Then there was the physical aspect of their developing relationship. He felt restless, horny. He’d been surprised by her advances last night, but he’d gotten over it quickly. He’d enjoyed her hands on his body, her mouth on his, her skill at manipulating his cock. He was anxious to explore her talents further. The intensity of his desire to touch her again made him want to rethink his suggestion that she plan their day. And if not completely destroy her plans, then at least modify them to be sure they returned to the house mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and, of
course, that evening.
Malcolm took one more turn in the mirror set into the wall of his walk-in closet, and then passed the bathroom door on his way to the living room. The shower stopped, but the shower door didn’t slide open immediately. She must like to dry off inside the shower where it was still warm. He’d had the old shower removed and a wall to wall installed. There were six shower heads built into the wall of the shower stall, three on each side, and he’d practically had to have the building’s plumbing gutted and redone. He knew the results were worth it.
He imagined Caroline, skin damp and steaming, wrapping herself in one his towels. Next time, he thought, he would do the drying. He would go slow, taking time to pamper every inch of her body. He’d start with her sweet perky breasts, move to her flat stomach and narrow waist, and then to her long lean legs. He hadn’t known red-heads could tan, but he was very appreciative of whatever genetic twist had allowed it to happen. Moving on to the living room, he walked through the sunlit room to the kitchen.
Caroline dressed with care. Once she’d determined the day, Geoffrey had generously offered to swing by her place and pick up fresh clothes. She’d planned the day with a variety of activities, and she didn’t want to be that woman who carries her wardrobe with her or complains because she’s unprepared. In deference to the season, she chose a calf length brown suede skirt, knee high brown leather boots, and a thin long-sleeved sweater of gray, beige, and off white. The boots were her favorite. Though they sported a nicely pointed toe, the heel was not obnoxious. She could easily walk all day and not feel the need for a soothing foot bath at the end of the day. She often wore them when she was catering; she liked to be on the floor mixing with clients and potential clients. She had to fit the part. Not a fan of makeup she chose only a light gloss. She pursed her lips, sprayed a little Angel onto the base of her throat, behind her ears, wrists, and knees and opened the bathroom door.