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The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril

Page 18

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I don’t understand,” said Dreen, confused. “What kind of trap can he possibly hope to use against the Destroyers of Worlds?”

  “I think I know,” Alborg said as the nearby tactical display suddenly lit up with hundreds of green icons. “Computer-operated cargo ships have jumped in. They’re accelerating at full sublight toward the black fleet.”

  “Why?” asked Commodore Dreen. “They’re unarmed. What can unarmed cargo ships do against warships?”

  “They’ll ram them,” explained Alborg. “If those ships are fully loaded, the sheer mass they contain will allow them to crash through the shields of the black ships. Even if they are destroyed upon their impact with the screens, the kinetic force of their destruction will be equivalent to over fifty of our missiles. The screens will collapse, destroying the black ships.”

  Commodore Dreen returned his attention to the tactical display. Every cargo ship in the system must have jumped directly in front of the Destroyers of Worlds—so close they only had a few thousand kilometers to go before reaching their targets. For a few precious moments the black ships seemed confused, unsure whether to target the cargo ships or continue to blast away at the warships. Those few seconds were enough for the first cargo ships to smash into the screens of the black ships.

  One of the viewscreens switched to a magnified view. An Andock ore carrier slammed into the screen of a black ship. A brilliant flash filled the screen and then died away. When it cleared, all that was visible were a few shards of wreckage.

  The black fleet, recognizing the danger, instantly targeted the cargo ships, but they had waited too long. Cargo ship after cargo ship struck their targets in blinding explosions. All across the frontline of the Destroyers of Worlds’ fleet, black ships died by the dozens and then by the hundreds.

  “Alborg, we’ll jump in. I want our first missile wave to blast us an open path to the motherships. Then I want the next four waves aimed at the motherships themselves. We will not withdraw until we’ve destroyed as many of them as possible.” Commodore Dreen recognized this as the opening he had been hoping for. Victory was now within his grasp.

  “We’ll lose a major portion of our fleet,” warned Alborg. “We’ll take a lot of incoming fire by concentrating our missiles on the motherships.”

  “We will, but, after what the Andocks just did, if we can take out more of the motherships, this battle will be over.” Commodore Dreen was certain the Destroyers of Worlds had already suffered far more losses than they had planned. If his fleet could take out two or three more of the motherships, he was certain the black ships would withdraw, giving Andock reinforcements time to arrive.

  Dreen leaned back in his command chair. If they could force the black ships away from Andock Prime, it would be a major victory; then the alliance he envisioned would grow and become a reality.

  “Jalad, put us directly behind the rear section of the black fleet. It’s time they learn they can’t attack a Protector World.”


  Prince Brollen stared aghast at the carnage inflicted on the forward section of his fleet. He had never imagined a race using their spacecraft in such a manner. What are our losses? He couldn’t blame Military Commander Fraymot for this debacle.

  We’ve lost 476 cruisers, another 312 are reporting moderate to heavy damage. Our shields are not designed to stop a cargo ship of the size and mass used against us. Many of those ships are larger than our cruisers. From the scale of the explosions, they are also fully loaded, probably with mined ore or even full loads of water.

  Can we still reach the planet? Prince Brollen grew deeply concerned about the ramifications of this battle when word reached Queen Alithe and the Conclave Habitat. It was evident now he had erred in attacking this system practically with a fleet from food species 236 present.

  Fraymot spent a moment examining the nearest tactical display. We can still destroy the enemy fleet in front of us, but our forces will suffer additional losses. When we reach the orbital defensive grid, we will suffer even more losses. However, we still have sufficient forces to harvest the planet if no enemy reinforcements show up.

  That is assuming they do not hit us with more of their cargo ships.

  Our cruisers are no longer being rammed by cargo vessels. I believe the enemy has used all they had available.

  Form our remaining fleet around the motherships and proceed toward the planet. We have lost too much not to harvest this world. If he could harvest this Protector World, it would still be counted as a victory, though a very costly one. Even as he considered the full ramifications of this battle, alarms sounded on the sensor console.

  The fleet with the dark matter missiles is back, Fraymot reported with deep concern.


  Fleet Commodore Dreen gazed at the nearest viewscreen, showing a magnified view of the forward section of the Destroyers of Worlds’ fleet. It was shattered. The drifting wreckage of hundreds of vessels was visible. Not only that, Fleet Leader Moor had stopped his retreat and was now once more advancing on the black ships. Dreen could sense the tide of the battle turning.

  “Missiles launching,” reported Alborg. “The black fleet is in the process of adjusting their fleet formation, so there are still a lot of holes in it.”

  “Let’s make them pay,” said Commodore Dreen, his eyes narrowing. “This time we’re not retreating.” Dreen was determined to win this battle here and now!


  The first wave of missiles struck the black cruisers before they could adjust to the new configuration Military Commander Fraymot had directed them to form. Dark matter explosions overloaded energy screens as they absorbed the massive amounts of energy being released. In just a matter of a few moments screens began failing. They burst like giant bubbles, and, when they did, titanic amounts of absorbed energy were released. Black ships died as they frantically turned, trying to meet this new threat. A few black antimatter beams flicked out toward the attackers. Three Lakiam battlecruisers were struck and quickly annihilated.

  The second wave of hypermissiles launched. This time aimed deeper into the black fleet formation. Unfortunately too many cruisers still barred the way to the motherships. Yet more black ship screens were overloaded, and novalike explosions of energy and light marked their deaths. While this occurred, more black cruisers turned to bring their weapons to bear on the enemy vessels. Even a few spheres of annihilation were launched.

  The third wave of dark matter missiles shattered the last black cruisers defending the motherships, opening a path for the next wave. In the Lakiam fleet, dozens of battlecruisers died as black antimatter beams blew them apart and spheres of annihilation drained the power of numerous vessels. Still Fleet Commodore Dreen refused to pull back as his fleet began to die around him.

  The fourth wave of missiles—while decidedly weaker than the previous ones due to the number of ships lost—exploded among the remaining motherships. All three of the damaged vessels vanished under the fusillade of titanic explosions that shattered their energy screens. The three motherships simply disintegrated, leaving behind large fields of glowing wreckage.

  In the Lakiam fleet, more spheres of annihilation attached themselves to energy screens and began draining them.


  Prince Brollen could scarcely breathe from all the smoke in the Command Center. Alarms blared, and members of the working caste moved sluggishly about, trying to clean up the wreckage. A few Vorn technicians appeared and began working to restore power to several damaged consoles.

  Report! sent Brollen, gazing toward Military Commander Fraymot.

  The Barl, Xanthe, and Riven have been destroyed. The Larmal, Scythe, and Trield are reporting heavy damage. The enemy fleet defending the planet is engaging the lead elements of our fleet. The ships with the dark matter missiles are still attacking the rear of our fleet, though we are inflicting heavy losses with our weapons.

  Can we still take the planet and harvest it?

  No, replied Fraymot. We cannot de
stroy the orbital defenses with our remaining fleet.

  Defeat! Brollen detected a sour taste in his mouth, one he was not familiar with. We must withdraw.

  This battle will upset the Queens, Fraymot said, his expression fearful.

  I warned them and others about the dark matter missiles. I made a mistake in not eliminating that threat earlier. It is now obvious we must deal with it sooner than I had planned or our harvesting in this galaxy could be put in jeopardy. Take the fleet into hyperspace. We will return to the staging system for repairs and to make plans on how to deal with the food species that possesses the dark matter missiles. It is evident now they must be destroyed at once.


  Fleet Commodore Dreen gasped in agony as green icons representing Lakiam battlecruisers blinked rapidly out of existence. On one of the viewscreens, the battlecruiser Narran was cut in two by several black antimatter beams. In a brilliant explosion, the battlecruiser blew apart, scattering debris in all directions.

  “The black fleet is jumping into hyperspace!” called out Laylem jubilantly. “They’re pulling out!”

  Even as Laylem spoke, the black antimatter beams vanished as the spindle-shaped cruisers ceased firing and entered hyperspace. In a matter of a few minutes the last black ship disappeared from the viewscreen. All but one—a large red icon.

  “What remains?” demanded Commodore Dreen, gazing at the one remaining threat icon.

  “It’s one of their motherships,” answered Laylem, perplexed. He made some quick scans with the ship’s sensors and then turned toward Commodore Dreen. “I believe it’s too damaged to enter hyperspace.”

  Commodore Dreen couldn’t believe the luck of what had just fallen into his hands. “Contact Fleet Leader Moor and tell him to leave that ship alone. I intend to board it and capture it.” If he were successful in capturing a Destroyers of Worlds’ mothership, it could potentially reveal a treasure trove of information. “Alborg, prepare our combat robots. You will be leading a team to capture that ship.”

  “You want prisoners?” As tactical officer, part of his duty was to command the combat robots.

  “If possible,” replied Dreen. He wasn’t concerned about capturing prisoners; the ship’s computers alone would be invaluable. “Don’t endanger your boarding party. If the enemy resists, kill them!”


  The Basera slid closer to the Destroyers of Worlds’ mothership. Lakiam battlecruisers moved to completely surround the heavily damaged vessel. The ship was dumbbell-shaped, with two enormous globes at each end connected to one another by a short cylinder. The ship was painted a matte black, and no starlight reflected from its hull. Each of the globes was two thousand meters in diameter, and the cylinder connecting the two was four hundred meters long and three hundred in diameter. All across the ship’s hull, huge gashes indicated where dark matter energy had washed across the vessel. In several sections the deep gashes extended several hundred meters inside the ship.


  Several small shuttles left the Basera and docked with the mothership. Alborg ordered the combat robots to set explosive charges against the hatches as the airlocks between the vessels were not compatible.

  “Blasting our way in,” Alborg reported over his comm unit which connected him with the Basera and Fleet Commodore Dreen.

  “Keep in mind we’re still picking up intermittent power readings on that vessel,” warned Laylem as he watched sensors which continuously scanned the mothership.


  Alborg waited, standing behind twenty of the eight-foot-tall combat robots. Twenty more were on the other shuttle commanded by Wien Metz, a combat specialist. A loud explosion was heard, and the hatch fell open. The combat robots immediately moved inside, their arms held before them, pointing the twin stunners embedded in their palms forward. The passageway was tall and wide with very dim lighting. Alborg activated his combat glasses which allowed him to see as if the corridor was fully lit.

  “Proceed. Engage any hostiles and immobilize them. If they return fire, the use of deadly force is authorized.” The robots were programmed to carry out this type of mission, though Alborg could not recall any ever being used to actually board another vessel before.

  “We have gained access,” reported Metz. “We’re proceeding down a corridor. No resistance encountered.”

  For several minutes Alborg and the combat robots moved deeper into the ship without encountering any signs of life, then suddenly the stunners on the leading robots activated with sharp buzzing noises which sounded like the release of electricity.

  “Enemy encountered and stunned. No resistance,” reported the lead combat robot.

  Alborg stepped forward and for the first time gazed upon a Destroyers of Worlds’ alien, lying upon the deck. It had a basic humanoid form with two legs and two arms. That was where the resemblance ended. The creature looked like a cross between a humanoid and a wasp. The head was covered with very short hair and triangular in shape with two antennae. Its eyes were those of an insect. Alborg could see two small wasplike wings on the creature’s back, and it had hands, each with seven thin digits. The enemy did not resemble any alien race Alborg was familiar with. He knew of no intelligent insectoid races.

  “Are you getting this?”

  “Yes,” replied Commodore Dreen. “Your video feed is coming in clearly. We see everything you do. Have the combat robots secure the prisoner. You can pick it up on the way back.”

  Alborg quickly did as ordered and then had the robots moving forward again. Over the next few minutes they encountered more of what Alborg assumed were the crew. The creatures seemed listless and confused. In each case Alborg had them stunned and then bound.

  As they moved deeper into the ship, the noise level increased. It was apparent to Alborg that the Destroyers of Worlds were attempting to repair their ship. He was concerned that, if the ship jumped into hyperspace, his mission might end in a disaster.

  “I’ve found what appears to be the engineering compartment,” Metz suddenly reported. “Several different types of aliens are inside. One group is working on the equipment, and the other just hands them tools and otherwise cleans up.”

  “A caste system,” suggested Commodore Dreen. “It is common among insects.”

  “Possibly,” responded Alborg. “Metz, move your combat robots into the engineering compartment and secure it. If we control Engineering, they can’t take the ship into hyperspace.” This would eliminate one worry Alborg had. He also had no idea how big a crew was on this vessel and if any of them were armed. There could be thousands on this ship.

  “Moving in,” responded Metz.

  Moments later Metz’s voice came over the comm. “We’re meeting heavy resistance. Some of the aliens in the compartment are armed. I’ve lost six combat robots, but we’ve taken out most of the resistance. We should have the compartment secured shortly.”

  “Alborg, several of our other battlecruisers are launching more combat units. If this is a caste system, they obviously have a warrior caste. That’s what Metz is encountering. If they can take out our combat robots, that indicates they’re extremely aggressive and dangerous.”

  “I agree,” responded Alborg. “We’ll move deeper into the ship to see if we can find the Command Center. Let me know when the other units arrive.”


  For the next several hours the fighting inside the ship intensified. More combat robots showed up, and soon over two hundred were on board the mothership. In several compartments the enemy put up a fierce resistance, destroying many of the combat robots. After considerable heavy fighting, Alborg found himself in the forward section of the enemy ship, facing a heavily reinforced door. They had been forced to fight their way through over sixty of the warrior caste in the corridor leading to this hatch. No doubt this had to be the Command Center.

  “Blast it open,” ordered Alborg. His forces had been augmented by two more groups of combat robots and their commanding Lakiam officers. “Use stunners. This will
be the command crew, and we want to capture as many alive as possible.”

  An explosion shook the corridor, and the robots filed into the room beyond. Alborg could hear weapons fire until it was finally his turn to enter. Stepping inside, his eyes widened at the sight. Nearly half of his combat robots were down, and the room was full of heavily armed aliens. He noticed it was taking three or four hits from the robots’ stunners to knock them out.

  “Switch to energy beams,” he ordered. The resistance in this room was too heavy to depend on the stunners.

  Instantly beams of energy struck the enemy. They fell rapidly as the light combat armor they wore was not impervious to the deadly energy beams. What struck Alborg the most was how silent the enemy was. Very seldom did they cry out or yell orders to one another. Then the fighting stopped, and Alborg looked around; all the aliens were down and unmoving.

  “Command Center is secure,” he reported to Commodore Dreen.

  “Excellent,” replied Dreen. “Keep your forces in the Command Center and in Engineering. The other combat teams will finish sweeping the ship.”

  Alborg nodded. He walked to the center of the room, where a number of the alien warriors had fallen. In the center were two aliens who were slightly different in stature. Both of their heads seemed slightly larger, and their antennae were longer. Gazing at them, Alborg realized these must be the officers in charge of the mothership. One moved slightly. With a pleased smile, Alborg realized this alien was only stunned. “Secure this being immediately,” he ordered. Not only had they captured the mothership, they also had one of its commanding officers!


  Fleet Commodore Dreen had just finished speaking with Fleet Leader Moor. The Andock fleet had suffered heavily, losing 807 battlecruisers and 217 battleships and all their crews. However, in the past hour, two fleet formations of over three hundred warships each had arrived in the system. The Lakiam fleet had also suffered heavily, losing 163 battlecruisers in the battle. The ships that had lost their power were getting it back online.


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