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The Star Cross: Galaxy in Peril

Page 24

by Raymond L. Weil

  “You have the full support of the council,” said Lead Councilor Atratis, shifting his gaze to the fleet commodore. “What do you need, and what can we do to help?”

  “We have discovered the masking secret to the Vorn ships in hyperspace,” replied Dreen. “Already we are deploying special detection buoys throughout our space and Andock space. The Bascoms and Parmonts will soon be doing the same. When the Vorn come, we will know. It will prevent them from taking us by surprise.”

  “Will the Andocks actually come to our aid?” asked council member Darmas in a disbelieving voice. “The Andocks have never been a trustworthy race.”

  “Yes, as soon as the black ships are detected, and we have determined Lakiam is their target, Fleet Leader Moor will depart with a force of two thousand warships. The Bascoms and the Parmonts will do the same. In total our allies will send four thousand warships to our aid.”

  This silenced council member Darmas as he looked at the conference table in defeat. He mumbled something indiscernible and then became quiet.

  “We’ve also stockpiled a considerable supply of dark matter missiles since all construction facilities are now operating around the clock. Our orbital defensive platforms above all three of our primary planets in the system will be supplied with a sufficient number for the expected battle. Even the orbital habitats that circle our three primary worlds will be armed.”

  “What about our own ships? How many will there be?” asked council member Shriel Marl. “Should we recall all our vessels to ensure Lakiam remains unharmed?”

  “We will have over three thousand warships in the system with another two thousand close by,” answered Fleet Commodore Dreen. “I’m hesitant to pull our ships from our other systems or the core systems of the Enlightened Worlds we are protecting. We have already pulled back from too many Enlightened colonies. The Vorn will not take us by surprise. If they come to this system, as I expect, we will destroy them!”

  Lead Councilor Atratis stared for a long moment at Fleet Commodore Dreen. “I sincerely hope so,” he finally said. “Just remember, these are the Destroyers of Worlds. We must take nothing for granted. Lakiam must not become another victim.”

  “We won’t, and Lakiam will be safe,” promised Commodore Dreen. “Now I must return to the fleet to make preparations, before the Vorn arrive.”


  Several hours later Fleet Commodore Dreen was on board his flagship, the Basera, in one of the ship’s smaller debriefing rooms, with Alborg and Captain Callast. In the center, a huge holographic depiction of the galaxy within one thousand light-years of Lakiam was displayed. Large swaths of it were covered with small blinking yellow icons. Even as he watched, more yellow icons flashed, indicating the hyperspace detection buoys emplaced by both Lakiam and Andock vessels. More buoys were being mass-produced by the thousands and being positioned by special fleet cargo ships of both races.

  “Two more days and all the buoys will be in position,” reported Alborg, standing next to Commodore Dreen. “It’s going much quicker than I expected.”

  “It helps when we have two Protector Worlds working closely together.”

  “The cargo vessels will be ready in six more days,” added Captain Callast of the battlecruiser Destonn. Commodore Dreen had asked Callast, a strategic genius, to come to the Basera for a strategy session.

  “How many will we have?”

  “Fourteen hundred,” replied Callast. “We took many of them from the breaker yards. We repaired their hyperdrives and sublight drives, and have loaded them with water. They will be computer-controlled with no living crewmember.”

  “How close can we jump them to the Vorn fleet?”

  “Two hundred kilometers,” replied Callast. “Any closer and the mass of the Vorn ships will disrupt the cargo ships’ drive systems. They’re not warships.”

  Commodore Dreen nodded. They had raided the breaker yards in every Lakiam system for old and outdated cargo ships about to be broken apart and sold as junk.

  Captain Callast walked around the holographic image, studying it. “So far no Vorn ships are in Lakiam or Andock space.”

  “The Vorn may be lulling us into believing that, after their last defeat, they have gone on to easier harvesting grounds,” suggested Alborg.

  Callast paused as he shifted his attention to Alborg. “I believe you’re right. They can’t know that we now have the means to track their hyperdrives.”

  “Their sublight drives as well,” added Commodore Dreen. “We will have better tracking data in the next battle.”

  Callast stepped up to the hologram and made an adjustment, showing only the fourteen planets of the Lakiam System. “The Vorn may try to sneak some of their ships into our system before the main attack.”

  “The same as they did when they attacked the Bascoms’ home worlds of Debent and Glasht,” replied Fleet Commodore Dreen. “We know how that turned out.”

  “It won’t work this time because we can detect them,” said Callast. “We can use that to our advantage.”

  “Continue,” said Dreen.

  “Most likely the Destroyers of Worlds will bring their main fleet into the outer system to draw our attention,” Callast said, still studying the hologram. “When we respond to their initial appearance, the ships they think we can’t detect will move in and strike us at our most vulnerable moment. Probably as soon as we engage the Vorn main fleet.”

  “As I would do,” said Alborg. “How can we disrupt it?”

  Fleet Commodore Dreen gazed thoughtfully at the tactical hologram. “Most likely the Vorn will send in one or two smaller fleets. We could use the cargo ships against them. The cargo ships would stand a better chance of success against smaller numbers of the black ships.” Dreen was concerned that, if they used the cargo ships against the Vorn main fleet, the cargo ships would be destroyed before they could inflict any damage.

  “We would have even a better chance of success if we could drop them from hyperspace behind the Vorn fleet or fleets,” Callast pointed out. “By the time they can turn to bring to bear their beam weapons and black spheres, the cargo ships will already be ramming.”

  Commodore Dreen nodded his approval. “Captain Callast, put a plan together, assuming that one or two smaller Vorn fleets sneak into the system. We’ll plan on using the cargo ships and part of our fleet to annihilate them.”

  “Yes, sir,” replied Callast. “I’ll work on it as soon as I return to my ship.”


  For the next several hours they continued to discuss strategy. Other ship captains were summoned to offer their opinions. When they finally finished, they agreed to meet every day to refine their defensive strategy for the Lakiam home system. When the Destroyers of Worlds came, the Lakiams would be ready.


  Prince Brollen gazed at the helpless planet his fleet rapidly approached. He had decided to harvest a number of worlds on the way to their primary target. It would give the massive fleet time to practice battle maneuvers, as well as for Military Commander Fraymot to become used to handling so many warships. Military Commander Vasterus, in command of the battleships, had agreed to allow Fraymot to command the fleet since he had experience in battle.

  No defense grid protects the planet, reported Military Commander Fraymot. A small fleet moves away from the planet toward us. The ships are only lightly armed and most likely some type of automated drone.

  Prince Brollen studied the tactical display showing seventeen red threat icons nearing his fleet. Destroy them, and let’s begin the harvest. He had twenty motherships with his fleet, and the harvesting of this planet could be done very quickly.


  In space, the seventeen small warships closed rapidly with the advancing Vorn armada. The ships were automated patrol ships which the planet used to keep the Profiteers at bay. They possessed six energy projectors and two force beams but only four missile tubes. The vessels were incapable of hyperspace travel, being built solely for system defense.

bsp; From the Vorn fleet, black antimatter beams flicked out, annihilating all seventeen vessels in seconds. Where the vessels had been moments before, only small clouds of debris remained. Without pausing, the Vorn fleet continued on their course and soon arrived at the planet. The fleet quickly encircled the planet as the motherships settled into a lower orbit to begin the harvest.

  Frantic pleas came from the planet for the Vorn to spare them. All were ignored. A few cargo ships and passenger ships rose from the surface, seeking to escape. Vorn black antimatter beams ripped them apart, raining their shattered wrecks upon the planet.

  From each mothership black beams swept down to move across the planet in a methodical pattern, ensuring no part of the planet was spared. In less than twenty minutes the three hundred million inhabitants were converted into food pellets for the Vorn.

  The harvest is complete, reported Military Commander Fraymot.

  Bombard the planet with nuclear missiles, ordered Prince Brollen.

  From hundreds of Vorn cruisers, small nuclear-tipped missiles fell toward the planet. As the missiles struck, mushroom-shaped clouds rose above the surface, throwing debris, ash, and pollutants high into the air. Every visage of the Enlightened World civilization that once existed on the planet was erased in a matter of minutes.

  Radioactive levels have reached the point where life cannot exist, reported Military Commander Fraymot.

  On the main viewscreens, the planet’s atmosphere darkened, and soon the rays of the sun would be blocked. The planet would undergo a long nuclear winter, and, even when the dust and ash cleared, the surface would be too radioactive for life to exist.

  Take us to our next target, ordered Prince Brollen, more than satisfied with what they had done. He intended to hit at least three more targets and then proceed to the homeworld where the food species resided that possessed the dark matter missiles. That planet too would become a nuclear wasteland.


  Fleet Commodore Dreen read the reports coming in from several Enlightened World civilizations. The Vorn were on the move—only, this time, they were nuking planets into oblivion.

  “They are coming here,” said Captain Callast as they studied a hologram of the galaxy, showing the location of the destroyed worlds. “We have vague reports of a massive Vorn fleet, consisting of thousands of vessels, harvesting and then laying waste to the planets afterward. I would say they’re practicing how to wield such a large fleet in battle. Once they’re satisfied they’re ready, they’ll attack Lakiam.”

  “I agree,” said Alborg. “The worlds they’ve attacked are almost on a direct line toward Lakiam. I would estimate we have five, maybe six days before they arrive.”

  Commodore Dreen drew in a deep breath. They had suspected the Destroyers of Worlds were coming to Lakiam; now they knew for certain. “I’ll send messages to our allies of the suspected attack.”

  “We haven’t yet determined the ship types in the Vorn fleet,” added Alborg. “All the reports we’ve received just say it’s massive and can’t be stopped. Hundreds of worlds in its path are being evacuated. Unfortunately many inhabitants are being left behind since there’s not enough lift capacity to move so many inhabitants.”

  “More inhabitants will die in the panic of the evacuations than in the Vorn harvesting of a few more worlds,” predicted Callast.

  “But you can’t blame them,” replied Commodore Dreen. “No one wants to become food for the Vorn.”

  “We’re as ready as we’ll ever be,” said Alborg as he adjusted the hologram to show the Lakiam System and the three primary inhabited worlds. “The defensive grids above all our planets have been augmented with additional energy beam satellites as well as the new missile platforms.”

  The new missile platforms had been Alborg’s idea. Each platform held sixteen hyperspace dark matter missiles. Six hundred such platforms were in orbit around Lakiam. They could be controlled by either of the two Command and Control Stations in orbit.

  “The last of the cargo ships will be ready in two more days,” reported Captain Callast. “We’ll place them near the sun, and they’ll be powered down so the Vorn can’t detect them.”

  Fleet Commodore Dreen nodded. “Very well, let’s discuss our ship deployments and make sure all our warships are ready.” Dreen changed the holographic display to show the Lakiam System and the current locations of all Lakiam fleet units. At the moment they were scattered across the system in small formations.

  “I propose we have three separate fleets,” said Captain Callast. “Two small ones and then our main fleet. The two small fleets can be used to hit the Vorn’s flanks or to defend against a second or third fleet if necessary.”

  For the next four hours the three went over in detail where every ship was to be deployed as well as the inbound fleets of their allies. Several times they paused to consult other fleet officers. In the end, they had a plan that offered the best hope to stop the Destroyers of Worlds. However, they were well aware that even the best of plans could go horribly wrong in the heat of battle.


  Prince Brollen watched as his fleet neared its next objective. After careful consideration, he had decided to harvest a planet protected by a major Protector World. It would be a test for Military Commander Fraymot as it would involve a major fleet battle as well as the taking out of a large and powerful orbital defense grid.

  Dropping from hyperspace, reported the Vorn at the hyperspace console. Twelve million kilometers from target.

  The nearby tactical display updated, showing the star system and its seven planets. Planet number five was inhabited, and, around it, a myriad of red threat icons appeared.

  Detecting 43 defensive platforms, reported the Vorn at the sensors. Also 396 warships.

  It is as we expected, sent Military Commander Fraymot. This food species is well-protected.

  There are habitat domes on two of the inner planets, added the Vorn at the sensors. Detecting several large orbital habitats above the target planet as well as a very large shipyard.

  Take us in, ordered Prince Brollen, his twin antenna standing erect.

  His triangular-shaped head moved toward the viewscreens, which showed some of the ships of his fleet, including a pair of the twelve-hundred-meter-long Vorn battleships. He had 3,400 of the spindle-shaped cruisers in the fleet with another 1,700 waiting at an assembly point closer to the primary target.

  The fleet quickly accelerated and headed toward the planet and its defending fleet, which was rapidly forming up to meet the oncoming Vorn.


  High Commander Arbale stared in consternation at the massive Destroyers of Worlds’ fleet that had exited hyperspace and was now accelerating toward Drasni Five. “How many ships?”

  “Nearly 4,500,” gasped the sensor operator with fear in his eyes. “For some reason the black ships have allowed detection of their fleet. Whatever they normally use to prevent scans of their vessels is turned off. And, from my review of previous reports of attacks by the Destroyers of Worlds, a new warship type is in the approaching fleet. Our scans indicate it is 1,200 meters long, and the power readings are off the scale. The sensors are also picking up twenty motherships.”

  “Why allow us to detect their fleet?” asked the second officer, confused. “They haven’t in past attacks.”

  “They want us to know what’s coming,” Arbale said with a deep frown. “They wish to intimidate us.”

  “Well, it’s working,” commented the sensor operator.

  High Commander Arbale spent a long moment studying the tactical display. His fleet was equipped with one-hundred-megaton antimatter missiles. He knew from earlier reports the amount of firepower needed to bring down the shields of a black cruiser. These larger vessels were another matter entirely.

  “Stop the fleet. We’ll engage the Destroyers of Worlds here.”

  “We’re one hundred thousand kilometers from Drasni Five. The defensive platforms won’t be able to support us,” pointed out his second in com

  Arbale turned to look at his second officer. “We will stay here, fire two full waves of our missiles, and then withdraw to the grid. Once there, we will form up around the Command and Control Station and the shipyard. Perhaps, if we inflict enough damage, the Destroyers of Worlds will withdraw.”

  “Only the Lakiams and the Andocks have defeated the Destroyers of Worlds,” commented the second officer tensely. “Perhaps it would be a wiser option to withdraw and save our fleet.”

  “It is our duty to protect the Enlightened Worlds,” said Arbale with a hint of anger in his voice.

  “Other Protector World fleets have left to live another day, to report on the black ships,” his second in command argued.

  “How can we ever hope to achieve Enlightenment if we fail to follow through with our sworn duties?”

  “What good is Enlightenment if the black ships kill all the Enlightened people and those who protect them?” The second in command now stood to face his commander.

  Commander Arbale stepped closer to his second in command, yet spoke louder. “We will not run like so many other Protector Worlds, leaving planets defenseless. We will stand and fight, and, if we are destined to join our ancestors today, then we shall.”

  The crew in the Command Center shared surreptitious glances and frowns.

  “Enemy is closing in. Contact in twelve minutes,” reported the sensor operator. “The motherships are in the center of their fleet. Those bigger vessels are scattered throughout the formation.”

  High Commander Arbale pressed a comm button on his control console. “All ships, stand by to fire. We will fire two full waves of antimatter missiles and then withdraw to the defense grid. Concentrate your fire on one area of an enemy ship’s shield. Battlecruisers are to work in pairs, and, just maybe, we can bring down a few of their shields.”


  In space, the two fleets rapidly closed. The defending fleet had formed up into a pyramid-shaped formation with the apex forward. The Vorn fleet formation was a huge globe with the motherships safely in the center. As the two fleets entered engagement range, the first wave of missiles left the defending ships.


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