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Better Together

Page 7

by Nicola May

  ‘She’s getting old, Dad, but she’s just fine.’ Jess laughed. Her dad’s partner Maria smiled at her, she had come as the Queen in a powder blue suit with matching handbag. ‘Your Majesty.’ Jess said curtsying. ‘Champagne?’

  Phoebe and Glen were the next to arrive as Fred and Wilma Flintstone, hilariously followed by Georgina and Annabel as Bambam and Pebbles. Emma and Mark, expertly made up as Ozzie and Sharon Osbourne, bowled over to Jess with a large, perfectly wrapped present. ‘Happy Birthday, darling friend.’ Em piped up.

  ‘Pins still looking good, you old bird.’ Mark laughed.

  ‘Of course! It’ll be your turn next, so watch it!’ Jess winked. ‘Put the pressies over in the corner, that’s cool. I expect a fully laden table later, of course.’ Jess joked.

  Emma took Jess to one side. ‘How you doing?’ she asked gently.

  ‘You know me, brave face and all that but I am so not going to let him spoil my night,’ Jess said defiantly.

  ‘Good girl, now get on this dance floor and do the Jingo with me!’ Emma enthused.

  The party was in full swing when the Lemon Events mob arrived. Sam, the handsome MD, was the first to greet her, looking extremely sexy as James Bond. ‘Wonder Woman eh? I wouldn’t have expected anything less.’ He handed her a bottle of Christal Champagne and kissed her on both cheeks.

  ‘Wow, thanks, Sam. That’ll be my hair of the dog for tomorrow then.’ The party was in full swing when all of a sudden the music stopped and then restarted shakily with ’Waltzing Matilda’. Jess thought the DJ had now gone completely mad, until out of the corner of her eye, walking across the dance floor towards her she saw him. Adorned in an Australian cork hat was none other than her brother. ‘Karl, I cannot believe it.’ She squealed.

  ‘Couldn’t miss big sis’s fortieth for the world,’ he said in an Aussie accent.

  ‘You have really made my day, what a lovely surprise. You back for good now?’

  ‘Nah, just going get some more money together, then go back to the Gold Coast. Have found myself a cute little Sheila actually.’

  ‘That’s my boy. Now, come on, let’s get you a drink.’ Jess led him to the bar.

  Midnight came all too quickly and the revellers made their way home with noisy goodbyes.

  ‘Lunch tomorrow, sis?’ Karl shouted back through the door.

  ‘Yeah great. Call me – but not too early.’

  Hope and Chris were the last at the bar, as Ken Dodd packed up to leave. ‘Are you going to share our taxi?’ Hope slurred. Sam appeared from the toilet. ‘Share one with me, Jess, I’ll help you pack up all your presents.’

  ‘Oh, that’s really sweet of you, Sam, thanks.’

  ‘Well we’re off, hon, our taxi’s here. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.’ Hope winked. She had had her eye on Sam all night. ‘Byee.’ She stumbled out of the door and Chris picked up her shoe which had gone flying across the pavement. He waved back at Jess.

  ‘Look after her.’ Jess shouted. Chris blew her a kiss.

  ‘One for the road, Wonder Woman?’ Sam enquired once Hope and Chris were on their way. Jess hiccupped, she really was quite drunk. ‘It would be rude not to, Mr Beresford. Large amaretto with ice please.’

  ‘What a fun night and what a lovely family you have.’ He stated.

  ‘Your mother was hilarious as the Queen.’

  ‘She’s not my mother.’ Jess intercepted. She had always worked hard at her relationship with Maria, but knew she would never take the place of her beautiful mum and suddenly felt sad.

  Jess looked at Sam, he was around forty-five she thought, and still very good-looking. His salt and pepper hair complimented his deep blue eyes and his crinkly laughter lines accentuated his big character. He had established Lemon Events fifteen years ago, and it had been a resounding success story.

  ‘Happy?’ Sam suddenly enquired.

  It wasn’t until that moment that Jess realised she wasn’t happy and all of a sudden started to cry. ‘Shit, sorry, Jess.’ Sam panicked.

  ‘It’s OK, I’m just drunk.’ Jess sniffled. Even though her lack of sobriety was evident, Jess knew that she couldn’t confide in Sam, re one of his employees. She and Dan had agreed that they would keep what they had together quiet as her working relationship with Lemon Events was so strong, and she didn’t want it to affect her business in any way.

  Sam pulled his chair in closer and gently wiped a tear from her cheek. ‘Want to talk about it?’ Sam asked. He was wise man. He had known Jess a long time and knew she wouldn’t just cry for any reason, especially after she’d had such a seemingly good night.

  ‘Just man troubles, but it’s done with now,’ Jess said bravely. She looked directly at Sam, he looked so strong, caring, and kind that she wanted him to put his arms around her and tell her everything was going to be alright.

  ‘Do you mind if we leave now? I don’t think I should drink anymore.’

  ‘Of course not, let me get the barman to ring us a cab.’

  The taxi rounded a bend and Jess fell into Sam’s lap. ‘Whoa there honey.’ He said laughing, gently lifting her upright. They arrived outside her house and Sam dutifully carried all her presents inside.

  ‘Coffee?’ Jess offered.

  ‘No, you’re alright, Jess, you get to bed.’ He leaned forward to kiss her on the cheek. Just as he did so Jess purposely turned her face and her lips landed right on his. She began to kiss him fast and furiously. Sam reciprocated and then suddenly pulled away. ‘Look, Jess, I’m not sure if this is a good idea. You’re really drunk. As much as I’d love to do it again I…’ Jess now in full harlot mode grabbed him and kissed him again, long and hard. Sam although lost in the moment, regained his senses. His working relationship with her was far too important and his clients adored her. No, as much as he fancied her, he couldn’t upset Jessica Morley and lose any valuable company money. He pulled away gently and kissed her on the forehead. ‘Hey, tired girl, the taxi’s waiting for me outside, I’d better go.’

  Chapter Six

  Wonder Woman woke up with a banging hangover. She was lying on the top of her bed, still fully dressed complete with thigh-length gold boots. Half asleep, she pulled her clothes off and got into bed. She turned to her right and cuddled her pillow imagining it was Dan. She hadn’t really allowed herself to think about Friday lunchtime and the finality of it all. She was amazed at how quickly he could end something so good. That’s what really annoyed her about the whole situation. He still had strong feelings for her, yet he had let his twenty-four-year-old head rule his heart. How bloody mature. Why couldn’t he be like a normal twenty-something? Why did he have to be so sensible? In questioning this Jess realised why they did get on so well. In essence, he was actually more mature than her. She fell back into a fitful sleep, dreaming about all the characters who’d come to her party. It wasn’t until she woke up a second time, the sudden realisation of what she’d done the night before hit her. ‘Oh no,’ she groaned. ‘Oh, shit, how bloody embarrassing.’ She continued out loud and then began to sob uncontrollably. Thank God she hadn’t taken things further with Sam. If he hadn’t been such a gentleman, she reckoned she would have lured him to the bedroom and whipped him to within an inch of his life with her Lasso of Truth.

  With such a bad hangover she couldn’t seem to see reason and began to question whether she did love Dan at all. If she did, surely she wouldn’t even have considered sleeping with Sam? She pushed these thoughts to the back of her head. After all, she had only given Sam a drunken snog. She was being silly. She knew deep down she was in love with Dan; the pain in her heart confirmed that.

  Monday morning came, Jess switched on her laptop. She had ignored Dan’s calls all weekend. He came on to instant messenger as soon as she logged in.

  Dan says :

  ‘Hey, Mrs Robinson, how was the party?’

  Jess says:

  ‘Really good thanks.’

  Dan says :

  ‘Yeah, Sam said it was great fun.’
/>   Jess says :

  ‘Oh right. Good, glad he enjoyed it.’

  She cringed slightly and wanted to end the conversation.

  Jess says:

  ‘Dan, I know you wanna be friends but give me some time eh? Bye.’

  Dan says:

  ‘Oh er, OK. Take care – bfn Jess xx.’

  A week came and went. Jess missed Dan from the bottom of her heart. Even though it was her who had told him to keep away, every morning she hoped he’d call. When he didn’t, she literally pined for him. She found herself listening to Heart FM nearly all day long just so she could cry openly without excuse.

  She was sitting alone on Saturday night watching some low rate movie, when she couldn’t stand it any longer. She had to talk to him.

  ‘Jess, Jess, is that really you?’ Jess could barely hear him for the loud music in background.

  ‘Hang on a minute, I’ll go outside and call you right back, Mrs Robinson.’ Dan said with relief. ‘Shit, I’ve missed you.’ Jess curled into herself on the sofa, just hearing his voice made her feel happy again. ‘Are you drunk, Dan?’ She asked, not caring at all if he was or not. ‘I’ve had a couple. I’m in Reading, come and pick me up. Go on, you know you want to?’ Charmed and without hesitation, Jess smartened up her hair and face, sprayed some perfume on her wrists and jumped in her car. I must be bloody mad she thought to herself. Here she was a forty-year-old woman, driving to Reading at 11 p.m. to pick up a young man, who didn’t know what he really wanted from life, from a night out with the lads.

  She saw him before he saw her, he was sitting in a bus stop kicking his legs backwards and forwards like a small boy and she smiled. She loved him with such intensity, that she knew there and then she would do anything to be with him.

  ‘I’m staying in the spare room,’ he announced on arrival at Morley Mansions.

  ‘I’ve heard that one before.’ Jess laughed. Dan pulled Jess towards him. ‘I can’t do this without you, Jess.’ He kissed her tenderly. ‘I’ve missed you more than I’ve missed anyone before. It’s been hell.’ Jess kissed him back.

  ‘Let’s talk in the morning, eh?’


  ‘Yes, Daniel.’ She replied in her school ma’am voice.

  ‘I think you’re grand.’ He smiled his big open smile at her.

  Dan made love to her with such tenderness that night, it made her cry.

  ‘Jessy, are you OK?’ he said with concern as they contentedly lay like spoons.

  ‘I’m more than OK, baby boy. See you in the morning.’ She kissed his back gently and fell into the most peaceful sleep she’d had for a long time.

  Chapter Seven

  Dan got up early. He kissed the still sleeping Jess on the cheek and left her a note on her pillow.

  Kingfisher Marina, Thorpe. Gate code: 1585. Boat is called ‘Making Waves’. Map open on coffee table with directions. See you at 12

  Miss you D x

  Jess woke up late. She looked over and noticed that Dan had gone. She couldn’t believe she’d missed him and was relieved to see his note. He sorted the move out quickly, she thought. She loved his presumptuousness in thinking she’d be free at twelve and then laughed, as he would have known she’d have changed her plans just to be with him today.

  Dan waved heartily as she approached the boat and offered a hand to help her get on. He seemed proud as punch, as he showed her round. He had set out the lounge area with his computer and sound system, and there was a seating area easily big enough for four.

  ‘This is really cool, Dan. Err, not sure about going on a chemical toilet.’ Jess turned her nose up.

  Dan laughed. ‘God you’re a posh cow, there’s a toilet and shower block in the car park so you don’t have to.’

  ‘It’s much bigger than I thought too,’ Jess said as she took in her surroundings . ‘Let’s have a look at the bedroom then?’ Jess noticed the door to the end of the boat was closed. Dan put his fingers to his lips to shush her. There’s a special little girl in there having a nap, you can meet her in a minute. Jess smiled inside. At last she was going to meet Evie.

  They climbed up to the top deck where Dan had placed a table and chairs. There was a bottle of wine chilling in a cooler. He laid out packet sandwiches and crisps. ‘I know it’s a bit cold to be sitting up here today, but I wanted to give you a feel of true boat life.’ He laughed.

  ‘I love days like these,’ Jess exclaimed. ‘Crisp and sunny. And just look at all those lovely swans.’ She lay back in her seat and took a sip of wine.

  ‘I’m glad we’re cool again Jess,’ Dan said softly.

  They sat in silence looking at the water for a moment until Jess piped up. ‘So why the change of heart?’ Dan sighed and continued.

  ‘I guess I realised how much I missed you…’ He hesitated. ‘Look, Jess, I can’t promise you the world but you’re right. What we’ve got is special, and it does seem stupid to not go with it. I will be totally honest with you though, I don’t want to ever get married, or have any more kids in the near future.’ Jess didn’t want to think about what he’d said too deeply. All she knew was that she was so happy to be back with the man that she loved. ‘Jess, did you hear me? I’m being honest with you.’

  ‘I know you are, Dan, and I value your honesty a lot. It is a tricky one, but I love you. At the moment, that’s all that matters to me. You can never tell what’s around the corner. Throughout my life, all I’ve ever done is held my nose and jumped, and I always seemed to have landed in the right place.’

  Dan laughed. His free-spirited lover was back right with him and he was glad. Suddenly he leapt up. ‘She’s awake, stay here until I call you. She’ll be grumpy for a couple of minutes while she fully wakes up.’

  Jess could hear Dan talking to Evie. Seeing him as a father was really quite alien to her, but he sounded so sweet and reassuring that it made her love him even more. Jess made her way down to the lounge area. Evie was a pretty little thing, her white, blonde hair curled up at her collar, and her big blue knowing eyes looked Jess up and down. Jess didn’t think she bore any resemblance to Dan, but guessed at three years-old, she probably wouldn’t.

  ‘Evie say hello to Jessica,’ Dan urged. The little girl ran behind her daddy’s legs and hid.

  ‘No,’ she said abruptly.

  ‘Then you won’t be wanting any sweeties from my handbag then will you?’

  Evie poked her head around from behind Dan’s legs. ‘Hello Jesska.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you, Evie. I love your Barbie jumper.’

  ‘Right, Evie, we are going upstairs to have some lunch now,’ Dan told his daughter.

  Jess pulled the life jacket out of a carrier bag. ‘I thought she might need this.’ She hoped Dan wouldn’t think she was interfering. He smiled at Jess. ‘You are the most thoughtful person I’ve ever met.’ He kissed her on the cheek and Evie started to cry.

  ‘No, Jesska, that’s my daddy.’ This is going to be fun thought Jess, as she bit into a chicken sandwich.

  Chapter Eight

  A month passed and Dan and Jess were inseparable. Evie was part and parcel of the package now, and whenever Dan had her at weekends they would all be together. Evie had still not slept at Jess’s yet because Dan thought it was too soon. So the two of them would wave goodbye and go and stay back on the boat and then in the morning they would call Jess as soon as they woke up for her to join them. Jess loved staying on the boat when they were alone together. She thought it was like being on holiday. Dan’s bedroom looked right out on to the water. It was so peaceful, with the sound of ducks quacking and the comforting whirring of other boats going past.

  Evie had had her moments, but in general she was a good-natured little girl and Jess loved having her around. She sometimes ached at the fact that she could have had a little brother or sister for her but then talked to herself harshly saying that she had definitely made the right decision. They were a family now.

  Work was busy. Jess had had a meeting with Sam
, where she blushed to the tip of her roots and apologised for trying to drunkenly seduce him. Sam had just smiled his crinkly smile and said, ‘Seize the carp, Jessy Morley. You’re only human!’ AG Technology had been so pleased with a recent product launch that she had arranged that they had sent her a bonus cheque for £1000. She certainly was seizing the day and loving every minute of it.

  Chapter Ten

  Alex felt sick with nerves. Tonight she was going to perform her first stand up as Ali Meadows, comedienne. Since she had split up with Dan, she had got her life together. She had got a new job working as an Account Manager at a local PR company and had recently met Rob at a comedy workshop. Dickhead had upped his maintenance payments and Evie had settled well in to a local nursery.

  Dan’s confession about seeing Jess had rocked her slightly but meeting Rob had now taken the edge off this, and her relationship with Dan had improved considerably. In fact they were good friends now.

  Alex walked purposely into the Windsor and Eton Suite. The booking agent had just told her to ask for Jessica when she got there. Material-wise she was definitely ready. She had attended multiple workshops, and had rehearsed tonight’s routine over and over to her audience of Rob, Sal and her new girlfriend, Claire – and of course Evie.

  ‘Ali. Hi, thanks for getting here early,’ Jess said in a friendly manner.

  ‘No worries, I like to make sure I know what’s what before a gig,’ Ali blagged, as if she was a complete pro. Jess continued. ‘Here’s a running order of tonight’s proceedings, you can be as blue as you like, as it’s all men.’

  ‘Thought as much. I’ve been rehearsing in front of my daughter, so have had to put a few bleeps in.’ Alex smiled.

  ‘That’s sweet, how old is she?’ Jess enquired.

  ‘She’s three.’

  A man on the stage put this thumb up to Jess. ‘Right, Ali, sound is up, so if you want to go and do a check, Harry over there will mike you up.’

  ‘Cool, thanks.’ Alex jumped down from the stage. Her mobile rang.


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