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Jordan's Redemption: Bad Boy Mafia Dark Romance book (The Generals' Sons 2)

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by Veronica Cane

  "I don’t want to talk about it." She snapped, looking around. "Besides, there's no use, right? They're dead."

  Jordan considered insisting, but he could tell it wasn’t an easy topic for her, and that maybe insisting right now wouldn’t be a good idea. "We'll head back to Caracas as soon as we get to Miami. We will only stop there to change planes." He informed her instead.

  She stayed silent for a few moments. "Last time we talked, you said we had to talk. Maybe this is the appropriate moment." She finally broke the silence, looking at him.

  "Before we get to that, I want to apologize, nena, for all I made you go through during the past days." He said, his eyes locked on her.

  "You've turned my life into a living hell, Jordan. You refused to listen to me, not even giving me an opportunity to tell you my side of the story, and you even made me believe you had ordered my mother's death out of what I supposedly had done." She summarized, in a bitter tone. "What am I supposed to do? Forgive and forget? And why do you bother in apologizing, Jordan? It's not like you're going to let me go free. After all, I'm doomed to be your fucking toy."

  "Ashley…" he frowned.

  "What? Is any of it a lie? I don’t think so." She shouted. "Why did you even bother getting me from Ivan? Sooner or later you'll be ditching me. Then what? What will become of me? What will you do with me?" There was a hard shine in her eyes, that worried Jordan. He had never seen her like this, nor heard her.

  He stayed silent for a few moments, looking for the right words, not ready yet to admit how much he needed her. "That won't happen anytime soon, so I don’t see a reason to discuss this right now." He answered, in a cold tone, a slight frown adorning his forehead.

  "It never is." She sighed.

  He grabbed her in his arms and kissed her, taking possession of her mouth, making her his. "You're mine, and I'm not ready to let you go." He whispered, between kisses, taking her to the back of the plane, to a small door, that he opened, pushing her inside. It was a small bedroom, and soon, he had her over the bed, driving her insane with his kisses, their old magic kicking in, and soon, he was naked and they were wrapped in each other's bodies, everything else forgotten or postponed.

  He pulled her dress over her head, unclasped her bra, and his hands cuddled her breasts immediately, kneading them, satisfying the craving need he had been feeling ever since he had lost her. His mouth trailed down her neck and chest, and met his hands at her breasts, adding kisses, licks and sucks, thrilling on the way she squirmed under his touch, relishing in her sweet taste.

  Soon the need was too strong, and he moved down, eager to taste the proof of her desire. He grabbed her legs, up at the knees, spreading her, exposing her drenched pussy, grazing her inner thighs, on his way down to her center, making her shudder. His mouth finally reached her eager folds, depositing kisses of fire all over, interspersing them with nibbles and sucks, circling her aching knob, but not really reaching it, driving her just a little bit more insane.

  Chapter 16

  Ashley moaned out loud when his lips finally touched her throbbing pussy, her back arching in sheer need for his touch. It always amazed her just how fast he was able to wrap her around his spell, just how fast he was able to make her a simple trembling mass of desire and need. Even if she hated to admit it she had missed him so much, his touch, the warmth of his skin, his smell… all of him. She needed him to live. Without him, she simply survived.

  Her hands flew to his head, pushing him closer to her, needing him more than anything else. And he didn’t make her wait too long, soon he was tucking himself between her legs, his hard cock making way inside her, thrusting hard and deep, dragging her along with him into a universe made of pleasure and bliss, as they came hard, grunting and moaning, panting hard and hearts drumming inside their chests.

  "God, I missed you so much, nena." He whispered, his head buried in the crook of her neck, his body still a part of hers.

  She sighed but kept silence. She couldn’t let him hurt her again. She couldn’t afford it.

  He nuzzled her, and kissed her sweetly, before looking at his wrist watch.

  "We need to get up. We'll be landing in Miami in no time." He said, grunting displeased.

  She smiled and untangled from his body, walking to a bathroom in the corner of the cabin. She cleaned herself up, wishing she could bathe before she returned to the bedroom and put her clothes back on. They were leaving the room when the sign to put on their seat belts came on. They took their seats and soon they were landing in Miami.

  Outside the plane, Marcus, Wilson, and a few more men were waiting for them. "Welcome back, Ashley." Marcus greeted her, after greeting Jordan.

  "Now I have a name?" she asked with scorn. "When did I become a person, instead of an object?"

  Marcus looked at her and grinned. "Touché, I deserve that. But you must understand that friends are always first for me, even when they make mistakes."

  "Lucky friends you have." She snorted.

  "Maybe, one day you'll be on my list."

  She stared at him surprised but decided not to comment on that. She was busy now staring at Wilson. For the first time, ever since they had met, his eyes didn’t show despise or anger against her. He even looked regretful.

  He looked at Jordan and he nodded. "Miss Ashley, I want to apologize for putting you through this ordeal, and not letting you talk when I found you back in San Carlos." He said, and she wasn’t able to find in his tone any hint that he didn’t mean every single word he had pronounced.

  "What is this? Did I die and I haven’t realized?" she said, feeling awkward, not knowing how to react to these shows of warmth.

  Jordan hugged her from behind, pulling her close to his chest. "You're pretty much alive, nena, and this is just what you deserve. We all acted wrongfully with you, and it's only fair we admit it."

  Having a hard time believing it to be true, she simply nodded. All she wanted was to get out of there. She needed to see her mother as soon as possible.

  The men said goodbye and soon they were boarding Jordan's plane. This time, Wilson was with them, and Jordan invited her to sleep a little while he discussed a few things with his man. Even knowing she wouldn’t be able to sleep, she leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. It had been a hell of a day. No, it had been a hell of a week, and she just wanted to close her eyes and forget the whole world, just for a few hours.

  Amazingly, she did sleep. For some reason, she felt safe, and her body relaxed and gave in to sleep completely.

  She only woke up when she felt Jordan's lips over hers, kissing her sweetly. "Hey, sleeping beauty, we're about to land." He whispered, kissing her again.

  "Hi…" she stretched and smiled, sitting up. He raised her seat and helped her buckle up her belt, before doing the same for himself. In only a few minutes they were landing at the airport in La Guaira.

  The SUV was already there with Garcia at the wheel. He too had a funny look on his face when he saw her, but she avoided him. She wasn’t up for more excuses. It was late in the night and despite having slept she still felt tired. And, yes, stressed. Not sure what would happen when they got to his house.

  She took a seat next to Jordan in the back and leaned her head back, closing her eyes. Gently, he pulled her closer to him, making her lean against him, and she let him. Right now she needed to feel him close to her, even if it was only a mirage.

  They arrived at his house and after saying goodnight to everyone he dragged her to his bedroom, assailing her passionately as soon as the door slammed behind them.

  They spent the night making up for all those days they had been apart, only sleeping when the sun was starting to show its first lights on the horizon.

  When Ashley woke up, the sun was high in the sky again, but Jordan was still lying next to her. Slowly, she slid out of bed and went to the shower, needing a moment alone, to gather up all her strength for what might come.

  When she returned to the room, he wasn’t in bed anymore, but in
the dressing room, putting on some clothes. Obviously, he had showered in the other bathroom.

  "Hey, nena, did you sleep well?" he asked with a faint smile.

  "Yes, thank you."

  "Why don’t you get some clothes on? We can grab something to eat before I take you to visit your mother." He suggested.

  She nodded, feeling a bit anxious, still having trouble believing her mother was really alive.

  "What does my mother know about all this?" she asked, as she picked up a shirt and some jeans from her clothes.

  "Nothing. I used your cell phone to send her frequent text messages, and keep her happy." He admitted with a self-deprecating smile.

  She looked at him surprised, barely holding back her wish of holding him tight, thankful. Instead, she just murmured: "Thank you."

  They had a quick brunch and soon after that, he drove her to her mother's place. It felt so good to hold her mother in her arms again, that she had to struggle with the tears welling up in her eyes.

  "Hijita, I've missed you so much. You look so beautiful, but you're getting too thin." She scolded her, with her motherly love.

  She invited them into the small, beautiful house where she was living now, and Ashley was happy to see that her mother looked so happy.

  They spent some time there with her, before they returned to the house. Ashley knew they had to talk, that they had to set the basis for their future together, and she didn’t know if she was ready for that. But, postponing it wasn’t the solution either. She needed to know what he wanted from her, and what would become of her when he stopped wanting.

  "I need to go meet my father and General Marquez, so Garcia will drop me off there before he takes you back home." He announced, his face showing a dark expression.

  "This isn’t going to be easy for you, I'm sure." She murmured.

  "No, it won't, but I'll have to face my godfather sooner or later. There isn’t much I can do." He answered, with a tired sigh.

  The SUV stopped in front of a huge mansion, only a few blocks away from where her mother was living. He turned to look at her and grabbing her head, he stole a passionate kiss from her lips. "I'll see you back at home." He said against her lips, kissing her once more, before he hopped out of the car. Wilson stayed with him.

  Once in the house, she wandered through the gardens for a while, enjoying the warmth of the sun and its light. She had been in the dark too much time.

  "Señorita Ashley." A fearful voice interrupted her thoughts and she turned to look at Maria, nearby, obviously nervous, twisting her hands.

  "Maria, I hadn’t seen you there." Ashley smiled.

  "I… I wanted to apologize, señorita Ashley. I feel part of this was my fault." The maid managed to utter.

  "Your fault? How could any of it be your fault?" Ashley asked surprised.

  "I don’t know, señorita, maybe I should have insisted on you calling your mother first…" the other woman, was really anguished.

  Ashley closed the distance between them and hugged the other woman. "It wasn’t your fault. You tried to stop me. And besides, there's no use crying over things we can't change."

  "Thank you, señorita." She wiped the tear that had escaped her eye and smiled. "Can I get you something to drink or eat?"

  "No, I'm alright thank you. I think I'll just have a bubble bath, that will help me relax, I'm sure." Ashley said.

  "I'll bring you a fruit juice. You'll enjoy it."

  "Thank you, Maria." Smiling, she headed to the terrace where the jacuzzi was, using the small changing room, she put on one of her bikinis. Soon she was immersed in the warm water, relishing in the water pressure.

  Maria brought her the juice and some delicious cookies and she just stayed there, soaking. She was about to leave, when she heard noises. She opened her eyes and saw Jordan entering the jacuzzi.

  Chapter 17

  He entered his parent's house and his mother greeted him. "Hijo, how are you? Have you recovered from your wound?" She asked, hugging him and kissing his cheek.

  "Hi, mom. Who told you about my wound?" he asked frowning.

  "Wilson, of course. You know I worry for you and you never tell me anything." She said with a teasing smile.

  "I'm fine mom, just fine."

  "Good, I'm very happy for you, but that shade of lipstick doesn’t go with your skin color." Her mother said, wiping the infamous stain from his lips, smiling openly.

  Jordan grinned. "Where's dad?"

  "In his office with Marquez." His mother sighed. "They are waiting for you."

  "See you in awhile mom." Jordan walked down the hall and entered in his father's office.

  It wasn’t an easy conversation, while he explained the events, step by step. "This is what happened. I wished I had been wrong, but I wasn’t." he concluded.

  "We know, son. I just wish the boys hadn’t done any of this. I still have trouble accepting they were capable of betraying our trust this way." General Marquez said, and all of a sudden Jordan saw him old and tired. "But there isn’t much I can do. I hope you're able to catch Jonathan soon. He's vengeful, and he will try to get back at you, so please be careful."

  "I will, padrino," Jordan assured.

  "I want you to take care of my part of the business, son. Do you think you can handle it? Or, is it too much work for you?" General Marquez asked, looking at him.

  "No, I'm sure I can handle it all, padrino," Jordan assured, touched by the trust the old man had in him.

  "Good… well, I better go home, your madrina hasn’t been feeling right with all of this."

  Father and son walked the other man to the door and after talking a few more details over with his father, Jordan headed home, eager to see her again, even though he sensed they would have to face things and that wasn’t always an easy thing to do.

  When he got home, Maria told him she was in the jacuzzi, so he hurried to join her, taking off his clothes on his way. She opened her eyes as he was getting in the water, his cock already hard as a rock.

  "Hi, nena, I thought I would join you." He said, taking a seat next to her and pulling her over, making her seat between his legs. "Did you have a good afternoon?" he asked, nuzzling her neck, holding her tight.

  "Yes, it was fine. How did it go with the generals?" she asked, sighing and resting her head on his chest.

  "Better than I thought. I realized my godfather is getting old, and that realization made me sad." He said, thoughtful.

  "I know what you mean. But, it's the law of life, I guess: people get old and die."

  "Yes, but it still makes me sad." His hands left her waist and went up to cup her breasts, as he started laying kisses all over her shoulder, neck and ears. "You always taste so delicious." He said, sighing.

  Smiling, she turned around and faced him. No matter what, she simply wasn’t able to resist him. A simple touch was enough to make her surrender to him.

  Soon, he was buried deep inside her and she was riding him all the way up to that place filled with pleasure and bliss, where the only things that mattered were him and her. His hands were running up and down her body, his lips drawing fire trails over her neck, chest and breasts, enhancing her pleasure and driving her insane.

  The rest of the night was spent in each other's arms, as if they both wanted to postpone what they knew was going to happen.

  In the morning, when she got up, he wasn’t in bed, and after she got dressed she went looking for him. He was in his office, alone, looking out of the window.

  "Hi…" she said leaning in the doorway, looking at him.

  He turned to look at her, with a faint smile. "Hi…"

  She entered the room and took a couple of steps in. "We need to talk." She said, her eyes, staring at the floor, not ready to face him.

  "Yes, I guess." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

  "Where are we going from here, Jordan? She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  "Can't we just continue as we have been so far?" he asked, even k
nowing she wouldn’t accept. She knew he had no leverage over her, and unless he locked her up in a cell, she wouldn’t stay. But he didn’t want her like that, not anymore.

  "No, and you know that. I don’t want to be your toy, Jordan, I've never wanted that. That's the main reason why I always refused to go out with you." She explained.

  "What do you want from me then?" he asked, his tone raising just a little bit, showing his impatience.

  "Nothing. This is not about what I want from you. It's about what you're willing to give." She replied, gesturing with her hands. "Nothing between us has been normal, common… we've gone from one disaster to another, you've put me through dreadful situations, you made me live through the worst moments of my life…"

  He ran his fingers once more through his hair. "Some things just escaped my control." He said, not looking at her.

  "Did they? Why do I doubt that? Oh, maybe, it's because you've always seemed to be in control of every damn thing. What's important is what you want, what you need and all the rest has to adapt itself to it in order to survive." Ashley pressed her eyes, in a vain attempt to control the tears welling behind them. "I won't be a doll, a toy you'll use and throw away when you find a newer version."

  His face was a stone mask, hiding any possible emotion. "What if I don’t let you go?" He asked, in a cold tone.

  "Really? Are we playing this game again, Jordan? Are you going to lock me back in the cell?" She asked, in a scornful tone. "Go ahead." Those two words held more ice than the North Pole. She had no intention of letting him get away with this one.

  "Damn you, Ashley. I want you in my life, can't you understand that?" he ranted.

  "Yes, I can understand that you're used to having all you want and that I'm a whim you need to satisfy."

  "No, that's not true."

  "What am I to you then? Tell me." She challenged him, her eyes locked on his face.

  He held her look for a few moments in silence.

  "I need you. Isn’t that enough for you?" he finally answered, still fighting with the turmoil of feelings inside him, afraid to admit the depth of his feelings for her.


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