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The Sports Fairies Collection

Page 10

by Daisy Meadows

  Kirsty stared at her, wondering if she’d heard correctly. “Help the goblins?”she repeated in surprise.

  Rachel grinned. “If we offer to train the goblins, we’ll have a good chance of getting close to Gemma’s hoop,” she explained.

  Gemma cartwheeled through the air.

  “Yes!” she cried. “And we might even teach them that you can get better at a sport without having to cheat. You just need to practice!” She smiled. “Now, let’s see … I know how I can help.” She waved her wand at the girls, and golden fairy dust whirled around them. In the twinkling of an eye, their clothes changed.

  Rachel and Kirsty looked at each other and smiled. They were now wearing matching warm-up suits and gym shoes, with stopwatches on their wrists. Their hair had been pulled up into ponytails, and there were silver whistles around their necks. Baseball caps helped hide the girls’ faces, so that the goblins wouldn’t easily see through their disguise. “Look at our T-shirts!” Kirsty giggled, pointing. Rachel looked down and saw that K & R GOBLIN TRAINING TEAM was written in glittery silver letters on her shirt.

  Gemma flew up to perch on Kirsty’s ponytail, where her wings made her look kind of like a shiny hair bow. “Now to start training those goblins,” she said. “And get the magic hoop!”

  “Let’s go,” Kirsty agreed. She and Rachel pushed open the doors and walked into the gym, blowing their whistles loudly.

  The goblins all stopped in surprise. One goblin was so startled, he lost concentration during his floor routine and tumbled head over heels onto the mat. He picked himself up and scooted over to another goblin. “Who are they?” the girls heard him whisper.

  “Listen up, goblins!” shouted Kirsty. “This is your last chance to get in shape before the Fairyland Olympics! And we’re going to help you, so line up in front of me! Move it! Move it!”

  Rachel held her breath. For their plan to work, the goblins had to let her and Kirsty help with their training. But none of the goblins had moved a muscle to line up. Was the plan doomed before it had even started?

  “Come on!” Rachel cried, clapping her hands. “You don’t want those fairies to beat you in the Olympics, do you? We’re here to make you gymnastic fantastic, so you have a chance of winning gold medals!”

  “I want a medal!” one goblin called out from the crowd, running to start a line in front of Kirsty.

  “Me, too!” cried another.

  “And me, and me!” called some of the other goblins, as they rushed to get in line.

  The one with the magic hoop was in the middle and demanded that the others give him more room. “Look at me!” he cried, swiveling the hoop around his hips at lightning speed.

  “We want you all to practice your back handsprings first,” Rachel said. “You can demonstrate,” she added, pointing at the goblin with the magic hoop.

  She held her breath as the goblin walked to the edge of the mat. She had noticed the way he’d let go of the hoop when he’d practiced his back handsprings earlier. If he did the same thing again, she might be able to grab it!

  As Rachel had hoped, the goblin sent the magic hoop rolling before flipping along next to it. Unfortunately, the hoop spun by so fast, it was impossible for Rachel and Kirsty to even think about running to catch it. And as soon as the goblin had finished, he grabbed it again.

  Kirsty and Rachel exchanged glances. They’d have to try again later.

  “OK, who’s next?” Rachel asked.

  “Me! Me! ME!” shouted the goblins, trying to push one another out of the way.

  Kirsty blew her whistle. “It’s your turn,” she decided, pointing to a goblin with big ears. “Show us what you’ve got!”

  One by one, the goblins took turns performing back handsprings across the floor. They weren’t quite as good as the goblin with the magic hoop, but they all tried hard.

  Meanwhile, the goblin with the magic hoop was showing off to a group of goblins in a corner of the gym. “Watch this!” he yelled, breaking into a run across the gym floor. He ran to the vault and bounded over it, tossing the hoop high into the air as he did so. He turned a perfect somersault and then landed feet-first through the falling hoop.

  Everyone burst into applause, including Kirsty, Rachel, and Gemma.

  “He won’t be able to do that in the Olympic contest,” Rachel heard one goblin mutter to another. “Jack Frost is going to shrink the hoop really small so the judges won’t even know he has it. Clever, huh?”

  Gemma flinched. “I can’t stand cheating,” she whispered to Kirsty. “It makes me so angry!”

  But watching the performance had given Kirsty an idea. “Let’s make an obstacle course for the goblins,” she suggested. “You saw how the goblin had to throw the magic hoop when he vaulted. Well, there are other gymnastics moves where he’d have to let it go, too.”

  Rachel’s eyes grew wide. “Yes,” she said, “and we could even end the course with a ring toss — where the goblins have to throw a hoop over me or you. Then the goblin with the magic hoop will have to throw it right to us!”

  “Oh, that’s perfect!” cried Gemma, in her silvery voice. “Let’s do it!”

  Kirsty blew her whistle again. “You did a great job on your back handsprings,” she told the goblins. “Now we’re going to set up an obstacle course for you. Please practice your forward and backward somersaults while we do that.”

  The goblins immediately began rolling around on the floor, pausing every so often to argue with one another.

  Meanwhile, Kirsty and Rachel quickly arranged some pieces of equipment to make an obstacle course. Then Rachel clapped her hands to get the goblins’ attention.

  “This is what you need to do,” she said. “Start by walking on your hands along the balance beam. Then run over to the horizontal bar and do three flips on it.”

  “Next,” Kirsty said, “you turn upside down on the rings, vault over the horse, and tumble across the mat while twirling a ribbon.”

  “Finally,” Rachel explained, “each of you has to toss a hoop over Kirsty, who’ll be standing at the other end of the gym.” She held up her stopwatch. “I’ll time you all. I wonder who’ll be the fastest?”

  “I’ll be the fastest,” a tall goblin boasted. “Just you wait!”

  “No way!” the goblin with big ears argued. “I’ll be faster than you.”

  Kirsty pointed to a small goblin at the front. “You can go first,” she said encouragingly. “Ready, set, go!”

  Rachel started her stopwatch as the small goblin set off. He flipped into a handstand and carefully walked along the balance beam. His legs wobbled slightly, but he managed not to fall. Then he ran to the horizontal bar and performed three flips — but he was enjoying himself so much that he kept doing more and more! “Wheeee!” he squealed, tumbling around.

  “OK, onto the rings now,” Rachel reminded him.

  The goblin swung upside-down on the rings and vaulted over the horse. Then he grabbed a ribbon and began a series of cartwheels and handsprings across the mat, spiraling the ribbon as he went. Unfortunately, he lost his balance several times, and dropped his ribbon once on the last section.

  “Don’t worry,” Rachel said. “We can work on that later. Now grab a hoop from the pile, stand behind the line, and take your best shot.”

  The goblin took a hoop, steadied himself, and then threw it toward Kirsty. The hoop bounced off Kirsty’s arm and clattered to the floor.

  “Good try,” Kirsty called.

  “Your time was three minutes, thirty seconds,” Rachel told him. “Next!”

  It took a while for all the goblins to go through the course. The goblin with the magic hoop insisted on going last. “What’s the fastest time so far?” he asked as he stood at the starting line.

  “Two minutes, forty seconds,” Rachel replied.

  The goblin looked scornful. “I’ll beat that easily!” he declared.

  “Ready, set, go!” Rachel called, blowing her whistle.

  Off went the goblin, mou
nting the beam with a spectacular leap. He tossed the hoop into the air as he went into a handstand and caught it on one foot, balancing it perfectly as he moved along the beam.

  “Wow!” Kirsty muttered under her breath to Gemma. “That’s impressive.”

  At the end of the beam, the goblin dismounted with a double backflip, sending the hoop flying into the air. As he landed, he caught it neatly and then ran on to the horizontal bar. With the hoop looped over one shoulder, he did three perfect flips at a dizzying speed.

  It was quite a show. The goblin sped through the rest of the obstacle course without a single mistake. The other goblins watched open-mouthed, too amazed to even argue with one another.

  He was making record time when he came to the last part of the challenge — the ring toss. He looked suspiciously at Kirsty and held on tight to the magic hoop. “Hoop-tossing is not a gymnastic sport,” he said. “I’m going to pass on that stunt.”

  Kirsty bit her lip. She had to think of something fast, otherwise their plan wouldn’t work! She shrugged. “Oh, dear,” she said with sympathy. “Are you worried you won’t be as good as the others?”

  “No way!” the goblin snapped. “Watch this!” And he tossed the hoop high into the air.

  The girls and Gemma held their breath as it rose into the air and spun above Kirsty’s head. …

  The hoop landed perfectly over Kirsty’s head, and the goblins all burst into a round of applause.

  The goblin who’d thrown it smirked and bowed. Then he walked toward Kirsty, obviously wanting to take the hoop back.

  But Kirsty was too quick for him. She stepped out of the hoop, picked it up, and held it in the air for Gemma. The fairy flew down to it immediately. As soon as Gemma’s fingers closed around it, the hoop magically shrank down to its Fairyland size. Then Gemma touched it with her wand, and there was a flash of golden sparkles. The hoop’s magic was working properly again!

  “Hey!” cried one of the goblins. “It’s one of those meddling fairies — and she’s got our hoop!”

  “Someone get it back!” yelled another goblin. “Otherwise we’ll never win anything at the Olympics!”

  The goblins all made a mad dash for the girls and Gemma, knocking into one another in their rush to get the hoop. Kirsty and Rachel looked at each other in alarm as the mob of angry goblins rushed toward them, but Gemma waved her wand and turned the girls into fairies — just in time! Rachel’s heart thumped as she fluttered out of the goblins’ reach. That was close!

  Gemma waved her wand again, and all the pieces of gym equipment sparkled with thousands of tiny golden lights before dancing back into their appropriate places in the gym closet. The goblins watched in bewilderment, their eyes wide.

  As the last hoop rolled away, Gemma grinned at them. “See you in Fairyland,” she said. “Don’t be late — or you’ll miss the opening ceremony of the Olympics!”

  Before any of the goblins could reply, Gemma had waved her wand a third time, and she and the girls were swept up in a magical whirlwind.

  “Off we go to Fairyland!” Kirsty and Rachel heard her call in a merry tune.

  A few seconds later, the girls felt themselves float downward, and the whirlwind cleared.

  “We’re in the Fairyland Arena again!” Kirsty declared.

  Rachel whistled. “And look how full it is.”

  The girls had been in the arena once already, on the first day of this adventure. But then it had been completely empty. Now the seats were filled with excited fairies, elves, pixies, and goblins, all chatting about the Olympics.

  Kirsty could have happily spent days gazing around at the sights. A tall, green frog was selling official programs in one row. A group of pixie cheerleaders danced in the center of the arena. And the fans all waved colorful flags and banners to show which contestants they were supporting. Some of the flags were magical and kept changing color. Some even seemed to be playing music!

  They had landed near the side of the arena, but Gemma led them straight to the center, where the fairy king and queen greeted them warmly. Then the king handed Gemma a sparkly gold microphone, so that she could speak to the crowd.

  “Hello, everyone,” Gemma said, waving. “I’m pleased to announce that Kirsty and Rachel have helped us get all the magic sports objects back, including my magic hoop!”

  A huge cheer rose from the crowd, but not from the goblin section. They looked obviously frustrated by the news. But the fairies, pixies, elves, and other magical people were all clapping, cheering, and waving their flags with joy.

  The king and queen looked delighted, too. “Thank you,” King Oberon said to Kirsty and Rachel. “You have helped save our Olympic Games! Without you, the goblins would have had an unfair advantage.”

  “Now that the magic objects are back with our Sports Fairies, the games will be a fair contest.” Queen Titania smiled. “We are very grateful.”

  Kirsty and Rachel curtsied, feeling very proud. But then the air turned cold.

  Rachel shivered and rubbed her arms. “Where’s that breeze coming from?” she asked, as an icy wind blew through the arena.

  “There’s frost on the ground!” Kirsty exclaimed, pointing to the white sparkly crystals at their feet.

  Everyone stared up at the sky as a figure approached, speeding through the air.

  “It’s Jack Frost!” Rachel realized.

  Jack Frost landed in the arena and stomped his feet. “If it hadn’t been for you interfering, I’d have won the Olympics this year,” he snarled at Kirsty and Rachel. “The golden cup of luck would have been mine!”

  The queen gave him a stern look. “Your team will have to play by the rules like every other team in the games,” she told him.

  Jack Frost ignored her and stomped toward the girls with his wand raised. “I’m fed up with you two messing up my plans!” he shouted. He pointed his wand at them. “So now I’m going to —”

  “You’re not going to do anything!” the queen interrupted, waving her own wand. The crowd gasped as Jack Frost’s wand flew straight into the queen’s hand.

  “I’ll look after this while the games are taking place,” she told Jack Frost firmly. “I’m not going to let you disrupt the Olympics any further!”

  Jack Frost scowled at her, but without his wand he could do nothing but turn and storm off to the spectators’ area.

  “He knows when he’s beaten,” Gemma said in a low voice.

  “And now the games can begin!” the king declared.

  Gemma winked at the girls. “That’s my cue,” she said, and shot up into the air. She was joined by the other six Sports Fairies — Helena, Stacey, Zoe, Brittany, Samantha, and Alice — and they all twirled up toward the clouds.

  Rachel and Kirsty watched as the fairies then flew back down to the arena in an amazing rainbow of colors. They sprinkled fairy dust over the athletes lining up for the opening parade, then wrote GOOD LUCK in large glittery letters in the sky.

  “Please stand for the singing of the Fairyland Olympic Anthem,” Queen Titania said, and the audience rose to their feet.

  A goblin walked to the center of the stage, with a microphone in his hand. He cleared his throat and began to sing.

  Rachel elbowed Kirsty and grinned. “It’s the goblin we met when we helped Rebecca the Rock ’n’ Roll Fairy,” she whispered. “Remember?”

  Kirsty nodded. “Yes, the one who loved to sing Elvis songs!” she said with a grin.

  The goblin took a deep bow as he finished singing, and the crowd cheered — Rachel and Kirsty loudest of all.

  Then the queen presented the girls with a glittering silver wand. “Girls, we would be honored if you would light the Olympic flame for us,” she said. “And there are some fairies who would love to help you …”

  As she finished speaking, Rachel and Kirsty both gasped. Flying into the arena was Ruby the Red Fairy, the first fairy they’d ever met, with her Rainbow sisters. Behind them came all the Weather Fairies, and then Katie the Kitten Fairy flew in
, waving at the girls as she was joined by the other Pet Fairies. More and more of the girls’ fairy friends flew into the arena!

  Kirsty couldn’t stop smiling as she greeted them all. “I think every fairy we’ve ever helped is here with us,” she said happily to Rachel.

  Rachel had a lump in her throat. “It’s so nice to see you again!” she said, throwing her arms around Lucy the Diamond Fairy.

  Once all the fairies had arrived, the queen directed them to touch their wands together, along with the silver wand that Rachel and Kirsty were holding.

  Rachel held her breath. As all the wands came together, a spark appeared at the end of the special silver wand.

  Then the other fairies moved aside, and the girls took the lit wand to a sparkling silver cauldron. They touched the wand to the cauldron. In a flash of rainbow-colored sparkles, a roaring flame flared up. It then settled down to burn steadily.

  There was a round of applause from the crowd, and the fairies flew up into the air again, calling out their good-byes.

  King Oberon and Queen Titania came over to the girls. “It’s time for you to go home now,” the king said, “but you’ll find one last surprise waiting for you there.”

  “Thank you,” Kirsty said, curtsying.

  “We’ve really enjoyed helping the Sports Fairies,” added Rachel.

  “We’re all very grateful to you,” the queen said. “Good-bye, girls!”

  “Good-bye!” Rachel and Kirsty replied.

  Then the king waved his wand, and the girls were swept up in a whirlwind and carried gently home.


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