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Merlin's Target (An Untimely Error Book 3)

Page 6

by Tom Larcombe

  Jack led Merlin and Gunter over to a large cargo truck. The cab had more than enough room for the three of them in it.

  “Who's your friend here anyhow?” Jack asked.

  “Oh, this is George.”

  Gunter winced.

  I know he hates that name but I'm not about to call him Gunter, it's too obviously German for anyone to feel comfortable near him, Merlin thought.

  “Hi Jack, good to meet you,” Gunter said, extending his hand as Jack had earlier.

  “Likewise George, so how did you boys end up needing a ride? Frenchy told me there was an interesting story behind it.”

  Gunter took the bait and started telling an entirely fabricated tale involving a pair of French women, a few bottles of wine, and a missed departure time. By the time he was done, Merlin half believed it himself and they'd been on the road for an hour and a half.

  “Well, if that don't beat all,” said Jack, “I wish I had that kind of luck.”

  “Just need to be in the right place at the right time,” Gunter said.

  Jack continued to make small talk for the rest of the trip. Merlin, still tired from the day before, ended up dozing off somewhere in the middle of the drive. Shortly before they arrived at Luxembourg Merlin awoke with a start.

  “What unit were you guys with again?” Jack was asking.

  Gunter turned to Merlin and, relieved to see him awake, stayed silent.

  “We're with the USO, you don't see the uniforms around much at our shows so I'm not surprised you didn't recognize them,” Merlin said.

  “I thought the USO stayed where it was safe,” Jack said.

  Merlin answered in a tone of voice, familiar to any lower ranking soldier, that expressed his doubts as to the intelligence of his superiors.

  “Mostly we do, but someone had the bright idea that we should do some smaller shows where the men from the front could get to them more easily. So they didn't have to wait as long before having their morale boosted.”

  Jack laughed.

  “That explains how you guys expect to get away with missing your unit's movement. It must be nice to be in a unit that slack. So, what do you do?”

  “George here is a stagehand. He had experience working with some shows before the war so he volunteered. I'm a magician,” Merlin said.

  “You're one of those sleight of hand guys?” Jack asked.

  Merlin checked the road ahead, it was straight and in relatively good condition.

  “I sure am,” Merlin said. “Watch this.”

  When Jack glanced over, he saw a flame dancing on the tips of Merlin's fingers. Merlin extinguished the flame as soon as he was sure Jack had seen it.

  “Eyes back on the road Jack. Maybe you'll be around when we do one of our shows.”

  “That was great Merle. Hey, maybe you can put on a little show when we get to Luxembourg? It might help convince one of the other drivers to help you out.”

  “We'll see, if we find a ride and there's time before they leave, then maybe I will.”

  Luxembourg was bustling when they arrived. Jack pulled the truck into a depot and turned it over for unloading.

  “Come on with me,” he said. “We'll find where the other drivers are and maybe get you a ride.”

  Gunter and Merlin followed him into a ramshackle building near where they'd stopped. They found about twenty men inside. They were sitting around, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and playing cards.

  “Hey!” Jack called, “Any of you heading towards Coblenz? I got a couple of guys here that need a ride. If they find one, we just might get a show out of the deal. They're USO and missed movement with their company.”

  “What kind of show?” a burly, red-faced man asked.

  “Merle here is a magician,” Jack said.

  Another driver spoke up.

  “I'm headed to Bonn, about fifty miles away from Coblenz. If the man does a good show I could see my way to taking them with me.”

  “When are you scheduled to leave?” Merlin asked.

  “About four hours from now, assuming they load my truck right this time.”

  Merlin looked at Gunter, who nodded. He sighed and thought for a moment.

  “I don't have most of my props with me, but I'll do what I can. You want the show now?”

  A chorus of protestations came from the group. Jack turned to Merlin.

  “Nah Merle, let them have some time to get their buddies. If you're any good, there'll be a few favors owed for giving them the tip about your show here.”

  “I'm guessing you'll collect a few for bringing me here too?”

  “Hell yeah! If I can help you two out and get some favors owed me all at the same time? You bet I will.”

  “That's okay. I'll find someplace to get some food in the meanwhile. Let's say I'll do the show back here in about two hours? The room's big enough at least.”

  “That's the spirit. I'll take the two of you through the chow line with me,” Jack said.

  He winked and continued on.

  “Some of the folks over at the mess owe me a favor or two.”

  Merlin shook his head.

  I can't believe I'm going to be putting on a show while Nimue is being attacked, he thought. But I can get where I need to be faster if we get a ride. Hopefully I can make it entertaining while I'm this fretful since that other driver said he'd give us a ride if he liked the show.

  “Alright Jack, let's get something to eat.”

  * * *

  The food was tolerable and Jack didn't even need to call in any favors. No-one asked any questions about Merlin and Gunter going through the chow line. After they ate, Merlin sat down and asked Jack a few questions.

  “What type of things do you want to see in the show?” Merlin said.

  “You know, that flame thing was pretty good. Card tricks, mind reading, that sort of thing,” Jack answered.

  “I do some good illusions. Things like colorful lights, levitation, that sort of thing.”

  “Those would be just the ticket. But folks will expect the other as standard magician's fare.”

  “I'll do those also. Do you think a half hour show will be long enough?”

  “It ought to be, especially when it isn't planned out.”

  “I'll ask the audience what they want to see if I run out of my regular stuff. I might be able to do some requests.”

  “Just make sure you do that flame thing again so I can actually watch it, okay?”

  “You got it Jack.”

  Merlin and Gunter went back to the building where they met the drivers earlier. They cleared an area to use as a stage and moved a few empty crates over so Merlin would be visible from the rest of the room while he performed. Then they sat back and waited.

  Merlin spent some time planning how he would perform the tricks Jack had asked for. When he finished with that he sat there lost in thought, stroking his chin, and thinking of what else he might be able to provide for entertainment.

  The first man to return was the one that volunteered to give them a ride if the show was good. He came over to Merlin while the two men that entered with him took seats.

  “So, Jack says you're a magician?” the man said.

  “Yes I am.”

  “Any good?”

  “I'll leave that for you to decide after you see me.”

  The man chuckled for a moment.

  “I'm guessing you're good. Otherwise you'd be talking up your performance already. My name's Bobby, you are?”

  “I'm Merle, and my friend here is George.”

  Gunter nodded at Bobby.

  “Well I guess I'll see how good you are soon enough. I'm gonna grab a seat up front with my friends over there. Everyone else should be here soon.”

  Bobby walked over and sat down. Merlin looked at Gunter.

  “Why, exactly, do I feel nervous about this?” he asked.

  “Have you ever used your magic for entertainment before?” Gunter replied.

  “Not like this, n
ot for adults. Occasionally for young children.”

  “Then it's because it's something new to you. You just aren't used to being very social and now you'll be performing in front of a crowd. Being nervous is just a natural reaction to that.”

  “I hope you're right. I think part of it is that I don't feel right putting on a show when I should be helping Nimue,” Merlin said.

  “You are helping her Merlin. You'll get to where you can help her more quickly if you do the show,” Gunter replied.

  Merlin retreated behind the cases that made up the stage and sat down, trying to calm his nerves.

  His musings were interrupted by the sound of silence. After the slowly increasing rumble of the crowd talking among themselves, the silence was as good as a slap in the face. He could hear Jack and Gunter talking but not make out the words. He looked up and saw Gunter climbing on top of the makeshift stage.

  Gunter's voice bellowed out like a cross between a drill instructor dressing down his recruits and a circus ringmaster introducing an act.

  “Presenting... Merle the Magnificent!”

  Gunter gestured for Merlin to take the stage. Reluctantly, Merlin climbed up next to him.

  “Hello folks,” Merlin said, “I'm kind of off today but I'll see what I can do for you. Jack told me you'd like a few of the old standards, so...”

  Merlin produced a deck of cards from thin air. In reality, he simply produced an illusion of them instead of a real deck. He stepped to the edge of the stage and gestured to Jack, who was in front.

  “Here you go, pick a card, any card.”

  Merlin fanned the cards out with the backs towards himself. Then he lowered them and let Jack take a card. He made sure that Jack saw the card he drew as the Ace of Hearts.

  “You've got an ace there, yes? The Ace of Hearts?”

  Jack grinned and showed his card to the rest of the group. They didn't seem very impressed and a few murmurs ran through the crowd.

  “How about some mind reading? One of you want to volunteer?”

  Several men raised their hands and Merlin called one of them down front.

  “Think of whatever you like and I'll tell you and the crowd what you're thinking. Let me know when you're ready.”

  The man paused for a moment and then nodded at Merlin.

  “Was her name Judy?” Merlin asked, “How many beers did you have before that? Eight?”

  The man blushed and spoke up.

  “He's right, I was thinking about my last leave. Cute little thing she was...”

  The crowd was murmuring louder now and Merlin hear a couple of men booing his act.

  “So, you guys don't seem to be enjoying the show so far. Jack told me you'd like the regular acts but to hell with it, how about some real magic?”

  Merlin raised his hands, showing ten small flames, one on each fingertip. Each one was a different color.

  His audience started paying a bit more attention.

  “Just so you know that it isn't some of those powders that burn in colors...”

  Merlin started the flames dancing from finger to finger so that the colors were creating an intricate pattern.

  “Anyone have a cigarette they'd like to light?” Merlin asked.

  A couple of men stepped forward and Merlin held out his hands, one to each of them. They put their cigarettes in their mouths and leaned in. When they tried to light them, the flames jumped to the end of the cigarettes and when they faded a moment later, both cigarettes were lit.

  The men showed the smoldering cigarettes to the crowd who now gave Merlin a few weak cheers.

  “You know,” Merlin said, “I feel a bit put out, doing this without my regular costume so bear with me here a moment.”

  Merlin threw his hands up and the flames went out, only to reappear in a circle moving about his head. Now the flames were illusions, but they still appeared the same to his audience. He ran his open palms from his forehead down, stooping to get all the way to his feet. As his hands passed over each portion of what appeared to be his clothing he sent a request to Anguis to change his color and appearance away from that of a USO uniform. When Merlin straightened back up it looked as though he were wearing a royal blue robe, shot through with silver thread.

  The cheers from the audience were stronger now.

  “Now, I feel more myself,” Merlin said.

  Having discovered that they enjoyed the illusions tremendously, Merlin spent the next half hour creating illusion after illusion. He showed them illusions of dragons and Messerschmitts dog-fighting, illusory flames consumed his body only for him to appear in the front row of the crowd, unharmed. He sent dancing balls of light amidst the crowd and caused the balls to appear to each individual as whatever they would most like to see in them. By the end of the half hour, Merlin was exhausted but the crowd didn't want him to stop.

  “Come on guys, you can see he's wiped out. Best magician I've ever seen and he sure put his all into it,” Bobby called out.

  The crowd burst into applause before slowly quieting. Evidently Bobby was held in high regard by most of them. Slowly the men started filing out. Most of them passed by Merlin on the way and thanked him, some even pressed small tokens of appreciation on him; bars of chocolate, cigarettes, hard candy, and other small comfort items.

  Bobby and Jack were the last two drivers in the building.

  “That flame thing was amazing,” Jack said. “It even got the crowd turned around for you. And those what ya call them? Illusions?”

  He shook his head.

  “I'll be calling in favors from this one for a year,” he said.

  He shook his head again on his way out of the building.

  “Great to meet you Merle. If that was you unprepared, I hope to catch one of your real shows,” he called back as he passed through the door.

  Merle looked at Bobby. The man's face was unreadable.

  “So, did you like the show? Do we get a ride?” Merlin asked.

  “That depends. Are you willing to answer some questions for me on the way, wizard?”

  “So, you're aware,” Merlin replied.

  Merlin saw Gunter's hand reaching for his pistol and he gestured at him to stop.

  Bobby nodded.

  “I saw more than a few things I couldn't explain earlier in the war. Truck drivers are always there to resupply, win or lose. So I started looking for the things I couldn't explain. Imagine my surprise when the units doing impossible things had frequently gotten a new transfer. Matter of fact most of those transfers were one of the same five men I started keeping a lookout for.”

  Bobby looked around as though checking for someone eavesdropping.

  “I finally cornered one of them and got him drunk. I didn't know what parts to believe from what he said but one of them was dragons fighting our air war for us. I definitely thought that was bullshit until I saw the illusions you just did. Unless you're one of those five guys in disguise, and that's a standard story you pass around, I'm a mite closer to believing now.”

  Merlin shook his head.

  “No, the dragons are there but they use illusions to look like airplanes. Someone on the other side has a hold over them and would interfere if the dragons were obvious in their endeavors.”

  Bobby nodded.

  “So, I'll give you a ride if you'll give me some straight answers. You start lying to me or refusing to answer and I'll drop you off wherever we are at the time. We got a deal?”

  “There are some things I may not be able to answer in regards to what the wizards are doing in the war. But if I'm allowed to answer, I will.”

  “I can live with that. I'm familiar with need to know. Your friend here another wizard?” Bobby asked.

  “No, he's a German deserter that I helped get out of that country. Now he's my bodyguard, and friend,” Merlin said.

  “There's a story there. If I didn't have so many questions I might ask about that instead. We'll see though. We've got a long drive ahead of us. Follow me and we'll go to
my truck. We should be ready to leave in another hour or so.”

  * * *

  Chapter 6

  Bobby drove the truck out of Luxembourg City before he started to talk.

  “So, we've got about five hours, maybe longer if the road took any more damage since my last run.”

  “That long?” Merlin asked.

  “Are you in a rush?”

  “Yes, I am. We've a long way to go still.”

  “I can drop you at Coblenz on my way back if it will help. It would add a little time to my run but no-one would question it.”

  “No, Bonn is fine. As a matter of fact it's closer to our eventual destination than Coblenz. That was just a convenient town to pick since it was mostly on the way and I know it's being used as a supply depot.”

  “Where are you headed then if Coblenz isn't your destination?”

  Merlin looked at Gunter who shrugged and turned to stare at the passing countryside.

  Merlin exhaled loudly.

  “Berlin,” he said.

  Bobby almost ran the truck off the road before he recovered.

  “Berlin? Why are you going there? You going to kill the Fuhrer?” he asked sarcastically.

  “No, he isn't the real problem. The same someone with a hold on the dragons is the one who's caused this war. She's the reason behind Germany's insane actions and aggressiveness. She is also the one that's attacking my wife and unborn child.”

  “Wait, what?” Bobby said.

  Merlin was willing to open up to Bobby some but wasn't about to try to explain the whole situation to him.

  “We've encountered this creature in the past and she holds a grudge against us. She's a body stealer and she wants to take my unborn daughter's body as her own. Partly as payback and partly because my wife and I are both wizards and when the mother is a wizard the talent normally breeds true.”

  “So, you got orders to make your way there and take her out?”

  “No, I received orders not to. So, I'm on leave and I'll do it on my own time.”

  “That is so wrong. You were ordered not to defend your wife and unborn child?”

  “Not in so many words. My superior was ordered not to let me risk myself in or near combat. So I'm doing it on my own. That doesn't break his orders but it makes it harder on me.”


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