Book Read Free

Perilous Women

Page 4

by Albert Oon

  “But what do you mean?”

  “You’ll see. Just don’t do anything rash or else you’ll regret it.”

  Siv leaves the room by slithering into the vents. I don’t trust that snake. Who would trust something that’s synonymous with liars? I wonder if there’s anything to eat in the cafeteria. All of this stress is making me hungry. I hope it’s open and thankfully it is. Ian is here by himself.

  “Ian, did you find anything?”

  “Nothing at all. They locked up this place really tight, even in the places that I only I thought I knew of. Claire didn’t find anything at all.”

  “Did she-”

  “She tried constantly so I came down here. I told her I would be taking a break, which is true. Did you come up with anything yet?”

  “Not yet. All I have are a couple theories.”

  “Damn it!” he slams his fist on the table, “What did we do to deserve this?!”

  “Hey, calm down man. I’m getting something to eat and drink. Do you want anything?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.”

  Huh. They actually gave us sodas, lunchmeat, easy to make breakfast and dinner things in the fridge and freezer. It looks like there’s only enough food for a couple days though. I get us some drinks and junk food to snack on for now.

  “I didn’t get us much because I don’t want the others complaining,” I explain.

  “I understand. I didn’t want that much anyways.” Ian takes a sip of his drink. “I’m sorry for losing my temper.”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s going to be fine. I’m going to do my best to get us out of here, so relax.”

  “Thank you again.”

  “What are friends for?”

  After finishing my business with Ian, I leave him to rest in the cafeteria to see if everyone’s back in the original classroom. Here comes trouble again.

  “Let him relax, Claire! He doesn’t need you to constantly bother him!” I viciously scream.

  “Fine! Jeez. What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. I just don’t like someone constantly bothering my best friend.”

  “I won’t bother him then.”

  “Good. I’m going back to the classroom. You should too so we can discuss what to do.”

  “Alright boss man.”

  I hope everyone else finds something, but they didn’t. Ella can’t tell us anything useful, Claire couldn’t find any exits, nor could she make one, Tage can’t use the chemicals he found on the door because the two stupid animals won’t allow him, Ian is busy resting, Oda was busy taking care of Ella, and Nita couldn’t find anything useful to use. The rest of the day becomes a cycle of panic and perseverance until we tire ourselves out. Because there’s no real place to sleep, we draw straws to see who gets the few beds in the nurse’s office while everyone else sleeps on the floor. We all sleep together so that no one murders someone without a person nearby to know about it.

  As Claire tosses and turns in her bed, she asks me, “How was Ian?”

  “He was shaken up, but I think he’s fine. Why are you asking me again?”

  “Because he isn’t here. Is he still in the cafeteria?”

  “Maybe. He’s probably working on something right now. Ian usually likes to be up late to get things done. I’m sure you know that because he told me all about you texting him three in the morning.”

  “You’re right. He’s turning out to be more useful than you who is always trying to plan for the future.”

  “I know.”

  “What? No snarky remarks?”

  “Go to sleep.”

  “But I’m still worried about him. Can you-”

  “No, we’re not getting up just to look for him. If you trust him, then he’s just fine. It’s not like those psycho animals and their masters will kill him. They want us to do that.”

  “Yeah, but-”

  “I’m not bringing him here just so you can make him sleep with you.”

  “Oh come on!”

  “Go to sleep already!” we all say in unison to Claire, which for some reason includes Kat and Siv.


  Finally, some peace and quiet. Now I can go to-SLEEP! Huh. That was a weird dream. I barely remember it, but it was something about Ian choking to death. Wait, I hear someone screaming. It sounds like Claire and it’s coming from the kitchen.

  “What’s going on?” I ask Claire who is on the ground crying.

  She points the kitchen where I find Ian hanging by a noose.

  “Oh no.”

  Everyone is gathered here as Kat and Siv appear here to announce, “A murder victim has been found! You all have one hour to find the evidence to accuse the right person of the act. Say your prayers now murderer! It wasn’t even time for the game to start, but you were one step ahead. Because of that and the small amount of evidence, you only have ten minutes to formulate your argument. Good luck everyone!”

  The two animals disappear as everyone starts to panic. Ella and Claire are struck with fear while the rest of us try to calm them down.

  Nita says, “Oda and I will help these Ella and Claire calm down. You two should investigate the scene since you know more about that than I do.”

  “Right,” Tage says as we quickly go into the kitchen.

  “What do you think?” I ask Tage as he examines the body.

  “I think this is awful.”

  “Besides the reality of it.”

  “I don’t know from just looking at it. What do you think?”

  “It looks like a suicide.”

  “But the two said it was a murder and they would know who the culprit is.”

  “They could be lying too. Do you think those two are trustworthy at all? They could’ve just rephrased suicide as murder to throw us off.”

  “That’s true, but I doubt they would lie about this. Humor me and give me your best guess.”

  “This sounds farfetched but maybe it was Claire.”

  “That does sound farfetched, but I get why you think that. She was with Ian longer than all of us.”

  “It’s not just that. She really wanted to be with Ian last night. Maybe she snuck out while we were sleeping. She was the first one who discovered the body.”

  “But why would she kill Ian?”

  “It’s like Ella said. To not trust anyone close to you because they’ll use that to betray you.”

  “That makes sense, but still. Something’s not adding up here. I’m going to take a closer look at him.”

  “I’ve made my decision. It’s a longshot but it’s the only one I got if this isn’t a suicide.”

  If this turns out bad for me, I might as well spend the rest of my time with Nita. I put my arm over her to comfort her and she does the same. Even though we don’t say anything to each other, this is good enough for me. Our ten minutes are up and Kat and Siv gather us in a circle of tables with them in the center.

  Kat says, “I’m loving the despair here. Aren’t you, Siv?”

  “It’s excccelent.”

  They both say together, “Now with all of your evidence together, it is time for our TRIAL! Who is responsible for this murder? Who is responsible for this betrayal? Who would do such a thing? You have your answers. Let’s see if they’re correct. It’s time for DECEPTION AND DESPAIR!”

  “What an intro,” I say in a monotone voice.

  “Why thank you! Since you spoke up first, how about you tell us who you think committed the murder.”

  “I…Fine. My first guess is this is as it seems. A suicide.”

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because of the way he is and the fact that everyone slept together last night while Ian never came back. Even though I don’t want to think he did, the obvious solution appears to be the right one.”

  “Then what’s your second guess?”

  “…It has to be…Claire.”

  “Fuck you, shithead! I would never do that to Ian! How dare you say much less think that!”

bsp; “How do we know that you wouldn’t use your love for Ian as an excuse to deflect any suspicion? You were the person with him the longest. You were also the first person to get up in the morning and find his body.”

  “I just so happen to find his body in the kitchen. You were the last person with him yesterday! Maybe you’re the killer and you set it up to make it look like a suicide!”

  “Kill my best friend that I’ve known since grade school? Yeah right! I may be jealous of him sometimes, but I use that jealousy to grow and better myself!”

  “Well, maybe that changed. You always liked to be ahead of everyone. Kat even said the murderer was one step ahead kind of like how you’re always trying to be one step ahead of everyone.”

  “Calm down, Claire.”

  “I am calm, Tage!”

  “Pace, what were you doing with Ian here yesterday?”

  “I was trying to comfort him. That’s all.”

  “Were you? Did you offer him anything to eat and drink?”

  “Of course. I was hungry and thirsty too after all that happened.”

  Why is Tage look surprised by what I said?

  “I don’t want to believe this, but you killed Ian by poisoning his food!”

  “What?! What are you talking about?!”

  “You might’ve forgotten that I’m going to be an investigator one day. One of the basic things I know is a staged suicide and what poisoned victims look like.”

  “Poison? What poison would I have?!”

  “Medicine from the nurse’s office could be poisonous in the right doses. Something that you would know as a doctor.”

  “This is insanity you’re speaking Tage!”

  “What do you guys think?”

  “I’ll go with what he’s saying.”


  “It…sounds right.”

  Not you too Oda…

  “I believe that’s the case wholeheartedly.”

  I’m not surprised you would, Claire, but…


  “I’m going to go with what Pace said.”

  “Thank you so much for believing me, Nita.”

  “That’s so sweet that you picked up for him when no one else did,” Kat comments, “But we’re going to go with the majority vote here.”

  “Damn you, Tage. You’re going to get us killed!”

  “I’m going to get you killed if I’m right. My decision is final.”

  Kat and Siv announce the verdict, “The man, the myth, the legend who killed the teacher’s pet, Ian, is…Pace!”

  Damn it. Everything seems to be going in slow motion as everyone around me starts yelling at me.

  “I didn’t want to believe it. I really didn’t.”

  I’m sorry, Tage.

  “How could you? I believed in you.”


  “You cunt! You absolute piece of garbage!”

  I’m sorry…ish, Claire.

  “It was just like I said.”

  I’m so sorry, Ella. Oda looks like she’s about to cry. I wish I didn’t do this. I don’t even know what I was thinking. No, I did know what I was doing. I just didn’t want to think about it.

  “Before you die, tell us why you murdered your best friend,” Kat says.

  “The situation got to me and I did what I always did. Think one step ahead, but I didn’t know what Tage knew exactly about murder scenes. I let my fear and unrest about the situation get to me. I’m sorry.”

  “Your apology ain’t worth shit!” Claire says.

  “It’s all I can say.”

  “After all is said and done, it’s EXECUTION TIME!” Kat and Siv proclaim.

  Kat jumps to me, ties me up with chains, and throws me away from the circle of desks and near a large covered cylinder that wasn’t here yesterday. Siv takes the cloak off to reveal a vat full of acid. Kat uses the long chains around me to lower me down into the boiling acid. It’s unbearably painful at first, but then by the time the acid gets down to my waist, I don’t feel any pain. I don’t even hear myself screaming anymore. The only thing I can feel is regret when looking back at my friends. I hope they can bring themselves to forgive me. Because I don’t. I’m sorry…everyone.

  Chapter 2 – You Cut My Throat, I Cut Yours

  It’s been a couple of hours after Pace was executed. Claire doesn’t feel any better, which is surprising. She wanted to sulk near Ian’s body, but Kat took it and threw it into the acidic tank to get rid of the evidence. Now she’s sitting down in silence with Oda who is trying to comfort her. Nita is making lunch while Tage checks the food for poisoning in case Pace left us a parting gift. Me? I’m just sitting at a table away from everyone trying not to think about suicide. Rita is after me and David is still under her control. Kat has a new mechanical buddy to keep tabs on us. I don’t see a way I can survive this.



  “What is it, Tage?”

  “You should tell us everything that you remember about last summer.”

  “I told you everything that was important.”

  “Then tell us more! There has to be more to this that we aren’t seeing.”

  “What’s the point? Rita is probably going to win. With David at her side, she’s guaranteed to win.”

  “What makes him so special?”

  “He was the one who figured out the truth for the most part. If he was on our side, then I’m sure we’d win, but that’s not the case.”

  “Who knows? That guy always seemed to be around you when he wasn’t around Rita during the school year.”

  “Maybe it was to make up for what he’s doing. I don’t know him anymore even though he tried to act like he still liked me.”

  “Then maybe we should get in contact with him somehow. Hey! Siv!”

  Siv slithers out of the vents and says, “Yesssss. You called?”

  “Can we talk to David in any way?”

  “You can try. Parts of the school have opened up for you to explore. Many of the rooms contain dangerous weapons that you could use to survive. Others might contain something more. That’s all I’ll say…for now.”

  Siv slithers back into the vents.

  “You heard him, girls. We have to go explore the rest of the school,” Tage says.

  “What if it’s a trap?” I ask.

  “We don’t have many choices right now. It’s either we do that or wait for Rita and David to force us to kill each other. Does anyone have a problem with this?”

  We all stay quiet.

  “Then let’s go.”

  I’m genuinely curious about what Siv says. Something about it makes me feel like David and Siv have a hidden agenda because he mentioned that some of the rooms contained something more. But then again, it could just be a trick. Rita and Kat should’ve heard what he said to us. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see since we’re here.

  The religion and philosophy section of the school are open along with the science and math section.

  “We should split up to search the area more quickly,” Tage says.

  “Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Nita says as she points at the retracted gates separating the two sections. “They could just separate us again.”

  “True, but they could also force us to separate from each other if you wanted to.”

  “Ah, screw it,” Claire says as she walks into the science/math section.

  “I’ll keep an eye on her,” Oda says before running to join Claire.

  “I guess I’ll be with them. You two stay safe.”

  “You too.”

  As soon as Tage and I separate from Nita, the gates come down to separate us.

  “Ha! I was right! Now you owe me!” Nita says as she bangs on the gates.

  Tage rolls his eyes then says, “Sure I will. I’ll treat you to a nice dinner date if we can get out of this.”

  Treat her to a dinner date?

  “What about me?”

  “Maybe I’ll take you on a separate date.”<
br />
  Why a separate date? Maybe Pace’s suspicions about Tage and Nita were correct. He always used to talk about it, but I didn’t care to believe them until now.

  “Should we separate again?” I ask Tage.

  “I don’t think there are any more gates to separate us, so I think it would be best since we have a large area to cover. I doubt Rita and David will separate us again because we wouldn’t be able to kill each other then.”

  “Sounds rig-”

  The announcement system comes on. Kat announces, “Isn’t this a treat boy and girls? You are all separated into different sections with dangerous weapons to kill each other with. Now there’s a greater chance for you to kill your friend without the others knowing in whatever method you see fit. Good luck!”

  “What a bitch,” I say.

  “You got that right,” Tage confirms.

  “I guess we might as well start searching. For ways to get out of here, not things to kill each other with. I’ll take the religion section.”

  “That leaves the philosophy section for me then. I hope you find something interesting.”


  I wonder if Rita will send Kat to kill me then blame it on Tage. The others wouldn’t be able to prove Tage’s innocence and it would be a fast and efficient way to kill all of us. But then again, she’s a sadistic bitch. She might she starve us out here. I wonder if my parents are wondering about me. Maybe they’re emailing them lies since they can fool the school staff as well. They should have access to our addresses and emails if they’re able to manipulate the systems in the school.

  Dang it. I can’t stop thinking about things that won’t help. There’s nothing in these rooms I could use. I might as well go through these books in the library to remind myself of a better afterlife. Huh. This one book is a little out compared to the rest. Woah. After I pull it, it opens like one of those secret passages I read in fiction. I wonder what’s down here.

  Okay, now it looks like I’m in some sort of secret room. There’s a glass panel that separates me from the exit to this room. There is a door in this glass panel, but it’s locked. Someone’s coming through the door on the opposite side now…David…He isn’t wearing that weird mask thing and he appears to be cautious.


  “I’m sorry for everything I’m doing, Ella, but this is the only way to give Rita she deserves.”


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