Book Read Free

Perilous Women

Page 8

by Albert Oon

Maggie – Mom was herself for a few seconds and gave me some of her power. She hugged me and told me that she loved Lily and me. She also told me that the source of the sinister power controlling her is beneath us near the center of the earth. All we have to do is keep going down to find it.

  *Siri puts her hands on Maggie to cleanse her of any evil power but finds none*

  Siri-senpai – Hmm. It looks like Maylene didn’t put any curses on you, at least none that I can sense.

  Lily – So what happened?

  Siri-senpai – Maylene was conscious and gave Maggie whatever power she could to do this.

  Lily – You’re so lucky Maggie! How come she didn’t give me any of her power?

  Maggie – You didn’t find her by yourself. Besides, we shouldn’t focus on that right now. We need to free mom from her curse.

  Siri-senpai – Maggie is right, Lily.

  Lily – I never thought my little sister would become stronger than me.

  Maggie – Of course I would become stronger than you. All you use are pistols while I practice with a sword.

  Lily – That doesn’t mean anything. I still practice my kicks and punches. I mean just look at my figure.

  Maggie – Look at you? Look at me!

  *Siri is taken aback but the sisters’ ability to argue with each other in the situation they’re in*

  Lily – What about you? Your figure isn’t much to look at.

  Maggie – What was that?!

  Lily – You heard me. You know who gets more attention.

  Maggie – Yeah, I don’t attract pedophiles like you do.

  Lily – Stop bringing that up! I’ll mess you up!

  Maggie – Oh yeah? I just created this crater by myself! What do you think is going to happen to you if I flick you and don’t control my power?

  Siri-senpai – Can you use that power so we can finally put Maylene out of her misery?

  Maggie – Oh. That’s right.

  Maylene – I can’t allow you to do that, Maggie.

  Siri-senpai – Oh shit.

  *Hundreds of copies of Maylene appear in the large crater*

  Maylene – You won’t be able to defeat me now. You’re so close to your goal, and yet, so far. This ends now.

  Maggie – You’ve got that right, mom.

  *Maggie’s power begins overflowing again as she hits the ground with her sword, which takes the ground out underneath. Everyone is floating in midair now and plummeting to the ground*

  Lily – Damn, Maggie! Give us a heads-up next time.

  *Lily uses her upgraded pistols to shoot at the copies of her mother in the sky*

  Maggie – I’m going to keep burying down until we get to the sinister force controlling mom. How’s that for a heads up?

  Siri-senpai – Be careful with your new power Maggie!

  Maggie – Oh, I will.

  *Maggie flies through the air, cutting through the copies of her mother at high speeds while Lily manages to hold her own against multiple copies*

  Maylene – It’s a shame that you have to let the kids fight for you, old lady.

  Siri-senpai – This “old lady” still has a couple of tricks up her sleeves.

  *Siri’s blade hair and kimono double then triple themselves, which allows Siri to fight off multiple copies of Maylene at once. Lily and Siri cover Maggie from the copies of Maylene that sneak up on her as she rapidly descends to the ground. Before Maggie hits the ground, she front flips in midair multiple times before smashing the ground with her sword. The ground completely disintegrates beneath everyone as they continue to fall. Dark spirits that were part of the ground are freed. Some are killed by Maggie’s attack while others go on the attack against the three women*

  Lily – Good job, Maggie!

  Maggie – Stop complaining and help me!

  *Lily and Maggie combine their powers like they did in the first fight against their mother and tear through the copies of their mother and the dark spirits. They beat their enemies into the ground and break through it, which reveals a large demon composed of tentacles. It has six eyes, three mouths, and a large glowing red eye in the center of its forehead. The demon has four tentacle arms and two large legs. The three women manage to safely land. The evil spirits disappear along with the copies of Maylene*

  Demon – I’ve been waiting for you two, Maggie and Lily. I am Roku.

  Maggie – You’re the bastard that corrupted our mother!

  Roku – She wanted power, she found me, and I gave it to her. It was all your mother’s decision.

  Maggie – Liar!

  Roku – Your mother wanted the power to protect only what she treasured. Even the worst sinners protect the people dear to them. She lies to herself when she says that she doesn’t want to spread her power to you.

  Lily – Shut up!

  *Lily transforms her pistols into magnums by pressing a button on them that makes them turn inside out. She shoots at the demon, which makes it flinch, but causes no major damage. Maggie and Siri begin their attack as well*

  Roku – This is the truth whether you like it or not.

  *Maggie and Siri attack Roku. His tentacles take the brunt of their attacks then push them back*

  Roku – Regardless of your resistance, Maylene and I’s wishes will be granted.

  *Roku sends out his tentacles to engage the three women with Maylene on it. Fighting the almost countless number of tentacles is difficult for Lily, Maggie, and Siri especially with Maylene on its side*

  Roku – Give up. It’s pointless to resist.

  Maggie – No way! I’m going to side with a bunch of hentai tentacles! Lily!

  Lily – Let’s do it!

  *Maggie and Lily combine their powers to blast away their mother and Roku’s tentacles*

  Siri-senpai – ‘Why am I even here if you girls can just support yourselves? Who am I kidding? This just means my role as a teacher is complete.’

  Roku – You’re stronger than I expected, but you’re no match for my power.

  *Roku’s tentacles come together to form a giant ball of fire, which it then fires as a beam at the sisters. Unable to avoid it, the sisters cover each other in defense. Siri leaps in front of them and begins performing a special ritual*

  Maggie & Lily – Siri-senpai!

  Siri-senpai – Don’t worry girls. Your old master has this.

  Lily – What are you doing?

  Siri-senpai – I’m using a special exorcism ritual. If this is going to go down the way I think it is…It was an honor to train you two to your full potential. You’ve surpassed me in almost every regard. The one thing that I want you to remember from my teachings is that…I love you girls.

  Maggie & Lily – Siri-senpai?

  *Siri absorbs the humongous fire beam into her chest. Once it is gone, she dies*

  Maggie & Lily – Siri-senpai!

  *The sisters try bringing their master back to life, but are unable to, so they cry over her body. The sight of her dead master has Maylene struggling to regain control of herself, which makes Roku struggle to keep her under his control. Lily holds Maggie’s hands*

  Lily – No, Maggie…We can’t give up now. Not now after Siri-senpai’s sacrifice.

  *Maggie looks into her sister’s eyes. Lily fights through her tears and sorrow to show her sister a strong face, which gives both Maggie confidence*

  Maggie – Lily…

  Lily – We can do this together, Maggie.

  Maggie – Can we? This is different than last time…

  Lily – But we’re also stronger than last time. We can do this! Just trust your older sister.

  *Lily’s look of resolve gets Maggie to wipe away her tears and stand up*

  Maggie – Okay. I will!

  Lily – Let’s rock then.

  *The sister’s increased bond has combined them together into a single entity, Mali. Even though Lily is the older sister, Mali primarily has Maggie’s looks, sword, and personality*

  Roku – What is this?

  Mali – You can call us Mali, and this is where you die.

  *Mali sprints at Roku faster than a car and slashes through the demon’s tentacles like a knife through butter. She fights off all the evil spirits and copies of Maylene all by herself while unleashing her newfound power*

  Roku – What is this?!

  Mali – The power of sisterly love.

  *Mali uses the power Maylene gave to Maggie to hit Roku on the center of the head to blow it up. Maylene’s last clone begins to disintegrate. Her appearance goes back to the way it once was before she was possessed. Maggie and Lily go back to normal and go to their fading mother. Maylene smiles as she’s finally free. She holds out her hands and silently awaits a hug from her daughters. Despite having no real relationship with their mother, the sisters cry and hug their mother as she leaves the world. The ground beneath the sisters then starts getting build up and restored. It lifts them to the normal ground level then comes to life with grass, trees, and flowers with a single blue rose where their mother was, and a purple rose where Siri was*

  Lily – I guess this is it, isn’t it?

  Maggie – I hope so. I’d hate to keep fighting our mother for the rest of my life.

  Lily – Me too. Well…I guess it’s time to get back home.

  Maggie – What? That’s it?

  Lily – This isn’t one of your crappy manga Maggie. You aren’t going to get a husband out of fighting a demon.

  Maggie – I wish I did.

  Lily – But weren’t you talking to a guy before we left the city?

  Maggie – Weren’t you talking to several guys?

  Lily – Okay. We’re going there, aren’t we?

  *The sisters begin walking back home*

  Maggie – Of course we are since they look way older than you.

  Lily – Says the girl who knows about tentacle hentai.

  Maggie – I just know about it because how can you not in the manga, anime community! It’s not like I watch it!

  Lily – Are you sure about that? Some of the books you read do seem pretty raunchy.

  Maggie – No they aren’t!

  Lily – Yes, they are.

  Maggie – No. They aren’t!

  Lily – Yes. They are.

  Maggie – Your outfits are slutty!

  Lily – Ugh! Says the girl with a boob window in her outfit and a cut in her skirt!

  Maggie – At least I show less skin than you.

  Lily – Oh shut up already!

  *Again, like always, the sisters fight each other. Meanwhile, near the center of the earth, several sinister forces gather together*

  Incubus – One of us has died because of those two sisters.

  Demon – We must do something about them to avenge our fallen brother!

  Succubus – I already have several strong fighters under my control. We could throw all of our forces at them at once. They won’t stand a chance.

  Head Demon – You’re right.

  *The head demon with six faces stands up*

  Head Demon – No one will.

  Volume 3 – Perdition

  *A year passes after Maggie and Lily’s battle with the demon Roku, who controlled their mother. They both managed to get a boyfriend for themselves and a few friends along with a part-time job while they studied in college. Unfortunately for them, whatever bonds they formed and the rewards they earned are erased within a single day by minions controlled by other demons that are like Roku. Even though the sisters dispatched the minions easily, the sisters weren’t the main target. What they held dear was.

  After saying goodbye to their home and everything and everyone they loved, the sister rest in a nearby park. Maggie is the most distraught as she continuously punches the ground in rage and sadness. Her distress shakes the ground in and around the city*

  Maggie – I can’t take this anymore! Why can’t I ever be happy?! Why can’t I live normally?! Why does it always have to be this way?!

  *Lily hugs her little sister and holds her with tears in her own eyes as well*

  Lily – You’ll be making a lot more people unhappy if you keep doing this Maggie! Please stop thinking about yourself for a second!

  Maggie – Shut up! You kept talking about protecting me, but you never did that much! Everyone we love and everything we’ve worked for is gone!

  *Lily lets go of Maggie*

  Lily – Maggie…

  Maggie – Don’t act like you’re the big sister you want to be! You’re nothing but a show-off who wants attention.

  Lily – What are you talking about Maggie? I can’t believe you’re talking like this.

  Maggie – Then stay away from me. I need to be alone.

  Lily – You’ve never ever wanted to be alone. Let me help you.

  Maggie – No.

  Lily – We’ve always overcome our obstacles together. Please, Maggie…Let me help you.

  Maggie – Shut up.

  Lily – I love you, Maggie! You’re my little sister and it’s my responsibility, as your older sister, to be here for you. Please…Let me-

  *Lily tries hugging Maggie, but she pushes her away and runs away*

  Maggie – Stay away from me! You don’t love me!

  Lily – Maggie!

  *Lily chases after Maggie, but Maggie manages to lose her in the crowded city*

  Lily – Maggie!!!!

  *Maggie hides in a manga store as she waits for her sister to stop looking for her. She looks through the new volumes of her manga to help her calm down. She looks at a lot of violence and sad moments, but she also comes across moments of happiness in her manga. Even though she cares about the characters being happy, she just becomes jealous of them and puts the manga down to look for something else less happy. Before she knows it, her sister enters the manga store*

  Lily – Maggie!!! I know you’re in here you weebo! Please, let’s talk things out. I can help you, sister!

  *Maggie quietly moves around the manga store until she makes it to the door, however, the bell on the door gives away her position*

  Lily – Maggie, stop!

  *Still in a bad state of mind, Maggie runs away from her sister. In the meantime, a minion of the demons, who is dressed in a crow outfit, watches the sisters. This watcher telepathically contacts his leader*

  Watcher – The sisters appear to be in disarray. Is it time to move in?

  Head demon – Yes, we are going to move in and take positions for our attack on the city. Don’t cause any bloodshed until we’re all set up. Once we are, the world will fear us, and no one will fight back against our rule.

  *Maggie has managed to outrun her sister yet again. She’s held up in a store that sells anime and manga related products. She cools her head by looking at the various new figures of her favorite characters. As she browses around the shop, she watches different love scenes where characters either fall in love, repair their relationship or come together. Maggie also witnesses people in the shop having fun with their friends or girlfriends and boyfriends. Her jealousy towards them builds as she tries to stay as far away from them as possible while blocking out their conversations. The tears that still mark her face begin to flow from her eyes again as memories of before and what could have been fill her head.

  She remembers the touch of her boyfriend along with his sweet words. She remembers their sweet first kiss along with the many moments she spent in his arms. Memories of her friends also bounce around in her head along with memories of Siri and Lily then everything burns. The bodies of everyone she’s loved lay broken and bloodied around her in her imagination as they call out for her help. Maggie holds her head in pain as she tries to shut it out. Lily storms into the store*

  Lily – I know you’re here, Maggie! You’ve got obvious tastes in hiding spots.

  *Within seconds, Lily finds her sister and runs to her*

  Lily – There you are!

  *Since she is still reeling from her sadness, Maggie is unable to escape Lily’s grasp as she picks her up. Lily
then begins to leave the store*

  Lily – I’m sorry everyone. We’ve got some big and little sister issues right now.

  Maggie – Stop treating me like a child!

  Lily – Like I said. Being a big sister is a lot of work.

  *Lily carries her little sister out of the store and to the side then doesn’t let go of her despite Maggie’s resistance*

  Maggie – Stop it! Let go of me you, stupid bitch!

  *Lily punches Maggie’s face several times until Maggie stops resisting. She then looks at her little sister who is in shambles and quickly regrets her actions. Lily hugs Maggie who is barely resisting her at this point*

  Lily – I’m so sorry, Maggie. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect everything we had and everyone we knew. I just had you on my mind and just protected you. Why is that so bad?

  *Maggie stops resisting Lily’s embrace*

  Lily – We may have lost everything, but we still have each other. Isn’t that all we need? As long as we’re together, we can do anything. I love you, Maggie. You’re my little sister. There isn’t anything I won’t do for you. How many times do I have to tell you this until you learn to trust me?

  *Maggie stares blankly at her older sister. Before they know it, the sisters are surrounded by six demons and their minions*

  Head demon – You better treasure your last moments together, sisters Maggie and Lily. Your death is at hand.

  Lily – Who are you?

  Head demon – I am Hokori. The head of the sinister and demonic forces that resides within the earth. You have killed one of our own and a close companion of mine. For that, we have awakened and will launch our war against the earth. You will not survive our assault, but we will give you a chance to survive. If you leave this city then train others to fight us in war, we will spare this city, for now. You will have twenty-five-years to prepare. It’s a fair deal if I say so myself. We are not unfair beings and wish to have a good battle so that we can completely squander the hope of the world in one battle.

  Lily – You’re the scum of the earth is what you are.

  Hokori – You speak more literal than you think. Decide.

  Lily – I think we should go. We can train people just like how Siri-senpai taught us. It’ll be just like old times.

  *Maggie’s mind is filled with the woes of the past. She remembers the depression and loneliness she felt and now she imagines feeling it again. This cracks something within her as she intently stares at Lily*


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