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A Season Of Miracles

Page 26

by Christine Michels

  Geoff searched her face. “Apparently he’s already left the country, but I couldn’t leave him out of the statement I gave the police, Devon. If he comes back, he’ll be arrested. I’m sorry.”

  She shook her head. “No, don’t be. You did what you had to do I love my brother, but I guess it’s time I let him fight his own battles.”

  Geoff took her hand in his.

  She forced a smile to her lips. “How are Mom and Dad holding up?”

  Geoff frowned thoughtfully “Your dad’s hard to read He’s angry with himself for not seeing Russell for what he was. And, I think he’s disappointed about Winston, but he hasn’t said much Your mother is pretty hurt by everything, but she’s strong. They’ve both been coming by to see you every evening.”

  She nodded, wondering if her father had forgiven her for telling him to stay out of her life.

  As though he sensed the question that weighed heavily on her mind, Geoff continued, saying, “Your father said to give you a message.”

  “Oh? What was that?”

  “He said to tell you that he’ll never interfere again unless you ask him to.” Geoff studied her face.

  With a soft smile, Devon draped her arm over Britanny’s shoulders to hug her close “That’s wonderful.” And, with the exception of Winston’s betrayal, everything was wonderful, for the first time in a long, long time. She refused to allow Winston’s problems to inhibit her happiness. Life was too short and uncertain not to rejoice in every moment “When can I go home?” she asked.

  “Soon,” Geoff promised.

  Soon was actually four long days. But, by the time the doctors released her, she felt almost like herself again. Her leg and her arm were still a bit sore, but she was happier than she’d been in a very long time.

  Geoff arrived alone to take her home. “The kids are staying with your mother for the rest of the day,” he explained.

  “Oh.” Devon felt faintly disappointed.

  “They wanted to come, but I asked them to give us some time alone.”

  “Oh.” Well, that was different. A thrill of anticipation raced through her as she contemplated exactly what Geoff must have in mind. It had been a long time. Much too long.

  When they arrived home, Geoff earned Devon into the house and all the way upstairs, so she wouldn’t tax the healing ligaments in her ankle Once in the bedroom, he very gently helped her to undress.

  Devon smiled. “I’ve missed this,” she said. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’m glad,” he murmured in that silk-on-sandstone voice that tantalized her nerve endings. Then, turning away for a moment, he withdrew the sexy red negligee he’d gotten her for Christmas from the closet.

  Devon frowned inwardly What was he doing? Weren’t they going to make love? Then thinking that he must have just wanted to see her in it, she allowed him to drop it over her head and shoulders, and then she smoothed it into place

  “There,” Geoff said. “Now you get into bed and rest, and I’ll be back shortly.”

  Rest! Her disappointment was crushing “I’ve just spent a week in bed, Geoff I hardly think I need to rest again so soon.”

  “I’ll be back,” he assured her. “I have to check on our dinner.”


  “Mmm-hmm. And you are not to set foot outside this room. Do you understand? It’s a surprise.” And then, mysteriously, he left.

  It was almost an hour later when Devon heard the tinkling noise of dishes rattling gently against each other. A moment later, her bedroom door opened to reveal Geoff carrying a serving tray laden with food. A single red rose in a crystal vase occupied a position of prominence on the tray.

  “Oh, Geoff,” Devon murmured as he folded down the legs of the tray to create a small bed table. “You’ve gone to so much trouble. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said with a smile as he leaned forward to place a gentle kiss on her lips. “But wait until you see dessert.”

  Ah, dessert, Devon thought with an inward smile. Now that was what she was looking forward to.

  They shared a delicious meal of tossed salad, lasagna, bread sticks, and wine while Geoff told her about the trials and tribulations of running a household and caring for two children without her. Finally, Devon dabbed her lips with her napkin and smiled. “Mmm. That was absolutely delicious,” she said.

  Geoff nodded. “Thanks. My mother refused to allow me to let any more time pass without learning how to cook ‘decent Italian food,’ ” he said with a gnn “She’s quite a lady.”

  Devon smiled. “Yes, she is. Now, if you’re finished, why don’t you set the tray on the floor and give me my dessert ”

  “All right ” With a secret smile, he lifted the place mat on the bed table and removed a large white envelope. “Dessert, my lady,” he said as he presented it to her with a flourish.

  “Wh-what’s this?” Devon asked in confusion

  “Open it.” Smiling, he removed the tray of dishes and set it on the floor out of the way.

  Opening the envelope, Devon slid out the contents. “Why, it’!” she exclaimed. “For an Alaskan cruise! When do we go?”

  “The end of May That should give you time to heal completely.”

  “Oh, Geoff!” Devon said as she threw her arms around him. She was too choked up to say another word. And suddenly she knew the main difference between this Geoff and the old This Geoff had learned to treasure life, and the relationships that were forged.

  And, so had she. Finally. It had taken Russell and his wicked actions to teach her, but she had learned.

  When she could speak again, Devon lifted her head to stare into the face of the man she loved. “And now, Geoffrey Hunter Grayson,” she murmured. “Will you get into this bed and make love to me? I’ve been waiting...forever.”

  Geoff smiled. “Your wish is my command, my lady.”

  “Hmm,” Devon mused as she watched him begin to remove his clothing. “I’ll have to keep that in mind for future reference.”

  And then, as Geoff joined her in her once lonely bed, the only words spoken belonged to the language of love.


  Three months had passed since the day death had almost claimed them both. They’d returned from their spectacular Alaskan cruise only two weeks ago. Geoff had suffered no further ill effects from his confrontation with Russell And, with the exception of the occasional twinge in her wrist, Devon claimed she’d made a complete recovery.

  Life had taken on the predictability of normal family life, and Geoff rejoiced in it. It was everything he’d wanted and more. Every day was new and exciting, and somehow the fact that he might never regain his memory no longer mattered quite so much. He’d fallen in love with his wife for the second time. He found new delight in his children on a daily basis Tyler spent an incredible amount of time emulating his father’s mannerisms. And Britanny never tired of telling him that she loved him and love was what had brought him back.

  Who was he to argue? Geoff thought with a wry twist of his lips as he left his office to go in search of another cup of coffee. As he passed the entrance to the garage, he noticed that the sound of Devon working on her newest stained-glass contract had ceased. He opened the door to ask her if she wanted to join him in a cup of coffee only to find that she wasn’t there.

  Frowning slightly, he went in search of her.

  Minutes later, he found her standing on the deck looking down on the twinkling lights of Kelowna. Something about the scene, perhaps the way she was standing or the tilt of her head, stopped him in his tracks. He’d seen her like this before—serene, a bit wistful, and...oh, so beautiful. A vision of her turning with a smile to face him, holding a champagne glass out to be refilled, flashed in his mind as clearly as he saw her now. “Happy birthday, darling,” he remembered saying. “How does it feel to be thirty-two?”

  Geoff swallowed. He hadn’t met Devon until she was thirty-four.

  The brief flash of memory faded as quickly as it had co
me upon him, yet it left him shaking with emotion

  He was Geoff Grayson.

  It was no longer a conclusion drawn from evidence, but knowledge that came from within himself. The proof had come from the shadowed recesses of his own mind If he never regained another memory, at least he had been granted that certainty.

  Taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart, he opened the patio door and stepped out to join Devon. She turned at the sound, stretching a hand toward him in welcome. “Hi,” she said softly. “Isn’t it pretty?”

  He looked down on all the twinkling lights and the gleaming swath of moonlight reflected on the night-blackened waters of Lake Okanagan. “Mmm-hmm,” he said. She shivered slightly and he stepped closer to wrap his arms around her. “You should have a jacket,” he admonished.

  “I just stepped out for a breath of fresh air and the view captured me. I was trying to figure out a way to recreate it in stained glass.”

  Geoff smiled. “If there’s a way, I’m sure you’ll find it.” He rested his chin on top of her head and luxuriated in simply holding her

  “Geoff—” she said a moment later.


  “How would you feel about being a father again?”

  “I think I’d like that very much.” She said nothing more and the silence gradually became fraught with possibility. Was she...? “Devon? Are you...pregnant?”


  Geoff’s heart leapt into his throat. Another child! “When?”

  “Around the first of November, I think.”

  Releasing her, he gripped her shoulders and turned her to face him. “You’re sure?”

  She nodded and smiled. “I’m sure, Geoff.”

  He wanted to say something. Anything to express the incredible feeling of pure delight he felt, but somehow the words escaped him, so he settled for wrapping his arms around the beautiful woman who was his wise. Inhaling the intoxicating scent of her soft hair he decided that life was very good indeed, for they’d experienced an entire season of miracles. First Geoff’s return, then their escape from the clutches of a madman, and, now, the miracle of new life. But...there was one thing lacking. Geoff had no memory of the vows he had made to this wonderful woman, and he needed to say them again.



  “Will you marry me?”

  She reared back to stare up into his face. Then, stroking the premature strands of gray hair at his temples, she smiled and said, “I’ll marry you any time you want, any place you want, Geoffrey Hunter Grayson. I love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  ISBN : 978-1-4592-6595-0


  Copyright © 1998 by Sharry Michels

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention

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  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents

  “You look awfully healthy for a dead man, Geoff.”

  Letter to Reader

  About the Author


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15






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