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Burning Heat

Page 1

by Mary Alice Pritchard

  Burning Heat

  © 2009 by Mary Alice Pritchard

  All rights reserved

  First Edition January 2009

  DCL Publications

  36 Monash Street

  Melton South




  ISBN 978-1-921347-79-5


  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information and storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  National Library of Australia Cataloguing-in-Publication entry

  Author: Pritchard, Mary Alice.

  Title: Burning heat / Mary Alice Pritchard.

  Edition: 1st ed.

  ISBN: 9781921347795

  Dewey Number: 813.6

  Chapter One

  “Now he’s hot.” Dana pointed to a well-built blond guy at the bar.

  “I don’t know. He doesn’t look like someone I’d like.” Cassandra contradicted her friend’s choice. “He looks stuck on himself.”

  “Come on Cassy, you’ve got to pick someone before you go in heat. Last time, you waited too late and ended up with the first wolf you saw.” Dana cringed. “He was most definitely not your style. Then he followed you for weeks until you finally busted his ass.”

  “I really didn’t mean to hurt him. I just lost it when he showed up at dinner that night.”

  “So… my point is, you need to find someone now while you’ve got time to be choosy.”

  “It’s not that easy for me. You know that,” she said. “He has to be strong and – I don’t know… Alpha. I don’t like wimpy guys.”

  “So… sniff around and find an alpha. There are bound to be several here tonight. It’s not far off the full moon.” Dana bounced to the beat of the song blasting from the overhead speakers.

  Screamers always had hot music and the best men, so why she couldn’t concentrate on finding one, Cassy didn’t have a clue. She liked her sex hot and wild. Most of the men in the room would jump at the chance, but not too many were really up to the challenge. It would definitely take an alpha to catch her eye.

  “Let’s dance.” Cassy grabbed Dana’s wrist, pulling her out on the dance floor. Maybe she could find someone among the grinding and gyrating bodies in the wild throng.

  “The music is mag tonight,” Dana screamed in her ear. “They must have a new DJ since the last time I was here.”

  “It’s loud, it’s rock, and it’s got a beat. I’m happy,” Cassy yelled over the music.

  Someone laid a hand on her shoulder and pulled her around. Cassy started to protest but a solid chest caught her attention instead. It connected to skin tight jeans, well worn in all the right places. His hand wrapped around her waist, and when she looked up, his face knocked the wind right out of her. To say he was handsome didn’t cut it. His face appeared chiseled out of granite and the hint of stubbornness bled through in the set of his jaw. His slightly crooked nose didn’t detract from how handsome his face looked. Cassy knew by his rich gold coloring he would be a brown wolf. And God. His eyes. Dark chocolate orbs with a luminous glow peered down into hers.

  Yummy nearly escaped her mouth before she thought about it. The wolf looked good enough to eat. She could enjoy filling up on him.

  “Who are you with?” His voice vibrated along her spine before it curled around her middle.

  “A friend. Who are you with?”

  “You.” His other hand cupped the back of her neck running his thumb up and down her throat.

  “Um, I don’t think I know you, so you’re not with me.” Aggravation bubbled up in her stomach - the arrogant son of a bitch.

  “I claim you.” He pulled her tighter against his body. The hard length of his erection pressed just below her waist.

  “Just a damn minute!” She sputtered. “I don’t belong to anyone so don’t play that shit with me.”

  Cassy pulled away from him and grabbed Dana’s arm, pulling her towards the tables.

  “Hey. I was dancing with Todd. Why’d you do that?”

  “I need a drink.” She resisted turning around to see what the strange wolf would do.

  “I thought you were dancing with that hot dude. He looked alpha enough to me,” Dana pouted.

  “He’s an arrogant SOB. He claimed me like I’m a piece of luggage or something. No one talks to me like that.”

  “Whoa… am I confused here? Didn’t you just say a minute ago you wanted someone alpha enough to handle you? I’d say he is.” Dana sipped her drink, frowning at her.

  “There’s a difference between being alpha and being an asshole. He’s an asshole.” She swallowed down the rest of her drink.

  Dana smiled at her and waggled her eyebrows. “Don’t look now but the sexy asshole is zeroing in on you.”

  Again, a hand appeared on her shoulder only this time he didn’t spin her around. He leaned into her from behind, and his hot breath warmed her cheek. She knew a moment of absolute lust before she snapped out of it.

  “I want you.” His voice a mere whisper in her ear.

  “I want a lot of things I don’t get.” Cassy’s head swam with his closeness and the feel of him hard against her back.

  “I always get what I want.” He circled around to the table, one hand trailing down her bare arm. It sent shivers through her body.

  “There’s always a first time for everything.” Her words came out breathy. Damn her body for reacting to him.

  He drew her hand to his lips and all reason left her. For a single heartbeat she wanted to say yes.

  * * * *

  When he’d first caught site of her dancing, Phillip nearly dropped his drink. Her fiery red hair swayed with the rhythm of the music and her alabaster skin glowed beneath the twirling lights. He wanted to see her eyes, wanted to feel her skin beneath his, breathe in her scent. She could be the one.

  He eased through the throng of dancers until he stood directly behind her. For a brief moment he nearly turned around, but something called to him. Something about her called to his wolf. If she were the one…. Before he could second guess himself, Phillip touched her and turned her towards him. Her eyes shone blue, the color of a spring sky… soft and new and totally mesmerizing.

  He couldn’t be wrong. She had to be his. When she rebuffed him, he followed her to a table. Maybe he should have moved slower, but everything inside him screamed to make her his before she got away. His wolf growled at his hesitation, sniffed, hoping she was in heat but found she wasn’t.

  “Don’t you feel it?” he whispered in her ear. “That pull.”

  “What pull?” She didn’t look at him but stared straight ahead.

  “Maybe I’ll go grab another drink,” the other girl said moving away.

  “No! No, I’ll go with you.” She moved away from him, and he couldn’t help but latch on to her wrist.

  “Don’t go. I want to talk.” He watched her look down at his hand on her wrist and then back up at him with what could only be described as fury. Her eyes flashed and lightning streaked across the spring sky.

  “Let go of me.”

  He hesitated and finally released her wrist. She had fire and it hardened him even more, if that were possible. The jeans cut across him until he wanted to rub at them for relief.

  “Just talk.” He didn’t touch her this time, but it took all his will power not to.

>   “Maybe later. I’m busy right now.” She turned to follow the other girl in the general direction of the bar. Her scent teased him. Cinnamon. Heated cinnamon trailed behind her…

  * * * *

  “Why aren’t you all over him? Good God, Cassy! He’s absolutely gorgeous and that voice.” She fanned herself. “All I can say is fuck.”

  “He’s arrogant. Just because he’s good looking….”

  “He’s not just good looking. He’s magnificent. I’d be begging him to notice me if he wasn’t sniffing around you. Too bad you’re not in heat. Then you’d be interested.”

  “Dana, stop it.” Suddenly her friend’s comments pissed her off. “You’ve hounded me enough about finding a wolf, but so far everyone you point out is good looking but stuck on themselves. More than likely they get their rocks off and then they’re finished. I like more than that, so if I’m going to find someone, I’m going to be damn sure they’ll do more than a quick dip.”

  “Sorry. I just wanted to help. Last time scared me when you jumped your cycle. You weren’t ready, and it got you in trouble.” She touched Cassy’s shoulder, brushing her hair back from her face.

  “I know, I know. I don’t know why it’s so hard this time to find someone. Jacob and I clicked and I never thought he would move on.” She took her drink from the bartender.

  “He couldn’t help it. He’d found his mate. You knew it could happen. Hell, it could have been you who left him,” Dana pointed out. “Why not give this guy a try. See if he’s an asshole before you write him off. He might turn out to be a good candidate.”

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it.” She rubbed her temple. Between the loud music and the high-octane alcohol she had developed a headache. “Let’s go. I’ll look tomorrow night. If he’s around tomorrow, I’ll dance with him and see if he’s cooled off some. He’s too intense. I can’t breathe around him.”

  Chapter Two

  Phillip watched them leave. He thought about following them to see where they lived. The way the other girl had touched her bothered him. Surely they weren’t lovers. He couldn’t be attracted this strongly to a gay female. If she were, he’d show her what she was missing. She belonged to him. Every cell in his body screamed it. Why she didn’t feel the pull he couldn’t understand. Unless she didn’t want to feel it, he thought. But why?

  His head jerked. Someone watched him. He turned around to find Gregory smiling at him from across the room. The other wolf lifted his drink in a silent toast. Phillip wanted to grab him by the throat and tear it out, but he couldn’t attack him for no reason. Wolf law forbade that he fight anyone without an open challenge or to defend himself or his mate. He wouldn’t rise to the bastard’s bait. They would have their battle in the circle when the time came. For now, he gave one stiff nod and turned to leave.

  What did the other wolf want? He wouldn’t call him out for a challenge, so why taunt him? Maybe to force him to attack and so loose his position of first in their pack. If he drew blood without cause, he could be banished. He’d be damned if he let the other wolf draw him out like that. He was an alpha and he knew how to control his wolf.

  Turning away from the other man, Philip walked outside and drew in the fresh winter air. Its sharp, cold bite soothed his wolf, but it did little to sooth his body. The thought of the woman with fiery red hair and soft blue eyes sent his system into overdrive once again. The wolf screamed to get out. He held him in check until he was home and could slip out back and into the trees. Then he let go and ran until his body ached. And still he thought of her.

  * * * *

  The feel of the wind in her fur and the crushed pine needles under her paws usually soothed Cassy – but not tonight. Thoughts of the brown wolf kept sneaking into her mind. Erotic thoughts laced with just enough fear to turn her on. He would be a powerful lover, but would he be too strong? Why did he overwhelm her so much? She was an alpha female and usually nothing touched her, which was why she had so much trouble finding a partner for the heat.

  The pull of the moon beckoned her, and she had no choice but to give into it. Every cell in her body burned with it. She hunted and ran until she felt the moon wane, drifting towards the morning horizon. The dawn crept into a new day and Cassy shook herself, preparing to change back to her human half. There would be another moon and another. She yearned for a mate to run in the night with her. Maybe one day, but until then she still had to find a suitable partner for her heat. And her body wanted her to choose the strange brown wolf.

  * * * *

  “Come on, Cassy. At the rate you’re going it will be midnight before we make it to Screamers. I want to spend at least a couple of hours there tonight.” Giving her hair one final brush she glared at Cassy. “You look fine.” Dana planted her hands on her hips in exasperation.

  Cassy knew she was dragging her feet, but she couldn’t help it. The thought of meeting the stranger worried her. She feared she’d give in to her body’s demands, and she balked at the idea of being a slave to her wolf.

  “I’m coming, I’m coming.” Finally, she grabbed her bag and followed her friend out.

  The club still boasted the hottest music and the bass thump met them before they ever stepped foot inside the building. Had to be the same DJ, Dana informed her. Scanning the crowd, Cassy saw no sign of the brown wolf and her heart dragged a beat at the thought she wouldn’t see him that night. Another part of her sighed with relief.

  “See your hunk anywhere?” Dana asked.

  “I wasn’t looking for him,” she lied. “Let’s get a drink and look for a table. I’d prefer a booth if we can find one. I plan to dance hard and wear myself out.”

  “Now that’s the spirit.”

  It took two trips around the dance floor, but they finally located an empty booth without drinks waiting on someone dancing. Sliding in, Cassy scanned the dance floor again and still didn’t see the man responsible for her nervousness. Something prickled along the back of her neck, but when she turned around, no one seemed to be staring at her so she chalked it up to the loud sensuous music blaring from the speakers.

  “Let’s dance! I want to grind to the beat.” Dana pulled at her hand to drag her to the dance floor. Thirty minutes later they returned to their booth panting and grinning like idiots.

  “Man this place is rocking tonight! Did you see that blond making eyes at us? I kept thinking he’d come over and dance, but someone had him on a tight leash.” Dana giggled as she brought her drink to her lips.

  “He had his eye on you. Watch out or you may end up in a fight with whoever has claims on him.”

  The air in her lungs whooshed out as her senses picked up on someone powerful in the room. God, don’t let it be him. I’m not ready to face him yet. Her heart sped up at the thought, and once again her body betrayed her, turning to search the crowd. There he was, walking towards her table.

  “Mind if I join you?” He didn’t wait for an answer but pushed in beside Cassy.

  “Um, guess not.” She shrugged.

  “Not at all,” Dana said.

  “You both look delightful tonight,” he said looking at Cassy.

  “Thanks.” Dana took a sip of her drink and winked at her friend. “Think I’ll go dance again. I can’t pass up The Brew’s latest song.” Before Cassy could protest, she scooted out of the booth and disappeared in the crowd.

  “I apologize for the way I sounded last night. I know I came on too strong.” His warm breath tickled along the side of her face.

  “Yeah, I’m not used to someone demanding I do anything.”

  “I see that now. I just wanted to let you know my feelings – my intentions.”

  “And what are your intentions?”

  “To seduce you. I want to be your partner during the heat.” His voice burned into her body like smooth whisky.

  “What if I don’t want you for my heat?” She scooted over to give herself room to breath.

  “Then I’ll have to convince you. I feel a connection between
us, and I want to explore it. Don’t you?”

  “It’s lust, that’s all. I don’t cave to lust. There has to be more.” She made the mistake of turning to look into his eyes. They mesmerized her and left her shaky.

  “How do you know if there isn’t more unless you look? Let’s go slow and see where it takes us.”

  “Somehow I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She squirmed in her seat. His smoldering gaze took away all reason.

  “I think it is.” He smiled and took her hand. “Let’s dance.”

  The music changed to something slow, and the idea of dancing that close to his body sent shivers along her spine. His hand held hers in a light grip, but she knew if she balked he’d tighten it. What could it hurt to give him one dance? If he really bothered her, she’d refuse to let him around her. At least he didn’t sniff her like so many of the men did.

  “I think I should know your name if I’m going to dance with you,” she said.

  “Phillip. I know your name is Cassandra. I asked until I found out. Your roommate’s name is Dana.” His soft voice in her ear caught her off guard.

  “Hmm. I’m not sure I like that you checked up on me.”

  “Only your name.”

  * * * *

  She fit in his arms as if she were part of him. The feel of her body molded to his burned in his blood and he grew hard just touching her. He drew in her scent, the spicy cinnamon, searing it into his memory. He’d be able to find her anywhere. His lips brushed her hair as they danced and he wanted to kiss every exquisite inch of her. He resisted tightening his grip in case she bolted. It proved to be much more difficult than he’d imagined. He wanted her.

  “I’m enjoying the way you move in my arms,” he finally said.

  “You’re a good dancer.”

  “I’m an even better lover.” Her face paled just a little.


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