Burning Heat

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Burning Heat Page 4

by Mary Alice Pritchard

  The club thinned out around two and when Cassy glanced around she didn’t see anyone she knew well enough to catch a ride home. That left Gregory. Still, she wasn’t sure about letting him drive her home. Though he didn’t overwhelm her, he did give her an uncomfortable feeling. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “Looks like they are closing. Do you need a ride?” He caught her elbow to steer her towards the door.

  “I’ll check to see if Dana took the car.” Free of the club, Cassy’s senses screamed caution.

  “Do you see the car?” Gregory’s breath on the back of her neck sent chills along her skin.

  “Um, no. She must have taken her car after all.”

  “No problem. You can ride with me.” He ushered her towards a sleek, black sports car and helped her in the car.

  Cassy, this isn’t a good idea. You don’t know him, and Phillip did warn you away from him. Yeah, and Phillip wanted her for himself. Of course he’d warned her away.

  “Okay, where to?” He started the car and as it purred to life he turned to face her. Something in his eyes chilled her and then it was gone.

  She gave him directions and when they pulled up outside their apartment building, he got out and opened the door for her.

  “Thanks, I appreciate it. Maybe I’ll see you at the club again.” She walked towards the sidewalk.

  “I’ll see you to your door. I won’t leave you unattended at this time of morning.” He followed her as she keyed in her code to unlock the ground door.

  “It’s really not necessary. The building is secure. I’ll be fine.” Before she could close the door, Gregory pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  It started out light and soft, but grew into something more. His mouth crushed hers and he ran one hand to her ass and squeezed while the other one held her neck. She fought the urge to squirm and he seemed to sense it because he pulled back and smiled down into her eyes. Something in them truly frightened her. She backed away once he’d relaxed his grip.

  “I’ll see you at the club I’m sure.” Then she pushed the door shut behind her.

  The hallway seemed to stretch in front of her as she stumbled towards the stairs. She must be more than a little drunk to have trouble standing like this. The stairs proved just as difficult, but by the time she made it to her door, she felt better. Dana wasn’t home and she had little doubt her roommate would be in before noon the next day. A nice hot shower would clear her head. Only… she began to doubt it had been the drinks.

  * * * *

  The glass shattered against the stone fireplace - amber liquid pooled on the hearth. Pack business his ass. It had to be Gregory’s doing to draw him away from the club. The teen supposedly in trouble didn’t need anything. He hadn’t lost control or even changed in public. In fact, he didn’t have a clue why Phillip had shown up in the first place.

  When he got to the club, it had closed down for the night. Through the haze of scents he caught a wisp of Cassy’s as well as Gregory’s, but he couldn’t tell if they’d been together or not. He couldn’t do anything about it now. He’d have to wait until the next night to find out if she’d gone with Gregory or not. If she had, he wasn’t sure what he would do.

  His wolf wanted to hunt her now. He’d driven past her apartment building and relief that her car was there relaxed him a little. Still, he needed to see her. He needed to see for himself she was okay and hadn’t been with that bastard. What would he do if she’d gone with him? Phillip didn’t know. She was his mate and he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She had to see reason and soon, or he’d loose control and take her.

  Chapter Five

  The headache threatened to engulf her as Cassy pulled herself out of bed. She didn’t remember drinking all that much so what was with the pounder? She stumbled to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of aspirin, swallowing three with a glass of water. Through narrowed eyes she realized it was nearly two in the afternoon. She’d slept almost eleven hours.

  Cassy shuffled to Dana’s door and knocked. “You in there?”

  “Go away.” The muffled growl had to be Dana. She smiled and thought about knocking again, but her head protested so she shuffled to the bathroom.

  Two hours later and after a breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs, she felt almost normal. Almost. The strange lethargy hung on though. Dana emerged from her bedroom half way through her breakfast and disappeared again in the bathroom. Sunday, she’d probably hit heat by ten. She hoped Lance wasn’t late. Dealing with Dana wouldn’t be a good idea in her condition. The wolf would mow her down on the way out the door. And please let them get to his place so I don’t have to try and sleep through it.

  “Morning.” Cassy smiled as her friend groped for a mug to pour coffee.


  “So what did you think about Golden Boy? Is Lance in trouble?”

  “Naw. I like him and he’d be great for fun, but he’s not a Lance.” She drew the cup to her mouth and moaned.

  “You look as if you had fun though.”

  “Oh yeah, I did have fun. I wish I hadn’t had this much fun though.” Both hands gripped the mug as she sniffed in the aroma.

  “So, did you do the tango with Gregory?” One eye peered at her over the coffee.

  “No. He did bring me home though. Someone didn’t leave me a car.”

  “Shit! Sorry. I wasn’t thinking – obviously.”

  “That’s okay. He didn’t mind and I made it home safe.”

  “So did he try anything?”

  Cassy shrugged. Had he tried anything? Her mind was hazy over the drive home. “I don’t think so. I think I got smashed last night. Funny though, I didn’t think I’d had that much to drink.”

  Dana put down the coffee mug, concern on her face. “You never get drunk. Are you sure he didn’t slip something in your drink?”

  “I don’t think so. I mean, why would he?” Cassy drew in a deep breath. “Anyway, I know we didn’t have sex. I would know.”

  “You don’t need to go to the club by yourself tonight. I won’t be there.” She poured more coffee in her mug and held it up for Cassy.

  “No thanks. I’ll be careful, and I’ll have my own car. I’ll drink ginger ale. I don’t need to miss any chance I have to find a partner.”

  “Just choose Phillip for this time and stay at home.”

  “I’m not doing that unless I want him for a steady partner. He’ll expect me to go with him every heat. I need to be sure.” She ran a hand through her still damp hair. “You probably need to call Lance in a little while and head over there. Your canines are out.”

  “No they aren’t!” She touched them with her tongue. “Liar.”

  She laughed and turned away to get dressed. She needed to shop before going out and Dana didn’t need to leave the apartment without Lance in tow.

  * * * *

  Phillip searched the crowd for any sign of Cassy. He’d made sure he wouldn’t miss tonight with pack business by assigning two of the guards to the duty. If she didn’t show up, he’d go to her apartment and bang on her door if need be. He had to see her.

  Her scent alerted him first. The spicy cinnamon aroma drifted to him from across the room. He caught sight of her as she stepped down from the entrance and headed to the bar. He’d wait for her to get her drink before he approached her. Her fiery red hair danced around her as she laughed at something someone said. His ears picked up the music of her laugh and the wolf in him reacted to his mate.

  His eyes followed her as she left the bar and walked around the dance floor. She didn’t seem to be searching for anyone in particular and since she’d arrived alone he figured her roommate had hit her heat. She’d be alone with no one to interfere with him. He’d be careful not to frighten her this time. Though how he planned to control himself was beyond him. He was aroused by simply seeing her across the room.

  Once she’d circled around to where he stood, Phillip stepped up and smiled down into her startled face. Her blue eyes da
nced and then smoldered before she masked them.

  “Hi, Phillip.”

  “Cassy. I missed you last night. I had pack business that kept me away.” She stepped back a step.

  “I’m sure it keeps you busy.”

  “Not when I have a partner. I’m completely hers for the duration.” He smiled and took a step toward her. “I have a booth, why don’t you drop your glass by it and we can dance.”

  “Um, I…” He took her elbow and steered her to his booth. Taking the glass from her hand he sat it on the table and pulled her towards the dance floor.

  When the music slowed he drew her close to him. “Did you and Dana dance all night?”

  “Dana left around midnight with the golden wolf.” She didn’t offer anything more.

  “And what did you do once she’d left?”

  “Is this twenty questions or what? I danced.” The spark in her eyes promised fireworks.

  “Just asking about your night. How about a safer subject?” He smiled down at her, almost seeming to will her to melt in his arms.

  “Somehow I don’t think any subject is safe with you.”

  He relaxed at her teasing. “You’re probably right. Did your roommate dump her partner for the gold wolf?”

  “Nope, she’s happy with Lance. Thank God he showed up on time for a change. I really wasn’t in the mood to chain her to her room.”

  “Are you that difficult to handle when you’re in heat?” Her eyes smoldered like thunderclouds on the horizon.

  “There you go getting personal again.”

  “We’ve shared a night together. I would think we are past personal now.”

  “I never promised you anything, Phillip,” she said through gritted teeth.

  “No. You didn’t. I’m asking you if you’ve made your decision.” His heart stuttered at the thought she’d say no or worse, say yes, but not to him.

  “I’m still thinking about it. Can we not talk about that for now?”

  He started to answer but something hit him just before Gregory tapped his shoulder.

  “May I cut in?” His voice grated along his spine.


  “Yes,” she said. “I’ll dance with you for awhile.” She flashed her eyes at Phillip and he had no choice except to let her go.

  * * * *

  “Did you rest well last night?” He danced her away from where Phillip stood watching them.

  “Yes, thank you. I do appreciate the ride home last night.” His eyes peered into hers and she had a curious feeling of falling.

  “Good. I was hoping you would show up tonight. I wanted to dance with you.” Her head began to spin and she swallowed to slow down the feeling.

  “Look, I don’t feel to well. Do you mind if we sit down?” The feeling subsided a little as they sat at the booth. He took the seat across from her and continued to hold her hands.

  “You look a little pale. Do you think you should be out tonight?” His voice wove around her head, and she wondered why she felt drunk when all she’d had was a couple of sips of ginger ale.

  “I’m alright. It’s just hot in here and I needed to sit down.” Cassy drew in a deep breath and fought the feeling, concentrating on the music instead.

  “I don’t see your roommate tonight. Is she ill?” He looked around the room and Cassy found herself doing the same.

  “No, she’s otherwise occupied tonight.” She swallowed around the knot in her throat. “I’ve seen you here more in the last few nights than the entire time I’ve been coming to the club.”

  “I like the company,” he said smiling across at her. “I really enjoy dancing with you. I’d like it if we could dance again.”

  Cassy didn’t miss the innuendo beneath his words. Somehow she didn’t want to go anywhere with him. Something about him bothered her, but she couldn’t figure out what it was.

  “I think I’ll sit this one out.” She pretended to misunderstand and glanced around the room. She knew her eyes searched for Phillip even though she denied it to herself.

  “Perhaps you need to freshen up then. Maybe a cool towel will clear your head.” The suggestion sounded good to her so she stood up. She would have fallen back into her seat if Gregory hadn’t caught her.

  “Sorry. I guess I do need to cool off some.” She let him lead her towards the bathrooms in the back of the room.

  When she would have turned to enter the lady’s he pulled her farther into the hall and swung her around with her back against the wall.

  “Um, I needed to go to the bathroom.” Alarm flared and her heart raced with it.

  “First I want a kiss. You want to kiss me, don’t you?” His lips hovered just above hers.

  “Sure, a kiss would be nice.” It couldn’t be her voice. She roused enough to turn her head when his mouth would have touched hers. “Wait, something’s wrong.”

  “Nothing is wrong. Just a kiss.” He turned her head back to him with one hand.

  His mouth crushed hers in a hard, cruel kiss and try as she did, she couldn’t stop him. His hand groped at her breast and the other one dug into her ass. She wanted to fight but something stopped her. When he bit her lip, reason returned and she pushed him back. Adrenaline finally kicked in and she stomped on his foot.

  “Stop it! Let me go.” Her voice sounded distant, but she knew she’d spoken the words by the anger in his eyes.

  “You want this. You want to give yourself to me.” His voice tightened something inside her and she felt her resolve to fight him lessen.

  “Let go of her.” The dark voice caught at her and she raised her hazy eyes to see Phillip standing next to her.

  “She’s with me tonight. Tell him, Cassy. Tell him that you want to be with me.” She felt the pull to say the words, but she fought them. She didn’t want to go with him.

  “I – I can’t breathe.” She knew he was using his abilities to command her. It finally hit her that he’d been using them all along.

  Phillip laid a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. “Who do you want to go with, Cassy?” His words twirled in her head and she leaned against him.

  “You. I want to go with you.”

  Gregory didn’t release his hold on her wrist. “You said you wanted to be with me. Don’t you remember?”

  “Yes… I think.” She shook her head. “I don’t know.” Everything blurred and she couldn’t think. “I can’t remember.” But she pulled away from Phillip and into Gregory’s arms.

  * * * *

  “You’re controlling her. That’s against our law. You don’t control a female unless it’s to save her life.” Phillip growled at the other wolf. He didn’t release his hold on Cassy’s shoulder.

  “I’m not, but you just did to take her from me. I can’t control a female. You know that. I’m not alpha enough, or so you’ve told me before.”

  “This isn’t about being one of Luka’s guard. This is about trying to take my mate against her will. I’ll see you in the circle for it unless you back off now.” He wanted to grab Gregory by the throat and throw him across the room.

  “Ask her if I’m controlling her. She’ll tell you I’m not. She wants me and not you. You just can’t accept that someone would prefer me and not you.” He ran a hand down Cassy’s back and Phillip gritted his teeth.

  “Cassy. Look at me. I’ll leave you alone if you’ll tell me the truth.” He took her chin and turned her to look up at him. Her pupils seemed to swallow her eyes, her heat. Phillip swore. “Look at me.” She finally looked straight into his eyes.

  “Who do you want to go with? Who do you want for your partner?” When she blinked and leaned back into Gregory he did something he would have never thought he’d do – he commanded her.

  “You’re coming with me.” She nodded and pulled away from Gregory.

  “That’s not her talking. You’re forcing her. Now who will go to circle?” He smiled all teeth and let go of Cassy. He’d accomplished what he’d set out to do.

  Phillip growled
and pulled her into his arms. “She’s my mate. I can do what I will with her when she’s in danger, and she’s in danger with you.”

  “She isn’t your mate, you haven’t claimed her.” He leered at Phillip. “I bet when she comes out of your little trance she’ll fight you tooth and claw. Then we’ll see who she wants.” Gregory pushed past them and disappeared into the crowd.

  He pushed back his wolf. It knew Cassy would soon be in heat and he wanted her. She’d refuse to ever see him again once she realized what he’d done, but he wouldn’t regret it. Even if she refused him and he lost his seat in the pack, it would be worth it to be sure she was safe. He’d make sure she knew Gregory had used the same force on her. At least then she’d stay away from him as well.

  “What’s going on? I think I passed out.” She shook her head and looked around her. “What am I doing back here?”

  “I found you back here with Gregory.” He struggled to slow his breathing and calm his wolf.

  “What was I doing back here with him?” She rubbed her face with both hands. “I can’t remember coming back here.

  “He forced you. He’s evidently alpha enough to do it. I didn’t know, or I would never have let you come with him.”

  Her eyes widened and then narrowed. “What was he doing to me?”

  “When I found you he had his hands all over you. I very nearly broke his neck, but I didn’t want to endanger you.” He rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

  “Where did he go? How did you get him to leave me alone?” She reached up to her shoulder and rubbed at it.

  “I don’t know and don’t care at this minute where he went.” He sighed and looked at her. He had to tell her or Gregory somehow would. “I pressed you to leave him.”

  “You what?” Her eyes flashed and she took a step back. “You made me? You said you would never use your power over me. You lied to me.” She jerked her arm out of his grasp and stalked back towards the dance floor.

  Phillip growled and followed after her. He had to make her see he had no choice. He caught up with her as she skirted the dancers and headed for a table. “Cassy, wait.”


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