Burning Heat

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Burning Heat Page 5

by Mary Alice Pritchard

  “No, you wait. I trusted you the other night and you promised me you would never force me into anything. How do I know you didn’t the other night? I don’t usually go with anyone I don’t know that well.” She grabbed her drink and poured a generous amount down her throat.

  “I told you I would never force you unless it was to save your life. Gregory will hurt you. I’ve told you that before.” He blocked her when she tried to squeeze past him.

  “Gregory was never here, you are the one who forced me back there. I don’t see Gregory and don’t remember him being here tonight. I somehow got out of your little party trick and you had to cover for yourself.”

  “I’m telling you the truth. He had his hands all over you. That’s what that bruise is on your shoulder. He hurt you.”

  “He wouldn’t. He’s never done anything to make me think he would hurt me.” She stuck her finger in his chest. “You, on the other hand, have tried to corner me and make me go with you several times.”

  “I would never hurt you. You are the world to me. Think back. You were with Gregory tonight. He’s clouded your mind so you won’t remember but if you really try, you can. I didn’t do this to you to control you, only to save you from his hands.” Phillip could already tell she’d made up her mind. She didn’t believe him.

  “Stay away from me. I don’t want to see you near me again.” She slammed her drink on the table and pushed past him.

  He watched her stride across the dance floor and head for the door. He couldn’t leave her unattended. He’d follow her and watch over her anytime she went out. It would be all he could do. Now he had another matter to resolve. Gregory. If he told Luca about his part in forcing Cassy to come to him instead of Gregory, he could be subject to loosing his place and maybe his pack.

  Of the two, Cassy worried him more.

  Chapter Six

  Pain seared through her chest once she made it out of the club. She couldn’t believe he’d lied to her and forced her to go with him. He’d promised and she had wanted to believe him but she knew better now. Why did it hurt so bad? She should feel better to have learned what he was like before she had done something stupid – like trust him as her partner. The pain again.

  “Why did he do it?” She couldn’t believe his lie that Gregory had forced her back to the back. She hadn’t seen Gregory all night. Had she? Phillip had her mind so clouded she couldn’t think straight.

  Once she arrived home, she realized she would be alone for the next three to four days. With Dana at Lance’s home, her apartment would be empty and she really needed Dana right now to help her sort through the mess. Why did she react so strongly to Phillip? And why would he force her at the club when she’d already gone with him? It didn’t make sense. Why would he lie about Gregory though? Because he doesn’t want you near him.

  A curious hollow feeling settled in her chest as she dried off from the shower. The thought of not seeing him again hurt. She’d only been with him once and while it had been great sex, she’d felt something more. Something deep inside her didn’t just want him, it needed him and she balked that he would be so important to her that she even now wanted to go to him.

  He’s forced you and probably tried to make you want him. “The bastard.” But she only said it half-heartedly.

  After the way things turned out tonight, she didn’t think she’d go back to the club anytime soon without Dana with her. She needed to think about her heat and decide how to handle it, but the thought of being with anyone other than Phillip sickened her. She didn’t have many choices though. Gregory, but something stopped her from choosing him. There was the red wolf from her pack who kept hounding her. He seemed nice enough, but he didn’t excite her or call to her wolf. Cassy swallowed back the panic threatening to cut off her breath and turned off the lights to try and sleep.

  Sleep brought dreams and her dreams betrayed her resolve to put him out of her mind. He came to her and with one touch, dissolved her resistance. His hands moved over her body with sure strokes, arousing her until she moaned against his shoulder. He licked along her jaw line and then down her neck to rest just above her breast. One hand mounded it while his mouth closed over her nipple and circled it with his tongue. When he nipped at it, she shuddered and reached to tunnel her hands into his hair. The silky strands bunched in her hands as he teased her nipples until she cried out for him.

  He looked up at her through shuttered lids and watched her as he continued down her body with his mouth and tongue. He bit her hip and then licked it to take away the sting. When he dropped lower she almost sat up to stop him, but his mouth found her wet and wanting him. The sensation of his tongue rubbing along that part of her sensitive with need nearly undid her. He licked and then slowly pushed one finger inside her as he stroked her nub. He moved it in and out and then inserted two until she squirmed and begged for release.

  Her body ached for his and when he finally covered her, she bowed up against him, wanting him inside her. He pushed his way in her already wet folds and held her wrists by her head as he moved inside her, slowly at first and then faster and faster. When she spiraled up, she awoke, hot, wet and wanting.

  * * * *

  Phillip stood before Luka to answer for the charge against him of forcing a female levied by Gregory. He had little doubt he would be found guilty but he didn’t know what would be decided. His only defense would be if Cassy spoke up for him but he wouldn’t drag her into the mess. Besides, he knew how she felt about him.

  “So Gregory, you’re saying Phillip used force to draw a female away from you. Why would he do this?” Luka, their pack leader turned to Gregory.

  “He wants her for her heat. He’s pursued her and she’s yet to choose him. He couldn’t stand to see her with me and forced her against her will to go to him.”

  “Phillip, what do you have to say?”

  “I used force to draw her away from Gregory but only because she is my mate and he is a danger to her. I know you’ve heard the stories that he is rough with his females. I couldn’t allow him to hurt her.”

  “Your mate!” Gregory snarled and then laughed. “I truly doubt she is your mate or she would never have gone with me in the first place. Have you claimed her?”

  “Enough, Gregory.” Luca raised his hand for silence.

  “You haven’t told me you found your mate, Phillip. Why haven’t you brought her before me?”

  “She is resistant to having a mate. She hasn’t accepted her fate and I would not push her into anything. I wanted her to realize it on her own.”

  “If she is your mate, she wouldn’t be able to resist the pull between mates.” Lucas insisted.

  “She’s a strong alpha female. She doesn’t take well to being told anything or commanded.” Phillip sighed and waited for his sentence.

  “You said Gregory was using force to control her? I’ve never known him to be able to do that,” Luca said.

  “I didn’t know he could either until I saw her eyes and how cloudy they were. She couldn’t make a complete thought on her own. He forced her.”

  “I can’t force anyone. I’m not strong enough to do it.” Gregory spat out. “You’ve told me that often enough.”

  Luca regarded them silently for a few minutes and then sighing turned to Phillip. “Bring her before me and if she will vouch that you are mates, I will dismiss these charges. If she doesn’t accept you as her mate, I will have no choice but to banish you from the pack.”

  Phillip nodded and turned to go. “Don’t think to force her and I not know it.”

  “I wouldn’t force her to do anything unless her life is in danger. That has always been my way. I won’t start now just to remain in the pack.”

  He knew there was nothing he could do to change Cassy’s mind. He wouldn’t even try. All he could do now was watch over her. He had to. They were mates, even if she didn’t accept it.

  * * * *

  Dana crawled in at six on Tuesday afternoon. They had two nights left until they w
ould go back to work. Since they worked seven nights on and seven off, Cassy figured she had a week at the most before she’d fall into her heat. She hoped so anyway because she hated calling in to work for it.

  “I’m tired and sore. I need a week of relaxing baths and long afternoons in bed.” She dropped her bag at the foot of her bed and collapsed on the bed. “What about you? You still holding off?”

  “Yeah, I’m crossing my fingers for another week now that we have to go back to work.”

  “Made up your mind yet?” Dana pulled off her shoes and fell backwards on the bed.

  “No, things have, um, changed some.” She hesitated to tell her roommate but knew she needed someone to help her figure out the mess.

  “What has changed? Dana pushed up on her elbows.

  “I think Phillip has been controlling me. I came out of it the other night and he admitted he had but said it was to keep Gregory from hurting me. He claims Gregory controlled me to get in the back at the club.”

  “What do you think?” Dana’s voice sounded cautions.

  “I don’t know what to think. He admitted he’d forced me.”

  “Maybe he did and Gregory was forcing you, too.”

  “But I don’t remember Gregory even being at the club. I didn’t see him after that either.”

  “He could have left after Phillip stopped him.”

  Cassy shrugged tiredly. “Gregory didn’t feel strong enough to do it though. I didn’t feel that much energy from him. Phillip, on the other hand, reeks of energy and could easily have done it to force me to choose him, but I managed to slip out of his hold.”

  “True, but do you really feel he would do that to you?” Dana sat up cross-legged on the bed. “I mean, you’re obviously not sure or you wouldn’t be telling me this…but what do you feel?”

  “I don’t know.” Cassie paced in front of the bed. “I can’t think straight around him, and now I’m a nervous wreck I’m making a mistake with one of them.”

  “Which one?”

  “I don’t know!”

  “Have you thought about what is going to happen to Phillip if someone finds out he might have used force on you?” Dana asked

  “No one knows it except you and me. He certainly won’t tell anyone.”

  “Maybe you need to find out. Make sure someone didn’t tell on him. That someone could be Gregory.” Dana got up and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Cassy sighed and pulled on her hair. Gregory wouldn’t know about it unless he was there. Then Phillip could be telling the truth. She didn’t know how to get in touch with either Phillip or his alpha leader. Did she really want to? If he’d used force on her, didn’t he deserve whatever happened to him?

  Before she could second guess herself, Cassy changed clothes into her club clothes and pulled a comb through her hair. She had to know for certain. She knocked on the bathroom door to tell Dana where she was going but the door opened before she could.

  “You’re not going without me so give me a minute to dress.” The other woman held up her hand when Cassy would have protested. “I mean it. Just hold on.”

  * * * *

  He watched her leave with Dana and followed them. When they ended up at the club he cursed. He didn’t want her inside the place, but he couldn’t stop her. He’d have to follow her and keep his distance. He had little doubt Gregory would show up if he weren’t already inside.

  They stopped by the bar for drinks on their way to a booth and with it being so early, his arrival would surely be noticed by them. Phillip attempted to blend in with the bar crowd hoping they wouldn’t see him. He felt it the moment she became aware of him. His heart sped up and the light roaring in his ears had him turning to see her staring at him. She didn’t drop her gaze immediately, but she turned to talk to her roommate.

  Not long after that he saw Gregory walk into the club. He nodded at Phillip with a smile and then headed straight to Cassy’s table. It took everything in him to keep from following the bastard over there but he waited. As long as he didn’t draw her outside or to the back again he needed to keep his distance. Maybe the wolf would try to control her again and with Dana close by, it would be obvious to her roommate.

  They stood up and wound their way to the dance floor with Dana close behind them. He hated watching them together and his wolf circled inside him, waiting for a chance to go to his mate. The other wolf touched her every chance he had and Phillip seethed with each contact. At least Dana stayed close to her so she wasn’t alone with him for any length of time. He couldn’t help but wonder what they talked about.

  When she looked distressed he started towards them, but Dana intervened and pulled her back towards their booth. Gregory turned to him and smiled. He knew then. The bastard had told her what was going on with Phillip. Told her he would loose his pack if she didn’t go before their pack leader and accept his claim of being her mate. He’d kill the wolf for that alone. Once his sentence was carried out, he’d hunt him down and kill him. Then there would be no chance he could harm his mate.

  * * * *

  “He knew. He told me what they planned to do with Phillip if I don’t go and tell Luca he’s my mate. He knew.” Cassy sat dumbfounded in the booth across from Dana.

  “I told you that you needed to find out for certain if Phillip told you the truth.” Dana patted her hand. “You really like him Cassy. I could tell the first time you pulled away from him. He did something to you. What if he is your mate?”

  “He can’t be. I mean, I couldn’t have someone that powerful as a mate.” She shook her head, running her hands up and down her face.

  “You’re strong. It would take someone as strong if not stronger for you to accept it… you’ve said it before. Why can’t he be your mate? Think about how you react with him.” She took a sip of her drink and continued. “You’re volatile together. He has to be telling the truth. Gregory had to be the one trying to control you and Phillip only did it to keep you safe. Why else would Gregory have turned him in to the pack leader?”

  “I don’t know what to do, Dana. I can’t think. What if I make the wrong decision?”

  “Go with your heart. What does it feel like inside you?”

  “Like I can’t breathe if I’m not close to him. I want him so much my body burns.” She looked up at Dana. “But what if it’s all a lie. What if he planted this inside me to make me believe him?”

  “You would know it. If these weren’t your own feelings, somehow you’d know it. I know you would.”

  “He’s here, you know.” Cassy resisted the urge to look around again. “I could feel him and then I saw him over at the bar.”

  “He’s still there – watching you. I’d say watching over you.” Dana touched her hand. “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know but I need to talk to his pack leader and tell him I think Gregory used force on me. It’s only fair. I would have remembered him being there if he hadn’t. It’s the least I can do. I can’t just let them kick him out without making sure they know the truth.”

  “Phillip is right over there. Go tell him you want to speak with his alpha.” Dana nodded towards the bar.

  She stood up but hesitated, standing by the booth, her hand on the table for support. Dana gave her hand a squeeze and she slowly walked towards him. He didn’t move but tracked her with his eyes as she drew nearer.

  “Cassy. How are you doing tonight?” His voice seemed stiff and cold.

  “I’m fine. I need you to take me to see your alpha. I want to talk to him.”

  “What about?” His eyes flickered.

  “That’s between me and him. Please, I need to see him.”

  Phillip sighed and nodded his head. “I’ll take you. Let me call and see if he can see you tonight.” He left her at the bar and walked outside.

  She signaled to Dana and her roommate walked over to stand next to her. “I want you to go with me. We can follow him in your car.”

  Phillip returned and nodded for them to fo
llow him. He didn’t say anything when they walked outside but looked at her with a question on his face.

  “We’ll follow you.” She started to turn away and then stopped.

  “Why did you come tonight?”

  “To see you.” He walked towards his car without saying anything else.

  They arrived at a small ranch house thirty minutes outside of town. A front porch stretched the entire length of the house and two sets of French doors opened onto it. Phillip led them to one set and knocked on the door. When the door opened, energy surrounded them like warm silk.

  “Come in.”

  “Luca, this is Cassandra and her roommate, Dana.” Phillip made introductions.

  “Ladies. What did you want to talk about?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, but I’d like to talk to you – in private if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course, come this way and we’ll talk in my office.” He turned to Phillip and Dana. “Please, make yourselves at home.”

  Cassy settled in a chair across from Luca and hesitated, unsure what to say now that she was here. “I think maybe there’s been a misunderstanding concerning Phillip and Gregory,” she began.

  “What sort of misunderstanding? I understand Phillip used force to take you away from Gregory. That’s not allowed and you know that.”

  “Yes, but I don’t remember Gregory being there at all. So if I don’t remember him, there would be no reason for Phillip to wipe him from my memory. Gregory had to have forced me, otherwise he wouldn’t have known that Phillip forced me away from him.”

  Luca leaned back in his chair to think about what she said. “The fact remains he forced you away from Gregory against your will. If Gregory used forced as well, then he will also be subject to the same judgment. Are you sure Gregory used force as well?”

  “It is the only thing that makes sense. How would he have known about Phillip unless he was there and why would I not remember him being there unless he was forcing me? Phillip wanted me to remember he was there so why cloud my mind? It had to be Gregory.” She prayed she wasn’t making a mistake.


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