Burning Heat

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Burning Heat Page 6

by Mary Alice Pritchard

  “And of Phillip’s claim you’re his mate? What do you say to that?”

  “I don’t understand why he thinks that. We are sexually attracted and I was considering him as my partner but I can’t believe we are mates.” Her heart stuttered with the words and she had to swallow to keep from choking

  “I see.” He stood up and held his hand towards the door. “I want to thank you for coming to me with this. I know it wasn’t easy for you to do. Do you know your way back to the city? I would like to talk with Phillip awhile.”

  “Yes, thanks. We can find our way back.” She hesitated and then asked, “What will happen to Phillip now?”

  “That will be between us.” Cassy nodded and left his office.

  As soon as she entered the room where Dana and Phillip waited she felt the pull again. His scent teased at her and promised so much. His eyes stared deep into hers before he broke the contact, drawing in a deep breath.

  “Phillip, see them out and then we need to talk.”

  * * * *

  “She says Gregory used forced with her as well. I didn’t think he had the strength to do it. Has he been hiding that from us?” Luca leaned against his desk while Phillip stood holding onto the back of the chair Cassy had sat in. He smelled her there and wanted to be near her scent

  “He has. There are all the rumors he’s been rough with females, including humans. I don’t think they were rumors. The women knew he’d used them somehow but couldn’t remember how. I think he’s hid a great many things from you.”

  “Your she wolf didn’t claim you as her mate.” He held up his hand when Phillip would have denied her claim. “I can feel the connection though. You’re right. She’s a very strong alpha female. She’s resisting you, but I can’t go back on my demand that she come before me to claim you as her mate. I’m sorry about that. She’s obviously fighting you on this. You have until the next circle to change her mind. It’s the best I can do.” Luca stood up and circled back around his desk and waited for Phillip to leave.

  He had no intention of pressuring Cassy into doing anything. He’d take his punishment and continue to watch over her. Gregory would use her to retaliate against him for being ostracized along with him. He wouldn’t let the other wolf touch her. He couldn’t help but wish she would listen to him, even give him a chance to talk with her, but he held out little hope for that.

  He caught up with their car just before they took the exit ramp back into the city. He followed them to their apartment and waited for them to enter the building to be sure they were safe. He couldn’t help the feeling that something was wrong, but he couldn’t tell what it was. Maybe Gregory watched her as well. He got out of the car and walked around her building, trying to figure out what it could be, but found nothing out of the ordinary. He settled back in his car to watch over her for the rest of the night.

  Chapter Seven

  Another week of work behind them, Dana pushed Cassy to go out. She wanted to look for the golden wolf, but Cassy didn’t feel like doing anything but sleeping.

  “What are you moping for?”

  “I’m not moping. I can feel my heat and I’m not sure what to do.” She pouted. She knew she was, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t feel like going to the club.

  “You miss Phillip.” Dana sat on the edge of the bed where Cassy still had the covers pulled up to her neck.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Yes, you do. You dream about him and you’re not your usual self. Let’s go to the club and maybe you’ll see him there.”

  “Dana, I need more sleep. We worked a double this week. How can you think about dancing after the extra work?”

  “It never bothered you to work two doubles back to back before.” She pulled at Cassy’s hand. “Come on, I’m going so if you want to be sure I’m safe, you better get up and dress. I’ll leave without you.”

  “That’s sneaky. I can’t let you go by yourself. I shouldn’t have gone by myself and none of that would have happened.” She couldn’t help but think it was all her fault.

  “See, you miss him. You’re worried about him and what will happen.”

  “Shut up.” Groaning she threw back the covers and got up. Maybe a shower would clear her head and wake her up.

  The club seemed more crowded than usual, or maybe she just didn’t like all the people pushing around her. Dana skipped the drinks and went straight to the dance floor when she spotted the golden wolf. Cassy ordered them both a drink and located a table towards the front. She’d rather have a booth but they were all taken. Dana managed to maneuver herself across from the golden wolf and the two danced as if no one else danced around them.

  Her eyes found Gregory’s across the room and she quickly dropped hers. She didn’t want to speak to him. He’d know by now she’d talked to his leader. He walked towards her though, a scowl on his face. When he sat across from her at the table she had no choice but to look up at him.

  “Why did you lie to my leader and tell him I’d used force on you? I can’t do that. I’m not strong enough.” His voice held the edge of anger to it.

  “You did. You wouldn’t have known about Phillip unless you were there and I don’t remember you being there. Since Phillip told me you were forcing me, he had no reason to hide your being there from me. You did it.”

  He reached across and grabbed her wrist before she could stop him. His grip hurt and would probably leave a bruise. “You shouldn’t have done that.” He pulled her across the table and closer to him. She felt his anger around him and for a moment, she couldn’t breathe through it.

  “Let go of her.” Phillip was suddenly there by her side. “You aren’t supposed to be anywhere near her.”

  Gregory snarled at him but let her wrist go. “You’ll regret this. I promise you will.” He jumped up from the chair and left, turning it over in the process.

  “Are you okay?” He picked the chair back up.

  “Yes, thank you. I’m fine.” He nodded and turned to leave.

  “What will happen to you?”

  “That’s not your concern. You should stay away from Gregory, he’s dangerous – even more so now that you talked with Luca.” Then he walked away.

  Cassy swallowed and watched him leave. He leaned against the bar and watched her. Somehow, knowing he was there comforted her. It had to be the reason she hadn’t felt as bad once they’d entered the bar. The implication wasn’t lost on her, but she couldn’t accept it.

  “Hey, earth to Cassy. Where are you?” Dana flopped down on the chair across from her.

  “Just looking around to see who all is here. I still need to choose a partner and soon.”

  “Who are you leaning towards?” She leaned closer to be heard.

  “I guess maybe Danny. He’s with our pack and seems harmless enough.”

  “Hmmm.” Was all Dana said.


  “You weren’t looking for someone less harmless a few days ago. What happened to needing someone strong and viral?”

  “I’ve changed my mind. Safe is better.” She couldn’t look her roommate in the eyes.

  “Phillip’s here. I saw him over by the bar. Why don’t you talk to him? I think he’s still the one you should choose. You’ve already had sex with him and said it was hot.”

  “I can’t trust him. You know that.” Cassy refused to look towards the bar.

  “I think you can. He only used his energy to control you to keep Gregory from hurting you. I think that earns him a free pass.”

  “Not in my book. What if he does it while I’m in my heat? He’s strong. Really strong.”

  “Okay, I’m not going to say anything else about it, but look for someone other than Danny. He really is head over heels about you. You don’t need another puppy following you around.” Dana jumped to her feet when one of her favorite songs blared out of the speakers. “Come on and dance!”

  She let her friend draw her out on the dance floor and made an effort to have a good time, but he
r heart just wasn’t in it. All she could think about was Phillip and those dark eyes as he’d pushed into her. She couldn’t escape the way he’d made her feel and how her body reacted to his. But she was afraid to trust him.

  * * * *

  The sight of Gregory’s hand on Cassy had nearly driven him mad. He’d wanted to pull him up by the throat and crush it. Only his need to watch over his mate kept him from killing the other wolf. He’d followed them home when they finally left a little before one a.m., making sure they didn’t have any trouble along the way. Once they’d coded in their apartment building, he relaxed He’d watch for awhile and then go home to rest.

  An hour later he decided they would be fine the rest of the morning and turned around to head home. Less than a mile away he felt something building inside him. Fear. He was never afraid, but he felt it burn in his gut. The farther away from Cassy he got, the stronger the emotion. He turned back around and raced back to the apartments. Something was very wrong.

  When he parked just down the street he saw nothing out of the ordinary, but he could feel it. She was hurting and he couldn’t tell why. The door to the building was locked and he didn’t know the key. He ran around the side of the building and found the fire escape. He didn’t bother jumping for the ladder to pull it down. Instead he jumped up to the landing and climbed the rest of the stairs as fast as he could. Since he didn’t know what floor she lived on, he relied on his senses to tell him where her apartment was.

  He’d made it to the fourth floor when he felt her. Overwhelming panic stilled him for an instant before he checked the window to find it locked. It overlooked the hallway of her floor. He crashed through it and ran for her door. Someone would hear it and call the police. That was fine with him. Outside her door he could hear her muffled screams. His stomach clenched and when he found the door locked, Phillip crashed through it.

  Dana lay unconscious on the floor just inside the door. He followed the noises and found Gregory on top of Cassy holding the pillow over her face with one hand and tearing at her jeans with the other. He had ripped her blouse off already. The sight of him on his mate tore at him until he saw red. Phillip ripped Gregory off her and hit him hard enough the other wolf hit the wall with a resounding crack.

  The wolf jumped up shaking his head and charged Phillip, catching him off guard as he bent to see about Cassy. They rolled off the bed and onto the floor where Gregory partly changed, digging furrows down Phillip’s sides. The pain nearly overwhelmed him, but he managed to block the next attempt to claw out his throat. He couldn’t let his mate down because he had no doubt Gregory would finish what he’d started.

  Phillip pushed him off and then landed a hard punch to the man’s face, but it didn’t faze him… Gregory had let his wolf gain too much ground. He growled and shook the blow off. The wolf swiped at his face again and Phillip managed to hold him off, but he wouldn’t be able to for long. Something crashed over the other wolf’s head and Gregory leapt off him to backhand Cassy. She’d broken a lamp over the wolf’s head. His mate slid to the floor.

  Phillip lunged and caught Gregory from behind, winding his arm around the man’s throat and tightening his grip. Gregory fought to claw Phillip’s hands and arms away from his throat, but Phillip didn’t let go. The wolf’s struggle slowed down until he hung limply in Phillip’s arms. He dropped the wolf to the floor.

  Phillip grabbed Cassy up and held her in his arms. Her nose and lip bled and she didn’t rouse when Phillip called her name. Bruises covered her arms and neck. All he could do was hold her and whisper her name.

  She finally opened her eyes and looked up at him. “I knew you’d come.”

  He looked down into her eyes and kissed her tenderly on the lips. “I’ve got to get Gregory out of here. They can’t put him in jail. He’ll have to go through our law. I hear the police cars on their way. Will you be okay?” He didn’t want to leave her. It went against everything inside him to leave his mate hurt and alone.

  “Dana. He hit Dana.”

  “She’s okay. Just unconscious. I’ll be back as soon as I drop Gregory off at Luca’s. They’ll ask you questions and do their job. I’ll be back.” He gently laid her on the bed and grabbing the wolf up by his shirt, threw him over his shoulder.

  He hurried back through the splintered door and to the fire escape. Luca would kill Gregory for this unless he let Phillip do it instead. It would be his right – if his mate acknowledged him as such. It didn’t matter as long as Gregory died. Raping another wolf carried a death sentence and he knew Cassy would attest to the attempted rape. Gregory hadn’t had time to cloud her memory this time.

  * * * *

  Cassy knew she had less than a day before her heat, she already felt the pull of it deep inside her. Standing in front of Luca at their circle, she gave her account of the attempted rape by Gregory. The accused stood with his arms bound and four guards surrounding him. It hurt her to recount to the entire pack what he’d done and attempted to do to her, but she wanted him dead for it. He’d not only caused her bodily harm but attempted to ruin the relationship she’d had with Phillip. Or, maybe he already had. Phillip hadn’t once looked at her from his place beside Luca.

  “You claim your right to demand punishment for his actions against you?” Luca asked.


  “Do you have someone who can carry out your demand?”

  “Yes – Phillip.” A soft murmur carried throughout the crowd.

  “Only a blood relative or your mate can stand for you. Do you acknowledge Phillip as your mate?”

  She swallowed and thought again about her decision. She didn’t want to make the wrong one. Could she trust him not to influence her with his strength and energy? Luca looked at her and repeated the question.

  “Do you accept Phillip as your mate? You must answer the question.” This time he said it softly.


  Phillip’s face registered puzzlement and then relief. He started to go to her but Luca held him back.

  “I accept your decision and will honor your wish to allow Phillip to carry out the demand.”

  Phillip pushed past Luca this time and rushed towards her. He stopped just short of touching her and lifted one hand to caress her cheek where the bruise still showed despite her having changed to heal the majority of them. So close to her heat she couldn’t risk changing again. She decided Phillip must have changed a couple of times since he didn’t seem affected by the slashes in his side.

  “Are you sure?” Three words that burned into her heart. He’d asked her himself.


  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her. “I love you so much. I’ve never been so scared in my life as I was when I felt your pain that night.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and growled into his ear. “I knew you’d come. I felt your pain when Gregory hurt you. We have to be mates for me to feel your pain.” She wrapped her arms around him and growled into his ear.

  Phillip turned back to Luca. “I claim the right to deal with Gregory, but…”

  “Tend to your mate and we’ll deal with this matter later.” Luca nodded towards Cassy.

  Cassy pulled him around to face her. “We need to get out of here before I embarrass us both and attack you.”

  He laughed. “You’re in heat.” He kissed her and drew her towards his car.

  She jumped on his back and bit him. She’d mark him as hers before the night was over.




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