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Order Of The Dragon (Omnibus 1-4)

Page 46

by Jason Halstead

  "How’s Namitus?" Patrina asked.

  Alto shook his head. "I don’t know," he admitted.

  The door budged as something crashed against it. Mordrim and Patrina budged but held the door shut. "Damn lock’s on the other side," Mordrim said. "What kind of fool place is this?"

  Alto scowled. "Open it. We don’t need to be locked in."

  "But then they can get in!" Patrina reminded him. Another bump made her clench her teeth and throw her back against the door again.

  "Stand aside," Alto said. "We’ll teach whoever’s so anxious to get in a lesson."

  Patrina and Mordrim shared a glance and then, as one, stepped away from the door to either side. Alto stepped in front of the door but left a few feet of space in front of him. He reached for his sword when they felt a chill pass over them. Before they could take the time to do more than glance at one another, the door was blown free of its hinges. It slammed into Alto and drove the armored warrior to the floor.

  Flames poured through the doorway, striking the door and turning it red with the heat. Liquid steel ran down its edges and dripped to the floor but the unlikely shield saved Alto’s life even as the fire sucked the air from his lungs.

  As soon as the flames subsided, Alto heaved and Garrick helped by kicking the door aside. Alto rose up, coughing and gasping, and stared out the door at a small army of splisskin. At their center stood a snakeman easily nine feet tall and thicker around than Garrick, unlike his spindly kin that stood behind him with swords drawn.

  "You dare to defile this place?" he demanded.

  "I do," Alto said. He drew his sword and pulled his shield from his back as he walked forward and stepped through the doorway that still glowed red around the edges. The others followed behind him and spread out in the wedge they’d used so well in the past.

  "Who are you, softskin?" he hissed.

  "I’m the man who killed Sarya and every one of your puny knights you’ve sent against us," Alto proclaimed.

  "Alto," he snarled.

  Alto nodded.

  "You will die this day, human," the large lizardman promised.

  Alto’s fatigue had been washed away by discovering Namitus. Even the rage he felt fell away from him, leaving him in a calm place. He turned his head and saw his friends standing beside him. His family. They would stand at his side until their arms failed them and their legs were swept asunder. "The Band of the Dying Dragon will stand against your Order every time you dare to show your face. We will hunt you down and purge your evil from the world. Don’t tell me what will happen to me. I know what our future holds. Worry about your own shortened life."

  The lizard hacked out a harsh sound Alto recognized as laughter. "You fool! You have no knowledge of what you face! Sarya was old and decrepit. She should have passed years ago. She—"

  "You’re wasting my time," Alto growled, interrupting the splisskin leader. He lunged forward into a run, breaking ahead of his companions by a full two strides before they reacted and caught up with him.

  They crashed into the splisskin line with Alto at the head of the van. The splisskin leader reacted more quickly than Alto expected and parried aside his blade with his forearm. Alto was shocked by the man’s ability to turn his blade away without injury but he didn’t let it slow him down. It was the answering blow from the snakeman’s other arm that dented his breastplate and nearly tore his pauldron free that staggered him.

  The rest of Alto’s companions fared better. The snakemen fought back but were overwhelmed at first. Only the unleashing of magic from the splisskin wizards prevented a total rout. Mordrim howled through clenched teeth and fought off energy that arced like electricity down his right side. Smoke rose from his beard and hair but he shook it off and managed to knock a splisskin sword away with his hammer.

  Garrick leapt out of the way of a ruby beam of energy that struck the wall behind him and left the stone blackened and smoking. He spat out something foul about magic and leapt back into the splisskin ranks. The blue flames from his sword danced and spread with every lizardman they struck.

  Patrina was struck by several balls of green magic. Each was drawn to her armor but when they hit, they burst and made her cry out in pain. Her skin blistered and burned from the magic but she fought past it and even managed to shield herself from the three final magical balls with the body of a splisskin she’d buried her axe in.

  Kar responded in kind, throwing out his own magic to counter the spells of the splisskin as fast as he could. He watched and reacted, deflecting their magic as soon as they cast it and saving his companions from further harm.

  Better armed with knowledge of his opponent, Alto circled amid the chaos around the large splisskin. They traded blows, each deflecting the other’s strikes or dodging them altogether. Alto preferred the latter; the snakeman was so strong his shield arm was tiring from each blocked strike. The lizardman grew impatient with failed attacks. Alto watched, amazed, as his hands and the nails at the end of his fingers grew larger. The warrior spun away from an attack and wondered how much larger the splisskin leader could get. He led with his sword, hoping his blind strike would work when his more carefully aimed blows had failed.

  As he finished his spin, he felt the chill pass over him again. The snakeman drew his head back and then opened his mouth. Alto forgot about his attack and realized what was about to happen. He lifted his shield and ducked under it just in time to deflect the plume of flames that erupted from the splisskin’s mouth. The force of the fire dropped him to the ground and completed the job of stealing the air from his chest.

  The lizardman kicked Alto hard enough to send the armored warrior skidding across the sandy floor. Alto finished in a roll and ended up in the bottom of a pile of three splisskin warriors. He thrashed and got his knees under him, and then rolled up so he could smash one of the lizardmen with his shield. Another he ran through with his sword but the third leapt onto his back and bit at his throat.

  Alto fell back on the clinging snakeman. His weight, combined with the armor, caused multiple cracks from the bones of the splisskin beneath him. Alto rose up to his knees again and saw the leader staring at him with undisguised hatred. He put one foot on the ground and pushed himself up to his feet, ignoring the blood that ran from the side of his neck.

  The battle was thinning as more and more of the splisskin ended up sprawling on the sandy floor. One of the wizards was clutching its entrails that Patrina’s axe had spilled. The other continued to weave their magic against Kar but the wizard blocked their spells aside almost before they had even thrown them.

  The splisskin leader saw Alto’s gaze and he turned his head to take in his surroundings. He snarled, realizing his followers were losing against a smaller force. He rushed towards Alto, surprising the warrior. Alto managed to duck back out of the way and block a swipe of the splisskin’s claws with his shield. He still felt himself blasted as the snakeman twisted away from him and used his suddenly massive tail to swat Alto and knock the man back into a wall.

  "Stay on your knees, weakling!" the splisskin spat at him.

  Alto picked himself up, his shield having fallen as he’d dropped to his knees after bouncing off the wall. He shook his head and looked up at the snarling lizardman. Alto drove his feet into the ground and raised his sword. He noticed his blade had begun to give off its distinctive green glow again. It could smell fear.

  "You’re afraid," Alto taunted him. "Finally found some people with spines who you can’t turn into slaves and you don’t know what to do about it."

  The splisskin’s hands clenched into fists and he stomped his foot hard enough to make the ground tremble beneath them. Behind him, Garrick and Patrina approached. Mordrim smashed the head of his last opponent into the wall and then turned to join them. Carson drew back his bow and sighted it on the leader.

  "You’ve lost," Alto said. "Now tell me what you’ve done with my sister."

  The splisskin bellowed out the awful hissing and hacking noise that was h
is laughter. "She’s fulfilling her destiny, you fool. She lives at my whim, to do my bidding."

  "Liar!" Alto shouted. "Kill him!"

  The splisskin drew in a breath and let it out, blasting the ground at his feet with flames that sent the superheated sand blasting in all directions away from him. When the companions could see and breathe again, he had disappeared.

  "Damn!" Alto cursed. "Where’d he go?"

  Patrina lowered her axe to the ground and leaned against it as her legs wobbled. Alto started towards her but she shook her head even as she clutched at a deep gouge that bled freely on her hip. "No, I’ll be okay."

  "Only one way out of here," Kar said as he stared at the only open doorway the splisskin could have escaped through without running over one of them first.

  Alto hesitated as he stared at Patrina. She nodded. "Go. I’d only slow you down. Just this once, though. Don’t be thinking you can run off and have your fun without me."

  "Never!" Alto promised.

  "We’ll need to be careful," Kar said. "He’s no mere splisskin."

  "I gathered that," Alto said. He reached into his pack and pulled out the potion Thork had given him. "Garrick, Mordrim, come with me. The rest of you stay here and keep Namitus and Karthor safe."

  The two unlikely friends glanced at each other and then reached to grab their own potions. They drank them down and shuddered before looking to Alto. He picked up his shield and tapped the front of it, adding its light to the light the lamps in the walls already provided.

  "Hoping for a bit of Leander’s light to guide your way?" Kar asked.

  "I’ll take whatever help I can get," Alto said before he started down the hallway. After a few steps, he broke into a jog and then started a full-out run. Garrick and Mordrim followed him down the hallway.

  "Well then," Kar said as the sounds of their heavy feet faded. "Back to the jail. We’ve lost a door but it’s better than waiting out in the open."

  Carson moved to the princess and slipped his shoulder under Patrina’s to help her limp after the retreating wizard.

  Chapter 32

  The three warriors ran past several doors and a few intersecting passages. Alto felt pulled ahead, as though he was being guided. He'd lost count of the doors and hallways that flashed past when he became fixed upon a larger corridor ahead of him. The hallway was twice as wide and half again as tall as the one he was in. He slowed as he approached it and turned without thinking to the left. Alto jerked his shield up just as flames raced down the passage and engulfed him.

  Over the roar of the fire, Alto heard his name being called. The flames died away and Alto raised his head as he lowered his shield. Smoke and vapors drifted up from the floor and from around him but he was unharmed. The splisskin stood in the middle of the hallway and stared at Alto.

  "You're alive!" Garrick blurted out from the passage he'd just left.

  Alto ignored the barbarian and charged the snakeman. He brought his sword across as he closed, putting every last bit of his strength behind the blow. The scales on the splisskin's arm grew larger as he raised it and knocked Alto's strike aside. The lizardman's other arm thrust out and slammed into Alto's shield with enough power to drive it back into Alto's chest and knock him back to the ground.

  The splisskin snarled at him, his mouth and nose elongating to protrude from his face as he looked down at Alto. He pulled the arm back that had blocked Alto's sword and was about to strike again when a hammer sailed over Alto and slammed into the snakeman's chest.

  "Got a grudge I been meaning to settle for forty years," Mordrim shouted as he and Garrick ran down the hall after Alto. "This looks to be the year I set things a-right!"

  The splisskin hissed at them and grew larger in the tunnel until he couldn't raise his hands over his head without hitting the ceiling. His hands and feet grew beyond proportion, dark claws emerging from his fingers and toes.

  The blue flames that raced up and down Garrick's sword didn't reach towards the heavens anymore. They leaned towards the splisskin, searching for him as though they longed to touch him. Garrick thrust his great sword out, anxious to help the flames fulfill their destiny.

  The snakeman swatted Garrick's blade aside. Flames wrapped around his forearm and tried to race up his arm but he glared at them and they winked out of existence as though they'd never been. Garrick's eyes widened in shock but he still managed to leap back from the counterattack the leader of the snakemen launched at him.

  Alto climbed to his feet and kicked Mordrim's hammer back towards the dwarf. He raised his shield and rushed forward, veering around Garrick and driving his shield into the side and hip of the enlarged splisskin. He bounced off, staggering to keep his balance. He launched a lazy swing as he stumbled away, glancing off the lower back of his opponent without any apparent damage.

  Mordrim swung his hammer in a two-handed blow that should have crushed the splisskin's thigh. Instead, it bounced back and left the dwarf reeling from the recoil. The splisskin took a step and turned to glare at the dwarf, and then raised his hand to strike him down.

  Garrick returned to the fray with a strike designed to cleave the splisskin's raised hand from his arm. He knocked the massive clawed fist down but failed to dismember him. He thought his strike useless until he saw the flaming blue spots across the floor from where the splisskin's blood had spattered.

  "He bleeds!" Garrick cried out triumphantly.

  "Then he can die!" Alto growled as he jammed his sword forward.

  The splisskin swung his uninjured arm around to knock Alto's strike aside but the warrior had already reversed his feint and then spun around in a complete circle to add momentum to his blow. It struck his foe in the back of the thigh and Alto felt his blade bite home before he yanked it free.

  The snakeman hissed in fury, his elongated mouth becoming more pronounced.

  Mordrim raised his hammer for another strike but received a slap from the man's tail that knocked him into the wall. He crumpled to the floor and was slow in picking himself up.

  The splisskin kept turning and swiped at Garrick, only to check his strike when both combatants looked on in shock to see that Garrick's sword, which had been thrusting towards him at the same time, was impaling the splisskin's palm. Blue flames poured up the sword and engulfed the stricken hand before both warriors yanked themselves free of the other.

  Garrick's eyes narrowed as he prepared to drive his sword forward again. The splisskin clenched his wounded hand into a fist, putting out the flames. Before Garrick could strike, he spat out a stream of fire from his mouth, knocking the barbarian back from the force and sending him rolling across the floor of the hallway as he was engulfed in them.

  Alto's sword crunched into the lower back of the splisskin again, stopping the flames and earning a grunt from the splisskin as his scales cracked. He turned around, spinning so quickly that Alto couldn't leap over the tail as he'd planned. The warrior crashed to the ground and tried to rise up, but a foot in his side sent him across the hallway to slam into the hall. He shook the stars from his head and tried to get his feet under him in spite of feeling as though he'd left his lungs and stomach behind.

  "I'm not done with you!" Mordrim cried out.

  Alto looked up and saw the splisskin had taken a step towards him but Mordrim had wrapped an arm around the man's tail and held on tightly to it. The splisskin turned to regard him with its cold reptilian eyes when Mordrim's hammer flew the short distance through the air and cracked against his head.

  The splisskin stumbled back a step and shook his head. The shake continued down his entire body, even to his tail. Mordrim was thrown free from the sinuous appendage but he kept his feet. He pulled a knife from his belt and bared his teeth.

  Garrick stepped up beside the dwarf, looking none the worse for wear. The rug and other combustible objects in the hall behind the barbarian still burned, but Thork's potion had spared him the agony of a fiery death.

  The splisskin backed up a step away from them and
then turned. As he turned, his torso lengthened and his arms and legs grew thicker and longer. His neck stretched out while his face took the full shape of a dragon's head. The splisskin's shoulder blades bulged and began to emerge as lumps on his back. His front feet hit the ground and he started to hurry down the hallway.

  Alto stabbed his sword down, his grip reversed on its hilt. He speared into the miniature dragon's thigh and parted not only scale and flesh but he felt the tip of his blade grate against bone. The creature threw itself to the other side of the hallway, ripping free of Alto's sword. Alto tried to follow but the tail struck again and hammered him back into the wall and made his ears ring from the impact.

  Mordrim and Garrick gave chase, though the dwarf had to stoop to pick up his hammer as he ran past. The lumps on the small dragon's back grew longer and thicker and turned into miniature wings. With each passing step, they grew fuller until it was obvious that if the dragon tried to extend them, they would be confined by the passage they were in.

  "There's an opening ahead," Garrick warned.

  "Damned thing's too fast, even lamed as he is!" Mordrim panted.

  Alto ran along behind them, though he careened twice off the walls of the passage as he tried to sort himself out. His armor dug into his side and chest from where the splisskin-turned-dragon's strikes had dented the resilient metal. "Stop him!" Alto called ahead to them. "If he gains the air, we're done for."

  Garrick reached down for the hand axe at his hip. He pulled it free of its sheath and threw the magical weapon. The weapon tumbled end over end until the edge bit into the dragon's hindquarter and earned a roar from the still growing beast.

  The dragon swayed to the side and crashed into the wall, breaking through the stone into another room. After stumbling a step, it picked itself up and pulled ahead, though the creature's wings and back were scraping the ceiling of the passage now and it was having a harder time moving ahead. Garrick and Mordrim caught up to it but the beast's tail struck out and sent Garrick crashing through the rubble into the side room. Mordrim ducked under the tail and leaped up so he could drive his hammer into the dragon's rump.


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