Forced To Kill The Prince

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Forced To Kill The Prince Page 28

by Hollie Hutchins

  “Grip onto my wing base, my lady, and hold on tight,” Sinome instructed, a rumble forming in his chest that Anne could only assume was laughter. Slowly the dragon stood, his tale whipping around him before he trotted and took off, a powerful thrust of his wings launching them into the night sky.

  Anne did her best not to scream as they ascended, the fire below them quickly disappearing below the trees, forcing Anne to look forward towards where they might be going. Never before had Anne felt anything like this as she listened to the sound of beating wings and the pressure of the wind racing around her. If it wasn’t for the warmth of the creature she rode through the sky on, she was certain she would have frozen to death in the cold night.

  “It won’t be long now,” Sinome called over his shoulder, happy to see the thrill in Anne’s eyes. It was obvious she was enjoying the experience, regardless of how bazaar it all must be for her.

  After a few more minutes of gliding through the sky, the group descended towards a long draw bridge with torches lining the way. Anne watched as each dragon zoomed through the opening of the castle, tucking there wings in tight to fit inside. Anne was surprised at the texture of Sinome’s wings, almost like silk, as they pressed against her legs so they could fit into the front gate.

  Inside the court yard, she watched as the dragons slowly transformed back into men, their wings folding in on themselves as a puff of dark smoke fell off their scales as though they were dissolving back into flesh. Skin and dark leather stood before her as she stepped off Sinome’s back, watching him transform so closely to her like an amazing magic trick.

  “I hope the ride was a pleasurable experience for you,” Sinome inquired as he took her hand and slowly lead her to a grand staircase that led to an astonishing castle made from dark stone. It looked sinister in the night as dark shadows were casted upon its stone face from the many torches that lit the courtyard.

  “I would not mind doing it again,” Anne admitted as she allowed Sinome to lead her up the stairs, the other men following closely behind her. Two guards opened the castle door as they neared the top, the sudden feeling of warmth enveloping Anne as she was led inside and out of the harsh elements of the night.

  Anne couldn’t believe her eyes as she gazed upon the full main hall. Men and woman lounged casually on oversized cushions, their bodies draped in sheer silk that made Anne blush as the sight of them. Her eyes were brought to a large center fire that burned brightly, and to the man dressed in tight leather that sat on the only chair in the room, a dark cowl covering his face in shadows. Amongst the darkness that loomed around him, light eyes caught her stare as Sinome led her towards him. Though her mind was screaming that this scene was not right, she could not look away or calm the beating of her rapid heart.

  “Leave us!” the man on the chair shouted, the voice startling her and everyone else in the room. Anne was surprised by the swift way those in the room moved as they cleared out of the hall; through the doors or up the staircase that led to another level. Only the sound of her footsteps could be heard as she was led in front of this man, fear starting to sink into her body as she was left alone in his presence. Even when Anne glanced back to check Sinome’s expression, he was already gone.

  “I see the Wizard King has finally brought you at last. I was beginning to worry your arrival would have been delayed further,” the man spoke as he rose, discarding the cowl on the floor and revealed a scared, aged face. Where Sinome had appeared youthful and attractive, the man before her had seen the battle field and escaped barely with his life. Her fears increased as he came close to her, brushing the cloak from her shoulders. Anne held her breath as it tumble to the stone floor, beginning to shiver once more as she came under the critical eye of this man.

  “I’m only here because I had no choice,” Anne mustered to say as she focused her gaze on anywhere else in the room but on the man who had started to trace his rough fingers over her shoulders and down her back.

  “Sinome has a way of convincing others to do what he wants easily. That is why I always keep him at my side. Without his ways of persuasion I’m sure I wouldn’t have made it this far, and now I have you before me. The Daughter of the Sun has finally arrived,” the man said, finally coming to stand before her.

  “Who are you exactly?” Anne spoke breathlessly as she continued to shake, her arms coming to wrap around her body in the only way she knew how to protect herself.

  “I am the Emperor of this region, feared ruler and Necromancer. And to those who fear me, I am the Dark Lord,” he said coldly, enjoying the reaction in her face as she soon realized what had happened. Sinome had lied to her, fed her pretty dreams and given her a thrill of flying while hiding the fact that he had taken her to the very one he had expressed must be defeated.

  “And what do you want from me?” Anne asked after a few moments of silence, simple staring into his hallow eyes.

  “Your daughter will be the Empress, and the ruler over all. I will mate with you and ensure my people are the ones who rule over this realm for all eternity. And though you may be the Daughter of the Sun, I will make sure you offspring is as dark as my soul,” the Emperor said quickly, finishing his statement with a deep laugh that rumbled through the hall.

  “Over my dead body!” Anne spoke in hysterics as she turned to run, but the Emperor already expected as much from the beauty. His guards were there to capture her and drag her fighting body to the chains along the wall. Once secured, he approached her like his prey.

  “This might be hard for you to understand, my dear, but I promise you will enjoy this experience,” he hissed, his head transforming not into one dragon head, but three. Anne watched in horror as his skin shifted to black scales, a long hideous tale whipping through the air before slithering along her body, caressing her skin.

  Anne shut her eyes, afraid of the creature before her as long talons reached towards her, slicing off the rest of her clothes and exposing her to the radiating heat that the dragon gave off. Anne whimpered, to terrified to open her eyes while dreading what was going to happen next.

  “Breath, little one. I want you to enjoy this as much as I will,” the creature hissed, his voice echoing between his three heads.

  Anne let out a squeak as she felt a hot tongue slid up her stomach, sending waves of heat through her body even though it shook with tension. She could feel one of the creature’s head breathing heavily as the tongue circled around her left breast, another head joining it as another tongue started to slid over her right breast, warmth filling each mound before the tongue would flick her nipples till they hardened. Her breath caught in her chest as the third tongue slid between her legs as the clawed hands carefully spread her legs apart so the creature could have access to her core.

  “Good…” the dragon rumbled, the vibration bringing a wave of pleasure to her body as she finally relaxed against the metal chains that bound her; her senses heightening as the dragon coaxed her body into submission. Anne’s breath leveled out into hot pants, her skin tingling with every new sensation between the way the Emperor nipped at her large breasts, to the way he slid her tongue slowly between her legs, her own inner moisture beginning to mix with his saliva.

  A soft chant could be heard over the sounds of her panting, the halls quickly filling with the sound. But Anne paid no attention to it. Though she dared not open her eyes, her mind was fixated on the actions of the creature before her. “Call my name,” she heard the dragon request through a soft whisper of hot air on her body.

  “Emperor?” she said hastily.

  “Try again…”

  “Dark Lord,” she said heavily as the tongue between her lugs slid up her legs and flicked at the nub at the top of her mound.

  “Again,” the dragon demanded as Anne squirmed, his tongue rushing back and forth over her nipples while the tongue between her shaking legs started doing circles on her hard nub.

  “Dark Lord,” Anne said louder, matching the sound of chanting that continued to increase in

  “Again!” the Emperor demanded, an enormous hard flesh piece pressing against the opening of her core; the lips folding back as to gain it entrance without her permission. Anne could hardly believe the size of the dragon’s cock, her minding racing to determine if she would enjoy the next part as much as she enjoyed the hot tongues on her body.

  “Dark Lord!” Anne shouted as the tip slid between her lips, her body shuddering as pure ecstasy filled her entire being. Slowly the dragon slid further within Anne, claws digging into the stone behind her to thrust deeper inside her wet entrance. Anne had never been this filled before as the dragon slowly pulled out and thrusted again within, forming a quick rhythm that threatened to bring Anne over the edge. Anne could hardly contain herself as she moaned loudly without restraint, unable to focus her mind on all the ways the Dark Lord was pleasuring her. She blocked out the chanting that the Emperor thrusted to, pushing deeper into her core with each thrust.

  It was when the Dark Lord began humming, his entire body vibrating from the sound that Anne screamed with pleasure, her body rolling with wave after wave of pleasure; a climax she had never felt before as the Emperor’s pace quickened to an unbelievable pace till he filled her core with his seed.

  As Anne came down from the high, her body went limp‒ completely blacking out.


  Anne’s body was sore as she slowly opened her eyes, light coming in from the ceiling high window and pooled on the floor around her. She had been carried and set on a large bed, white furs surrounding her naked form as she slowly stretched and managed to force her eyes to examine her body closer. Despite the soreness between her legs, she appeared perfectly intact, but as she rose from the thick coverings she realized a small pool of blood beneath her as though she had started her monthly cycle.

  “It looks like the Empire will have to try again tonight,” a woman spoke, bringing Anne’s attention to the edge of her bed where a small cluster of ladies had gathered. Anne couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed them before, or wondered if these dragons could really move that fast without making a sound.

  “What is happening to me?” Anne asked as she pulled the furs over her bare skin, hoping to both shield herself and keep the warmth on her skin. She felt strange to be so exposed even though the woman in front of her wore thin fabrics that could easily be seen through. It was apparent how these woman were considered and treated.

  “Your body is rejecting the Empire’s seed. But I doubt you’ll mind him trying again,” another woman explained as she stepped forward and extended her hand. Anne shifted away from her, eyes wondering what was in store for her next. Anne didn’t like how these woman knew of what happened, even if Anne had thoroughly enjoyed herself despite the hideous creature that had made her shudder all over.

  “Don’t fear us, my lady. We have all been through the same experience. You should wash and redress so you can regain your strength for the next ritual,” the woman beside the bed explained, bringing Anne’s focus back to her. Anne nodded slightly, taking comfort in knowing she was not alone in this experience.

  The ladies led her to a shallow pool of water that seeped into the floor. As one maiden led her into the hot water, another quickly descended with her to wash her hair while another poured essential oils into the water to bring a pleasant aroma of lavender and peppermint into the air. Anne did not speak, but simply allowed the water to sooth her muscles, making sure to keep her eyes aware of everything that was going on around her.

  While she bathed, the maidens who were not occupied took turns brushing each other’s hair or applying strong massage to each other’s muscles. It was becoming apparent to Anne that these woman took their health seriously, allowing her a moment of comfort as they paid little attention to her.

  “Come. Let’s get you dressed in something fitting for your situation,” the woman in the bath with her spoke as she led Anne back out of the water, not concerned about her own wet body as two maidens approached Anne and wrapped her in thick towels.

  “Your body does not get cold like mine,” Anne observed as she watched steam roll off the woman in front of her. The blonde smirked as she twirled slowly, allowing her body to dry naturally.

  “The longer you spend time in their beds, the more you become like them. Though we have never transformed into their superior forms, we have all taken on their traits of increased strength, amazing agility, and resistance to the cold,” she explained, pulling Anne’s hand after her as they reached a tall wardrobe. She flipped open the doors and started pulling out garments for Anne to dress in. By the time Anne had dressed in a scarlet gown with enough layers to keep her comfortable even though she continued to bleed, Anne was starting to regain her strength. But her stomach rumbled when a savory scent filled the room.

  “You must be starving,” the maiden said with a wink as a cart of food was wheeled into the large chamber and food was arranged on a table next to the tall window. An array of dishes were set before her, most she did not recgonize, but her worry was slashed by her need to eat. Once coaxed into a chair, she picked up a slender silver fork and began taking bites of everything near her. When Anne glanced the around the room to see if the maidens would eat with her, she once again found herself alone. The sight made her uneasy, but with food at hand, she cared little at the time.

  A sudden crash sounded outside, bringing Anne’s focus to the gardens beyond the glass window. The sight startled her as Anne pushed away from the table and scrambled back towards her bed as glass shattered around her, a knight hot on her heels as she ran.

  “Come with me quickly, Anne!” the man shouted as he tossed aside his metal helmet, light gleaming off of it as it hit the stone floor. Anne spun and faced the man, remembering him from the battle in Central Park.

  “Will you take me home?” Anne asked as she scurried towards the intruder, side stepping panes of fallen glass.

  “I can at least get you away from here,” he responded, his eyes soft as he leaned down towards her.

  Her body immediately betrayed her as it responded to the idea of staying and enduring another night with the Emperor, but she knew she couldn’t stay here in this mad house. She needed to take a chance if she wanted to get home. As the sound of fighting and yelling filled her ears from the gardens outside, Anne nodded her head. A moment later, she was standing in front of a brilliantly silver dragon who lowered its body so she could mount him.

  “Hold on tight, Anne,” the knight said as he took off towards the morning sun. The light was blinding, forcing Anne to lie flight as she closed her eyes and she held onto his wings.

  “How do you know my name?” she shouted against the wind. “And who are you?”

  “My name is Apolon. I’m a knight for the rebel leader, Queen Prominence. Together we’ve been holding back the Dark Lord’s influence on our world ever since his arrival one thousand years ago. As for your name, much like the Dark Lord has had his eyes on you for quite some time, so have I. You are no stranger to me, Anne,” the dragon explained as he beat his wings furiously as though his life depended on it.

  “It’s hard to believe you are that old,” Anne remarked as she continued to keep her eyes shut. “How is it you were able to ambush his castle but not defeat him in the past?” Anne wondered out loud.

  “Sacrifices had to be made in order to rescue you. I doubt I’ll see my comrades again,” Apolon admitted, growing silent as his flight continued, straining against the weight on his back. “It is a long ride to the rebel’s stronghold. I suggest you save your strength.”

  Anne said no more, trying to keep her breath steadily and her hands strong as she clung on for dear life.


  “Dear lord, Apolon. She looks frightfully ill and she’s bleeding,” a rough female voice spoke out as Anne finally opened her eyes and slid from the dragon’s back in the middle of a bright stoned court yard, soldiers moving around without little attention to them. It reminded Anne of the castle she had just escaped, only this
one was bright and welcoming. Anne’s arms were stiff from fatigue and the journey had caused her body to cramp more than normal. As she glanced down her body, she felt embarrassed by the signs of blood despite the red dress she wore. Anne glanced up to face the woman that had spoken to her as Apolon changed back into his human form, his blue eyes examining her intently.

  “She lives, your highness. Little could be done for the way we traveled. I had to get her here as soon as possible,” he explained, stepping towards the stout woman who stood with her hands on her hips, bright armor hanging on her shoulders with a long flowing skirt adorning her hips.

  “She’ll need attending too,” the woman responded as her gaze finally left Anne and settled on Apolon. “Did any of them make it back?”

  Apolon shook his head as he lowered his eyes. The woman sighed as she turned back to Anne. “Daughter of the Sun, my name is Queen Prominence, ruler of this people. It relieves me to see you, despite the way you must feel right now. With your help, I’m sure we can find a way to finally defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.”

  “I don’t know what I can do, your highness, but I am thankful for your efforts to bring me here,” Anne admitted, the longing between her legs for the Emperor now banished from her body since her arrival.

  “I appreciate your humble nature, my lady. Apolon here will see that you are settled, and then he shall present you to the council. Together we might have a fighting chance to defeat our greatest enemy and see that you return home to your own people,” the Queen explained before turning away from them and placing her attention on more pressing matters.

  “Come this way, Anne,” Apolon called as he started to walk away from her. Anne eyes fell on the scene around her as she followed Apolon through the courtyard, running water sounding in the distance making her think she was close to an ocean. Soldiers in armor seemed to be preparing for battle as they fought against each other, swords slashing with the clang of metal piercing the air.


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