Forced To Kill The Prince

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Forced To Kill The Prince Page 29

by Hollie Hutchins

  Anne remained silent as she followed the knight, watching as his body move swiftly despite the armor. He took her inside the fortress, up a level of stairs, and down a hallway that had plush carpet running it’s full length. Finally, Apolon led her to a bedchamber where a simple bed was placed against the stone wall and a chair was set next to the window. Anne was at least pleased to see a fire crackling in the fireplace even though the room was nothing like the luxurious once Apolon had taken her from.

  “There are fresh linens in the chest beside the bed, but you may need to fish through them before you find something that suites you,” Apolon explained as he pointed to the large metal chest. “I can bring you something to eat so you can prepare yourself for the meeting. There will be much to talk about.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Anne explained as she stepped towards the chest to investigate its contents. Apolon watched her keenly as she rummaged through the clothes till she found a tunic and leggings.

  “I need help unbuttoning the gown from the back,” Anne spoke up as she set the clothes on the bed, and looked over at Apolon, bringing his attention back into focus.

  “Of course,” Apolon murmured as he unbuttoned the scarlet dress that reminded him of death, happy to see her step out of the fabric. Apolon turned suddenly so he could give her privacy though he often wondered what she looked like naked.

  “Simone had told me that I had been brought here to defeat the Dark Lord, but instead he took me straight to the beast himself,” Anne spoke up as she dressed. “Why should I believe you or anything that will be discussed at this meeting?”

  “The Dark Lord came to this world to tame and control it, but he soon learned after his arrival that he could not brake us like wild horses. From him we learned to leap through realms like he has done in the past, dominating world after world through his sorcery and power. We are the last defense between him and your world. If you do not help us, we will all parish and your realm will be next,” Apolon pleaded as he spun around and approached Anne, anguish clearly written on his face.

  Anne quickly finished dressed and finally brought her gaze back to Apolon’s. “So is it true that my daughter will be a ruler one day?” Anne asked as she crossed her arms, searching for truth in all the lies she had been given already.

  “So the prophecy says. Before the Wyrd Sisters were completed destroyed by the Dark Lord, they prophesied that one woman from the Isle of Apollo would come to our realm and produce a daughter that would one day rule all,” Apolon explained as his gaze softened. “I had hoped that your daughter would be our savior, finally defeating the Dark Lord for good.”

  “That would first require me to have a child,” Anne murmured as she turned from him and placed her focus on the soldiers below her window. Even inside she could hear their efforts to prepare for battle. Anne was surprised when she felt Apolon’s warm hands on her shoulders as he slowly massaged her shoulders to comfort her.

  “I can’t imagine how hard this all must be for you. But now that you are here, I will do all that I can to protect you. I won’t let him touch you again,” Apolon said, whispering the last few words as he stepped close to her. Anne enjoyed the warmth that radiated from Apolon as he stood near her. She fought the urge to lean back against him.

  “We should leave for the council,” Apolon eventually said, breaking Anne’s thoughts of how good his hands felt on her body. She moved from his touch quickly and stepped into the hallway, waiting for him to lead her in the right direction. As she followed Apolon back down to the lower levels, she couldn’t help but wonder how else Apolon might make her feel if given the opportunity.


  “Lords and ladies, news has reached our camp that the Wizard King plans to begin the Summoning Ritual now that the Daughter of the Sun has been brought to this realm,” the Queen spoke above the conversation that swarmed the main hall. In response to her words, the room went completely silent as everyone turned their focus to her serious expression. “The Wizard King has requested the presence of all of his subjects so they can begin the ritual that will force the Daughter of the Sun to come to them. As we all know, the Wizard King’s magic is very influential, but now he plans to take the Chosen One’s very will away. We must do something before the Dark Lord can produce an heir that will be taught to destroy us all.”

  Anne shivered despite the warmth of the room as she thought about what it would be like to be a slave to the Dark Lord in this realm. She didn’t want to stay here forever, but she also knew that her destiny played a major role to these people. And if Apolon was right about the Dark Lord’s power to destroy realms, then she had to give her support to those who were trying to stop them.

  “When the dark clouds rise in the distance, we will know that the ritual has begun and the Grail of Power has been created. We will strike then to disrupt this ritual at all costs while sending the Daughter of the Sun away so she cannot be influenced in case we fail.”

  “You wish to send me away?” Anne spoke up, rising to her feet at the round table, the faces of everyone switching to her for just a moment.

  “We must protect you at all costs, my lady. If we fail in our mission, then we must not let them find you, no matter how you might feel after the ritual is completed.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that,” Anne admitted as she sat back down to allow the Queen to continue speaking.

  “Once the Grail of Power has been created through his dark magic, the Wizard King’s mind will become one with everyone that drinks from the cup, allowing him complete control over them and his reach and influence will be unstoppable. It seems the presence of the Daughter of the Sun has forced the Wizard King to take drastic majors to reclaim her, but it will also mean he will be at he’s weakest. If we can destroy the Wizard King, the Dark Lord’s power will be diminished, giving us the opportunity to banish him once and for all.”

  The Queen’s words were met with loud shouts of praise, making it obvious to Anne that they were all enthusiastic about the upcoming battle. She did not fully understand what would be happening next, but she did at least know she needed to stay away from the fighting. However, she simply wished she could be of more help.

  “Now let us prepare for this battle by gathering all of our resources. The enemy may be weakened but they will also be expecting a fight. We must not hold back as we strike at the heart of all our misery, because it’s only through our sheer determination that we stand here when so many have been lost to us. And it’s through our will that we shall defeat the Dark Lord and every dragon that has bowed before him!”

  The room filled with cheering as everyone rose to show their support. Anne could only imagine how long they must have waited for this moment. Hundreds of years, Anne reminded herself as she stood and watched the commotion in the room. They all seemed excited and ready, even if it meant their eventual demise. If the Dark Lord was capable of destroying entire words, then Anne could only imagine what power he must behold to be a tyrant to these people.

  Anne thought no more of the matter as Apolon lead her back to her bedchambers. Anne was deep in thought as she wordlessly took the seat next to the window, ringing her hands together as a maiden brought a simple wooden plate of cheese and bread into the room with a tanker of water.

  “You should eat something,” Apolon spoke up, bringing Anne out of her thoughts.

  “I know, but I can’t help thinking there is something I should be able to do,” Anne responded as she stood and store a piece of bread from the loath. Anne hummed slightly at the delicious taste of the bread, knowing she could never get something this authentic in New York. “Tell me more about this ritual. How is it done?”

  “Well,” Apolon stated as he sat on the edge of the bed. “The Wizard King will have to invoke all of his power, and most likely the power from the Dark Lord to produce the Grail of Power, a potion so strong that it can control the minds of all those that drink of it. If the Wizard King plans to control all those who are under the Dark Lord’
s influence, then there must be a large amount in order for all those people to drink of it. The Dark Lord possess legions of men and woman to do his bidding,” Apolon explained as Anne listened, pacing back and forth in the small stone room.

  “Is there a way we could disrupt the ritual or alter the potion somehow?” Anne questioned as she came to stand in front of Apolon. The man studied her for a moment before he stood, closing the distance between them.

  “We plan to attack and kill the Wizard King, something that has never been done successfully before, but will hopefully undue the ritual. But I cannot think of anything that we could do to the potion itself that may not allow the Wizard King to control you as well.”

  Anne took a deep breath as a plan formed in her mind. “I know of a drug that we can add to the potion if we are able to get close enough to it. It will alter their minds, possibly breaking the Wizard King’s connection to those he wishes to control, thus diminishing any power he wishes to get over me.”

  “You would really risk your life like that?” Apolon questioned softly as he brushed a strand of Anne’s dark hair away from her face so he could peer into her deep brown eyes easier, hoping to understand her true nature.

  “I’m going to school to be a lawyer. Being fearless is part of the job,” she responded, a smile forming on her lips.

  “The Queen will not like that I am altering her plans, but if we succeed then I doubt she will care that I brought you to the heart of danger,” Apolon said with a grin, tilting his head down before plunging his lips against Anne’s.

  Anne was completely surprised as she felt the heat of Apolon’s lips against hers. Anne relaxed as his arms wrapped around her body, strong and supportive against the invasion of his kisses on her body. Eventually Anne returned the kisses, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and running her fingers through his hair. She parted his lips and slid her tongue forward, causing him to moan at the pleasant surprise.

  Apolon grabbed Anne’s bottom, pulling her up onto his hips so that she may feel the hardness of his member and how much he desired to sleep with her now before he lost the opportunity. He was prepared to die in order to defeat the Dark Lord, and that gave him little reason to restrain from the simple things he wanted.

  “There are too many layers between us,” Anne said as she rubbed her hands against the armor covering his chest. A wide grin grew over Apolon’s mouth as he tossed her unto the bed with one quick motion. Anne laughed widely as she sat up and started undoing the buttons on her leggings, tossing the clothes aside and pleased to see that the bleeding had stopped. Loud clanks sounded as Apolon shifted off his armor as quickly as he could, taking a moment to slid the bolt over the door so they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  “Do you have to transform to sleep with me?” Anne asked softly as Apolon walked to the bed, his handsome naked body standing before her in the afternoon sun. Without touching him, she could feel his warmth and waited patiently to touch his body.

  “I do not. Would you rather I pleasure you in my dragon form,” Apolon questioned as he leaned onto the bed and planted a strong kiss on her lips. Anne shook her head, not wanting to simply lay down while he pleasured her. She wanted to touch him with her eyes wide open.

  Anne rolled Apolon onto his back as she straddled his legs. “I’m not used to a woman taking charge in bed,” Apolon remarked as he ran his warm hands up and down her thighs.

  “I hope to show you many surprises. If I’m going to risk my life trying to save the world, then I’m going to enjoy myself while I still have the chance,” Anne remarked as she took his length in her hands and started stroking him. He was considerable large and she wondered how he would feel once inside her. Anne guided his tip between her lips as Apolon slowly began rubbing circles on her nub.

  “Yes…” Anne whispered as she threw back her head and started to slip onto his hard member, slowly lowering herself till he was completely bared between his legs. Apolon gripped onto her legs, forcing her still as he slowly lifted out of her before plunging back in again. Together they formed a rhythm, the sound of slapping flesh filling the room as Apolon held firmly on to her legs while Anne teased her nipples.

  “Do you like what you see, Apolon,” Anne moaned as she gazed down his glistening body as he strained to thrust up into her.

  “I think you’d look better on all fours,” he breathed as he finally released his grip on her, rolling her over on to her stomach before pulling her hips towards him. Apolon slid a finger between her ass checks and teased her opening as he slid his member backing into her wet center.

  “I’ve never had someone touch me there,” Anne panted as she looked over her shoulder and into his bright blue eyes.

  “I guess we are both full of surprises,” Apolon spoke before sliding a finger into her bright pink star. Anne arched her back as she forced Apolon to go deeper inside her, loving the feeling of being filled. Apolon quickened his pace as began to thrust harder into her wet center as he took another finger and slid them deeper into her tight rear.

  “That’s right, force my fingers deeper in,” Apolon hissed as he smacked her check with his free hand. Anne yelped with pleasure as she forced her hips back to meet the movement of Apolon’s thrusts. She could feel her body tingling all over, knowing that waves of pleasure would soon fill her body. Apolon could feel her body tightening as he forced another finger inside as his thrusted hard, hoping to give her the best experience in her life.

  “Oh yes!” Anne moaned as she gripped onto all the bedding, enabling herself to thrust back against Apolon as the orgasm rolled over her. She could not believe how good it felt to be completely filled as Apolon slid his fingers out, gripped onto both sides of her hips, and thrusted deep inside her till his release finally came.

  When they were both spent, Apolon laid Anne beside him on the bed so he could rub his hands over her cooling body, pulling the blankets up over their bodies. “Sleep for now, my lady. I will wake you when it’s time to get these drugs you spoke of. Then we must both risk our lives for the greater good,” Apolon said before bringing her close to his body.

  Anne loved way that her body felt as she molded her body against his. Even though she was spent, and certain death did loom over her, she silently hoped that she would be able to share Apolon’s bed once more.


  “The time has come, Anne. You must hurry and get dressed,” Apolon’s called as he quickly moved to put back on his armor. Anne rolled towards the sound of his voice, enjoying the last views of his naked flesh till he was almost completely dressed. Anne moved from the bed and threw back on his clothes, wishing they had more time to repeat what they were able to do earlier.

  After they were done dressing, Apolon pulled Anne into his arms and ran his fingers through her hair. “I wish we could spend the rest of the day in bed, but once this is all over, I will gladly spend the rest of my days finding more ways to surprise you,” he spoke before placing a soft kiss on her forehead.

  “I would like that very much, Apolon,” Anne replied, capturing his lips with hers before he could pull away. Apolon gripped her behind once more with wicked grin before he unbolted the door and ushered her out.

  “Now the soldiers will be preparing to take to the skies from the main court once they see the ritual smoke in the distance. I will conjure us a portal from the back of the castle that will allow us to pass through and get the drugs you spoke of. But the portal won’t last long since I’ll be the only one casting the summoning. We must be quick,” Apolon explained as he led Anne down a narrow flight of stairs. After many flights of twisting and turning stairs, Apolon opened a large stone door and allowed Anne to pass through before closing and locking it behind him.

  Anne followed him a little ways down a dirt path and away from the bright stone wall of the castle till they appeared in a small clearing. Next, she watched as Apolon marked the grass with thick black chalk before stepping inside his design. He turned and offered his hand to Anne, who took it quickly and st
epped inside.

  “This won’t hurt, but it will mess with your senses. It’s best to hold on to me and close your eyes,” Apolon explained as Anne followed instructions and grabbed onto his waist, sliding her fingers underneath his armor claps. As Anne closed her eyes, she heard Apolon chant in a language she did not understand. When the air started to whirl around them, she fought the instinct to open her eyes as their bodies lifted from the ground and was propelled forward. But the moment Anne lost her composure and opened her eyes, they had already been sent through the portal.

  “Quickly now. You must gather what you need,” Apolon said as Anne realized they were back in Central Park.

  “This way,” Anne directed as she took off down the path that she had taken a million times over as she went to and from school. She didn’t pay any attention to the New Yorkers who stared at the strange scene of a knight and woman in strange clothing running through the park. But once Zee realized who was running towards him, he panicked and backed up against the tree he was leaning on.

  “Hey man, I don’t want any trouble. I saw the way you were dropping bodies yesterday and I don’t want anything to do with that,” Zee spoke quickly as he held up his hands.

  “Then give me all your acid tablets and we’ll be on your way,” Anne barked as she extended her hand. Zee stared from one crazy woman to the man next to her as he remembered the way the knight had slashed through bodies with his sword. He could hardly believe what has happening when the police showed up and started asking questions about the slaughter. No one believed him when he tried to explain knights and warriors had been trying to kill each other.

  “Whatever, just get out of here before someone sees me talkin to y’all,” he said as he dug into his pockets and dropped several packets at Anne’s feet. She huffed as she bent down to scoop them off the ground, Zee taking off in the opposite direction without a glance back. Satisfied, Apollon placed his arms around Anne as he recited the summoning once again, transporting them quickly back to the clearing.


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