by Gene Mustain
Abbamonte, Oreste
Abbott, James (FBI Agent)
Agnello, Carmine
Ain, Stewart
Alesandro, Patricia De
Anastasia, Albert (boss)
Andrea Doria
Apalachin Conference
Arc Plumbing and Heating Corporation, Gotti’s “employment” at
Armone, Joseph
Arnold, Miriam (witness of Jimmy McBratney murder)
attorneys. See also U.S. attorneys
Blakey, G. Robert
Cohn, Roy
Coiro, Michael Cutler, Bruce
appeals Judge Nickerson’s decision to deny bail to Gotti
“Brucification” of defendants
complaints of press coverage during federal trial
disqualified from federal case against Gotti
RICO trial
Slotnick, Barry
audio bugs
Augello, Anthony (Colombo soldier)
babania, information on Salvatore Ruggiero’s drug dealings
Bartels, John R.
Bartley, Kirke
Battista, William (Billy)
beatings, Collado, Antonio
Beatty, George
Bergin Club
Cardinali, James
dice game arrests
fight between Gene Gotti and John Gotti
gambling hall
Gotti’s rise to captain position
Gotti’s visibility, Fourth of July celebration
relationship between Dellacroce and Gotti
taped conversations used in O’Connor case
Berkowitz, David
Bilotti, Thomas
events leading up to murder
Gotti voted control of Family after
Gotti’s behavior after
Gotti’s behavior leading up to
naming as underboss by Castellano
rise to power under Paul Castellano
Blakey, G. Robert (lawyer)
Bonanno, Joseph
Bonavolonta, Jules
Borriello, Bartholomew
Borriello, Bobby
bosses. See also families; underbosses Anastasia, Albert
Castellano, Paul
appointment as boss
discussion with Dellacroce about Caiazzo-LaForte affair
events leading up to murder
family boycott of wake
indictment as beneficiary of conspiracy
naming Thomas Bilotti as underboss
receipt of Mercury Pattern Service problem from Gambino
relinquishment of control over Gambino Family to Aniello Dellacroce
rise to power
taped account of Apalachin Conference
taped conversation with Joe Gallo
“White House” bug
Colombo, Joseph
Dellacroce, Aniello
assignment by Gambino to be underboss
consent to make Gotti captain
high profile
pretrial hearing
relationship with Gotti during Bergin days
soldier years
tax case
Fatico, Carmine
loan-sharking cases
Galante, Carmine
Gambino, Carlo
Genovese, Vito
Gigante, Vincent
Mangano, Philip
Maranzano, Salvatore
Massino, Joseph (boss of Bonanno Family)
Persico, Carmine
Riggi, John (boss of DeCavalcante Family)
Salerno, Anthony
show of respect for Gotti after Costellano murder
BQ 11766-OC
belief that Gotti was dealing in drugs
Gene Gotti’s position in Family dealings
hijacking information
on Piecyk case
Salvatore Ruggiero’s continued contact with Gotti
targeting by Giacalone
Brownsville Stompers
Brownsville-East New York, childhood years
bugs. See also informants; surveillance
Angelo and Langella’s Brooklyn restaurant bug
Castellano’s “White House” bug
conversations about money-making ventures
drug dealings
Nettie Cirelli’s apartment
conversation between Frank LoCascio and John Gotti
conversation with Sammy about jury tampering
Gotti discusses murders
Gotti talks of murdering DiBernardo, Milito, and DiBono
revelation of tapes to prosecutors
Nice N EZ Auto School
Ravenite Social Club
audio bug
conversation about promoting John Jr.
conversation between Michael Coiro and John Gotti after Coiro is found guilty
video surveillance
Burke, Jimmy, dinner with Michael Coiro
Caan, James
Caiazzo-LaForte affair
Capone, Al
Armone, Joseph
Carrao, Joseph
Failla, James
Gaggi, Anthony
Gotti’s assignment as captain
LaForte, Joseph
Mosca, Ralph
Cardinali, James
beating of Antonio Collado
bus thief capture
cocaine addiction
conversation with Diane Giacalone
dealings with District Attorney’s office
dinner between Jimmy Burke and Michael Coiro
drug dealing
involvement in fight between Gene and John Gotti
meeting with Special Agent Paul Hayes
murder of cocaine dealer
murder of Michael Castigliola
parole terms
prison time
relationship with Gotti
relationship with Willie Boy
RICO trial testimony
sandbagging of Diane Giacalone
Carneglia, Angelo
Carneglia, Charles
Carneglia, John
Carmine Agnello beating
charged for murdering Albert Gelb
FBI-Strike Force investigation for drug dealing
pleads Fifth Amendment
Sparks case sentencing
cases. See also indictments
Carneglia, John
Coiro, Michael
conversation with Gotti after his guilty verdict
Gleeson’s prosecution of
Dellacroce tax case
federal case against Gotti
closing arguments
DeCicco’s murder during trial
Gotti plans for jail time upon losing appeal for bail
Gotti surrenders to prison time
Judge Leo Glasser disqualifies Cutler and Shargel from case
jury deliberation
jury selection
Lewis Schilero’s testimony of Cosa Nostra-speak
press coverage
Salvatore Gravano’s testimony
sequestering of jury
tape revelations
Gambino, Tommy
James McBratney murder
loan-sharking cases against Carmine Fatico
Northwest Airlines case
O’Connor, John, F.
Piecyk case against Gotti
arrest of Gotti and Colletta
BQ 11766-OC on
Cutler, Bruce (attorney for Gotti)
decision to not testify against Gotti
Gotti’s post-trial celebration
interview with Stewart Ain
Judge Ann Dufficy denies request to withhold jur
y names in case
mysterious call between Gotti and “Frank”
opening arguments
press coverage
testimony at trial
visit with Sgt. Anthony Falco
Velvet Touch caper
Coiro’s defense prevents prison time
Zuccaro, Peter, armed robbery
Castellanna, Peter
Castellano, Paul
appointment as boss
discussion with Neil about Caiazzo-LaForte affair
events leading up to murder
family boycott of wake
indictment as beneficiary of con-spiracy
Gotti takes control of Family after
Gotti’s behavior after
Gotti’s behavior leading up to
naming Thomas Bilotti as underboss
receipt of Mercury Pattern Service problem from Gambino
relinquishment of control over Gambino Family to Aniello Dellacroce
taped account of Apalachin Conference
taped conversation with Joe Gallo
“White House” bug
Castigliola, Michael
Cavallo, Jackie
celebrations following RICO trial acquittal
Cestaro, Philip
Cestaro, William
Cherkasky, Michael (federal prosecutor)
childhood years, John Gotti
Brownsville-East New York
Fulton-Rockaway Boys gang
northeast Manhattan
perceptions of Mafia
South Bronx
Ciccone, Jeffrey, murder
Cirelli, Mickey
Cirelli, Nettie, use of home for Gotti’s talks
Clark, Ramsey (Attorney General)
closing arguments, federal case against Gotti
The Club, Fatico brothers
code designations. See informants
Cohn, Roy (lawyer)
Coiro, Michael (attorney)
aid to Angelo to sell Salvatore’s last load
plan to buy a secret Gambino Family report
case against for aiding Angelo and Gene Gotti
consoling of Angelo after Salvatore’s death
dinner with Jimmy Burke
learns of informants and informs Gotti crew
relationship with Queens House of Detention aids Gotti cases
reputation as mob lawyer
Collado, Antonio
Colletta, Frank, confrontation with Romual Piecyk outside Cozy Corner Bar
Colombo Family indictment, Southern District
Colombo, Joseph (boss)
Commission indictment
Congress, approves plans to add agents
Conroy, Jack
Consalvo, Carmine
construction businesses, surveillance bug conversations about
Corozzo, Nicholas
Corrao, Joseph
Cotter, Patrick
Cozy Corner Bar
Crazy Sally Polisi
crew leaders
crew members, DeVita, Sal
Crime Capital, Commission indictment charges
criminal record. See also drug dealing; murders
during early years of marriage
John F. Kennedy International Airport
teen years
Crystal Room, arrest after brawl
Curro, Andrew
RICO trial testimony
Cutler, Bruce
appeals Judge Nickerson’s decision to deny bail to Gotti
“Brucification” of defendants
Cardinali, James
Edward Maloney
McBratney case witness
Sally Polisi
strategy to rattle Giacalone
complaints of press coverage during federal trial
disqualified from federal case against Gotti
RICO trial
D’Amico, Jack
Dapolito, Frank
Davis, Lawrence (witness of Jimmy McBratney)
Day, Sheri
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
Magnuson, Edward
Dearie, Raymond J. (U.S. attorney) deal with Polisi to get Coiro
press release of Gotti indictment
support of Giacalone
Death Hill
deaths. See also murders
Anastasia, Albert
Bilotti, Thomas
Castellano, Paul
DeCicco, Frank
Gotti’s discussion of with Bobby Borriello
Gotti’s discussion of with Gene Gotti
investigation of
Dellacroce, Aniello
DiSimone, Tommy
Gambino, Carlo
Gotti, Frank (son)
John Favara murdered as revenge for
Ruggiero, Angelo
Ruggiero, Salvatore and Stephanie
Spione, Joseph
DeCicco, Frank
arrest at Bergin Club for dice game
gambling at Bergin Club
Gotti considers a replacement for
Gotti promotes to underboss
Gotti’s meeting with after Castellano murder
murder of
Gotti’s discussion of with Bobby Borriello
Gotti’s discussion of with Gene Gotti
investigation of
Dee Dan Company
Dellacroce, Aniello (underboss)
assignment by Gambino to be underboss
consents to make Gotti captain
high profile
Manhattan D.A.’s detective squad
pretrial hearing
relationship with Gotti during Bergin days
soldier years
tax cases
underboss years
Dellacroce, Armond
Dellacroce, Buddy
Dellentash, Alfred
DeMeo, Roy
DePetris, David
DeVita, Sal (crew member)
DiBernardo, Robert
DiBono, Louis, plan to murder
dice game (Bergin Club), arrests
DiCicco, Frank
DiGiorgio, Francisco (father-in-law)
DiGiorgio, Victoria L. See Gotti, Victoria (wife of John Gotti)
digs (slang for Quaaludes)
DiMaggio, Joe
DiMaria, Leonard
DiMucci, Dion
DiSimone, Tommy
district attorneys. See also attorneys; U.S. attorneys
Bartley, Kirke
Santucci, John
Donohue, Thomas, arrest of Gotti after attack on Romual Piecyk
Doyle, Raymond
drug dealing. See also money-making ventures
babania, information on Salvatore Ruggiero’s drug dealings
Cardinali, Jamesy
cocaine addiction
meeting with Special Agent Paul Hayes
murder of cocaine dealer
murder of Michael Castigliola
prison time
FBI-Strike Force investigation
Gotti, Peter
Gotti, Vincent
Jerogae, Ronald
Polisi, Salvatore
Reiter, Mark
Traynor, Matthew
Drug Enforcement Administration agents. See DEA agents
Dufficy, Ann, denies request to withhold juror names in Piecyk case
Duffy, Judge Kevin Thomas
duties as boss (Gotti’s), treatment of subordinates
Eastern District
NYPD-DEA-FBI RICO investigation
“White House” bug
electronic surveillance, Justice Department’s removal of cap on
Ernst, April
Failla, James (captain of Ga
mbino Family)
meeting with Gotti after Castellano murder
meeting with Gotti before Castellano murder
Families. See also bosses
initiation into as soldier
Fapiano, Robert, arrest
Fatico, Carmine (boss)
Fatico, Daniel
Favara, Janet
Favara, John
arrest of Gotti, Sammy, and Frankie at Ravenite
Fox, Jim
informants. See informants
leak through Conroy
occupation of Death Hill
Strike Force investigation
drug dealings
wiretapping of Angelo Ruggiero’s phone
surveillance conflict with Queens D.A. office
federal cases
closing arguments
DeCicco’s murder during trial
Giacalone, Diane F.
Gotti plans for jail time upon losing appeal for bail
Gotti surrenders to prison time
Judge Leo Glasser disqualifies Cutler and Shargel from case
Judge Nickerson orders witness names be kept secret
Lewis Schilero’s testimony of Cosa Nostra-speak
press coverage
Sammy Gravano turns evidence against Gotti
sequestering of jury
tape revelations
federal prosecutors, grand jury subpoenas of Gambino Family soldiers
Feldman, Mark
Fiore, Carmine, recorded conversation with Peter Mosca about “being made,”
Fourth of July celebration, Gotti’s visibility
Fox, Jim (FBI boss)
Franzese, Michael (mobster), offends Gotti
Fratianno, Jimmy (the Weasel)
Fulton-Rockaway Boys gang
Gabriel, George
arrest of Gotti, Sammy, and Frankie at Ravenite
revelation of DiBono murder conversation
serves Gotti subpoena
Gaggi, Anthony (captain for Castellano)
Galante, Carmine (Bonanno boss)
Galione, Ralph
Gallo, Joe N.
bail release (Gambino Family hierarchy case)
lead defendant Gambino hierarchy case
taped conversation with Castellano
Gambino Family hierarchy case
Armone’s public renouncement of a life in crime
Gallo and Armone defendants
Gallo’s release on bail
Mercury Pattern Service problem
Gambino, Carlo (boss)
Gotti’s passing of orders from
Gambino, Emanuel, kidnapping of
Gambino, Thomas (son of Carlo Gambino)
gambling, John Gotti
Bergin Club gambling hall
at Bergin Club
conversations with Angelo Ruggiero
motivation to deal in drugs
owed to Joseph Carrao
teen years
telephone room (Vito Maccia’s Candy Store)
Brownsville Stompers
Fulton-Rockaway Boys
Mau Mau Chaplins
Ozone Park Sinners
Garbarino, John A. (Judge)