by Gene Mustain
Garment Center
gas-tax ripoffs
Gelb, Albert
Genovese, Vito (boss)
Giacalone, Diane
case against Armond Dellacroce
charges concerning Gelb murder
conversation with James Cardinali
Cutler accuses of creating carnival atmosphere
knowledge of FBI-Strike Force wiretapping of Angelo Ruggiero’s phone
motion to revoke bail for Gene and John Gotti
prosecution of Peter Zuccaro armed robbery case
protest to back off by Sheer and Kossler
receipt of Wahoo files from Storey
redirect of Cardinali during RICO trial
request for witness name secrecy during federal case
response to Cutler’s appeal for bail
revelation of Willie Boy Johnson as an informant
RICO trial summary
sandbagging by Cardinali
strategy of Cutler to rattle her during RICO trial
targeting of source Wahoo
Gigante, Chin
Gigante, Vincent (boss)
Glasser, Judge Leo, disqualifies Cutler and Shargel from federal case
Gleeson, John (prosecutor)
closing argument at federal case against Gotti
jury tampering prevention plan in Brooklyn case
prosecution of Coiro case
RICO trial role
Gomes, Richard
Gotti, Angela (daughter of John Gotti)
Gotti, Frank (son of John Gotti)
minibike accident and death
Gotti, Gene (brother of John Gotti)
with Gotti about DeCicco’s murder
with Tony Roach after Tony’s arrest at Bergin Club
wiretap with Angelo Ruggiero
dispute with Gambino captain
FBI-Strike Force investigation for drug dealing
fight with John Gotti at Bergin
Source BQ 11766-OC’s information on
Sparks case sentencing
Gotti, John Joseph Sr.
Gotti, John Jr. (son of John Gotti)
barroom arrest
response to press coverage of Piecyk case
Gotti, Peter (brother of John Gotti)
bus thief capture
drug dealings
position as manager of Bergin Club
Gotti, Richard (brother of John Gotti)
position as manager of Our Friends Social Club
Gotti, Victoria (daughter of John Gotti) birth
marriage to Carmine Agnello
Gotti, Victoria (wife of John Gotti)
Family background
grief over death of son Frank
marriage to John Gotti
response to press coverage of Piecyk case
separations from John during marriage
Gotti, Vincent (brother of Gotti)
arrest for drugs
jail sentence
meeting with Dominick Polifrone
grand jury subpoenas of Gambino Family soldiers
Gravano, Salvatore (Sammy)
decision to turn evidence against Gotti
fixing of RICO trial case
promotion to consigliere
reads transcripts of Nettie Cirelli apartment tapes
testimony at federal case against Gotti
Greater Blouse, Skirt and Undergarment Association
Green Haven Correctional Facility
Gotti’s jail time
Gotti’s release from
activities during parole
parole terms
Guidici, Frank
Guliani, Associate Attorney General Rudolph W.
Gurino brothers of Arc Plumbing, arrest as result of Angelo bugs
Gurino, Anthony
Gurino, Caesar
Gurino, John Jr., murder of Vulcano
1986 pretrial
pretrial hearing at Dellacroce’s house
Helmsley Palace Hotel, meeting with recording industry executives
heroin tapes
career (Gotti’s)
during early years of marriage
John F. Kennedy International Airport
lobster, Source BQ 11766-OC provides insider information on
men’s suits, Source BQ 11766-OC provides insider information on
Hoffa, Jimmy
Hoffman, Jeffrey, examination of Cardinali during RICO trial
Howard Beach home
Family life
memorial service for Salvatore Ruggiero
ice cream company (failed money-making venture)
inauguration of Gotti
Indelicato, Alphonse “Sonny Red”
indictments. See also cases
Carneglia, John
Castellano, as beneficiary of conspiracy
Coiro, Michael
Colombo Family (Southern District)
federal case against Gotti
Gotti, Gene
Gotti, John
Rampino, Anthony
Ruggiero, Angelo
Bergin informants
Cardinali, James, dealings with District Attorney’s office
code designations
Coiro learns of and informs Gotti crew
gambling losses information
information that suggested Gotti dealt drugs
Leonetti, Philip
Lofaro, Dominick
account of Peter Mosca’s story of being made
meeting with Gotti
O’Donnell, Kenneth
Source BQ 11766-OC
belief that Gotti was dealing in drugs
Gene Gotti’s position in Family dealings
hijacker information
lobster hijacking information
on Piecyk case
men’s suits hijacking information
Salvatore Ruggiero’s continued contact with Gotti
Source BQ 5558-TE
account of murder of Joseph Spione
account of murder of Tommy DiSimone
arrest of Gotti for McBratney murder
belief that Gotti was not involved in drug dealing
FBI agent changes
Gene Gotti’s position in Family dealings
indicted for bribing Detective Holder
information on Gene Gotti’s position in Family dealings
information on Salvatore Ruggiero’s drug dealings
Our Friends Social Club
reports to Queens detective squad
Salvatore Ruggiero’s drug dealings
targeting by Giacalone
Yudzevich, George
Eastern District-NYPD-DEA-FBI RICO investigation
FBI-Strike Force investigation
drug dealings
wiretapping of Angelo Ruggiero’s phone
Vito Maccia’s Candy Store telephone room
arrest of Peter Schiavone
Gotti’s bets
Guidici, Frank
Irish-American gang (Westies)
history of Mafia
Italian-American Civil Rights League
jail sentences, Gotti, Vincent
Jamaica Auto Salvage
Jerogae, Ronald
John F. Kennedy International Airport, hijackings
Johnson, Lyndon (President)
Johnson, Willie Boy
gambling at Bergin Club gambling hall
Giacalone’s revealing as an informant
jail time with Gotti at Green Haven Correctional Facility
federal case against Gotti
RICO trial
Sparks case
Gleeson plan to prevent in Brooklyn case
Piecyk case
Sparks case
Justice Department, removal of cap on electronic-surveillance applications
Kasman, Lewis
Gambino, Emanuel
kidnapping career
Velvet Touch caper dismissal of case
Kossler, James
La Cosa Nostra
LaForte, Buddy
LaForte, Joseph (captain)
Langella, Gennaro
LaRossa, James (attorney for Castellano), account of events before Castellano murder
LaRuffa, Tommie
laws, Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
lawyers. See attorneys; U.S. attorneys
legalization of wiretapping surveillance
Leonetti, Philip, roll over to informant
Lewisburg prison
Gotti’s time at
release from in 1972
Light, Marty (Assistant District Attorney)
Lino, Edward
Little Pete murder plot
case against Carmine Fatico
Plate, Anthony
lobster hijacking
LoCascio, Frank
arrest at Ravenite
promotion to acting underboss
taped conversation with Gotti at Nettie Cirelli’s
Lofaro, Dominick (made soldier for Ralph Mosca)
Gotti promotes to run gambling operation
meeting with Gotti
RICO trial role
work against Gotti for Organized Crime Task Force
Louis, Joe
Lucan, Martin
Lucky Lady gang
Mad Hatter, The (Albert Anastasia)
Mafia, during Gotti’s childhood
Magnuson, Edward
Maloney, Andrew
belief RICO trial was fixed
sacrifice of racketeering case against Tommy Gambino to get Gotti
Maloney, Edward
attempted murder
Bruce Cutler’s examination at trial
wired meeting with Cestaro
Mangano, Philip (boss)
D.A.’s detective squad, investigation of Neil Dellacroce
Gotti childhood years
Maranzano, Salvatore (boss)
Massino, Joseph (boss of Bonanno Family)
Mau Mau Chaplins
McBratney, James
Bruce Cutler’s cross-examination of witness at RICO trial
murder case against Ruggiero, Galione, and Gotti
Angelo Ruggiero receives hung jury verdict
Gotti’s probation officer’s report of Gotti’s account of murder
murder of at Snoope’s Bar & Grill
arrest of Gotti at Nevermore Social Club in Maspeth
arrests of Angelo and Galione
Gotti’s bragging
McDonald, Edward
McManus, Red (witness of James McBratney murder)
media. See press coverage
men’s suit hijacking, Source BQ 11766-OC provides insider information on
Mercury Pattern Service Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC)
Milito, Louis, murder
mistrials, Sparks case
money deliveries
money-making ventures. See also drug dealing
gambling operations
gas-tax ripoffs
ice cream company
recording industry, Helmsley Palace Hotel meeting
Montiglio, Dominick
Morgenthau, Robert (District Attorney)
lobbies to jointly prosecute Gotti
prosecution of Gotti for O’Connor shooting
Morton, George
Mosca, Peter
Mosca, Ralph (captain for Gotti)
Moscatiello, Anthony arrest as result of Angelo bugs
Gotti’s display of anger over phone
searched by FBI
Mouw, Bruce (FBI Agent)
Gambino Family investigations
meeting with D.A. Santucci over surveillance conflict
surveillance of Gotti’s Ravenite headquarters
audio bug
video surveillance
murders. See also criminal record; deaths; drug dealing
Anastasia, Albert
Bilotti, Thomas events leading up to
Gotti voted control of Family after
Gotti’s behavior after
Gotti’s behavior leading up to
Castellano, Paul
events leading up to
family boycott of wake
Gotti voted control of Family after
Gotti’s behavior after
Gotti’s behavior leading up to
Castigliola, Michael
Ciccone, Jeffrey
cocaine dealer (James Cardinali kills)
DeCicco, Frank
Gotti’s discussion of with Bobby Borriello
Gotti’s discussion of with Gene Gotti
investigation of
DiBono, plan to murder on Nettie Cirelli apartment tapes
DiSimone, Tommy, Source BQ 5558-TE’s account of murder
Favara, John
Galante, Carmine
Galione, Ralph
Gelb, Albert
Jerogae, Ronald
Johnson, Willie Boy
Little Pete murder plot
McBratney, James
Angelo Ruggiero receives hung jury verdict
arrest of Angelo and Galione
arrest of Gotti at Nevermore Social Club in Maspeth
Gotti’s bragging
Gotti’s probation officer’s report of Gotti’s account of murder
McCormick, Donald W., contract for
Milito, Louis
Spinelli, Thomas
Spione, Joseph, Source BQ 5558-TE’s account of murder
Vulcano, John Jr.
Woods, Edward
Mussolini, Benito
Nettie Cirelli apartment surveillance
conversation between Frank LoCascio and John Gotti
conversation with Sammy about jury tampering
murder discussions
Nevermore Social Club in Maspeth
arrest of Gotti for McBratney murder
Nice N EZ Auto School
bug planting at
conversations about money-making ventures
construction business
gas-tax ripoffs
ice cream company
Nickerson, Eugene H. (federal judge)
Family members
for Gene Gotti
for John Gotti
for Paul Castellano
Northwest Airlines case
O’Connor, John F. case
Bergin tapes
final arguments
jury sequestering
Morgenthau’s prosecution of Gotti
opening statements
O’Donnell, Kenneth
Organized Crime Task Force
Lofaro’s information on events after DeCicco murder
McElroy’s assistance
work with Dominick Lofaro
Our Friends Social Club
Ozone Park Sinners
Pape, George (RICO trial juror)
Papon, Leon
Paradiso, Michael
parole, Cardinali, Jamesy
Persico, Alphonse
Persico, Carmine (Colombo boss)
Piecyk, Romual (witness)
arrest of Gotti and Colletta
BQ 11766-OC on case of
sp; confrontation with Frank Colletta and Gotti outside of Cozy Corner Bar
Cutler, Bruce (attorney for Gotti)
DEA agent Magnuson testifies of threats from Gotti
decision to not testify against Gotti
Gotti’s post-trial celebration
interview with Stewart Ain
Judge Ann Dufficy denies request to withhold jury names in case
mysterious call between Gotti and “Frank”
opening arguments
press coverage of case
John Gotti Jr.’s response to
Victoria Gotti’s response to
RICO trial
testimony at trial
visit with Sgt. Anthony Falco
Plate, Anthony
Polisi, Salvatore
politics, Family
Pope. See Castellano, Paul
President Lyndon Johnson
Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice
press coverage
federal case against Gotti
of Frank DeCicco’s wake
O’Connor case acquittal
Piecyk case
Green Haven Correctional Facility
activities during parole
Gotti’s release from
Lewisburg, Pennsylvania
Gotti’s time at
release from in 1972
probation officers, Gotti’s probation officer’s report of Gotti’s account of murder
Cherkasky, Michael
Giacalone, Diane. See Giacalone, Diane F.
Gleeson, John. See Gleeson, John
public appearances, Gotti’s first after Castellano murder
D.A. office, surveillance conflict with FBI
detective squad, informant reports to
House of Detention
Quinn, Anthony, arrival at Gotti’s federal trial
Quirk, Dennis (witness)
Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
Radonjich, Bosko, receipt of Pape’s offer to sell himself
Raggi, Reena (U.S. attorney)
Rampino, Anthony (Tony Roach)
arrest at Bergin Club for dice game
prison time with Gotti at Lewisburg prison
relationship with Matthew Traynor
Ravenite Social Club bosses show respect for Gotti
conversation between Michael Coiro and John Gotti after Coiro is found guilty
FBI arrests of Gotti, Sammy, and Frankie
Gotti headquarters
meeting between Frank DeCicco and Gotti after Castellano murder
murder of Carmine Galante
rebuttal witnesses, RICO trial
recording industry, Helmsley Palace Hotel meeting
Red, Sonny, informant information revealing body location
Reiter, Mark (drug dealer)
RICO (Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act)
RICO trial
Cardinali’s testimony
Curro and Zuccaro testimony
Cutler’s summary
Cutler, Bruce
“Brucification” of witnesses