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False Start (Fair Catch Series, Book Two)

Page 6

by Christine Kersey

  “What do you mean?”

  “When I told him there was no future for us, he accused me of breaking up with him because of you.”

  Not sure how he felt about that, Brock stayed silent. Anyway, did it really matter? The important thing was that Ainsley was now free.

  “It’s been a long day,” Ainsley said. “I should probably go.”

  Brock didn’t want her to leave. Not now that they’d finally moved the ball forward in their relationship. “Are you sure?”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. And I have to work in the morning.”

  Brock couldn’t argue with that. He was emotionally wrung out and he could probably sleep for twelve hours straight. Even so, he would prefer to have Ainsley’s company.

  “Good night, Brock,” she said as she stood.

  He stood as well, then walked her to the door.

  “If you’d like,” she said, “I can come over after I get off work tomorrow.”

  “I would like that. Very much.” Was it too soon to kiss her again? He didn’t think so. Drawing her into his arms, he smiled before lowering his head to place his lips against hers. It felt amazing to hold her in his arms, to know that she was choosing him.

  Ainsley couldn’t get enough of him. She had been hoping he would kiss her goodbye and she hadn’t been disappointed. Knowing she would see him the next day filled her with excitement. When he finally released her, she smiled as she looked at him. Should she tell him how she felt?

  Then she remembered his question—Had she broken up with Tommy because of him? Thinking of that stopped her from saying anything. Why had he asked that? Was he worried that she was expecting more from him than he was willing to give? He was flying back to Sacramento in a few days. In all reality, this time in Rosebridge was just a nice interlude for both of them. Real life would hit them soon enough. She had to keep her expectations realistic.

  For now, she would look forward to spending time with him the next afternoon. She didn’t want to think beyond that.

  “See you tomorrow,” she said before opening the door and walking back to her house.

  Chapter Eleven

  When Ainsley arrived at work the next day, Tessa met her with a frown.

  “What’s wrong?” Ainsley asked, although she had an inkling. Tessa had known Tommy longer than she’d known Ainsley, so Ainsley wondered where her allegiances lay.

  “I think you know,” Tessa said before walking toward the back room.

  Ainsley followed her. “Tommy told you we broke up, didn’t he?”

  Tessa paused in gathering supplies and turned to Ainsley. “He said you broke up with him.”

  There was no denying that. “I did. Yes.”

  “He also said you’re with that football player. Brock Remington.” One eyebrow arched. “Is he the one who sent you flowers the other day?”

  Annoyed that she felt a need to explain, Ainsley pursed her lips before speaking. “First of all, I’m not with Brock.” Although she wished she was. “And yes, Brock sent me the flowers. But it was just as a thank you. I’ve been helping him pack up his father’s things.” She gave Tessa a meaningful look. “His father just died, you know.”

  Tessa sighed. “I know.” She paused a beat. “If you’re not with Brock, why did you break up with Tommy?”

  “I’ve been thinking about ending things with him for a couple of weeks. The time just…it seemed right.”

  Tessa’s eyes narrowed. “So, you and Brock…you’re not….together?”

  Ainsley thought about the kisses they’d shared the night before and how much she’d enjoyed them. Then she thought about her realization that she loved him. Still, they weren’t together. “No. We’re not.”

  “Really? Because Tommy told me that you cheated on him with Brock.”

  Ainsley’s eyes widened in shock. “That’s a lie.” She’d ended things with Tommy way before things had heated up with Brock. She definitely hadn’t cheated on Tommy. “What else did he tell you?”

  Tessa gazed at her for a moment. “That the two of you have talked about marriage.”

  Ainsley’s mouth fell open. “That is not true.” Vehemence enveloped every word. “We’ve never, not once, talked about marriage. We’d never even talked about being boyfriend/girlfriend.” Why was Tommy telling people these lies?

  “Well, Tommy had a different story.”

  Placing one hand on her hip, Ainsley huffed out a breath. “Who are you going to believe? Me or Tommy?”

  Tessa’s lips flattened. “I haven’t decided yet. All I know is that you looked pretty dang happy when those flowers arrived. And you were still with Tommy then.”

  “Did you tell him about the flowers?”

  Tessa didn’t answer, but she didn’t have to. It was written all over her face.

  “Why did you do that?”

  Scowling, Tessa said, “I thought he should know.”

  Since when had Tessa joined the relationship police? Ainsley had thought Tessa was her friend. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  “I’ve got to get to work,” Tessa said before turning and walking away.

  Ainsley watched her go, her heart pounding with anger—at Tommy and at Tessa. But mostly at Tommy.

  All day long, Ainsley couldn’t get Tommy’s lies out of her head. Especially when she looked Tessa’s way and Tessa frowned at her. She had to resolve this with Tommy. Today.

  The moment she got home, she sent Tommy a text. She’d considered calling him, but the thought of arguing with him just made her tired. She reread the text before hitting Send.

  Why did you lie to Tessa about us? Why did you say I cheated on you? Who else did you tell these lies to?

  Confrontation wasn’t something she enjoyed, and her heart pounded as she waited for him to reply. Ten minutes later, he did.

  It wasn’t a lie. You broke up with me because of your neighbor. Why can’t you admit that?

  Gritting her teeth in frustration, she forced herself to slowly breathe as she thought about a reply. Yes, she was in love with Brock, but that wasn’t why she’d broken up with Tommy. She knew that. She was confident in that. Still, she stewed in her fury and frustration for several minutes before deciding that she wasn’t going to give Tommy the satisfaction of an answer.

  Taking her time to get ready before going to see Brock, she changed into jeans and a t-shirt, touched up her make-up, then stared at herself in the mirror. What did Brock see when he looked at her? Surely he no longer saw the girl she once was, the girl who pestered him and Wes.

  Remembering their kiss the night before, she smiled. No, he recognized that she was a grown woman. But was he interested in anything beyond friendship and a few kisses? Only one way to find out. Today she would try to suss out his feelings for her, see where he saw them going.

  Anticipation and hope blossomed inside her as she walked out her front door.

  Ainsley was halfway across the grass between her house and Brock’s when she heard a voice call her name, a voice she recognized as Tommy’s.

  Spinning around, she saw him walking away from his car parked at the curb and towards her. He was wearing dress slacks and a button-up shirt. Must’ve just come from work. “What do you want?” she called out, not trying to hide the annoyance she felt.

  “I just want to talk to you.”

  He continued walking in her direction, but when he was eight feet away, she put her hand up and he halted.

  “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

  “Come on, Ains, let’s be civil.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “After you lied about me?”

  “Don’t be so dramatic. Besides, I never lied.”

  Her head tilted as her eyes narrowed to slits. “You told Tessa that I cheated on you. That’s not true.”

  “If telling yourself that gets you through the day…”

  Fuming, she glared at him. “You also told her that we talked about marriage.” She pursed her lips. “That is a flat-out lie.�

  He grinned. “Okay. Maybe that was wishful thinking, but Tessa doesn’t know that.”

  So he wanted Tessa—and who knew who else—to believe his lies? Fury fueled her words as a scoffing sound left her mouth. “There’s no way I would ever marry you.”

  Anger and humiliation flashed in his eyes.

  Good. Maybe he’d leave her alone now.

  Shouting drew Brock to his living room window. That’s when he saw Ainsley standing in the middle of her yard arguing with Tommy. With his window closed, Brock couldn’t hear what they were saying, but their body language told him they were both upset.

  Not about to leave Ainsley on her own with a man yelling at her, he decided to step in. Rushing to the door, his only concern was Ainsley. He flung the door open and stepped onto the porch, pausing a moment to assess the situation. That’s when he heard what they were saying.

  “I wouldn’t marry you if you paid me,” Tommy said, his voice dripping with venom. “You’re a cheating lowlife. Look at you. You were on your way to see him now, weren’t you?”

  Brock watched Ainsley, and at that moment she turned. Their eyes met, the hurt and anger on her face unmistakable.

  From the moment Brock had met Tommy he hadn’t liked him. Now that animosity exploded. All the sunlight he normally saw in Ainsley had gone out, and he put the blame squarely on Tommy. Without stopping to think, he strode to Ainsley’s side, glaring at Tommy the entire way.

  “Oh,” Tommy said, his lips twisting into a smirk. “Look who’s joining the party.”

  “You’re not welcome here,” Brock said, his voice deep and menacing. “You need to leave.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Caveman.”

  Caveman? What?

  Ignoring the insult, Brock clenched his jaw, then felt Ainsley’s hand slip into his. Warmed by her touch, he gently squeezed to let her know he had her back.

  Tommy’s gaze went to their clasped hands, his face going scarlet. “You didn’t cheat on me, huh? Don’t make me laugh.” An ugly expression grew on his face. “Who else did you cheat with, huh, Ainsley? Do I need to take a poll of all the men in Rosebridge? Get a count? I’m not sure I can count that high.”

  “That’s enough,” Brock roared. “Apologize to the lady.”

  “Or what?” Tommy turned his attention to Brock. “You’re gonna make me? I’d like to see that.”

  “Ignore him,” Ainsley murmured.

  Brock was used to people talking smack to him, usually on the field, and that didn’t bother him. But this was different. This was insulting Ainsley, the woman that he…well that he cared about more than he’d ever cared about a woman before. She was kind and selfless, beautiful inside and out. She didn’t deserve a loser like Tommy saying such crude things about her. To her.

  “Apologize,” Brock said through gritted teeth. “Now.”

  Tommy grinned, then slowly shook his head. “You’ve got it backwards, bro. She needs to apologize to me.”

  “Not likely,” Brock muttered.

  Tommy looked at Ainsley a moment, then he focused on Brock. “You two deserve each other. The caveman and the lowlife cheating witch. She’s the scum of the earth, Remington. The lowest of the low. I hope she doesn’t give you some sort of disease.”

  Adrenaline flooded Brock’s veins. It was too much. He couldn’t take it any more. Dropping Ainsley’s hand, Brock swiftly closed the distance between himself and Tommy, then, in one smooth motion, his hand curled into a fist before coming up in a powerful swing that landed right in Tommy’s face.

  Tommy bounced against the ground, blood gushing from his nose.

  The moment Brock’s fist had connected with Tommy’s face, Brock knew he had made a serious mistake. Brock couldn’t deny that it felt good to put the man in his place, but this could spell trouble. Stepping next to him, Brock held out his hand. Swallowing his pride, he forced a smile. “Sorry about that, bro.”

  Knocking Brock’s hand away, Tommy glared at him, and after several moments he drew in a breath and sputtered, “I’m gonna have you arrested for assault.”

  Oh no! No no no!

  This was exactly what Brock had feared the moment he’d realized his mistake. This was bad. This was very, very bad. Maybe even catastrophic.

  Ainsley was in shock. What had just happened? What was going to happen now? What if Tommy meant it? What if Brock was arrested? All because he was standing up for her.

  Wanting to play it safe, she fell to her knees beside Tommy. “Are you okay?”

  “No,” he said, his voice thick with fury. “Your boyfriend broke my nose.”

  “I’m so sorry, Tommy,” she said. “Please don’t have him arrested. Please.”

  “We’re past that now.” Tommy’s lips slowly lifted in a cruel smile, and Ainsley had the sick feeling that he’d set this up to get just this result.

  No. He wouldn’t do that. Would he?

  Moments later the sound of sirens filled the air.

  Standing, Ainsley looked around, wondering who had called the police, but then she saw a neighbor peeking out from behind a curtain. Worry streamed through her. What would happen now?

  Chapter Twelve

  “I want to press charges,” Tommy said to the officer.

  Ainsley could hear him even though he was standing thirty feet away.

  “The man’s in the NFL,” he said. “Do you see how big he is? He could’ve killed me.”

  There were three police cars and an ambulance parked in the street in front of their houses. The officer talking to Tommy looked at Brock, who stood next to Ainsley. Ainsley glanced at Brock, but his expression was unreadable. His hands were in the pockets of his jeans and he stared straight ahead, not looking at Ainsley, not looking toward the police cruisers, which she feared he would soon be sitting in.

  “We’ll figure this out,” she murmured.

  He grunted, but didn’t reply.

  Not wanting to consider the unthinkable, nevertheless, she wanted to be prepared. “What should I do if…” She let her words trail off.

  “If I’m arrested?” he asked, finally looking her square in the face.

  His brown eyes had turned the color of chocolate, and Ainsley could only imagine how stressful this had to be for him. Especially on top of losing his father.

  What would an arrest mean for his career? What if he was sentenced to jail?

  Horror blasted through her. She had to help him.

  “Tell me what to do,” she said, frantic with worry.

  “Tommy seems pretty intent on making me pay,” he said, his voice low.

  That seemed clear to her as well.

  Brock pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to her. “If I’m…” A muscle worked in his jaw. “Arrested. Call my agent. Steve Thornton. He’s in my contacts. He’ll know what to do.”

  Tucking his phone into her back pocket, she intertwined her fingers with his, and when she heard him sigh, she was glad she was there. Then again, if she wasn’t, none of this would have happened.

  Tensing as she let the blame settle on her shoulders, she turned her focus away from herself and to what was happening with Tommy and the police officers.

  Brock had blown it. He knew better than to punch someone. He was big and strong. A hit from him could do real damage. And even though he’d been on Ainsley’s property, Brock had stepped toward Tommy. Tommy had said vile things, but he’d never physically threatened him or Ainsley. Self-defense wouldn’t fly. Now he would have to face the consequences of his impulsive act.

  Even so, he couldn’t let what Tommy said to Ainsley stand. What he’d said, what he’d called her, it was unacceptable. But he shouldn’t have touched Tommy. He should have found some other way.

  Regret, hot and poisonous, wrapped around him, and when he saw one of the officers walking toward him, he pulled his hand from Ainsley’s and relaxed his stance. No reason for the officer to feel threatened by him.

  “Let’s talk over here,” the officer said,
pointing to an area well away from Tommy.

  Nodding, Brock walked to the spot the officer indicated, then waited for the man to speak.

  “The gentleman over there says you assaulted him,” the officer said, pointing in Tommy’s direction.

  Brock read the tag on the pocket of the man’s shirt—Officer Lyons—and resisted the urge to contradict his description of Tommy as a gentleman.

  “What’s your side of the story?” Lyons asked.

  Knowing it was best to not say anything at all, Brock shook his head. “I’d rather not say anything without my lawyer present.”

  Lyons sighed. “Turn around.”

  Brock did, and without being asked, he put his hands behind his back, and seconds later he felt the metal of the cuffs as they encircled his wrists, then Lyons patted him down.

  “You have the right to remain silent…”

  Brock tuned out the rest of Lyons’ recitation of his Miranda rights, and instead twisted his head to look at Ainsley. Her hand was pressed to her mouth, and he couldn’t miss the tears tracking down her face.

  Feeling like he’d failed her, failed his father, his team…everyone, Brock let Officer Lyons lead him to the police cruiser, and when they passed Tommy, he ignored him. Moments later Brock was seated in the backseat of the police cruiser, the first time in his life that he’d been in trouble with the law.

  Tears streamed down Ainsley’s face. She could not believe what was happening. Paralyzed with fear and uncertainty, she tried to ignore the stares of the neighbors who stood on the sidewalk watching the spectacle unfolding before them. A few of them even had their phones up, documenting everything.

  It’ll be on the news tonight, she thought dully. Brock Remington, tight end for the Sacramento Vipers, arrested for assault. Because of me.

  A few minutes later the police cruiser that held Brock pulled away from the curb, and another officer approached her. Afraid that she’d say something wrong, her mouth went dry.


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