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Rescue Me Please

Page 12

by Nichole Matthews

  Rockwell ignored the warning glance Parker flashed at him. “So is love, my friend, so is love,” he murmured with a grin. “But I will indulge you a distraction. Tell me what you have.”

  “That’s just it.” Parker frowned. “Nothing.” His hands clenched into fists on top of his desk. “How can there be no information?”

  “There is never a dull moment with the Peregrines.” Rockwell said, unfolding his long body from the chair to pour a tall glass of brandy. He held up the glass. “It appears that fortification is required.”

  “It doesn’t make any sense,” Parker added almost to himself.

  Rockwell glanced at him with a questioning smile. He himself had been a confirmed bachelor until Piper. Scandals and rumors had abounded of his conquests. Now he was content to remain at home. “What doesn’t make sense?” He set the second glass in front of Parker, then returned to his chair, his right ankle crossed over his left knee. “Explain.”


  “Aunt,” Piper leaned forward with a smile. “I received a letter from Agnes just before we departed for Rosebriar.”

  “Was it a good letter?”

  “Of course.” Piper grinned. “Her family is soon to return from their holiday abroad.”

  “How long have they been away?” Persephone asked.

  “Three whole months.” Piper sighed. “They practically packed her up as soon as the Season ended and dragged her forcibly from London.” Piper snickered into her hand.

  Persephone’s brow drew together as Piper giggled.

  “Agnes is a quiet sort of girl,” Adele added.

  “Why were they so adamant that she leave?” Persephone questioned.

  Piper sat back with a grin. “I’m sure it was my scandalous behavior last Season.”

  Persephone lifted her brow.

  “Have you ever worn trousers, Miss Smith?” Piper peeked over the lip of her cup as she took a sip of her tea.

  “I cannot say that I have, my lady.”

  Piper shook her head and rolled her eyes at the same time. “I would not recommend such behavior during the heart of the Season.” She proceeded to take another sip of her tea, in an attempt to hide her smile. “I believe tensions run too high for those who hold powerful positions to see the humor in such activities.”

  Persephone sat back with a smile and let the women inundate her with humorous anecdotes from the past.


  Granville’s was angry. Yes, he was angry, rightfully so. He grunted loudly.

  “You’re hurting me.”

  Granville hadn’t realized he had such a tight grip on his valet’s arm. He wished he could get some pleasure from hurting him, but he enjoyed it too much. That was the reason he had hired the man in the first place.

  It took years for Granville to realize that his pleasure was gained from seeing their fear, not from seeing their pleasure. Since it didn’t ease his own frustration, he let go.

  He even said, “I apologize, Keaton.” He didn’t want to lose him. He knew too much. He kept too many secrets hidden in his clever brain; of course he paid him a bloody fortune.

  “I wish I could ease your frustrations, my lord.”

  Granville eyed him warily. “As do I.” Neither was to blame. They just needed different things from a partner, but Keaton was getting greedy. He used the knowledge as a form of punishment, reward, and torture. “It’s too late for that.”


  Rock-a-bye baby, in the tree top

  When the wind blows, the cradle will rock

  When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall

  And down will come baby, cradle and all

  Persephone could feel the deep lines etched in her forehead. How could she truly love when she still trembled from fear at the simplest of touches? Her desires stunned her. Her thoughts overwhelmed her as she took a walk around the garden.


  She felt so alone and part of that was her own fault. A self-induced isolation brought on by embarrassment and fear.

  Piper and Rockwell had been at Rosebriar for four days now and today she needed a reprieve. Seeing them together made her want the impossible. She had managed to avoid everyone including Parker’s sister that morning. She had no desire to talk with anyone. Her future had already been set for her. It was too late. Wrong place, wrong time, wrong life. She couldn’t worry her heart or time with what if, what’s done is done. Yet she couldn’t help but wonder if she was resolved with her future, why did it feel like the rug had been pulled out from under her feet? Why did it feel like the end of the world?

  She inhaled deeply, enjoying the smell of the decaying foliage as winter progressed. The stiff breeze tugged at her pelisse, blew loose tendrils of hair in her face, and made her shiver. She almost chuckled. How could she feel like it was the end of the world in one breath, but feel alive and free in the next? No cages or filth, her throat started to clog at the thought and her stomach turned over. She didn’t want to be molded by the events of the past few years. She wanted to be new. She wasn’t dirty or useless or weak. Not any longer. She stopped, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The memories retreated, pushed away by her thoughts of his kindness for Tillie—for her. Only to reappear when she thought of the rejection he would be forced to push upon her and Tillie when he knew the full truth. But wasn’t she belittling him as a man by assuming he would toss her aside if he knew the truth? She wanted to believe that he was the kind of man she had dreamed of during her captivity. Strong, honorable, a knight in shining armor sent to rescue her from evil.

  She dared to look up and saw a face in one of the upstairs rooms staring down at the garden.

  It was him.

  She hauled in a breath. She could feel him in her bones, deep down in her soul. She was captivated by him and drawn by an inexplicable force as if he had charmed her with magical powers. When in reality he had only been kind.

  Did she dare to believe that he wanted to be more?

  Was it foolishness to hope?


  Parker stood at the window, leaning against the frame, arms crossed over his chest. Just watching her. She was beautiful. Not just because of her outward appearance, but because of all that she had endured. Even though he didn’t know the full extent, he knew it was tremendous. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold on.

  How could he be in trouble so soon? He barely knew her. He didn’t know her true name. Didn’t know where she was from. Didn’t know her family. In truth, what did he know? Nothing.

  Yet his heart leapt when he saw her. Now that was a problem.

  He hadn’t even received an update from Fothergil as of yet. No new information. He stepped back to his desk and lifted the drawing of the seal. His brows came together. Something was familiar about that ring, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it.

  He frowned.


  Persephone felt the stirrings of a megrim beginning to throb behind her eyes. She had actually needed this moment alone to think. She rubbed her temples. She knew the throbbing behind her eyes was because of the secrets she kept locked up tightly inside. She was too afraid of her past coming to light to even enjoy the moment of peace.

  Persephone looked up at the crunch of gravel and groaned aloud.

  “Miss Smith,” Piper called as she made her way down the barren path.

  “My lady.” Persephone curtsied.

  Piper flicked a dismissive hand toward Miss Smith before threading their arms together and smiled. “Call me Piper.”

  Persephone shook her head. “I couldn’t.”

  “And I may call you…“ Piper paused, waiting for her to fill in the answer.

  She said, albeit hesitantly, “Persephone.”

  Piper couldn’t help but notice her recalcitrance. She patted Persephone’s hand. “Delightful.” She smiled. “Now we can be friends instead of mere acquaintances.”

  “I would like that above all else.”

  “Have you s
een the lake yet?” Piper tilted her head and squinted at Persephone.

  “No, is it far?” Persephone asked a wistful look crossed her face. “Too bad it is winter. I long for a swim.”

  Piper gave one of her famous smiles, exposing her perfect white teeth. “Marvelous.” She laughed. “We used to throw each other in when we were children.”

  “I have no siblings.”

  Piper watched as a faraway look transformed Persephone’s features.

  “The four of you must have had happy times playing as children.” Persephone willed the sadness away and relished the love that reflected in Piper’s eyes.

  “Poppy and I did our best to overtake the boys, but they were so much bigger than us. It wasn’t quite fair.” Piper shook her head. “We were thrown in the lake more often than not.” She rolled her eyes and Persephone chuckled. “There was never a dull moment; I would have to secret myself away behind a thick curtain in the library to have any peace.” She took Persephone’s hand. “I am intimately acquainted with the window seat in the far corner of the library.”

  “Oh, dear.” Persephone threw back her head and laughed. “I had quite the opposite problem as a child. I was relentless in my search for anyone to share in my troublemaking endeavors.”

  Persephone watched as Piper’s smile wavered. “I hate to presume on such a short friendship, Persephone, but I had hoped you would introduce me to your daughter.” Her bottom lip was caught between her teeth; a small worry line appeared between her brows. “I would love to hold your baby.”

  Persephone’s eyes smiled. “Of course.” She turned them back towards the house. “Your brother finally convinced me to allow her some peace in the nursery.”

  “Rockwell and I had begun to set up our nursery, but alas it wasn’t to be,” Piper revealed.

  Persephone swallowed hard, watching Piper’s hand splay for a brief moment on her belly and attempted to respond appropriately to Piper’s grief. She understood loss in many forms. “Any loss is difficult, but I cannot imagine the loss of a child.”

  “How kind you are, Persephone.” Piper turned too knowing eyes towards her. “I want you to know that we are here to assist in any way we can.” She lowered her voice as they were walking up the last set of stairs. “Luckily you’ve found yourself flung haphazardly into a hodge-podge of very powerful families.” She said without apology of prying. “I do not expect you to reveal all of your secrets to me, Persephone, but know that we will do anything to see you safe and free from harm.”

  “There is no need to trouble yourself on my behalf,” Persephone said with a worried air. She didn’t like the look in Piper’s eye or the deceptively tranquil tone of her voice.

  “It’s no trouble at all, Persephone.”

  Mrs. Collins stood as Piper quietly opened the door to the nursery, and glanced back over her shoulder. “Now where is that delightful baby of yours?” Piper rushed towards the lace covered cot and peered over the side. “She’s gorgeous.” She lifted hopeful eyes to Persephone. “May I?”

  Persephone nodded, smiling at her enthusiasm. “Mrs. Collins perhaps you would enjoy a moments reprieve?”

  “Thank you, miss.” Mrs. Collins curtsied and stepped from the room almost running into Parker in her haste for a break. He promptly held up a finger to shush her acknowledgement. She nodded, moving around him to make her way to the kitchen.

  Parker camped out in the hall near the door, knowing he shouldn’t eavesdrop, but also knowing he needed information. And he wasn’t getting any on his own.

  Piper lifted the cooing baby to her shoulder. “Isn’t she just perfect?” She glanced around the nursery her eyes landing on the comfortable chairs placed by the fire. “I could sit here and hold you all day,” she said to the gurgling little girl.

  Persephone let out a soft laugh. “Let me ring for some refreshments.”

  The sound of her laughter hit Parker in the gut. She sounded happy. He had wanted to hear her laughter again, but he hadn’t been able to coax more than a smile from her. She was on guard with him still except in those brief moments when her emotions overwhelmed her. He wanted to be a part of their easy camaraderie, but paused when Piper continued.

  Piper tilted her head towards Persephone. “Has anyone told you how Rockwell and I met?”

  Persephone glanced over her shoulder. “No, they have not.”

  “My intention last Season was to research the best literary clubs in London so that I could emulate their success with one of my own.”

  Persephone’s brow furrowed. “Are not the best literary clubs in London for men only?”

  “That is exactly why it was so very dangerous.” Piper’s grin grew wide, that of a Cheshire cat.

  Persephone spoke with the maid that answered her call, ordered a tea tray, then moved back in front of the fire to listen to Piper’s tale.

  Piper humorously related the incident where dressed as a young man about town, she enter the hallowed halls of one club with her cousin. She saw that Rockwell also attended which had surprised her because of his rakish reputation and when he found out of her reckless behavior did everything in his power to protect her and also teach her a lesson.

  Persephone’s hand flew to her mouth. “I cannot believe you had the nerve.” Her laugh reverberated off of the low ceiling. “That is why you were asking me if I’d ever worn men’s trousers before.”

  Piper giggled, nodding her head at the same time.

  Parker stepped back into the shadows as the maid delivered their tray not wanting to interrupt the time Persephone and Piper were taking to get to know one another.

  “Believe me,” Piper cut in. “I was soundly scolded for my behavior.” She rolled her eyes. “Not only from Parker, but Rockwell as well.” She smiled. “Which truth be told, I did not mind. I carried a secret tendre for Rockwell for several Seasons. Not at all the thing!” She let out another girlish giggle.

  “How very romantic that the two of you should marry after such a scandalous meeting.” An image rose in her mind of her and Parker wed and living happily into their dotage. It was a fleeting dream. An unattainable dream.

  “He made it quite clear that he enjoyed my company, of course,” Piper added. “But it was not until after I had been kidnapped that I realized I no longer wanted to fight his sincerity.”

  “Kidnapped?” Persephone exclaimed, her eyes wide.

  “A story for another day, perhaps.” Piper looked down at the baby in her arms.

  Parker knocked lightly on the doorframe; Persephone looked up at the sound. He stepped into the room with a bright smile. “Is this a private affair, or can anyone take part?” When Persephone looked up, he forgot all about everything else except the way she lit up when she saw him.

  “Parker,” Piper cried enthusiastically. “Have you seen a more delicious creature?” She sighed contentedly. “I could just gobble her up.”

  A delicious thrill ran over Persephone’s body as their gazes collided and a broad smile spread across his face. Her cheeks warmed under his blatant admiration.

  It gave him a kick in the gut that she was obviously glad to see him.

  “Don’t allow Poppy to hear you say such a thing.” Parker laughed softly. How he loved seeing Persephone in every room in his home. His home. His refuge.

  “I have no doubt that she would agree one hundred percent,” Piper added.

  Parker ambled forward and pulled up a footstool to settle comfortably next to the women.

  “Persephone,” he said. “I hope you have enjoyed a splendid day so far.”

  “I have.” She blushed at his attention. “Thank you for asking, my lord.”

  Piper looked up at Persephone. “She has the perfect amount of rolls.” She leaned to the side to look around Parker. “Did Rockwell not join you?” She flashed a questioning look at her brother.

  “Don’t worry, sweeting.” He chucked her under her chin. “Where you are, he is never too far behind.”

  Persephone smiled at their e
asy relationship. Love evident in every gesture, word, and look.

  “Knock, knock,” Rockwell called from just inside the doorway. “I intercepted a tea tray on my way up.”

  Parker exchanged a look with Piper. She fairly glowed at the sound of his voice.

  Rockwell set the tray on a low table near the fire and sent a frown Parker’s way. “Tea and biscuits.” A wide smile split his face. “I requested something a bit stronger. There is a decided nip in the air today.” He leaned down and pressed a kiss to Piper’s forehead.

  “Excellent.” Parker rubbed his hands together.

  Persephone leaned forward preparing their tea and handed a cup to Piper. Piper lifted her teacup and took a small sip, her nose wrinkled. “More sugar, please.”

  “Of course,” Persephone replied with laughter in her voice. “I had forgotten. Your aunt advised me that you prefer more sugar to tea.”

  “It is a vice I am unable to rid myself of.” Piper laughed. “One I’m sure that I will come to regret when I’m no longer able to lace my stays, but until that time I cannot say no.” Her eyes closed with delight.

  Parker sat back and watched their interchange. He watched her smile and her eyes light up with their easy banter. He was grateful Piper had decided to arrive early, no matter her reasons or her interfering ways. “Do you not prefer your tea sweet, as well, Persephone?”

  She couldn’t stop the blush that colored her cheeks. “I do.”

  Parker lifted the sugar spoon and scooped two large spoonfuls into her cup. “Then by all means, indulge.” He leaned back and stared at her. “Is life not too short to deprive oneself of such simple pleasures?”

  She took a sip, her eyelids fluttered shut for a brief moment as the delightful sweetness spread over her tongue. Parker watched the ripples of her throat and the enjoyment that covered her face as she indulged.

  Rockwell reclined on the floor leaning back on his elbows, narrowing his eyes at the scene playing out in front of him and popped a biscuit into his mouth. He was pleased that his friend was allowing emotions to rule his mind and body for once. He generally over analyzed every small thing before he stuck his toe in. It was good to see him diving in head first for a change.


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