Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
Arnold’s Bodybuilding for Men
Arnold’s Bodyshaping for Women
Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
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accent, Arnold’s, 193–94, 355, 359, 605
acting/actors: Arnold’s feelings about, 402–3
Arnold’s views about, 114–15, 191
bodybuilding compared with, 185
criticisms of, 350
Shriver’s (Sargent) views about, 374–76
vulnerabilities of, 348–50. See also actor, Arnold as; specific person
action movies, 337–40, 360, 402, 410, 439, 440. See also specific movie
actor, Arnold as: ambiguity of future of, 228–29
Arnold as villain and, 302
as Arnold’s primary focus, 293–94
Arnold’s principles of success and, 605
and bodybuilding as means for entry into movies, 31
comedy and, 355–56
criticisms of Last Action Hero and, 410
financial affairs and, 200
first award for, 208–9
goals and, 142, 200, 298–99
humor and, 338–40
innocent side of Arnold and, 363
Maria and, 230
political ambitions and, 492, 497
promotion of, 229
reputation of, 302, 318
and turning down film work, 200–201, 215
typecasting and, 203. See also movies, Arnold’s; specific movie
After School Education and Safety Program Act (Proposition 49, 2002), 473–79, 499
after-school movement, 419, 467, 471–79, 480–82, 483–84, 531. See also Inner-City Games
Agassi, Andre, 441
aircraft leasing business, 427–30
Alekseyev, Vasily, 67
Ali, Muhammad, 169, 194–95, 252, 604, 606–7
Alien (movie), 261, 310, 311, 385
Allen, George, 371
Allen, Woody, 209, 210
Alliance for a Better California, 528
Altman, Robert, 209
American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 394
American Athletic Union, 101, 105
Ammiano, Tom, 609–12
Anderson, John, 240
Anderson, Loni, 232
Angelides, Phil, 547, 551, 552
Animal House (movie), 360, 361
Ann-Margret, 232
Antelope Valley, California; Franco and Arnold investment in, 121–22, 148, 286–87
army, Austrian: Arnold in, 10, 37–45, 50, 70
Arnold as tank driver in, 37–38, 40–45, 70
Arnold as trainer in, 50
Arnold’s discharge from, 43–45
Arnold’s goals and, 37
Arnold’s Mr. Junior Europe title and, 39
Arnold’s views about, 43–44
basic training in, 38–39
Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder (Schwarzenegger), 226–27, 228, 279
Arnold, Tom, 411, 553
Arnold’s Bodybuilding for Men (Schwarzenegger), 289
Arnold’s Bodyshaping for Women (Schwarzenegger), 190, 289
art; Arnold’s interest in, 413–14
Arthur, Colin, 261
Asat, Olga, 148–49, 215
Ashe, Arthur, 328
Athletic Union Gym (Graz, Austria), 29, 30, 34–35
Atlas, Charles, 100, 119
Australia: Mr. Olympia competition (1980) in, 251–54
Total Recall filming in, 345
Austria: Arnold’s citizenship and, 295
Arnold’s proposal to Maria in, 319–20
Cold War and, 21
comparison of American systems with, 294
employer-employee relations in, 290
politics in, 294–95
in World War II movie, 3. See also Graz, Austria; Thal, Austria
Autry, Alan, 587–89
Aykroyd, Dan, 210
Babbitt, Bruce, 418
back end, Arnold’s, 362–63, 374
Baker, Carroll, 207
Ball, Lucille, 165–68, 174, 355–56
ballot initiative process, California, 523, 527–28, 584–86, 608, 609
Ban Ki-moon, 580, 581, 582
Banderas, Antonio, 441
Bannister, Roger, 67
Barish, Keith, 401, 443, 444, 445
Bass, Karen, 577
Bastista, Fulgencio, 91
Batman (movie), 337
Batman and Robin (movie), 430, 432, 434, 435, 440, 592
Beatty, Warren, 158, 190, 191, 210, 228, 234, 532
beer halls: Arnold’s fights in, 54–55
and Arnold’s first public appearance as weight lifter, 34–35
Arnold’s Playgirl photo in, 240–41
as theme of Maria-Arnold rehearsal dinner, 329. See also specific beer hall
Belafonte, Harry, 208
Belshé, Kim, 563
Belushi, Jim, 340, 341
Belushi, John, 210
Bennett, Dianne, 59, 60, 145–46
Bennett, Wag, 59, 60, 64, 72
Bening, Annette, 532
Benny, Jack, 359
Berenson, Berry, 207
Bergen, Candice, 198
Bergman, Ingmar, 263
Bergman, Sandahl, 262–63, 266, 270, 315
Berle, Milton, 356–60, 361, 363, 604
Berle, Ruth, 356–57
Berlin, Germany; Arnold’s visit to, 90
Berlin Wall, 22, 90
Bernstein, Army, 459–60
Best Built Man in Europe competition, 48
Bettenhausen, Matt, 564, 565–66
Beverely Hills Cop II (movie), 336
Biden, Joseph, 593
Biehn, Michael, 312
Big Wednesday (movie), 230, 236, 262
bin Talal, Prince Alwaleed, 443
blame; Arnold’s principles of success and, 615–16
Bloom, Jake, 401, 404
Bloomberg, Michael, 561
body: analysis of, 93–94, 122
Austrian views about, 26
taking care of mind and, 27, 617–18
uniqueness of, 122–23. See also bodybuilder, Arnold as; bodybuilders/bodybuilding; physical fitness
bodybuilder, Arnold as: Arnold’s ambitions and, 30, 31, 37, 43, 70–72
benefits to Arnold of, 402
Conan films and, 280
control and, 343
early success/notoriety of, 38, 42–43
goals of, 55, 110–11
and offers to be professional trainer, 42–43, 45
post–heart surgery activities and, 438
retirement of, 169, 176, 186, 187
shortcomings of, 93–95
training partners for, 52, 53, 76, 106–8, 110, 122, 123, 144, 157, 168–69, 252, 343. See also specific contest
bodybuilders/bodybuilding: acting compared with, 185
age and, 126–27
analysis of body for, 93–94, 122
Arnold’s early interest in, 23–25, 28–30, 34
Arnold’s interviews of, 116–17
as Arnold’s obsession, 31–32
Arnold’s outrageous comments about, 195
Arnold’s principles of success and, 605, 606–7, 613, 617
Arnold’s promotion of, 152–58, 159, 160–65, 188, 189, 344, 402, 604, 606
beginner’s workout for, 28
divisiveness within, 254
drugs/steroids and, 64–65, 511
in Easter
n Europe, 70
education of public about, 152
ex-prisoners as, 143
fans/groupies of, 60, 139
federations in, 71
film stars compared with champion, 264
friendliness/hospitality of, 83, 88–89
girls/women as, 29, 31, 139
homosexuality and, 49, 159
ideal of, 93
impact of Mr. Olympia (1980) on, 254
as international sport, 102, 152
as lazy bastards, 99, 102, 121
making a name in, 60–61
as man’s world, 159
movies and, 100, 185, 337–38
nicknames for, 100
as obscure sport, 43, 68, 69, 151–52
popularity of, 101–2, 143, 207, 251
psychology of, 67–68
public image of, 151, 155, 162, 175
at Pumping Iron premiere, 207
return from retirement of, 126
sculpture and, 198
as showmen, 69
stereotypes of, 198
strength of, 58
as teachers, 137
time needed to build a world-class, 92–93
Weidner influence on, 100–102
Whitney exhibition about, 197. See also specific person or contest
Bono, 618
booklets, Arnold’s; sales of, 117–19
Booth, David, 426
Borg, Bjorn, 424
Boskin, Michael, 503
Bradley, Tom, 292
Brando, Marlon, 158, 228, 299
Branson, Richard, 493
Brazil; Cameron-Arnold trip to, 597
bricklaying business. See construction business
Bridges, Jeff, 184–85
Brokaw, Tom, 221, 328, 377
Bronson, Charles, 140–41, 159, 215, 228, 299
Brooklyn Academy of Music; bodybuilding competitions in, 111
Brosnan, Pierce, 473
Brown, Jerry, 480, 514, 547, 583, 586, 587
Brown, Pat, 467, 479–80, 547, 557
Brown, Willie, 554, 608, 609
Brynner, Yul, 301
Buchwald, Art, 328
budget reform; Arnold as governor and, 518–20, 524–25, 527–28, 529, 534, 544, 547–48, 557, 583, 587
Buffett, Warren, 502, 503–5, 524, 576, 577
Bügerbräukeller (Munich beer hall); Mr. Germany contests at, 69
Building America’s Future Education Fund, 561
Burger King; Last Action Hero promotion and, 409
Burnett, Carol, 208
Burton, John, 522, 523–24
Burton, Phil, 555
Busek, Albert, 42, 48, 50, 52, 56, 62, 64, 68, 69–70, 72, 133, 171, 328
Busey, Gary, 159, 230
Bush, Barbara, 373, 388, 390, 396, 397
Bush, George H.W.: Arnold’s campaigning for, 369–73
Arnold’s gubernatorial campaign and, 506
Arnold’s keynote speech at 2004 Republican Convention and, 520–21
Arnold’s mother’s meeting with, 454
Arnold’s relationship with, 371–72, 393, 395–99, 566
elections of 1988 and, 365, 367–73
elections of 1992 and, 408–9
environmental issues and, 550
Hollywood liberalism and, 410
inauguration of, 395–96
at Kennedy Center promotion of Special Olympics, 373
Maria’s views about, 418
physical fitness promotion and, 371–72, 377, 386–90, 392–93
Reagan and, 367, 369
Bush, George W.: after-school movement funding and, 480–81
Arnold’s election as governor and, 512–13
Arnold’s gubernatorial campaign and, 506
Arnold’s meeting with, 484–85
Arnold’s relationship with, 566
Arnold’s support for, 520–21
elections of 2004 and, 484, 520–21, 543
emergency stabilization measures of, 576
environmental issues and, 548–49
restriction of federal funds by, 520
San Diego fires and, 566–67
Bustamante, Cruz, 507, 508, 509, 510, 512
Butler, George: Arnold first meets, 153–54
Arnold’s relationship with, 156, 187, 195
background and talents of, 155
filmmaking ambitions of, 156–57
Mr. Olympia contest and, 169, 187–89
promotion of bodybuilding and, 153–54, 155–56, 188, 189
Pumping Iron film and, 186–89, 194, 195, 197, 203, 206, 213, 214
Stay Hungry film and, 157, 173
tailor recommendation of, 214
Weider meeting with, 153–54
Butler, Victoria, 186
Caan, James, 219
Caesar, Sid, 357
Caffé Roma (Beverly Hills, California), 357, 358
California: Arnold’s views about, 404, 464, 486
Arnold’s vision for, 486, 539–40, 541, 543, 544–45, 552, 555, 556–57, 604
ballot-initiative system in, 468, 471–79, 523, 527–28, 531, 562, 584–86, 608, 609
deficit in, 518
economy in, 464–65, 479, 485–86, 504, 511, 527, 534, 545, 555, 570–79, 582–83, 586–87
elections of 2006 in, 532, 537–52
electricity crisis in, 465
federal relations with, 513, 566, 571
Great Recession impact on, 570–79, 587
gubernatorial recalls in, 479–80
Muscle Beach (Venice, California), 29, 30, 31, 100, 139, 157, 182, 190, 194
natural disasters in, 563–70
Nixon-Arnold discussion about, 404
open primary elections in, 584
rebuilding of, 534, 539–40, 541–42, 552
Silicon Valley role in economy of, 464–65
special elections in, 531, 532–35, 578–79
ten-year plan for, 544–45. See also governor, Arnold as; governorship, California; specific person or topic
California Chamber of Commerce, 545
California Economic Recovery Council, 503
California Global Warming Solutions Act, 548, 549–50
California Governor’s Conference on Women and Families (2004); protests at, 526–27
California Grocers Association, 566
California Highway Patrol (CHP), 564–65
California Medical Association, 477
Callender, Roy, 75
Camejo, Peter, 508, 512
cameras; as motivator for Arnold, 189
Cameron, James “Jim”: Arnold’s first lunch meeting with, 300–302
Arnold’s trip to Brazil with, 597
Arnold’s views about, 309–11, 343–44
control of Arnold’s movies and, 343–44
environmental issues and, 585
Hyams recommendation by, 460
marriages of, 310–11
The Terminator films and, 300–302, 304, 309–10, 311–12, 313–14, 317, 344, 385–86, 390, 391, 392, 402, 471
True Lies and, 412, 413, 414
as visionary, 310, 344
Cameron, Mike, 392
Camp David; Arnold at, 396–99
Cannes Film Festival, 214–15
Capote, Truman, 205
car crash, Arnold’s, 79–81, 96
“car tax”, California, 486, 518, 577
Carney, Art, 165–68, 174
Carolco, 345–46, 347
Carousel Ball (Denver, Colorado); Arnold at, 355–56
Carson, Johnny, 356, 386
Carter, Jimmy, 239, 240, 248, 249, 284, 286, 287, 372, 426
Castro, Fidel, 91, 416, 493
Cates, John, 388
CBS Morning News (TV show), 325, 333
CBS This Morning (TV show), 499
CBS-TV: Arnold as commentator on, 251
Kennedy (Teddy) interview on, 248
Mr. Olympia competition and, 251
Central Valley, California; drought in, 587–88
r /> Chagall, Marc, 258, 327
chair incident, Weider, 104–5
Chamberlain, Wilt, 169, 202, 305, 306, 307
Chan, Jackie, 441
change; Arnold’s principles of success and, 616–17
Cheney, Dick, 397
Chicago, Illinois; Oliva-Arnold training session in, 105–6
children: Arnold as learning from, 420
Arnold’s concerns about summer vacation/after school activities of, 419
Arnold’s interest in making movies about, 378–79. See also after-school movement
“Chill” (Hall and Arnold music video), 420
Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story Page 68