China: Arnold on trade mission to, 537, 539, 540
environmental issues and, 580, 581, 582
Special Olympics in, 376–77
Chinatown (movie), 157, 158, 190
Chitester, Bob, 284
Christmas: electricity crisis in California and, 465
Schwarzenegger family and, 451–52, 455, 553
Chung, Connie, 373
Churchill, Winston, 44
Cigar Aficonado magazine, 356
cigars, 416–18, 438, 522, 533, 543, 589, 603, 604
Cimarron/Bacon/O’Brien, 352
citizenship, Arnold’s, 294, 295
Clarey, Patricia, 516, 530, 534
Clean Air Act, 550
Clinton, Bill, 408–9, 410, 418, 506, 518, 559, 593
Clinton, Hillary, 573, 574
Clooney, George, 441
clothes, Arnold’s, 19, 206, 214, 215, 223, 224, 225
Cobb, Ron, 261, 262
Coe, Boyer, 126
Cogdill, Dave, 577
Coleman, Gary, 489
Collateral Damage (movie), 474
Columb, Ronda, 215–16, 217, 226, 288, 289–90, 413–14, 424, 426, 433
Columbia Pictures, 351
Columbu, Anita, 140, 183
Columbu, Franco: ambitions of, 53
Anita’s engagement to, 140
Arnold in 1980 Mr. Olympia contest and, 252
Arnold’s heart surgery and, 434
Arnold’s interviews with bodybuilders and, 116
Arnold’s relationship with, 106, 107–10, 434
as Arnold’s training partner, 52, 53, 76, 106–8, 110, 122, 123, 144, 157, 168–69, 252
Barbara-Arnold relationship and, 140
bricklaying and, 52, 117, 119–21
as chiropractor, 140, 252
Conan films and, 252, 264
dogs as gift to Arnold from, 438
early California days of, 107–10, 115, 135
EST and, 183
girls/women and, 55, 68
illness of, 108
invitation for U.S. trip for, 106–8
in London at Mr. Universe competition, 113
Maria-Arnold wedding and, 328
Maria’s relationship with, 246
marijuana cookie and, 108
movie parts for, 202
Mr. International contest and, 159, 160–65, 170, 171
Mr. Olympia contests and, 130, 131, 171
Mr. Universe contest and, 126
Palmdale supersonic airport investment of, 121–22, 148
personal and professional background of, 52–53
posing by, 123
Pumping Iron film and, 194, 207
Rafelson photos of, 157
Schwarzenegger (Aurelia) death and, 453
Schwarzenegger (Meinhard) death and, 134
Weider and, 102, 106–9
as weight lifter, 67–68
comedy: Arnold as action actor and, 360
Arnold’s expansion into, 355, 358–65, 374
Arnold’s goals and, 402
and Berle’s influence on Arnold, 356–60. See also specific person or movie
Commando (movie), 318, 326, 337, 338–39, 340, 355
commercials, Arnold’s, 423
Communism; Arnold’s views about, 89–90
Conan (dog), 438, 452–53
Conan movies: action scenes in, 270–72
Arnold’s awe of Jones in, 375
Arnold’s contract for, 233, 299, 302–4
Arnold’s earnings from, 338
Arnold’s favorite line in, 234
Arnold’s financial affairs and, 229–30, 257, 298, 303, 314, 401
Arnold’s goals and, 298
Arnold’s mother on set of, 454
Arnold’s principles of success and, 605, 615
Arnold’s reputation and, 314, 318
Arnold’s training for, 235–37
avenging parents in, 615
as blockbuster films, 280–81
bodybuilding as preparation for, 251
budgets for, 231, 232, 236–37, 262, 267–68, 304
casting for, 262–63, 305
complexity of production in, 347
as controversial, 276
earnings of, 314, 318
environmental concerns and, 275
filming of, 237, 250, 254, 263–76, 297, 304
Franco-Arnold as training partners for, 252
funding for, 230, 232–33
international audience for, 314
as macho fantasy, 234–35
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 250, 258
marketing/promotion of, 232, 276–79, 292, 351
memorabilia from, 147
Orgy Chamber in, 265–66
pre-production activities of, 229–37
Pressman-Arnold deal about, 228–30
ratings for, 277–78, 304–5, 385, 408
Red Sonja compared with, 315
releases of, 276–81
reshaping of Arnold’s body for, 254
script for, 231, 232
The Terminator as similar to, 301, 304
violence in, 275–76, 277–78. See also specific movie
Conan the Barbarian (movie), 234, 261, 262–81, 292, 304, 314, 328, 347, 351, 454, 605, 615
Conan the Destroyer (movie), 297, 303, 304–8, 314, 338, 401, 408
Conan the Warrior (movie), 228–37, 250, 251, 254, 257, 258
Congress, U.S.: Arnold’s views about, 556, 561
environmental issues and, 581
construction business, Franco and Arnold’s, 117, 119–21, 182
Conte, Dino, 201
Coppola, Francis Ford, 173, 209, 309
Corman, Roger, 300, 311
Corney, Ed, 197, 198
corporate jets, 442–43
Cosby, Bill, 222
Cox, Dave, 478
Cox, Ronny, 348
Crane, David, 427–30, 516
Crawford, Cindy, 441
Crossbow (movie), 440
Cruise, Tom, 400, 440
Cry Macho (movie), 598
Cuba; Maria and Arnold’s trip to, 416–18
Cuomo, Mario, 395
Curtis, Jamie Lee, 412, 413, 414
Curtis, Tony, 100
Dalí, Salvador, 258
Daly, John, 299, 302, 304, 311–12
damaging accusations; Arnold’s rules about, 511
Dangerfield, Rodney, 357, 358
Davis, Andy, 344
Davis, Barbara, 325, 355–56
Davis, Gray: accomplishments of, 464
Arnold’s 2006 campaign and, 545
Arnold’s campaign strategy and, 487–88
Arnold’s debate about entering race against, 465–66
Arnold’s joke about, 485
Arnold’s relationship with, 486, 568
Arnold’s swearing-in and, 514
Arnold’s views about, 486, 492
car tax and, 486, 518, 577
elections of 2002 and, 465, 479
electricity crisis in California and, 465
environmental issues and, 548
nurses’ mandate of, 526
popularity of, 464
recall of, 479–80, 482–83, 484–85, 486, 488–89, 491, 512, 532
and responses to natural disasters, 568
special election (2003) and, 506, 507, 508, 512
and veterans of Davis staff on Arnold’s staff, 538, 559
White’s assessment of Arnold’s run against, 468
Zingale as advisor to, 543
Davis, John, 334, 356
Davis, Marvin, 315, 325, 355–56, 475
Davis, Sammy Jr., 212, 356
Dawn, Jeff, 312
De Laurentiis, Dino: Arnold’s contract with, 299, 302–4, 314
Arnold’s first appointment with, 201–2
Arnold’s Golden Globe award and, 208
Arnold’s relationship with, 233, 266–67, 280, 315
Arnold’s release for The Terminator and, 302–4r />
Arnold’s reputation and, 298
Arnold’s views about, 303
Conan films and, 232–33, 266–67, 268, 280, 304–5, 314
Raw Deal film and, 326, 345
Red Sonja and, 314–15
reputation of, 268
role in Arnold’s career of, 236
Total Recall and, 345
De Laurentiis, Raffaella, 267–68, 270, 304–5, 315
De Niro, Robert, 203
Dean, Jimmy, 298
Death Wish (movie), 140, 201
decision making; Arnold’s views about, 607–8
The Deer Hunter (movie), 236
Del Mar racetrack (San Diego, California); as makeshift disaster shelter, 569–70
Delinger, Jack, 56
delta smelt issue, 588
Democrats, California: Arnold as governor and, 518–20, 522–23, 535, 546, 547–48
Arnold’s campaign for governor and, 504
Arnold’s selection of gubernatorial staff members and, 526
bipartisanship and, 518–20, 535, 547–48
California special election (2003) and, 506
unions and, 527. See also specific person or issue
Demolition Man (movie), 463
denazification, 9–10
Denmark; Arnold’s mission to, 579–80
Denver, Colorado; Ehringer-Arnold real estate investments in, 286–87, 386
Depardieu, Gerard, 443
Deukmejian, George, 292, 514
DeVito, Danny, 357, 361–62, 363–64, 374, 497, 522, 608
diamond mine story, South Africa, 609
Dickerson, Chris, 253–54
Die Hard movies, 336, 350, 408
diet: Arnold’s bodybuilding, 60, 64
muscle magazine recommendations for, 95
smorgasbords and, 95
Dimensional Fund Advisers; Arnold’s financial interest in, 426–27
Dirty Harry (movie), 191
Dischinger, Franz, 48, 52
Dobbins, Bill, 289
Dole, Bob, 365, 367
donkey raises, 86
dot-com.crash, 464–65
Douglas, Kirk, 232
Douglas, Michael, 202
Dowd, Matthew, 543
Downey, John G., 601
Drake, Bill, 81, 88, 96, 202, 328
Draper, Dave, 74, 81, 91, 100, 126, 128
Dreier, Dave, 502
Dreyfuss, Richard, 345
driving; Arnold as learning about, 39–40
drugs/steroids: bodybuilding and, 64–65, 511
rejections in Hollywood and, 237. See also marijuana/hashish
Duchin, Peter, 331
Dukakis, Michael, 369, 370, 372
Duncan, Arne, 584
Duncan YMCA (Chicago, Illinois), 106
Dunmoyer, Dan, 543, 567
Durante, Jimmy, 357
Duvall, Robert, 234
Earl, Robert, 401, 443, 444, 445
Earth Communications Office, 472
earthquake, San Fernando Valley (1971), 120–21
Easter; Schwarzenegger family and, 452, 470
Easton, Robert, 193–94
Eastwood, Clint, 159, 174, 191, 299, 337, 338, 365, 403, 442, 466, 617
Easy Rider (movie), 157
Ebert, Roger, 314
economics: theory versus reality in, 285–86. See also Buffett, Warren; Friedman, Milton
economy: of California, 464–65, 479, 485–86, 504, 511, 527, 534, 545, 555, 570–79, 582–83, 586–87
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Reagan and, 286–88
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies of, 600
education: Arnold as governor and, 516–17, 527, 542, 547, 572, 584, 587
basic beliefs of Republican party and, 521
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies of, 600. See also Proposition 98;
Ehringer, Al, 216, 232, 286, 287, 386, 608
Eiferman, George, 163–64
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 13, 370, 469
Elaine’s (New York City restaurant), 204, 205, 209, 210, 329
emotions: Arnold’s views about, 177–78, 184
comparison of bodybuilding and acting and, 185
Morris’s coaching of Arnold about, 177–79
Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding (Schwarzenegger), 122, 289
End of Days (movie), 459–61
English; Arnold as learning, 89, 133, 135–36, 140–41
Enron, 465
environmental issues: Arnold as governor and, 546, 548–50, 555, 556, 557, 560, 561–62, 583–84, 585–86, 587–88
Arnold’s post-gubernatorial activities and, 597
Arnold’s principles of success and, 604, 605, 613–14
ballot initiative (2010) about, 585–86
Conan the Barbarian set and, 275
and Congress, 556, 561
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
drought of 2009 and, 587–88
elections of 2008 and, 574
Obama-Arnold relationship and, 582
Proposition 23 and, 585
Republican party and, 562
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies about, 600
United Nations work on, 580–82, 613–14
Environmental Protection Agency, California, 516
Environmental Protection Agency, U.S., 548–49, 550
Eraser (movie), 410, 441, 513
Erhard Seminars Training (EST), 183
E.T. (movie), 236, 278, 281, 304, 317, 407, 408
Europe; promotion of Conan films in, 278–79
exhibition circuit; Arnold on British, 60–62
The Expendables movies, 598, 599
failure: Arnold’s views about, 605, 608. See also losing
Falk, Peter, 208
Fannie Mae, 571
fans: of Arnold, 117, 130
Arnold’s views about, 60
fatherhood: Arnold’s movies and, 378–79
importance to Arnold of, 381–85
Lamaze classes and, 381
Feinstein, Dianne, 489
Feitshans, Buzz, 267–68
Fellini, Federico, 201
Ferrigno, Lou, 162, 169–71, 194–96, 207
Field, Sally, 180–81, 184, 199
fights; Arnold in Munich beer hall, 54–55
Film Artists Management, 199
financial affairs, Arnold’s: acting and, 200
Arnold as collector and, 257
and Arnold’s first million, 232
Arnold’s first visit to Hyannis Port and, 223, 224, 226
Arnold’s guidelines about investments and, 427
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 469, 470
Barbara-Arnold relationship and, 140
book sales and, 289
as child and youth, 10, 12, 14–15, 18–19
clothes and, 214
Conan films and, 229–30, 257, 279, 298, 303, 314, 401
diversification of Arnold’s interests and, 424, 426
early days in Los Angeles and, 79, 96
fundraising and, 475–76
goals and, 298, 402, 423, 424
governorship and, 598
Hercules in New York and, 115
ice cream business and, 14–15
and keeping money, 424
Maria-Arnold marriage and, 325
Maria’s loan to Arnold and, 226
Maria’s money and, 325–26
money-making plans and, 217
movies and, 326, 337, 338, 423
Mr. Olympia (1980) prize money and, 253
panhandling and, 15
Playgirl story and, 241
Predator and, 326
promotion of Arnold and, 288–89, 290
Pumping Iron film and, 186–87
risk-taking and, 150
The Running Man and, 363
South Africa trip and, 145
Terminator films and, 302, 374
Twins and, 362–63, 374
hter role in, 424–25, 426–27, 429, 430, 444
Weider earnings and, 96
Weider support and, 116, 117. See also mail-order business, Arnold’s; Planet Hollywood; real estate, Arnold’s investments in
firefighters: Arnold as governor and, 528, 529, 531, 545
San Diego fires and, 570
First Person with Maria Shriver (TV show), 413
Five Easy Pieces (movie), 157, 179, 199
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