Norris, Chuck, 337, 338, 599
Nowak, Tony, 393
Nubret, Serge, 91, 144, 162
nudity, 26, 269
Núñez, Fabian, 522, 525, 531, 548, 552, 560
Nureyev, Rudolf, 209–10
nurses’ organizations; Arnold as governor and, 526–27, 528, 545, 560
nutritional supplements: Putziger’s mail-order business with, 50
of Weider, 73, 100
Oak Productions, 288
Obama, Barack, 549, 573, 574, 576, 582, 584, 588
Obama, Michelle, 593
Occidental Petroleum, 291, 550
Oliva, Sergio: Arnold compared with, 106
Arnold first meets, 74, 92
Arnold’s admiration for, 91, 106, 128, 170
Arnold’s determination to beat, 78, 92
Arnold’s goals and, 110
Arnold’s reconnaissance/psyching of, 105–6, 195
Arnold’s relationship with, 112, 130–31
Arnold’s training with, 105–6
as competition for Arnold, 110–11, 123, 124, 127–31, 144, 401, 533, 551
Cuban background of, 91–92
defection to U.S. by, 92
fans of, 128, 130
Garcia resemblance to, 551
Mr. Olympia contests and, 91, 111–12, 129–31, 144, 401, 533
Mr. Universe contests and, 74, 92, 110
Mr. World contest and, 127–29
“victory pose” as trademark of, 92, 112
Olympics: of 1964, 92
of 1972, 47–48
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy, 169, 205–6, 217, 327, 329
One Fifth (New York City restaurant), 210
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (movie), 158, 438
O’Neal, Shaquille, 386, 441
open primary system, 584, 587
Operation Desert Shield, 397–98
Operation Desert Storm, 399
The Oprah Winfrey Show (TV show), 506
Orban, Victor, 470
Orion Pictures, 297, 317
Outland, Barbara, 139–41, 146, 147, 150, 157–58, 183–84
overthinking; Arnold’s principles of success and, 607–8
Paar, Jack, 222
Pacino, Al, 209, 210
Paige, Rod, 480–81, 485
Pakula, Alan, 191
Palin, Sarah, 574
Panetta, Leon, 518, 519, 5198
panhandling; of Arnold, 15
The Parallax View (movie), 190, 191
Paramount Pictures, 230, 231
Parent-Teacher Association, 477
parents/parenting; Arnold’s views about, 447–52, 615–16
Paris, France; Mr. Olympia contest (1971) in, 144
Park, Jeunesse, 66
Park, Jon Jon, 66
Park, Mareon, 66, 67
Park, Reg: Arnold on exhibition circuit with, 60–62
Arnold first meets, 60
Arnold’s relationship with, 145
Arnold’s South Africa visit with, 66–67, 94, 145
background of, 30–31
as competition for Arnold, 126–27
as dominating bodybuilding world, 71
family of, 66–67
gym business of, 298
in Hercules, 25, 30, 31
Mr. Universe contests and, 25, 30, 31, 56, 62, 70, 71, 126–27
as role model/idol of Arnold, 30–31, 56, 60, 62, 70, 91, 104, 126, 217, 604
tips for Arnold from, 72, 94, 122
Partagas cigar factory (Cuba); Arnold’s visit to, 416–18
The Passion of the Christ (movie), 541
Pathfinder (movie), 440
Patrick, Robert, 392
Paulson, Hank, 571–72
Peace Corps, 241, 331, 580, 593
Pearl, Bill, 56, 71, 91, 152
Pelé, 215, 222, 225
Pelosi, Nancy, 585
People magazine, 198
People’s Party, Austrian, 332
Perata, Don, 560
Perenchio, Jerry, 475
Perkins, Tony, 207
Perot, Ross, 469
Perry, Rick, 562
Peters, Jon, 351–52
physical fitness: Arnold as “czar” of, 386, 387–88, 392–94, 418, 471
Arnold’s principles of success and, 606, 617–18
Arnold’s promotion of, 376, 386–90, 392–95, 402
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
state summits about, 393–95. See also President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports
Picasso, Pablo, 327
Pinkerton, Jim, 389
Piranha II: The Spawning (movie), 300
Pitt, Lou, 293, 298, 299, 302
Plan B; Arnold’s principles of success and, 608–9
Planet Hollywood, 400–402, 423, 426, 431, 441–46, 471
Playboy magazine, 26, 165
Playgirl magazine; Arnold’s photo in, 240–41
“playing priest”; Arnold and Meinhard as, 9–10
Plimpton, George, 205
Polanski, Roman, 157, 158
policemen; Arnold as governor and, 528, 529, 531
political reform: Arnold as governor and, 555, 557, 587
Schwarzenegger Institute (USC) studies of, 600. See also open primary system; redistricting
politics: Arnold as fitness czar and, 418
Arnold’s growing interest in, 403–6
Arnold’s motivations for getting into, 487
Arnold’s movies and, 418
Arnold’s political beliefs and, 464, 466, 556
Arnold’s principles of success and, 606
Arnold’s views about, 294, 588–89
conformity within Kennedy family and, 242–43
entertainers’ involvement in, 240
as eroding relationships, 558
jokes about Arnold entering, 463
Last Action Hero criticisms and, 410
making a name in, 60–61
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 239, 368, 489, 491–97, 529, 551, 558, 574
Maria’s views about, 249, 418, 491–97
Mildred-Joseph situation and, 594
and Nixon’s influence on Arnold, 403–6
publicity in, 68
Shriver family and, 243–44. See also governor, Arnold as; governorship, California; specific person
Pollock, Tom, 362–63, 374
posing, Arnold’s: and Arnold as salesman for Weider, 141
Bennett tips about, 59–60
collapse of platform for, 145
criticisms of, 77
for fundraising, 197–98
for Mr. Olympia contests, 112, 123–24, 130, 170–71
for Mr. World contest, 129
Oliva-Arnold competition and, 123–24
for publicity in Munich, 68
Pumping Iron film and, 194, 197–98
in Stay Hungry film, 185–86
at Terminal Island, 194
training for, 123–24
at Woodward studio, 194
Powell, Colin, 397
power lifting: Franco as champion, 52, 53
at Special Olympics, 243
Predator (movie): Arnold’s earnings for, 326, 338
filming of, 323–24, 326, 327, 333–36, 471, 576
popularity of action movies and, 337–38
producer of, 475
sequels to, 336, 337
Silver-Arnold disagreement about, 352
souvenirs of, 429
as universal theme, 340
Ventura in, 469
President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, 370, 371, 372, 377, 386–90, 393, 396, 418, 444, 471–72
Presley, Elvis, 13, 327
Pressman, Ed, 229–31, 232–33
Preston, Kelly, 363
pride; Arnold’s principles of success and, 606–7
prisons: Arnold as governor and, 528, 545, 557, 572, 578, 587
Arnold’s bodybuilding exhibitions and seminars in, 142–43
California economy and, 575, 578r />
Proposition 13, 485, 504
Proposition 23 (global warming), 585
Proposition 49 (After School Education and Safety Program Act), 473–79, 499
Proposition 98 (Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act), 516–17
psychology: of bodybuilding, 67–68
and sports as having psychological aspect, 105–6
public employees: Arnold as governor and, 527, 528, 530, 532–34, 545, 575, 577, 578, 579, 583
California economy and, 575, 577, 578, 579, 583
firing of, 578, 579
special election and, 532–34
public good; Arnold’s views about investment in, 285–86
public service: Arnold’s desire to expand his, 376
and Arnold’s popularity as a star, 376
Arnold’s views about, 387, 395, 601, 604
Shriver family commitment to, 376
Shriver’s (Sargent) views about, 601
Pulp Fiction (movie), 374
Pumping Iron (Butler and Gaines novel), 154, 157, 169, 171, 256
Pumping Iron (movie): advance screening of, 205
Arnold’s earnings from, 216
Arnold’s mail-order business and, 289
Arnold’s reputation and, 228
Arnold’s retirement from bodybuilding and, 186, 187
benefits to Arnold of starring in, 187
Cannes Film Festival and, 214–15
Mr. Olympia contest and, 186–87, 194–96
Onassis comments about, 206
outrageousness of Arnold in, 205
popularity of bodybuilding and, 251
posing exhibition and, 197–98
premieres of, 206–7, 213
Pressman’s impression of, 229
promotion of bodybuilding and, 188, 189
promotion of, 203–4, 205–6, 213, 214, 227
raising money for, 186, 197–98, 203
reviews of, 207
shooting of, 194
Putziger, Rolf, 42–43, 48–49, 50, 55–56, 62, 72
Quinn, Anthony, 618
race issues; Chamberlain-Jones comments about, 307
Radner, Gilda, 210
Rafelson, Bob: Arnold first meets, 157
Arnold’s Zucky meeting with, 174–76
and finding an agent for Arnold, 191–92
Stay Hungry film and, 157, 158, 173–76, 179, 180–82, 184, 185, 186, 199
and typecasting of Arnold, 203
Rafelson, Toby, 157
Raiders of the Lost Ark (movie), 261, 408
rainy-day fund, California’s, 465, 519, 557, 573, 577, 578, 583
Rambo movies, 310, 347, 401
Rand, Ayn, 251
Rattazzi, Delfina, 169, 171, 205, 206
Raw Deal (movie), 326, 340, 345
Reagan, Nancy, 259
Reagan, Ronald: Arnold’s admiration and support for, 240, 248, 285, 290, 293, 360, 418, 562
Arnold’s mother’s meeting with, 454
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 467
Arnold’s poster of, 110
Arnold’s views about, 284, 370
Bush campaign of 1988 and, 367, 369, 370
as California governor, 463, 467, 480, 547, 562
Cuomo attack on, 395
economy and, 286–88
elections of 1980 and, 240, 248
environmental issues and, 550
Hollywood liberalism and, 410
Hollywood reaction to presidency of, 283–84
impact on real estate economy of, 232
Maria-Arnold wedding invitation for, 332
Nancy’s relationship with, 259
Noonan as speechwriter for, 369
President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and, 370
Regency Club members of administration of, 292
Russian-U.S. relations and, 616
Shriver’s (Maria) views about, 284
transition to political life by, 469
Reagan (Ronald) Library; opening of, 403
real estate, Arnold’s investments in: and apartment buildings, 148, 149–50, 186, 386
Arnold’s financial affairs and, 423
Arnold’s self-confidence and, 216–17
Carter administration and, 286
in Denver, 286–87, 386
Ehringer as partner in, 216, 232, 286, 287, 386, 608
expansion of, 386
and first home of Maria and Arnold, 246–47
Franco as partner in, 121–22, 148–50, 286–87
and Palmdale supersonic airport, 121–22, 148, 286–87
Reagan administration and, 232, 286–88
in Santa Monica, 148–50, 215–17, 232, 287–88, 386
in Southern California, 232
and Weider loan to Arnold, 149–50
Recall Gray Campaign, 480, 484
Red Heat (movie), 338, 340–41, 345
Red Sonja (movie), 314–16, 338
redistricting; in California, 527, 534, 555, 557, 584, 585
Reds (movie), 191, 234
Reems, Harry, 207
Reeve, Christopher, 375
Reeves, Steve, 30, 31, 56, 70, 71, 217
Regency Club (Los Angeles), 291–92, 500
Reiner, Rob, 532
Reiss, Bonnie, 239, 328, 472, 480, 481–82, 483, 501, 516
Reitman, Ivan, 361, 362, 363, 373, 374, 379, 381, 608
religion, 4, 293
Rendell, Ed, 561
repetition; Arnold’s principles of success and, 613–14
Republican National Convention (1988), 368–70, 373
Republican National Convention (2004), 520–21
Republican National Convention (2008), 574
Republican Party: Arnold as governor and, 516, 518–20, 522, 540–41, 550, 562
Arnold’s commitment to, 85, 239
Arnold’s relationship with, 466, 516
Arnold’s selection of gubernatorial staff members and, 516, 540–41
Arnold’s views about, 562, 574
basic beliefs of, 521
bipartisanship and, 518–20, 562
California elections of 2002 and, 479
conservatism of, 574
Proposition 49 and, 478. See also specific person or issue
Reynolds, Burt, 424
Rice, Condoleezza, 484–85
Richards, Rene, 222
Richter, Willi, 23–24, 25
Riordan, Dick, 495–96, 497–98, 502
Riordan, Nancy, 495
roasts, 359–60
Robert F. Kennedy Celebrity Tennis Tournament (Forest Hills, New York), 219–20, 221–23
Robertson, Pat, 365
Robinson, Robby “the Black Prince,” 207
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 161–62
Robocop (movie), 346
Rock, Arthur, 503
Rock Store (Malibu Canyon), 292
Rocky movies, 208, 281, 337, 401
role models/idols: Arnold’s childhood/youth, 23, 56, 91, 126, 603, 604. See also specific person
Rome, Italy; Shriver and Schwarzenegger family trip to, 617–18
Romney, Mitt, 561
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 618
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 369
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,” 234, 371, 387, 550, 554
Rose, Charlie, 204
Rose, Mary, 204
Rosen, Milt, 357
Ross, Diana, 222
Rove, Karl, 484–85, 512–13
Ruddy, Al, 598
rules, Arnold’s, 511, 603–18
Rumar, Craig, 201, 220
The Running Man (movie), 338, 339, 344–45, 363, 469
Russia: Arnold on trade mission to, 616
Hammer oil deals in, 375–76
Red Heat filming in, 341. See also Gorbachev, Mikhail
Russo, Paul, 569, 570
Sakata, Harold “Oddjob,” 63, 97
Salazar, Kenneth, 588
salesmanship, 33, 55, 102–3, 141–42, 578, 606
Bruno, California; gas-pipeline explosion in, 586
San Diego, California; fires around, 565–70
San Fernando Valley: earthquake in (1971), 120–21
Weider headquarters in, 103
San Francisco Chronicle newspaper, 505, 548
Sanders, Jerry, 565, 568
Sandow, Eugen, 69
Sanger, Carla, 472, 473
Sansone, Tommy, 56
Santa Monica, California: Arnold as real estate investor in, 148–50, 215–17, 232, 287–88, 386, 608
Arnold’s offices in, 386, 565
Maria-Arnold’s first house in, 246–47, 257–58
Santa Monica College: Arnold as student at, 89, 136–37, 138, 612
Columb (Ronda) as taking classes at, 288
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