assassination of, 249, 416, 493
Berle as fan of, 356
as champion of physical fitness, 370–71, 372, 387, 388–89, 390
humidor of, 356
influence on Maria of, 241, 249, 493
Maria’s questions to Castro about, 416
Russian-U.S. relations and, 21–22
Kennedy, John F. Jr., 206
Kennedy, Joseph II, 225, 226, 373
Kennedy, Joseph P. (grandfather), 240, 241, 247, 256, 259, 326, 378
Kennedy, Robert “Bobby,” 249, 371, 493
Kennedy, Robert Jr. (son of Bobby Kennedy), 222, 455
Kennedy, Rose, 224–25, 226, 256, 328
Kennedy, Saoirse, 455
Kennedy, Susan P., 538–41, 542, 543, 545, 558, 559, 567, 577
Kennedy family: Arnold’s gubernatorial reform agenda and, 529, 530
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 466
Berle family and, 356
conformity within, 242–43
Eunice’s death and, 579
influence on Arnold of, 403
at Kennedy Center promotion of Special Olympics, 373
Maria-Arnold relationship and, 255
NRA and, 368
public perception of, 243
Shriver (Sarge) as vice presidential candidate and, 244
views about Arnold’s movies by, 373–74
weddings in, 327–28, 329–30
Kerr, Deborah, 208
Kerry, John, 213, 506
Khrushchev, Nikita, 21–22
The Kid and I (movie); Arnold cameo in, 599
Kim, Jee-Woon, 598
Kindergarten Cop (movie), 374, 378–79, 385, 400, 463, 471
King, Larry, 487
King, Stephen, 344
Kissinger, Henry, 243
Klestil, Thomas, 295
Knapp, Erika (Meinhard’s fiancée), 134, 147, 404
Knapp, Patrick (Arnold’s nephew), 134, 147, 404, 405, 432, 453, 598
Kono, Tommy, 97
Koornhof, Piet, 456
Koszewski, Irvin “Zabo,” 86–87
Krainer, Josef Jr., 294–95
Krainer, Josef Sr., 294
Kramer, Joel, 333–34, 416
Kroher, Fritz, 52
Kubik, Larry, 199–200, 201–2, 208, 215, 219–20, 233, 298
Kyoto Protocol, 561, 580
Lamaze classes, 381
Lange, Jessica, 208
Las Vegas, Nevada, 84, 85, 280, 343, 470
Last Action Hero (movie), 407–11, 413
The Last Stand (movie), 598, 599–600
Late Night with David Letterman (TV show), 314
Lauer, Matt, 499, 501
Lawford, Patricia Kennedy, 225, 255, 320
Lawford, Peter, 240, 255
League of Women Voters, 477
Leamer, Ed, 502, 503
Lear, Norman, 240
Lee, Stan, 598
Legal Eagles (movie), 361
legislature, California: approval ratings for, 520
Arnold’s relationship with, 520, 522–23, 524–26
Arnold’s views about, 516–17, 539–40
as “girlie men,” 525–26. See also Democratic Party, California; Republican Party, California; specific person or issue
Leibovitz, Annie, 328
Leno, Jay, 359, 398, 487, 494–95, 497–98, 508, 510, 560, 594
Leon, Timothy, 97
Leonard, Sugar Ray, 441
Leonard, Terry, 261, 270
Lerner, Anita, 288, 289–90
A Lesson from Aloes (play), 263
Letterman, David, 439, 487
Litton Industries, 557
Lockyer, Bill, 477
London, England: Arnold’s visit with Bennetts in, 59–60
Mr. Universe competitions in, 51–52, 53, 55–59, 65–66, 71–73, 77, 110, 126–27
Lopez, Gerry, 262, 266
Loren, Sophia, 208, 453
Lorimer, Jim: Arnold’s invitation to Mr. World competition and, 124–25
Arnold’s participation in 1970 bodybuilding contests and, 124–26, 127–28
Arnold’s partnership with, 129, 187, 232, 288
Arnold’s winning of Mr. World contest and, 129
as Bush (George H.W.) supporter, 370
dancing lessons for Arnold and Maria and, 331
Maria-Arnold wedding and, 328, 331
personal and professional background of, 125
Los Angeles, California: Arnold as real estate investor in, 215–17
Arnold’s early days in, 81–97
chronicling of Arnold’s arrival in, 79
Inner-City Games in, 472–73
Mr. International competition (1974) in, 159, 160–65, 174
riots in, 419–20
Los Angeles Times, 120, 264, 411, 412, 510–11, 552, 595
losing: Arnold’s feelings about, 75, 77–78
and Maria’s feelings about politics, 492–93. See also failure
love scenes; in Conan films, 269–70
Lovell, James, 371
Löwenbräukeller stone-lifting competition (Munich, Germany), 64, 68
Lundgren, Dolph, 337, 599
Madison Square Garden (New York City): Mr. Olympia contest (1975) in, 168–71, 188, 194–95, 520, 521
Republican National Convention (2004) in, 520–21
Mangano, Silvana, 267
magazines, bodybuilding, 29–30, 43, 45, 256, 277. See also magazines, Weider’s; specific magazine
magazines, Weider’s: Arnold as interviewer/writer for, 115–16, 118
Arnold’s advertising in, 118–19
Arnold’s early interest in bodybuilding and, 29–30
Arnold’s interview in, 75–76
Arnold’s study of, 82
Arnold’s youthful interest in, 99–100
Butler and Gaines work in, 154
Mr. Olympia contest (1974) and, 169
promotion of Arnold by, 76–77, 79, 95, 169, 288, 291
promotions of bodybuilding in, 111, 152–53
Stay Hungry film coverage in, 187
mail-order business, Arnold’s, 117–19, 140, 182, 187, 215, 288
mail-order business, Weider’s, 118
Main Street (TV show), 377
makeup trailers, 306–7
Makris, Tony, 368
Malden, Karl, 202
Malick, Terrence, 229
Mandela, Nelson, 456–57, 458, 580, 604, 616–17
Mansfield, Jayne, 400
marijuana/hashish, 87, 91, 108, 158, 210
Marks, Lynn, 288, 289–90, 433
Marnul, Kurt, 23, 25, 26, 27–28, 30, 38
marriage; Arnold’s views about, 324–25
Martin, Dean, 212, 240, 356
Martin, Steve, 299, 357
masks, movie; Arnold’s claustrophobia with, 435–37
Matscher, Christine, 33, 34, 60
Matscher, Dr., 33, 34
Matthews, Chris, 487
Max, John, 508
Mayer-Stechbarth; Arnold’s apprenticeship at, 33–34
McCain, John, 573, 574
McCarthy, Kevin, 522–23
McClintock, Tom, 506, 507, 508, 512
McGovern, George, 249
McPherson, Bruce, 531
McTiernan, John, 334, 336, 408
Medavoy, Mike, 297, 299, 304
Medvedev, Dmitri, 617
Mendelsohn, Adam, 543, 551–52
mentors. See role models/idols; specific person
Mentzer, Mike, 251, 252
The Merv Griffin Show (TV show), 162, 163, 164
method acting, 158
Metternich, Klemens Wenzel von, 522
Mexico: Conan filming in, 304, 307
Predator filming in, 333–34
Terminator 3 promotion in, 488
Total Recall filming in, 346–47, 458
Miami, Florida; Mr. Universe contest in, 72–76, 77, 78, 92
Mid City Gym (New York City), 129–30
Midnight Express (m
ovie), 230
Mifune, Toshiro, 235
The Mike Douglas Show (TV show), 162, 199
Mildred (housekeeper); Arnold’s relationship with, 591–97, 598
Miles, Sylvia, 207
military, U.S.: Arnold’s appreciation of, 398
Arnold’s visits with, 398, 481, 488, 554, 586
military, U.S., Marines, 399
Milius, John: Arnold’s views about, 309, 314, 343–44
Cameron compared with, 309, 314
casting of nonactors by, 305
Conan films and, 230, 231, 232–35, 236, 237, 254, 261–66, 268, 270–75, 276–78, 304, 605
control of Arnold’s films and, 343–44
criticisms of Last Action Hero and Arnold’s work with, 410
reputation of, 278
Million Dollar Baby (movie), 598
Million Solar Roofs Initiative, 540, 548, 581, 597, 605
The Milton Berle Show (TV show), 359
Minority Report (movie offer), 440
Miró, Joan, 258, 327
Mockler, John, 517
Mods (Graz rock band), 33
Mondale, Walter, 222
Monroe, Marilyn, 327, 441
Mooki (cat) incident, 6
Morris, Eric, 176–80, 182
Morton, Gary, 165, 166, 356
Motion Picture Association of America, 277, 444
motorcycle riding; in Terminator films, 392, 400
movies: Arnold’s childhood interest in, 13–14
Arnold’s feelings about, 402–3
Arnold’s focus on being in, 158
audience “awareness” of, 350–51
bodybuilders in, 100, 185, 337–38
marketing of, 278, 350
as means for promoting bodybuilding, 158. See also acting/actors; actor, Arnold as; Hollywood; movies, Arnold’s; specific movie
movies, Arnold’s: Arnold’s goals and, 298–99
Arnold’s political ambitions and, 497
Arnold’s popularity and, 376
and Arnold’s post-gubernatorial return to movies, 598–600
Arnold’s principles of success and, 614
Arnold’s reputation and, 302, 314
Arnold’s role in decision making in, 343–44, 408
Arnold’s singing debut in, 365
benefits of bodybuilding and, 402
closest call for Arnold in, 414–16
contradictions in Arnold’s life and, 603
distribution of, 343
fatherhood and, 378–79
impact of Mildred-Joseph situation on, 598
international audience for, 340
Kennedy family views about, 373–74
nurturing of, 341–43
one-liners in, 338–39
politics and, 418
post–heart surgery activities and, 438–41, 459, 460, 461
promotion of, 340, 341–43
and scripts offered to Arnold, 297–98
sequels to, 336–37
special effects for, 435–37
test screenings of, 342
and Weider influence on Arnold, 112–13. See also specific movie
Mr. America contests, 71, 74, 101, 105, 111, 125, 169
Mr. Austria contests, 23, 27, 30, 38, 52, 143
Mr. East Coast contest, 153
Mr. Europe contests, 30, 49, 52, 64, 69–70
Mr. Germany contests, 49, 69
Mr. International contest (Los Angeles, 1974), 159, 160–65, 170
Mr. Junior Europe contest; Arnold in competition for (1965), 38, 39, 42, 43, 52
Mr. Olympia contest: of 1965, 85
of 1966, 85
of 1968, 91
of 1969, 533
of 1970, 125–26, 129–31
of 1971, 144
of 1972, 143–45, 188
of 1975, 168–71, 188, 194–96, 520, 521
of 1980, 251–54, 255
Arnold-Lorimer as co-producers of, 232
Arnold as winner of, 130–31, 143–44, 151, 253–54, 255, 402, 520, 521, 606
Arnold’s goals and, 111
Arnold’s mail-order business and, 288
Arnold’s promotion of bodybuilding and, 604, 606
in Australia, 251–54, 255
bodybuilding federations and, 71
in Brooklyn, 111–12
Columbus as home for, 187, 232
controversy about, 253–54
Gold’s Gym gang on TV sets and, 202
judges for, 253
Lorimer-Arnold partnership and, 129
in Madison Square Garden, 168–71, 188, 194–96, 520, 521
in Miami, 533
in New York City, 125–26, 129–31
Oliva-Arnold competition and, 111–12, 144, 401, 533
in Paris, 144
posing for, 123–24
prize for, 102, 253
promotion of, 102
Pumping Iron film and, 186, 194–96
selection of participants for, 102
in South Africa, 186, 187–89, 456
Weider promotion of, 102, 111, 251. See also specific contender
Mr. Universe contest: of 1948 (first), 56
of 1966, 51–52, 53, 55–59, 77
of 1967, 64–66, 113
of 1968, 71–76, 77, 78, 92, 411
of 1969, 110, 111–12
of 1970, 125–26
of 1972, 153
of 1973, 169
of 1974, 170
of 1976, 202
Arnold as contender in, 51–52, 53, 55–59, 64–66, 71–73, 77, 110, 111–12, 125–26, 411
Arnold on exhibition circuit and, 60–62
Arnold as winner of, 64, 66, 70, 91, 113, 126–27, 128, 236
Arnold’s dream of winning, 31, 52
Arnold’s goals and, 110
Arnold’s lifestyle and, 66
benefits of being, 68
bodybuilding federations and, 71
in Brooklyn, 111
Butler and Gaines coverage of, 153
in Iraq (1972), 153
in London, 31, 51–52, 53, 55–59, 60–62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 71–73, 77, 91, 110, 113, 125–26, 160
Miami contest of, 72–76, 77, 78, 92, 101, 111
NABBA sponsorship of, 101, 113
pose-off in Stay Hungry film for, 185–86
promotion of bodybuilding and, 160
trophy for, 102
in Verona, Italy, 170
Weider promotion of, 111. See also specific person
Mr. USA contest, 71
Mr. World contest, 24, 71, 124–26, 127–29, 160
Mui (bodybuilder), 25–26, 29, 30
Mulholland Drive crowd, 190–91. See also specific person
Munich, Germany: Arnold in, 47–56, 62–65, 68–72
Arnold posing in winter weather in, 68
Arnold’s training partners in, 52, 53
beer halls in, 54–55, 69–70
bodybuilding gyms in, 49–50
description of, 47–48
nightlife in, 54–55, 64
Olympics of 1972 in, 47–48. See also Universum Sport Studio
Murdoch, Rupert, 366
Murdock, David, 291–92
Murdock, Gabrielle, 292
Murphy, Eddie, 318, 357, 360, 374
Murphy, Mike, 495, 504
Muscle & Fitness magazine, 79, 288
Muscle Builder magazine, 30
NAACP, California, 552
Namath, Joe, 152
NASA; promotion of Last Action Hero and, 409
Nastase, Ilie, 222
National Amateur Body-Builders Association (NABBA), 101, 110, 113
National Association of Theatre Owners, 343
National Rifle Association (NRA), 368–69
natural disasters; in California, 563–70
Nazism; accusations against Arnold’s father of, 365–67, 511
NBC Nightly News (TV show), 377
Nelson, Willie, 424
New York City: Arnold’s views about, 171, 209–12
. See also Madison Square Garden
New York Times newspaper, 198, 532
Newman, Laraine, 210
News of the World (London tabloid); Schwarzenegger Nazi story in, 365–67
Newsweek magazine, 205, 207, 213
Nicholson, Jack, 157, 158, 176, 179, 190–91, 210
Nielsen, Brigitte, 315, 316, 318
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 276, 277, 305
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5 (movie), 336
Ninotchka (movie), 341
Nixon, Richard M., 84–85, 89, 242, 243, 244, 403–6, 550, 561
Noble Father (movie offer), 440
Nolte, Nick, 318
NonStop Kino (Graz theater), 13–14
Noonan, Peggy, 369, 370
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