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Biker's Baby Girl

Page 3

by Jordan Silver

  The men of my crew know not to fuck with me, not even once, because I don't forgive worth fuck and I hate the fucking word sorry. I’d as soon gut punch an asshole as listen to his pansy ass excuses for fucking up.

  So my rep is that of a straight up motherfucker. I give a fuck. Like I said, she's the only thing I've ever given a damn about in my whole fucked up life and it looks like I’d done a piss poor job of protecting her; that all ends here tonight.

  When she was standing in front of me I took both her hands in mine and looked into her amazing eyes. Her hands were almost childlike as was the rest of her, except for her rack.

  There was nothing childlike about the Double Ds on her chest, which were about the only things that differentiated her from a teenager. Thank fuck she didn't have them the last time I'd seen her at eighteen, or little Jessie would've been well and truly fucked. Even then she’d come pretty fucking close. Down boy! My rod was working on memory overload.

  "You know you have nothing to fear from me right?" She nodded her head but I wasn't convinced. I was pretty sure that I was gonna have to regain her trust.

  I studied her for a long time, weighing the pros and cons of questioning her now, of getting to the bottom of whatever hell she’d been through. I had a need to know every single one of her hurts so I could put them to rights.

  No, better wait until there was more road between me and Sal the fuck, or I might go back and kill his ass while she was in the same air space. I wasn't about to introduce any more fuckery into her life, but that fuck's day was coming. "Get to bed we've got a long day tomorrow." I squeezed her hand and released her.

  She went into the bathroom and I jumped off the bed and hit the door. I couldn't even risk being that close with her in the next room naked. It's not like I don't think about her every second of every fucking day, but at least I get to keep my distance. Me having to be here, be in the same room with her, is going to fuck with my program.

  How the fuck was I gonna make it the next three days until her birthday? My cock was unruly at best and this one he really wanted. He’s been waiting three years to humble her; three long fucking years of beating off and second grade fucks, which were never anything more than a quick release.

  I’m not sure if I’m in love with her, though I suspect that I’d been falling in love with her a little bit here and there over time, but I do know I’ve never felt for anyone the way I feel for her.

  Love isn’t something I was familiar with, not until her at any rate. But even there the shit was confusing, because what I’d grown to feel for the little girl, was nothing compared to what I now bore the near woman. And fuck me sideways with a crowbar if this shit wasn’t scary as being in the warzone.

  I didn’t really have a basis for what she does to me, nothing to compare it to I mean. As a man of action I like to know what I’m dealing with. I like shit spelt out for me like I’m a two year old so when I have to fuck somebody up for their shit, at least we were both on the same page before they fucked up.

  The shit she makes me feel has no rhyme or reason. There’s no pattern to the fucking madness or the way she consumes my every thought even when I don’t want her to. Shit’s not fair, it’s like I didn’t have a choice. And that right there is why I think I might be in love. Fuck!

  It wasn’t like the shit changed gradually either, no. One day she was the sweet little sprite I’d rescued, someone I had resigned myself to having in my life in one way or the other for all time, but of course in a conventional way. Then one day out of the blue, she changed and all that shit went out the window.

  I wasn’t equipped to deal with the rapid changes back then, and I probably handled shit all wrong. All I know is that when I started dreaming about her, staring at her body like a sexual thing, it was time to go before I did some fucked up shit that would make her first years seem nice in comparison.

  I only ever wanted what was best for my babygirl, and nowhere in my mind was that me. I’d lived a rough and sordid life, a life on the streets and then buried in war. I wanted better for her, she deserved the white picket fence and all the other bullshit that went along with it. Shit that I was never gonna be able to give her.

  So I’d stayed the fuck away in the beginning, tried to keep my thoughts clean where she was concerned, that shit didn’t last too long though. But still I’d had the strength to stay away though it almost killed me. I’d told myself I was giving her time. Because once my mind was made up, there was no changing that shit. Still, I maybe should’ve handled that shit better.


  It had been way too long since we’d seen each other; that too was my fault, my own cowardice I guess you can call it. But I’d wanted her to at least finish school before I tied her down to me for good. Because I know for a fact that I wasn’t letting her out of my sight once I’d taken her.

  But now that I’d seen the new grown up Jessie, it would be a minor miracle if she made it to her birthday with her pussy in tact. She was even more beautiful than I remember if that were possible. There was barely a hint of the girl in her anymore she was all woman.

  Those curves, fuck me, who would’ve thought she would become this from the scruffy little urchin who’d wrapped herself around my heart all those years ago?

  'Maybe you don't have to wait, she's legal.'

  'No you fuck I said twenty one...'

  'But she doesn't know that, you're the only one who...'

  'Shut...the fuck...up.' My conscience needs a fucking conscience, that fuck thinks with his dick twenty four seven when it comes to her.

  I paced outside in the hallway like a fiend needing a hit while she took her shower. I couldn't go too far, not with her in there naked, and with who knows who staying in this fucking dump. But I daren't risk going back in there either. Not with visions of her wet and naked, and fuck me she was going to give me blue balls again.

  This is why I stay the fuck away from her. If I didn't, I would lose my cool; that control I was always hailed for would go out the fucking window in a heartbeat and she'd end up under me.

  As it stands, I know that when I finally get inside her it would take at least three days before I'd had my fill. Is it sick that I've already been to the pharmacy to pick up some ointments and shit to see to her pain after I tear her?

  Just the thought of her sitting on my thirteen and a half inch cock with her little virgin pussy makes me wanna howl at the fucking moon. My mouth was already salivating at the thought of getting near those tits, and I’m not even gonna get started on that ass of hers. A fucking work of art!

  Shit Creed, think of something else before you do something fuck stupid. Like go in there and just pin her. It had been a while since I’d fucked, not a long while but long enough for someone like me who liked pussy on the regular.

  Because I knew I was going after her soon I’d cut down out of respect for her. But now that I think about it I may not have done her any favors. My dick was already harder than he’d ever been just from sniffing around her.

  I actually checked my Tag to see just how long I had to wait, down to the days, hours, minutes and seconds. Seems like the closer we got to her birthday, the harder it was becoming to control my urge. A cold shower wasn’t going to cut it this time.

  I was afraid even as I paced that hallway that I was fooling myself. There was no way I was going to make it three days without taking her.

  Before this shit had jumped off I was able to put thoughts of taking her aside for long periods of time. I’d needed to just to get through the day, or I would go get her from her bed in the middle of the night and just slake my lust inside her. Something I had promised myself I would never do.

  When I finally do take her, it’s going to be the special shit that she deserves; the first couple of times at least. Because if my dreams and daydreams were anything to go by, I had a world of hard fucking planned for her future.

  It was the only way I knew to fuck and as little as her ass is I’m sure it was going to take
some doing to get her accustomed to my size. I’d already taken all that shit into consideration, hence the pharmacy run weeks ago.

  It may appear that I’m plotting the demise of her virginity; I like to think of it as my finally staking my claim. Mind you I’m going on the assumption that she wants this shit too, but I’m honest enough to admit that it won’t make a difference, I’m taking her one way or the other. If I have to talk her around so be it. But, that pussy is mine no if ands or buts.

  For fuck sake Creed, don’t think about this shit with her so close, it’s only a couple more days. Yeah but I’ve been wanting her so fucking bad for so long now that just the thought of how close I was to finally having her was almost more than I could take.

  Chapter 4


  When I thought enough time had passed I ran my hand over my cock with a stern admonishment to stand the fuck down and went back in. I’m just gonna go to bed turn out the lights and get some sleep. She’s just one little girl Creed stop being a bitch it’s not a good look.

  “Fuck me!” I stopped short in the doorway.

  “Ahhh.” She screamed at my sudden entrance. I’m not sure which of us was more surprised her, or me. That was before she dropped the fucking inadequate towel and I nearly swallowed my fucking tongue.

  We both stood staring at each other and I was amazed that I was able to drag my eyes away from her amazing body long enough to look into her eyes. “If he’d touched you, I would kill him in the most horrific way possible.”

  She didn’t need to know that I meant to end the fuck anyway, and I’d just told her in not so many words that I knew what had been going on. Not how I wanted this conversation to start, but she’d given me such a shock I’d just sworn in front of her for the first time in her life.

  “Creed?” She looked white as a sheet.

  “Don’t be scared baby, it’s gonna be okay.” Damn, I was reminded once again just how jumpy she is around me, how aware we’ve always been of each other. Well not always.

  I wanted to hold her and offer comfort, but I couldn’t risk that shit. I know one thing for sure; two days and twenty-two hours couldn’t come soon enough.

  I swallowed hard and fought for control. I might not fuck her, but there wasn’t a chance in hell that I was going to be able to keep my mouth off her tits. I was also fascinated with the bush between her thighs. Fuck my dick was hard.

  “You’re beautiful.” The smile that broke across her face went to the heart of me and helped ease that knot in my gut. I hadn’t lost her after all thank fuck.

  My little Jessie, my babygirl, was all grown up. My mind went from the vision I’d just seen before she snatched the towel up and covered herself; to the first time we’d met.


  Jessie and I share a long and sordid history. One that I try not to revisit too often because I don’t like hurting her, and any reminder of the way we met was bound to hurt her in some way. Looking back at it, it was a stroke of luck that I’d been the one to be there that night. I like to think that there was a bit of fate involved there too.

  I can’t imagine life without her in it, couldn’t fathom the last nine years being any different. Even when I wasn’t there with her, just knowing she was in my life, that she was mine and only mine, was enough to get me through.

  She was my own little good luck charm. The one thing that had gotten me through some of the toughest hellholes in Baghdad, and that was before I knew I was going to make her my woman some day.

  I was a young twenty-four year old soldier on leave after coming back from my second stint in the desert, and looking at my third in a few days. That’s where I’d met Lawton. We were both serving in the same platoon, two young upstarts full of piss and vinegar, who’d hit it off right away.

  I didn’t have any family to speak of since I’d aged out of the foster care system one month before I joined up years before, so he’d dragged me home with him.

  It was in his neck of the woods that my whole life had changed in one hour. We’d only been back one day when something came up and he’d had to make a run somewhere else, leaving me with his family. My own foray to the local liquor store had landed me in the middle of an alternate universe.

  There was an old man who was obviously drunk or high, with a young scruffy looking kid tagging along behind him. It was hard to tell whether it was a boy or girl at first. All I saw was an unkempt kid that reminded me of my time on the street.

  The kid looked to be about six or seven, but I later found out she was a twelve year old under nourished kid with extremely long lashes, and the most amazing blue-green eyes I’d ever seen on a human being.

  Something about her eyes tugged at me even then, and things only got worse for me when the fucker offered to sell her to me for his next pint. I didn’t know if to knock him the fuck out, call the cops, or laugh in his face.

  But something in the helpless way she looked at me told me that I was this kid’s only hope in life. I don’t know where I got that conviction, but it was strong and it was real.

  The fact that the fucker had all her important paperwork handy in a dingy Ziploc bag, along with a paper bag with a few dirty tops and shorts inside, told me that he was dead serious. He even had a legal enough looking document, that I could sign if I was so inclined. Only this didn’t say he was selling her, but giving her up for adoption.

  I knew if it wasn’t me it would be someone else, and that someone else might not be as nice as I am. I shuddered to think what could happen to the young girl at the hands of a predator. I knew they were plenty fucked up individuals in the world. I’d run into my fair share when I was a helpless kid with no one to stand between me, and them.

  I gave him the money for a couple pints, hoping one of them would kill his ass, and because I thought she was worth more than the one. I couldn’t see calling the cops and having her put in the system, I’d done that shit and it was a hell I wouldn’t wish on…nah that’s a fucking lie, I would wish that shit on my enemies, fuck them.

  So there I was a twenty-four year old who was shipping out in a few days and had just landed myself with a new dependent. I didn’t know where the fuck to start. It wasn’t like I could take her with me.

  I questioned the poor frightened girl the best I could and got the information that the mother had a sister in town, but the mom herself was long gone, and there was no one else.

  She didn’t act weird when she mentioned the aunt so I figured she wasn’t afraid of her and she was maybe a little better than the father. And since I was in a crunch, I searched her out and things went from there.

  I did check around the best I could with what little I had which in retrospect hadn’t been enough. But at the time, I thought I was giving her the best I had to offer. Someone she knew, a relative no less, and one that hadn’t asked too many questions or seemed too surprised that the young girl had ended up in her plight.

  To make a long story short, I told her I adopted the kid, told the kid never to mention to anyone that her old man had sold her, and to pretty much wipe that shit clean from her mind.

  I wasn’t old enough to be her dad, so I was just her guardian until she came of age. I did all the necessary shit the army makes you do when you have a co-dependent just in the off chance shit went FUBAR on my ass, then she’d get what was mine. But in the meantime, I was leaving her with the aunt who I paid a healthy stipend each month to see about her.

  We worked shit out in the best interest of Jessie, or so I thought, and I went off to my next deployment with her heavy on my mind. I was in essence the new father of a pre-teen girl who I knew nothing about, but those eyes; they haunted me.

  Over the years I’d go see her. In the early days I’d even taken her on trips and shit when I was home in between deployments. She was a shy little thing back in those days, but as time went on she started coming out of her shell.

  She was never too talkative, but she wasn’t shying away from me as much, and she felt safe enough to ask
me a few questions here and there. Once she opened up she was a regular little chatterbox, but funnily enough, she never mentioned the old man and never talked about her life before me.

  It never crossed my mind to bring her to live with me on post when I was stateside. Plus the fact I was moving around a lot back then with the army and their bullshit, and she needed a stable home.

  I didn’t know much about kids, especially the female kind, so I wouldn’t have known what to look for if anything was out of whack, but I knew the times I saw her she seemed happy enough, and I grew to love those times.

  I’d especially grown to like the way she’d run and jump into my arms whenever she saw me coming, until she remembered her shyness and would back away again. But in that split second of recognition her barriers would come down and I’d see what she really thought of me.

  I always kept her close at those times, because I knew she needed it. We’d come to mean the world to each other even though we spent so much time apart.

  I saw so much of me in her back then. The unwanted orphan that had everything stacked against us. It’s why I’d gone overboard with everything when it came to her.

  I never wanted her to know hunger and want the way I had. Never wanted her to feel that shame like the rest of the world was looking down on you.

  I’d bought her every device known to man so we could keep in touch when I was gone, and had kept up with her schooling and the things that I could handle as a man. The rest of that female shit I left to the aunt.

  When I was told about her having her period I walked into the neighborhood with my gun on full display on my next leave to let the young fucks around there know that she was off limits. I’d wanted to bundle her the fuck up and put her somewhere safe.

  Back then she was still my sweet little babygirl, even though her body was changing and she was outgrowing her babyish ways. It was plain to see that she would always be a little bitty thing though, which I used to think was cute, but now found sexy as fuck.


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