Book Read Free

Disturbed Beauty

Page 5

by Ashley Beale

  He places the car into first gear and takes off down the long driveway. “Are you the kind of girl that can handle their food spicy? I know of a great Mexican restaurant.”

  “Yeah, I can handle spicy.” I only hope there isn’t more to his question, something hidden that I’m going to regret even more later.

  The car remains silent as he drives down several back roads. He goes a completely different direction than Blaise had, confusing me. I can hardly remember landmarks from the first car ride, but hopefully I don’t need to. It’s probably best when I do escape, I don’t go a popular route. Woods and back roads will be more of my friend.

  We pull into a parking lot of a small restaurant, with less than four other cars already parked. When he kills the engine, Rusty reaches over and grabs my hand, holding it tightly in his embrace. “Liv, I’m trusting of you. Part of my agreement is not to bring you in public, or give you any leeway to run. If you even attempt to ruin this, I’ll have to do something I don’t want to. Act like a date, one that isn’t paid for, and enjoy your freedom of the evening. I hate saying this, but it may never happen again.”

  With another tight squeeze, he lets go of my hand and takes the keys out of ignition. I don’t get out of the car until Rusty opens the door and gives me his hand. Although I don’t actually agree to his terms, he and I both know I will. His threat was loud and clear, I’ll either be killed or injured enough that I’ll want to be dead. I won’t risk that, not with so much at stake.

  Inside the restaurant are several square tables placed throughout the floor, all with four chairs surrounding them, and a cute little centerpiece. It isn’t fine dining in any way, but I didn’t expect as much. He wants things low key, scared he’ll be seen- or worse, that I’ll be seen.

  The waitress speaks only in Spanish, so Rusty orders food for the both of us. Although I understand a good part of what is said between the two, I act as if I don’t. When she comes back to the table, I’m only given a glass of iced water while Rusty gets a large soda, probably with some kind of liquor in it.

  “You know, I was going to purchase you,” Rusty tells me point blank.

  “Oh?” I’m not sure what more to say.

  He adjusts his tie, making it loose around his neck. I can tell he feels comfortable around me. It’s as though he honestly thinks this is a date, and that I’m wanting to be around him.

  “Yeah,” he answers. “I don’t like the thought of anyone else touching you. I’ve been wanting this since I met you, Liv.”

  “Why didn’t you pursue me? Why did you have to wait until I was up for purchase?” It’s an actual question I want to know the answer to. I want to know if he is the kind of guy that gets off on the sick idea of torturing and owning a female. Kind of like the whole BDSM thing, but crossing the line you’re never supposed to.

  “I was warned to keep away from you. I honestly didn’t know you were ever going to be a part of this. The way Roman and Blaise both spoke of you, it was as though you were bait, not the prize. As soon as I saw you tonight, I knew it was fate. I don’t have all the money in the world, but I have enough to wine and dine you monthly, to show you a good time. Something you deserve. You won’t get that with anyone else but myself.”

  “Who warned you?” I ask, needing to know the answer.

  “Roman. At his meeting. I spoke with Rodney Steele about bringing you home that evening. Roman must’ve overheard, because when I used the facilities, he took me aside and said you were off limits. I thought the two of you were an item, but he made it clear that you were an employee of his, and he didn’t want to mix you up in this business. Apparently I was lied to about it.”

  “I don’t think he lied,” I tried to defend Roman somehow. “I didn’t know about any of this until recently. After the meeting.”

  He pauses for a minute as he catches onto something I just said. “But you did know about it before you were taken hostage?”

  “I was dating Blaise,” I tell him honestly. I hope that I can tell him enough truth and mix it with a lie, that it all seems plausible enough. “Things didn’t add up, not with our relationship or with stuff at work. I put two and two together once my friend was taken. I assumed as much, but didn’t know the truth, and when I confronted Blaise about it, he took me.”

  “That would explain his reserve on my purchasing you. Things with Roman and you though, seem a little...”

  I interrupt him before he can say too much. “Confusing? Yeah, they are. I kept calling into work sick until I found Blaise. I couldn’t confront Roman the way I could Blaise. I don’t think he expected me to be here, and from what Javier said earlier, it wasn’t known until last minute that I was part of this now.”

  He watches me closely while taking a sip of his drink but he doesn’t say anything. Everything inside of me prays that he believes what I am saying to be true. The waitress brings over our food during our silence, and I’m welcomed with a delicious aroma of several different Mexican cuisines. She tells us in Spanish to have a great dinner, then walks away once more.

  Rusty lets me take what I want from the piles of food before taking things for himself. I’m a little stubborn in what I pack on my plate, but I want to look more starving than I really am. Plus, he made one fact very clear, I may never have food like this again.

  During dinner, Rusty decides to take the opportunity to get to know me better. I hate that he thinks this is something more. He asks small things, about my family and how college was going. Things that I may never experience again, teasing me with the fact that what once was my life is now just a memory, and a new reality has taken over me. Because even if I do escape from here with Clarissa, nothing can go back to what it was before this. Everything has officially changed.

  At the end of the dinner, Rusty pays the bill then reaches for my hand. Knowing I have to do as he requests, I slip my hand in his. “Thank you for dinner,” I tell him, not knowing why I’m even being polite.

  He smiles in his most charming way, except it doesn’t fool me in the least. “I have one last question to ask you before we leave.”


  “If I were to ever purchase you, would you be happy with that? I could bring you back to the US. I could save you, make you my wife and a mother to our children. We could have a grand wedding, and you’d have more money than you could count. I would quit all of this, and be just yours, Liv.”

  The only thing I can find myself to say is, “Why me?”

  “I can’t answer that, not yet. I just know. I know you’re it for me. You’re the kind of woman I’ve searched for in all these years.”

  “Can I think about it?” Not that I have anything to think about, but I have no other way to answer him. My actual thoughts go directly to the fact, that it is extremely possible Rusty could be the key to saving both Clarissa and I. I just don’t want to give any hints as to my plans while here, at least not yet.

  It seems to make him happy though, as I watch a smile spread across his face. “Please do.”

  Rusty brings me back to what I can only assume is a home of his in Mexico. It’s a ranch style home with a lot of land, and absolutely no trees for over three acres in either direction. He obviously doesn’t want anyone hiding or spying, or any female running.

  Dogs bark as we walk up the front steps. My heart is racing even faster than earlier. “I have two dogs,” he tells me. “Rellik and Killer. They’re good dogs, as long as there are no sudden moves.”

  I don’t realize I’m pressing my fingers into Rusty’s arm until he chuckles and pulls my hand from his arm. “Sorry,” I say softly.

  “There is nothing to be scared of Liv, not with me. I promise, you’ll be safe. Let the dogs sniff you when we get inside, then we’ll go straight into the bedroom where they can’t get to you.”

  What he doesn’t realize is that the dogs are honestly the least of my worries. Having him say we’re going straight to the bedroom is what scares me the most. He may not harm me, but I’m still g
oing to feel pain. I control my breathing, and when the door opens and Rusty introduces me to his dogs, I pet them softly while they sniff me. They immediately run into the kitchen, leaving us alone.

  “They don’t have to go pee or anything?” I ask, wanting to slow the inevitable down a little.

  “They have a dog door out back. They can come and go as they please. I’m not here often enough to let them out, and that way, if someone tries to sneak in or out, I know the dogs can attack.”


  Rusty laughs. “It’s not like you’re planning to run, so don’t worry about it. My room is back this way, come on.” He walks us into the direction of his room, and although I’m not wanting to do this, I follow him.

  The room is relatively large, with a king size canopy bed in the center of it. Black curtains hang from each corner of the bed, which is covered in dark red blankets and pillows.

  Once he closes the door, he walks over to a large oak dresser against one of the walls. I take a glance around the room, to get a feel of what kind of man he is, and what kind of sex he is into. If I’m going to do this, I’d rather not be chained to a cross and whipped with something.

  The windows are covered with black rods, making it so no one can escape unless they go into the room where the dogs are. Besides that, most of the room is plain. There are two dressers, the one he is getting into, and another smaller one. He has one closet that has a deadbolt lock on it. There are no decorations on the walls, which also means, no crazy contraptions. Unless, of course, those are in a different room.

  “Undress me,” Rusty orders me.

  I look in his direction and notice that he placed an entire strip of condoms and a bottle of lube on top of the dresser. My stomach knots up more than before. It’s becoming too real to me at this point. Regardless, I breathe through my emotions and walk towards Rusty.

  Slowly, I unloop each button of his shirt, untucking it when I get to the bottom, then I unknot his tie before sliding his shirt off his arms. The shirt falls onto the floor behind him and I’m left with his pants. The belt comes off first, sliding too easily out of the loops, then I unsnap the button on his slacks, and pull them down to his ankles.

  “My shoes and socks,” he tells me.

  I drop to my knees on the floor and undo each shoe, sliding off the socks immediately after. As I get into position to stand, Rusty puts his hand on top of my head, causing me to stay on my knees as I was. “I know I said this is about you tonight, but there is one thing I expect from you first. It’ll help me last longer once I bury my cock inside of you.”

  I glance up at his face, knowing before he says anything exactly what he is asking.

  “Finish undressing me, then suck my cock.”

  Slipping the end of my fingers under his waist band, I pull down on his boxers, freeing his already hard cock. I place my hand around it and close my eyes. I bring myself to think happy thoughts before touching my mouth to it, but when he grabs my hair and forces me to suck it harder, I can’t help but pay full attention to everything I’m doing.

  Through the night and into the morning, after the sun is already filling the sky with its brightness, Rusty uses everything in him to bring me to the breaking point, over and over again. The amount of orgasms I’ve had with this repulsive man only disgusts me more. I didn’t know that it was possible to get off when you are practically being raped, but I found myself in that sick, twisted reality.

  I tried to hide when I got off, but somehow Rusty just knew. And each time, it just gave him more of an endurance to continue to the next one. The things he did to me were not painful physically, but they took something from me I’ll never be able to get back. More than just dignity, but an innocence I somehow kept intact. A piece of my soul has now completely vanquished.

  He falls asleep quickly when he finally gives in, holding me tightly in his arms. I lay here, unable to sleep even with how exhausted I am. Falling asleep just means the minutes will tick by, and someone like Roman or Javier will have their way with me next, and knowing them, it won’t be as gentle. Finally, my body gives in on itself and I find myself falling asleep.

  In my dreams, I find my mother, the person I was searching for this entire time. She sits by a cascading willow tree, holding her knees to her chest as she whimpers. I sit next to her but she doesn’t glance in my direction. “I’m so ashamed mom,” I tell her.

  Her only response is a nod of the head, then the wind carries her away from me.

  I wake up to Rusty’s voice hissing out remarks on the phone. He’s trying to keep quiet, I can tell, but he is obviously upset about something. Then I finally catch on that it’s about me.

  “Yeah, I said I’ll bring her now. I better get some of my money back though.”

  After a pause I hear. “No, Blaise charged me almost double that amount, and for one fucking night. I mean, damn, she was worth it, but it’s fucked up. That is six hours early¸ Roman.”

  My body tenses hearing Roman's name, but I make sure not to actually stir around, not wanting him to know I'm awake.

  Before he hangs up, he finishes telling him much louder, “I’ll wake her up and meet you there.”

  The slamming I hear is what I assume is his phone being thrown across the room. I don’t peak my eyes open. I don’t want him to know I was listening in, even if it’s about me.

  Rusty’s hand touches my shoulder. “Wake up beautiful. You have somewhere to be. If you want to shower first, you need to rush.”

  I peak open an eye. Rusty is already dressed in his clothing as I lay completely naked, tangled up in the sheets on the bed. I want to get dressed as well, not feeling comfortable being naked even a second longer. “I’ll pass, thanks,” I say, my voice gruff.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod my head. “Yes, thank you. I just want to get dressed and use the bathroom.”

  I sit up, holding the sheet to my body so Rusty cannot see anything, even if he did have me completely exposed yesterday. “Get dressed,” he says, as if annoyed with me. I reach down for my dress but it’s no longer next to me. “It’s in the bathroom,” Rusty says. "I assumed you’d shower first, so I hung it in there."

  “Oh, okay, thanks.” I start to stand, bringing the sheet with me, but Rusty orders me to keep it on the bed, so I drop it. He follows me out of the room and when I get into the bathroom, I notice there is no door.

  It’s uncomfortable as he watches me pee but doesn’t say anything to me. I feel like I did something wrong, and he is going to punish me with humiliation for it. Except, I cannot think of anything I did wrong. I literally did everything he asked of me, no matter how much I dreaded it.

  When I’m finished getting dressed, Rusty has me join him in the kitchen. He pours me a bowl of cereal as I sit at the table, and he tops it with some milk. Although I kind of know the answer, and I also know I’m not exactly supposed to ask questions, I want to know more of the conversation he had with Roman.

  “Where do I have to be?”

  He looks over from pouring orange juice into a plastic cup. “You need to be back.” He lifts his lips into a partial smile. I honestly think he is upset about giving me up. He has to think what we have is something more than him purchasing me for the night like some kind of hooker.

  “I just didn’t realize so early,” I tell him.

  “Roman’s orders. Although I paid for the time, and I’d love to spend it with you, I know he’ll make it impossible to rent you again if I don’t obey his orders.”

  “What about Javier or Blaise? Don’t they have more say in it?”

  Rusty sits down in the chair next to me and passes me the juice. “Roman is the reason for all of this. His father started it all, and he has all control over everyone. Javier and Blaise work for Roman, not the other way around.”

  The little amount of trust I had for Roman is gone in that exact second. Even after finding out the truth, he was good at making me believe he would do something to save me, but apparently he wa
s just trying to get me to trust him, so he could do even more awful things to me. All of a sudden, I don’t want to be with Roman. I don’t want to be anywhere. I want to close my eyes and disappear from this all.

  “Remember what you asked me last night?” I ask Rusty. “About you saving me. Me marrying you.”

  “Of course I do.” His face lights up like a kid on Christmas.

  Knowing I’ll probably regret this, I tell him, “I want it to happen. Save me, please.”

  “I will, Liv. I promise, I will.”

  As much as it pains me, I now know that Rusty is my only chance for salvation. It may give him even more false hope, but I can’t think of any other way to escape with Clarissa, especially back over the border.

  Rusty drives me to an abandoned house trailer on the outskirts of the town we were in. Roman is standing out front of the opened door with his arms crossed, looking ready to kill. That guy is never happy about anything, which now makes sense. I can’t imagine I’d be happy living with the fact he is the reason for families being torn apart, and females both young and old being assaulted. He is a sick bastard, and he deserves a lifetime of misery.

  Rusty grabs for my hand and tells me, “Don’t forget, I’ll save you Liv. You can’t tell anyone though. I’ll see you next weekend.”

  I look down, not wanting Roman to read my lips. “Thank you, Rusty.”

  “I’ll get your door. Stay still.”

  I listen and remain seated until he opens my door, then I take his hand as he puts it in front me, allowing him to assist me from the car. As we walk towards Roman, I can see his chest rising and falling drastically. He really is upset about something. Probably about someone besides himself having control of my movements. It’s much too obvious that he is a person who has to have complete control over absolutely everything in his life. I'm not sure how I hadn't seen more of that beforehand.

  “You can let the girl go,” Roman orders.

  Rusty instantly removes his hand from mine. “Do you have the money we talked about?”

  Roman hands an envelope to Rusty. “Count it if you want, then get the hell out of here.”


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