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Redemption (The Volkov Mafia Series Book 4)

Page 10

by Samantha Harrington

  I text back straight away.

  Alex: Will be there. X

  I don’t wait for a reply. Instead, I try to get comfy on this couch and get some sleep. I need to ask Vlad if I can borrow something to wear tomorrow; all I have with me are the clothes on my back. I will have to rectify this tomorrow, but that means going to the house to face Damien. If I don’t, then he will know someone has pre-warned me, and the last thing I need to do is give him a reason to go after Emma or Vlad. I ignore the pain and close my eyes; the best thing for my body is lots of rest.


  I tossed and turned most of the night. This couch isn’t the best, but I’m grateful that I have somewhere to lay my head. I rub the sleep from my eyes and pull myself up on the couch. The pain has eased so I can move a little better this morning. I notice the TV is on. Did I not turn it off before I went to sleep? Then I remember that we didn’t have it on. I look around the room but don’t see anyone. I get up from the couch and find myself exploring downstairs. I need to find me some coffee.

  Walking into the kitchen, I spy the wooden units and the granite tops. All pristine and everything in its place. The only thing that looks odd is the fridge; it’s covered from top to bottom in little pictures that have been drawn by a child. There are butterflies, unicorns and princesses, everything that a little girl dreams about.

  I walk to the pine dining table and see the little girl with her cereal in front of her. The little pink tutu she is wearing either tells me she is off to ballet or she is dressing up.

  “Morning,” I say to Vlad. He nods at me in greeting and points to the steaming coffee pot on the worktop. Perfect, I think to myself. Just what I need.

  “Daria, sweetie, I would like you to meet one of daddy’s friends,” Vlad says to his daughter. The little girl looks up from her bowl of cereal and turns towards me, a huge smile plastered across her face. “This is Alekzander, but you can call him Alek for short.”

  “Hello, Alek, I’m Daria. Would you like to help me get ready for ballet? My daddy can’t get the bun right at the top of my head and I have to wait for Miss Jayne to come and help me. One day I will be all ready and she won’t have to do it for me because I will be six next birthday, then I will be a big girl. Well, that’s what my daddy says.”

  I look at the cute little chatterbox who is making me smile. It’s the first time in days that I have felt able to involuntarily smile at something so pure.

  “I would love to help you, Daria, but I’ve never done one before so I don’t think I will be too good at it,” I say to her. I notice how my voice automatically softens when I speak to her. Vlad’s did the same. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him talk like that to anyone before; I guess you never really know all sides of someone’s personality, you only see what they want you to see.

  “Ok, I will have to wait,” she says, and carries on eating her breakfast.

  “Do you have a change of clothes I can borrow until I can go to the house and grab some stuff?” I ask Vlad.

  “Yeah I have something you can put on. Are you sure it’s wise you going back to the house after what Emma told you?” he asks.

  “You know if I don’t he will wonder why, then he will assume someone has warned me. Better to go and face the music than keep him in the dark. Like I said last night, I want nothing coming back on you or Emma.”

  “I never thought of it like that. See, you are clever, you just made bad choices. But you will do it this time. I believe in you.”

  I follow him upstairs. He finds me some clean clothes and points me in the direction of the bathroom. I turn on the shower and wait for it to warm up. I must say, this is the first time I have showered with rubber ducks and Barbie dolls.

  I quickly step over the bath and pull the curtain closed. Soaping up and getting rid of all the grime and dirt that cover me, I stand under the warm spray for a lingering moment. After getting out and drying off, I put on the jeans and white t-shirt Vlad has lent me.

  I need to set off soon so that I can get to Surrey in plenty of time. I’m excited at the thought of seeing my girl.

  I make my way back down to the living room and see Daria with whom I assume is Miss Jayne. Daria now has a stunning bun on top of her head. Oh for that to be your only worry in life.

  I walk into the kitchen and take my car keys out of my pocket. I look to Vlad.

  “You think you will be able to give me a lift to the bar where I left my car?”

  “Yeah, come on. I have to get going now that Miss Jayne is here to take care of Daria.”

  I nod as we both make our way to the car out front.

  I wait for him to unlock it then I slip into the passenger seat. On our way to the bar he tells me what time he will be back tonight so that we can get to work on target practice. Oh that should be fun.

  He drops me off at the bar, and I’m relieved to see the car is still parked in the same spot and all the wheels are present.

  I unlock the car and start it up, getting ready to make the journey that I have come to know so well. I hold my side, hoping the quote that is written there gives me the strength I need to get through today. I am ready to meet my maker. Whether my maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter. Winston Churchill. These words hold great meaning to me, and today they are more important than ever.

  I make my journey to Surrey. All thoughts continue to swim around in my head; what if this is the end for us? What if she doesn’t think I’m worth the wait, or the fight? I know I will get a fight from Damien and I expect that. But I don’t think I could handle it from her. I would lose what little fight I have left. I’m just hoping she thinks I’m worth the chance she says I have.

  I arrive at the park with about ten minutes to spare. I see her walking down the street. She keeps looking around as if she is scared she is being followed. I know she’s not; Malc and Damien are in London today, well that’s what Vlad told me this morning.

  She spots the car and makes her way over to me. Opening the passenger door, she quickly jumps in and ducks down low.

  “Just drive somewhere quiet, please. I don’t want to be seen.” Her voice is like music to my ears. You wouldn’t think it’s nearly been two days since I saw her, it feels longer than that.

  “Ok, I will get us out of here.” I start the car and drive to a secluded spot that doesn’t get much traffic.

  I stop outside an abandoned warehouse. The old structure is showing signs of age; the rust has discoloured it and most of the windows are smashed or missing. The moss covers the roof completely.

  I take a breath before I speak. I know I only have one shot at getting this right.

  “Look, Em, I’m really sorry. I have a plan to get all this put behind us. That way—”

  “Shut up, Alek,” she cuts me off, her hand covering my mouth. “Do you think I snuck out and lied about where I was going so that we could just talk?” Her voice is thick with emotion. She crawls over to my side of the car and straddles my lap. I drop the seat right back so that the steering wheel isn’t digging in her spine. Fuck, she feels divine sat on top of me like this.

  “Fuck me! Right here, right now,” she says.

  I don’t hesitate, not even for a second. I pull her towards me, my lips bracing for the impact of our furious desire. I trace her lips with my tongue, loving the feel of her against me. She rocks her hips, grinding against the length of my cock.

  I’m getting harder with each movement of her hips. I have one hand clamped around her neck and the other travels down to the floaty skirt she is wearing. I grip her arse and pull her harder against me. She moans into my mouth as our kiss becomes frantic. I don’t care that we are in a car in the middle of the day. My need to have her sat on my cock takes over. She lifts up a little so I can undo the button of my jeans and wriggle them down enough to expose my cock.

  “Oh God,” she breathes when she pulls away. “I need to feel you inside of me. I’ve been going fucking crazy.” Her words make me move faster
. I pull my cock free, gripping the base, slowly moving my hand up and down. Her eyes never leave mine.

  I let go of her neck and pull down the little tank top she is wearing, baring her tits to me. Fuck, her nipples are hard as fucking granite. I don’t wait. I clasp hold of one, giving it a gentle squeeze whilst wrapping my mouth around the other. Latching on gently, I graze the bud with my teeth. My other hand slips under her skirt, finding her pussy dripping wet for me. I move the fabric to one side and thrust two fingers deep inside, curling them forwards. I’m not slow or gentle with my motions. I want to bring her as close to the edge as possible before I impale her on my cock. Her moans are enough to drive any man to distraction. She is a fucking goddess, grinding her hips against me as my fingers fuck her. I feel her body tense as her orgasm looms ahead.

  I pull my fingers out and rip her thong off in one swift move. My hands hold her hips as I thrust into her. The feeling of her warm pussy sliding down on my cock sends a renewed fire to my aching body. I want to hear her scream my name as she comes. I thrust harder and deeper, giving her everything I have. Her cunt squeezes my cock tight as she falls over the edge, screaming my name as she climaxes. Her pussy is still clenching my cock, and I let go.

  I push up harder one last time, making sure she gets every fucking drop of my cum. She buries her head in my neck, her body still shaking from the aftermath. I pull her close to me and wrap my arms around her, content to have her here with me for a little while longer.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After straightening myself up, I flop back down on the passenger seat of the car. I needed that. It has been one hell of a night; the worry over Alek, the worry over Damien and Faith. Yesterday was spent walking around on eggshells and today has been no different. I can’t stand the friction this has caused and that I’m the one that is stuck in the fucking middle.

  “So what’s your game plan to get out of this then?” I don’t care if he has just given me one of the best fucks of my life, until he tells me what he’s got planned I’m going to be a standoffish bitch. He deserves nothing less.

  “I told you I had a plan, but first I need to ask you

  something.” His voice drops an octave, and I hear the worry that’s hidden there.

  “What do you need to ask me?” I throw at him. Now he’s got my back up; why on earth have I got to be questioned? I’m not the one who has just brought a shit storm to town.

  “What did you feel when Vlad kissed you yesterday, because I knocked him the fuck out when he told me last night.”

  I look at him, puzzled for a minute, then I realise what he’s just said. Vlad told him he kissed me. What the fuck! Why? Did he just want to rub salt in the wound? I didn’t think Vlad was like that.

  “It felt like I was kissing my brother. It felt wrong, and I told him that as soon as he pulled away. He told me the same. I didn’t initiate the kiss, he did, and it took me off guard.” I tell him the God’s honest truth. I don’t take my eyes off his. I want him to know I mean every word.

  “Oh thank God. I don’t think I would cope if I thought you had feelings for him.” His words make my heart split wide open. I see how vulnerable he is now. It hurts that I can’t help him more, that he wants to do this all by himself. I respect his courage to try though.

  “Now we have that little dilemma out of the way, will you start talking now, Alek! Or so help me God, I’m going to beat your arse.” He chuckles at my words. The grin that spreads across his face is beautiful. The bruises that mar it will fade in a few days. He is still holding his left side a lot so I presume he’s hurting there as well.

  “So, as you know I’m staying with Vlad to lay low and recover from the beat down I got, but don’t think I’m hiding, I’m not. I have a plan … I promised you no more gambling and I meant it when I said that. Things have changed. I have a reason to fight now, I have you. But Jonny wont back off, even if I did get him his money. He will try to make an example out of me and that’s just not an option, so I’m going to take him down before he takes me down.” I tremble at his words. How the fuck is he supposed to do that?

  “You’re not a fighter, Alek. Look what happened before, I don’t want to see you get hurt,” I plead with him.

  “That’s exactly why I’ve got Vlad training me. I haven’t stopped in my recovery, I’m bigger and stronger now. I won’t stop until I know that the threat is gone. We can’t have this hanging over our heads if we want a life together.”

  I see the passion in his eyes, but most of all I see the fear, of what I’m not quite sure. His hand grips the wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white from the strength. I gently lay my hand over his.

  “I won’t ever be weak like that again. I will protect the people I love. I can’t lose anyone else, Emma, I can’t.”

  I finally get it. This has been the most honest he has ever been without prompting.

  A man takes great pride at being able to take care of his family, that if he is strong nothing can go wrong. They have to be the ones to provide. I get it, I really do, but we live in a world now where we have a justice system that should protect us. That the evil in the world get punished for their wrong doings. As naïve as that sounds I wish it was true. I know it’s not, and that’s why we have all these gang wars, prostitution, murder, drugs, because the police turn a blind eye to their dealings. They are paid to keep quiet and to let a lot slide, until it affects one of their own then they have to step up and take action.

  “You won’t be.”

  He releases his grip on the wheel and turns to face me.

  “You’re all that matters to me now, Emma. You’re my new addiction.”

  I melt at his words and tug him closer to me, letting my lips take his. I don’t have a response to that. How can I without either breaking his heart, or giving him false hope that everything is going to be ok, when right at this moment I don’t know if it will be? I let my tongue trace his closed lips. He relents and opens for me, allowing me the power over this kiss, letting me control how tender and slow I want it.

  I pull away and just look at him. It shouldn’t be like this. We should be in the house in bed together, not like this. We should be able to get to know each other better. Oh, I know what you’re thinking, that we haven’t been together long. And you would be right. But I have known Alekzander Volkov for months, so you see, for me, it’s the intimacy that we are new to, not the workings of each other. I know how he takes his coffee. I know what his favorite food is. It’s the little things that make a relationship. Sex is just sex and, trust me, I would know that better than most.

  “So what are you going to do about your brother?”

  That’s the real question that’s been spinning around in my mind. I don’t want to think of Damien hurting him. His brother should be supporting him, not casting him aside like trash. Gamblers need an understanding approach, but Damien just can’t see it. He is blinded by the fear that he will have to step in and save his family again. But what is compassion if you don’t show it to the people who matter most? Then you’re just as cold as the person who showed you no compassion.

  “I’m going to drive up to the house now and face him, Em. What else can I do? If I don’t go back, he will know that someone told me not to return, and I don’t want that coming back on you.”

  That right there is compassion, to put someone else before yourself. Even though it scares me to death, I’m going to worry like mad every minute he is there.

  “You know that it’s not going to go down well, don’t you? Don’t lie to him though if he asks you how long, just be honest with him.” He looks like a lost little boy, one who needs his mum to pick up the pieces and put him back together. It must be hard for him living with the guilt because he thinks he caused her death.

  He didn’t ask to have an addiction. Could he have handled it better? Probably, but when you live so far in your own head and you get lost in the web that is weaved, it’s hard to come back from that on your own

  “I know. So, I suppose there is no time like the present.”

  He starts the car and I panic. He can’t show up with me sat in the car with him, that would just rock the boat even more.

  “You need to drop me back in the village and I will walk back up to the house. I can’t show up with you, Alek.”

  He shakes his head at me. “Why can’t you just come with me?” How can he ask me this? He knows I can’t. It wouldn’t be right. I have the kids to think about. What would Faith and Damien do without someone to look after Anastasia? Or when Cami and Malc come over, who would watch Charlie so the girls can go out to lunch? I want to go with him more than anything, but I’m torn. If I go with him then I risk losing Faith and Cami, and they have been nothing but kind to me since I arrived here. And Cami; the hours that we have spent talking about what happened, how she opened up to me about what she went through. That woman has balls of brass; I can’t ever imagine burying a child. I don’t think I would have the strength to come back from that. To live each day knowing that you will never know how they grow up or what they will be like, or even who they will take after. That is supposed to be the joy of parenting, that you get to experience everything. Not to have a taste then loose it.

  But then Malc went and found her and brought her home. They got through their problems together, because that’s what couples do. You don’t have to fight your battles alone when you have someone who is willing to stand by your side and fight with you. That’s what love is. It’s not always the easy path, it’s not always the right path, but one thing’s for sure, it’s the only path you can follow.

  And this is what’s making it even harder for me to grasp. I love Alek, and I want to fight his corner, but I’m not sure if it’s going to be enough to win the war that is coming.

  “You know why, Alek. I can’t just forget everything they have done for me.” I don’t look at him. I can’t, because If I see the look I think is on his face right now, I will cave.

  “You can’t let him hold this over you, Emma. You’re better than this. His help wasn’t given at a cost to you, it was given because you needed it. I may not see eye to eye with Damien right now, but I know that deep down he wouldn’t hold it against you if you did come with me.”


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