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Hidden Deceit: A Mafia Romance (Corrupt Minds Book 2)

Page 11

by Camille Alexander

  After a month or two, Mario and Franco came to the States to see what we were up to. They were rather comfortable, and we were sure they’d never go back home to Sicily. It was so good to see them, I even shed a tear when they left—bizarre, I know!

  The more things change, the more they stay the same. Mama would check in on a fortnightly basis, regular as clockwork, to ask if I was pregnant yet. The woman was an Italian ovary whisperer. I kept my cool and made sure my birth control regimen was bulletproof. Mothers!


  My father and I were working closely together on the new venture. I made plans for new locations and opportunities to expand what we already had in Sicily. A few men from the organization relocated to Florida to assist me in the expansions. The USA was most certainly the land of opportunity. The business was booming, and not having Gino in my face everywhere I turned was a huge relief.

  Having Mario and Franco visit completed the gang. The beautiful women of the nightclubs of Palm Beach were never the same again after Mario’s visit. Even Franco lightened up, shocking as it was.

  Ella and I were very involved with the construction of our dream home. Ella had planted as many exotic flora and trees as she could get her hands on. The driveway looked like a scene from the Amazon rainforest. Roses, ferns, palm trees, manicured lawn—my wife had the greenest fingers I’d ever seen.

  “Darling, don’t you think we should slow down with the foliage? Soon, we’ll be living in a jungle.”

  “And why is that a bad thing? I’ve always wanted to be the Jane to your Tarzan.”

  “Now that you put it that way, plant away, my sexy botanist. I can’t wait for all this construction to be done so that we can christen every room in our new home.”

  “Joe, you’re a man after my own heart. Now come over here, Romeo, and help me choose a paint color for the walls in our bedroom.”

  “I think the color ‘nude’ will work nicely. Don’t you, gorgeous?”

  “Tell you what, strip and let me see what I think.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  The builders were all over the site, but that only made the sex hotter. Ella and I locked ourselves in the main ensuite and stripped slowly.

  “Hmm, I think this nude hue has potential. Turn for me,” I said as my hard-on fought like a wild animal to burst free from my pants.

  “How’s this?” Ella did a little turn. Her form made my mouth dry.

  “Oooh, this is a fabulous mirror, Tarzan. Shall we take it for a test run?” She hopped onto the marble slab, the cold stone sending shivers up her spine, making her nipples hard and dark. I took one nipple into my mouth as I stepped out of my pants. Ella was so sexy. She opened her legs, making space for me to move in between them. The sight of her beautiful sex made my shaft ache.

  My pulse raced as I slid into her with a sense of urgency. The sensation of pushing her against the tiles with every stroke got me hot and bothered. I could see our reflection in the mirror, her body moving perfectly with mine. I lifted her off the counter and carried her to the wall opposite the mirror. My back was turned to the mirror.

  “Open your eyes, my sex bomb,” I whispered. “Look.”

  Ella opened her sleepy eyes and watched my body in the reflection of the mirror as I drove myself fast and hard into her. The delicious sight made her come quickly. Her orgasm exploded as I held her up, driving, pushing, and rocking. When she was satisfied, I put her down on the floor, bent her over the counter, and drove hard into her until I came with a groan.

  “And that’s just the bathroom,” she gasped. “I can’t wait for the other rooms to be complete.”

  “Why do you think I designed such a big house, my sweet?”


  The house was finally ready for us to move into. It was spectacular. A gatehouse, tennis court, swimming pool, billiard room, wine cellar, outdoor entertainment room, the works. We were ready to host our parents in style. I couldn’t wait.

  Joe’s parents would come to visit in three weeks’ time and my parents a week before that. We also invited Mario and Franco to stay with us, and naturally, Fabio and Bria would visit too. The preparations were going well. I had appointed the best staff available, some from Sicily and a few local people. The wine cellar was filled with everyone’s favorite, and the whiskey bottles were stacked up beside the racks. We were ready! Queue parents!

  Three days before my parents were scheduled to arrive, the phone rang at three o’clock in the morning. Joe answered. He listened and waited a while before he answered.

  “What is it, my love?” I waited for him to turn to me and answer. He spoke briefly to the caller and hung up. “Joe? What’s wrong?”

  “Come here, my darling,” he said as he put his arms around me.


  “Darling, I’m so sorry. Your father had another heart attack.”

  “Oh, my god. Is he okay?”

  “No, my love. I’m so sorry. He passed away.”

  I remember hearing a guttural sound escape my lips as I screamed at the top of my lungs. Joe held onto me tightly as I tried to get up.

  “Shhh, my love. Shhh. I’ve got you.”

  “No! No!”


  Ella lay crying hard like a small child in my arms. I held her for the longest time. When she went quiet, I took her face in my hands and kissed her on her eyelids. “I’m so sorry, my love. I’ll make traveling arrangements immediately to get us back to Sicily. Pack a few things. I’ll do everything else. I love you, my Ella.”

  I called Fabio and Bria. They were at our home within half an hour. Bria went upstairs to help Ella pack, while Fabio and I took care of the traveling arrangements. The four of us flew out of Florida that evening at eight o’clock. My Ella hardly spoke the whole way there.

  Mario and Franco met us at the airport and took us straight to Alicia’s home.


  My heart ached. Seeing my mother’s face caused me physical pain. She fell apart in my arms as I held her. I tried not to cry—I had to be strong for her. Joe’s parents came to be with us. Bella made sure everyone was fed, and Antonio took care of the funeral arrangements and the wake. The house was a hive of activity, friends and family, in and out. But amid the comings and goings, a chasm of silence surrounded my mother and me.

  My overwhelming emotion was guilt. Guilt for not being there to say goodbye to my father, the man I adored, my rock. Guilt for not being there for my mother when she needed me most. So much guilt. The days preceding the funeral, I locked myself away in his study, surrounding myself with his smell, his books—all the things that reminded me of my hero.

  I paged through old photo albums of us on family holidays, laughing and exploring. Too soon we grow and leave home. We never understand the void we, as children, leave in the hearts of our parents when we grow up and live our own lives. It took me many years after the death of my father to forgive myself. But at that moment, I was a mess.

  “Come eat something, my darling.” My mother stood at the door to the study. She watched as I surrounded myself with everything Giovani.

  “I’m not hungry, Mama.”

  “Come, let’s have some coffee. I could use a break. How about you?”

  I understood my mother’s need for the familiar. I went downstairs with her, and together, we sat at the kitchen table we’d spent so many years at.

  “Mama, did Papa say anything before he died?”

  “He did, my sweet. He told me that his girls had made his life complete. He loved every moment he got to spend with us and that we should enjoy our lives and not waste precious time mourning him.”

  “That’s so Papa. How are you, Mama? Is there anything I can do for you?

  “Having you here with me is all I need. I love you, my beautiful girl.”

  “I love you, Mama.”

  Chapter Eleven


  My father’s funeral was well attended. His gregarious personality garnered him many dear fr
iends and respectful acquaintances. I was so proud of Mama. She carried herself with dignity and grace throughout.

  After the mourning period was over, I decided to stay with my mother for a few weeks. Joe returned home to take care of business. I missed him but was happy to have alone time with Mama. I helped her pack Papa’s things into boxes. She wasn’t ready to give it away. I loved her for that. One night, at dinner, I spoke to her about her future.

  “Mama, please come live with Joe and me in Palm Springs. You’ll be happy there. Please, Mama.”

  “My darling, I love it here. Sicily is my home. All my friends are here. I’m too old to start over again. I know you worry about me but please don’t. My life is here, near your Papa. I’m going to be just fine.”

  “Promise me that you’ll visit Joe and me often, Mama. I miss you.” I held her hand as she smiled up at me.

  “I promise, my darling.”


  The house was empty without Ella. I loved her for wanting to spend time with her mother, but my world without her was unbearable. Fabio and Bria kept me in pasta and conversation, and I kept myself occupied with work. My parents canceled their trip to Florida after all that had happened. I was happy to have seen them in Sicily. Ella was booked on a flight back in two days. I was like a little child at Christmas. I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms again.

  On the morning of Ella’s flight back to Florida, the phone rang early. Expecting it to be her, I answered happily. It was Alicia. She was talking loudly and very fast.

  “Alicia? Is that you, Mama? Slow down, I can’t understand you. What is it?”

  “She’s gone!”

  “Who’s gone? What are you saying, Mama?”

  “Ella. She’s gone! I went to her room this morning to wake her, and her bed was empty. I can’t find her anywhere.”

  “Perhaps she’s gone for a walk, Mama. I’m sure she’ll be back soon. She may have needed some time to herself before she left home.”

  “No! She’s gone, Joe. Her room is a mess. The lamp next to her bed is shattered into pieces, and there’s blood on the headboard. I don’t know what to do, Joe!”

  “Oh, my god!” My heart was racing—it was all I could do not to throw up. My legs buckled, and I sat hard on the edge of the bed to stop myself from falling to the floor. “Alicia, listen closely to me. Phone my father right away. Tell him what’s happened. I’m on my way, Mama. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  I slammed the receiver down and picked it up immediately to call Fabio. Then, I threw a few things into a bag while I called Mario.

  “Hey, Joe! So good to hear from—”

  “Mario, listen carefully.” The panic in my voice stopped him mid-sentence.

  “What is it, buddy? What’s happened?”

  “Mario, someone has taken Ella.”

  “What? What are you talking about? Who? Why? What the fuck is going on, Joe?”

  “I don’t know. Alicia just called me and told me. Ella is gone and there’s blood on the headboard in her room. Please, take Franco and go to her house right now. Have a look around and see if you can find anything.”

  “I’m on my way. Don’t worry, Joe. We’ll find her. I’m going to kill the fuckers who’ve taken her.”

  I ended the call and made my way downstairs. Fabio and Bria were waiting in the car for me. When we got to the airport, Fabio and I booked the first flight back to Palermo. Fabio insisted that Bria stay behind. She needed to stay safe, away from whatever we’d walk into. She protested vehemently but ultimately she did. Please God, please let her be safe. Please help me.

  The flight was a living nightmare. I couldn’t sit still, so I paced the aisles, wearing out the plush carpet in first class. When Fabio and I landed, my father’s driver was waiting to take us back to the Coli mansion. The grounds were swarming with men carrying guns, cars everywhere.

  My father came out to greet me and took me into his arms. “Come in, my son. Come in.”

  Fabio and I followed him inside. My mother embraced me. She held me tightly. When she let go, I followed Papa into his study.

  “Have you heard anything yet? Has anybody called with demands? What’s the word on the street, Papa?” I was talking a mile a minute.

  “Calm down, my son. I’ve got all my men out looking for her, busting down doors and rounding up snitches. It won’t be long, now. Here, drink this.” He put a glass of whiskey in my hand.

  I threw it back, hoping the warm, golden liquid running down my throat would bring some relief. It did not.


  I felt sick. My eyes were heavy when I tried to open them. The taste of blood in my mouth was pungent. The room smelled of coffee—it was small and dark. I tried my best to push myself up off the floor. My wrists hurt. I suspected they were bruised. My head was throbbing. Where the hell was I?

  The events of the previous evening came back to me in a slow trickle. I was packing my bags, enjoying a cup of coffee, and getting myself ready for bed. I was looking forward to seeing my Joe again. Being with my mother was cathartic, but I missed my husband. Joe had been such a comfort to my mother and me. I loved him so.

  The last thing I remembered was a noise behind me. I turned to see what it was, and that’s when the searing pain took over and darkness enveloped me. I couldn’t see my attacker, which made me fearful. A faceless foe was a frightening one. Joe! Please find me, my love. I need you.


  The guard from the gatehouse burst into the house. I heard my mother directing him to my father’s study. He knocked on the open door and came in. “Boss, someone just dropped this note at the gate. Threw it at us from a speeding car, actually. I thought it may be important.”

  “Thank you, Paolo. Leave us.”

  “Yes, Boss.” He closed the door behind him. I opened the envelope and read it. Afterward, I sat down. I gave it to my father to read. He read it, then picked up the phone and started dialing. My legs wouldn’t move, and my hands were numb. I stared at my father as he spoke into the receiver. When he was done, he ended the call and looked up at me.

  “Stay calm, my son. Help is on the way. We’ll find her. They wouldn’t dare hurt her.”

  “Who would have the balls to do this, Papa? Do you think Gino would be that stupid?”

  “Gino doesn’t have the brains to pull off something like this. He’s small time. It’s someone else. I’m going to find out why, and kill the bastard.”

  Half an hour after my father’s call, men started to arrive. Mario and Franco joined us at the house. Mario’s father was there too, armed to the teeth with muscle heads and tommy guns. My mother and Alicia were in the living room. I went over to them to comfort and assure them that Ella would be back soon and safely.

  As I went back outside, Gino was walking towards us.

  “Joe! I heard what happened. I’m sorry, brother. What can I do to help?”

  I was suspicious of Gino. I had been since the day his bitch of a mother ruined my wedding day. There was something slimy about him, but I couldn’t condemn anyone by sight and history alone. I had no idea—I couldn’t assume.

  “Thank you, Gino. If you hear anything let me know.”

  “You got it.”

  He left me and went over to talk to my father. I watched as they spoke. As much as I loathed the man, I knew he wasn’t a good enough actor to pull this off—or so I hoped. All I knew is that I couldn’t sit around waiting for something to happen. I called Mario and Franco over.

  “This is fucked up, man. What can we do to help?” Mario was serious, probably for the first time since we’d met.

  Franco, the town grump, came over and put his hand on my shoulder. “Anything to help, Joe, I’ll do it. We love Ella. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

  I was so stunned my jaw was agape. “Thank you, guys. I can’t sit around here and do nothing.”

  “Let’s get going. My father knows the streets better than anyone. I’ve learned a couple of t
hings from him. I know someone who can help us find Ella.”

  The three of us left without announcing it. I wasn’t going to answer a bunch of questions while my wife was out there somewhere, waiting for me.


  The room was dimly lit, so I couldn't tell what time of day it was or how long I’d been there. I wore the same clothes as the night before—thank God I wasn’t in my silky PJs. I listened in the hopes that I’d hear something or someone, but all I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding in my head.

  I suddenly thought of my poor mother. The woman had just lost her husband, and now, her daughter was missing, without a trace. Whoever it was could kiss their golden years goodbye. Retribution, Sicilian style, was a bitch. If I weren’t so pissed off, I’d almost pity the poor fool who dared to kidnap the wife of a Coli. What an idiot.

  I liked the smell of coffee as much as the next Italian, but the intense smell had become overwhelming. I deduced that whoever snatched me was holding me in a coffee export warehouse.

  Midway through my succinct expletives, I heard footsteps. A woman’s voice was barking orders, followed by the sound of scurrying feet and clanging keys. I held my breath while someone unlocked the door and flicked on a light. I shielded my eyes with my hand as the bright light sent a sharp pain through my head.

  “Good, you’re awake.”

  The woman’s voice sounded vaguely familiar, but my ears were ringing and my eyes hurt. So, I averted my gaze.

  “It’s good to see you again, Eleanora. You looked very different in your wedding dress.”

  “Abriana? Is that you?” On a scale of one to ten on the WTF scale, I shot up to twelve.

  “Good memory. Then again, I did make quite an entrance.”

  “Abriana, what the hell are you doing? Is this Gino’s idea or yours?”

  “My boy knows nothing about this. I thought it better to keep him out of it.”


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