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The Gathering

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by S L Dearing

  S. L. Dearing



  Book One of the

  Lia Fail Chronicles

  This Book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living

  or dead, is coincidental.

  Copyright © 2009 by Shannon L. Dearing

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  For all information, please contact Author at

  The artwork used on the cover of this book is done so expressly by permission of the artist. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this artwork or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.

  All information pertaining to the cover art may be sent through the author at the website,

  Cover Art: The Falcon Spy

  Cover art by Gayleen Beyers

  Copyright© 2009 by Gayleen Beyers

  Edited by Coeli Jones

  First Edition POD

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  This book is dedicated to:

  My husband, David,

  For always believing in me.

  My mother, Karen,

  For always seeing my talent

  And encouraging me to embrace it.

  My niece, Kalina,

  You are the angel of my heart.

  My Brother, Pat, and my Sister, Mary Kate,

  You are where my wit and laughter live,

  What would I do without you?

  My grandma, Lucy,

  You were the one that taught us strength and

  Boundless love. I miss you.

  And my father, Michael,

  For always making me reach further and farther

  Than I ever thought I could.

  You are my hero.

  I love you all.


  He felt the evil growing. He knew the time had come so he ran and they followed him, running as fast as they could. The frigid night air cut into their throats like knives as their legs pushed them away from the battle, each muscle expanding and contracting in rhythm. He had to get to safety, but where? Then he remembered his vision. The caves, he had to get them to the caves.

  Then he heard the sounds of horses, followed by soldiers yelling. He knew they mustn’t be seen. He ordered them forward as he stopped to assess their enemy's approach. He stared into the distance, but saw nothing save for the flickering of torches. He turned and watched his clan move through the wooded hills towards the caves in the mountain. His nostrils twitched as he turned his head back towards the dark night. He narrowed his field of vision and there he saw them.

  An orange glow began to rise over the ridge and he drew a long sharp breath. He yelled for them to hurry, then turned and ran with what little strength he had left, once again taking the lead.

  The glow moved rapidly over the ridge like a great serpent spreading quickly down the hill. His mouth was dry and his head pounded in sync with his legs.

  Then he saw the caves, just beyond the trees. He ordered his clan into the mountain. They drove through the opening and plunged into darkness, each muscle burning and sore, pushed to its ultimate limit.

  The murkiness of the cave made them slow slightly, but he kept them moving forward with as much speed as they could manage. Despite the cold, the dampness of the stone was making the dryness in his chest ease and he was grateful.

  They ran for what seemed an eternity and then he saw it, a light. He ran to it and they followed, bursting out the side of the mountain like a flood. In the distance he saw a glow and he ordered his clan to move towards it. It was warm and comforting, not the threatening serpent of fire they had just left on the other side of the mountain. After a short distance he led them off the road and into the trees.

  He stopped once again, turning to watch for their enemies, but there was nothing behind them, nothing but the darkness of the caves.

  He turned and ran again to the front of his people, who had stopped and were staring into the distance. He could now see the source of the warm light. It was a great village with a grand castle. His nostrils twitched again and he walked forward, smiling. This was the place. That was the castle, there was the flag and she was there, he could feel it.

  He urged his clan forward. They moved slowly towards the village, exhausted. The great walls were close now, rising high into the night sky. He told them to move into the woods and they turned one by one disappearing into the trees.

  When the last of his people had withdrawn, he walked towards the trees, but before he entered the forest he stopped and turned his head. He stared at a window in a turret, her window. He sighed heavily and smiled as he walked into the wood.


  The early morning silence of the village was heavy in the cool autumn air, but that would soon change as it was the third Sunday of November, the Gathering.

  This was the time when all of the villages gathered at the chosen colony to trade goods and tales, and when families and friends were re-united. The last Gathering of the year would be in Lia Fail, the great pagan village, resting tall on top of the Santa Monica Mountains, just above the ruins of the old Hollywood sign.

  The quiet of the morning was as yet undisturbed, save for the few sentinels at their posts, occasionally shifting their gaze from one end of the horizon to the other in bored observation.

  A giant stone wall surrounded the town, allowing the sentinels to see over both valleys. Every two hundred feet sat a giant tower. A walkway extended the entire length of the wall, running through each tower. The village was a fortress.

  There were some gardens in the settlement, but most of the crops were outside the wall, as were many of the herding animals who grazed among the chaparral, and who were being tended to before the sun rose. A creek running along the edge of the village supplied water for the community. In addition to the creek, an underground spring ran through the center of the town, where several wells had been placed to benefit the settlement.

  The walls were made of stone that was eight feet thick and secured by steel, and the two main gates at the front and rear of the colony had been fortified by giant metal portcullises.

  The entire area was reminiscent of a medieval castle, save for bits of technology like the windmills that grew from behind homes and parapets, and solar panels that were attached to the highest roofs and turrets. The rays of the sun rose higher in the sky and began to reflect off the panels, causing the light to dance and sparkle.

  Sean Lantry, the captain of the guard, appeared from the lower hall of the barracks and moved steadily across the courtyard to the stairs of the eastern wall. His lean, muscular build advanced easily up the steps. As he approached the battlement, his gaze was turned to the rising sun. The light reflected against his long, wavy brown hair, blowing gently around his stubble-strewn, darkly tanned face. He closed his eyes to a squint in an attempt to make out the figures riding from the edge of the valley.

  "Creegan! Jones!" He pointed towards the moving figures.

  The two guards looked in the direction their captain had ordered. Molly Creegan, a tall, thin woman in her mid-twenties with short black hair and almond-shaped gray eyes, grabbed a pair of binoculars and looked to the east, positioning them to get the best angle without being blinded by the ever-increasing light of the sun.

  There, in the distance, she saw six riders approaching the village. No banner was waving, but they rode in a familiar fashion. The other guard, Arthur Jones, then adjusted his eyeglass and recognized the lead figure.

  "It's her, Captain," he shouted.

  Sean grinned and called
to the soldiers by the entrance.

  "Open the gate!"

  Sean turned back to Molly.

  "Did she catch anything?"

  Molly looked back through the binoculars and began to smile, then pulled the binoculars down and looked slyly at her partner. Arthur Jones was a short, stocky young man, with a head full of short, strawberry-blond hair; he too began to smile as if in anticipation of what she was going to say.

  "Well, she appears to have a hell of a catch on her horse, Sir, but my gut tells me that it isn't hers," Molly said.

  Sean smiled and waved Jones and Molly back to their posts. The two soldiers laughed and turned as Sean trotted down the winding steps, back to the courtyard.

  The first signs of activity began to fill the village as the soldiers moved to the front of the parapet where several more guards were pulling the gates open. Despite the early hour, several faces looked out their windows into the courtyard as the soldiers' shouts echoed against the stone walls.

  As Sean approached the bottom step, Vivian Shorely, chancellor to the queen, was waiting in anticipation.

  "What is she doing out there unattended, Captain?"

  Sean looked at the thin, pinched face of the middle-aged woman and smiled slowly, cocking his head.

  "I have no idea, Chancellor, I wasn't invited."

  He moved around Vivian and continued towards the gate. Vivian's mouth dropped open at the obvious dismissal. She shook her head and spun on her heel in pursuit.

  "See here, Captain! It is your responsibility to look after the safety of the queen, is it not?"

  Sean turned to the woman, who had to stop suddenly so as not to run into him.

  "I beg your pardon?" he asked.

  "I said," she began sarcastically, "is she or is she not your responsibility?"

  Vivian folded her arms in front of her as she smugly completed her sentence. Sean took a step up to her and put his face to hers.

  "See here, Woman…"

  She gasped, "Woman?!"

  "I realize to some it might be hard to tell, but you are a woman, right?”

  Vivian scrunched her little face into a frown as Sean continued.

  “Yeah, here's the deal… it’s my job to make sure everyone in this village is protected and if the queen should choose to leave the safety of these walls, which is her prerogative, then I have no control over that."

  Vivian's tight face became even more pinched as she tried to respond, but was once again rebuffed as Sean turned and walked in the direction of the approaching riders.

  From the wall above, a young sentry called out, "Here they come!"

  Through the gates, the horses pounded into the quad, led by the queen. Her auburn hair looked like spiral flames as it flowed behind her. She wore a small leather top and long leather pants. The sun glistened off her tanned and muscled body as steam rose from her skin, while she reigned in the giant animal.

  Several stable hands came forward and grabbed the horses' reins as the riders dismounted. The queen jumped down from the left side of her horse and began to walk towards Sean, and he watched her with wonder and pride.

  She was the queen of Lia Fail, Alia Stark. She demanded respect and her people gladly gave it. Not one person in Lia Fail could look into those mysterious gold eyes and help but pledge their loyalty. Sean marveled at the round soft features of her face, a contradiction to the strength of this lady. She was forty-eight, he knew that, but she didn’t look a day over thirty.

  Sean walked towards the queen, quickly followed by Vivian.

  “Anxious?” Sean asked as he raised his eyebrows.

  Alia furrowed her brow and looked at Sean. Her eyes blazed as brightly as her hair. A slight smile appeared on her face.

  “You trying to say something, Lantry?”

  “No, Ma'am.” He smiled and shook his head. “It’s just that you don’t usually take off so early in the morning, especially to hunt.”

  Vivian moved forward, pushing Sean out of the way, causing him to roll his eyes as he was forced to take several steps back, shaking his head.

  “Your Highness!”

  The chancellor spoke loudly and with a shrill forcefulness that made Alia take a step back and frowned.

  “Your Highness,” Vivian continued, “the Gathering is starting today."

  "I know, Vivian."

  "Then how can you behave so irresponsibly and go off riding without a proper escort? What if something had happened to you? There is so much to be done. You have petitioners in just a few hours, the cakes have to be checked, the breads tasted, the wine chosen, then you have to begin getting dressed for your presentation…”

  Vivian stopped short and sharply inhaled, only to look directly into the face of the queen, who was now right in front of her, hands on her hips. The furrow had deepened considerably.

  “I…well, I …things…” Vivian stammered and stopped as Alia held her hand in front of the chancellor's face. Sean turned around so that no one could see him smirk, on the verge of laughter.

  “Vivian, I go where I want, when I want,” Alia stated. “Please remember that… and for the record, I did have an escort. I also understand the importance of this day and I'm aware of all the things that must be done prior to the arrival of our guests.”

  Alia stepped back and motioned for the chefs to take the game. Gordon Hutton, the head chef, stepped forward and patted a fat deer, which was slung across the back of the queen’s horse.

  “Most excellent, Your Majesty! That’s quite a prize you took down!”

  “Sorry, Gordon, I only got a few ducks and quail. Quinn and Todd brought this bad boy down.”

  The two large men in their early twenties smiled at Gordon and smashed their fists together and then curled their arms around and under like body builders. They were physical opposites of one another. Quinn was pale and blond, where Todd was dark skinned and had black hair.

  Gordon frowned and shook his head as he walked towards the kitchens, hurrying his butchers and chefs along as he did.

  "Don't be sore, Gordo," Quinn yelled after him.

  "He's still pissed about that cake."

  Todd looked at Quinn, who looked around, then slyly smiled.

  "Good cake.

  Alia smiled and looked to her captain.

  “Hey!” barked Sean. “You two still have sentry duty in a few hours. So put your horses up and get some food.”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  They smirked until they saw that Sean was not laughing. Only when their backs were turned and they had headed off to the stables did their captain break into a grin and wink at Alia.

  Vivian's face grew crimson, the color spreading from her neck to the top of her head while she watched the commotion. She fidgeted and bounced in her tightly laced shoes, slightly tapping her toes in annoyance. Alia gave Sean a knowing look and slowly turned to face her chancellor.

  “Alright, Vivian, here we go. Please check with Janeen and her staff verifying the assigned areas for our guests, both tent housing and vendor booths. Also, check with Duncan Worley and verify that his staff is also prepared to assist our guests with any help they might need…Oh, and make sure they are prepared for plumbing issues. Please make sure that your staff keep the petitioners to an hour today. With everything going on, I'm just not going to have time. Also, I'm putting you in charge of keeping the kitchens on time, which includes picking the wine and making sure the beer is cold, and that breakfast, lunch and dinner are on time. Please assist Gordon with whatever he needs, and be willing to take his advice, as he is our head chef. I know he and his staff have been working very hard for the last month trying to perfect their recipes and for the last week they've been up almost every night. I'm sure they could use more help setting up the stands. Pay special attention to the cakes and pastries, Vivian, I would hate for the Crystals to show us up in that department like they did at the last Gathering. It all comes down to you."

  She took Vivian by the shoulders and looked her squarely in the eye

  "Make me proud.”

  Vivian’s face brightened. She turned and strode off in the direction of the main hall.

  "And Vivian…"

  Vivian turned and looked at the queen in earnest.

  "Be on the lookout for Quinn and Todd. You know how they are about cakes."

  Vivian nodded her head and set her tiny pinched mouth, obviously meaning business. As Vivian walked towards Janeen's office, she thought about the Crystals. They had named their colony Crystal Shade and they had built it on the remnants of the Crystal Cathedral in what was once Garden Grove. The Crystal Cathedral had gone pretty quickly when the bombing began. Vivian would make sure that Lia Fail's confections were the best they had ever been.

  As Vivian turned the corner, Alia took Sean by the arm.

  “I want you to watch those boys as well. I really want to kick some Crystal butt this year and if they steal any of the cakes again…"

  "I know," Sean replied, "it's my ass."

  "Damn straight. Walk me back to the castle.”

  “You are nervous.”

  Alia smiled and placed one hand over her other in the crook of his arm.

  “A little” she said. “I just hope that everyone behaves themselves. Some of the other colonies can get so sanctimonious. The last thing we need is to have to deal with their stupidity.”

  Sean placed his hand on hers and smiled.

  “Not to worry, Al. We'll be watching.”


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