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The Gathering

Page 5

by S L Dearing

  “Thanks, Gram.”

  He tried to sit up, but his father pushed him back.

  “I’m ok, Dad. Really.”

  Sam sat up and looked over at Scott.

  “Can you see yet?”

  Scott turned towards him.


  Sam crawled over to Scott and whispered in his ear to think of those things that were meaningful to him, people, places, and things that brought light into his heart.

  Scott gave him a weird look without seeing him, but Sam told him to try it.

  The Forresters had just arrived back with the town doctor when Scott closed his eyes tightly and took his best friend’s advice. Not five minutes later he opened his eyes and smiled. He looked at Sam.

  “Hey, Red. How goes it?”

  They both laughed and embraced. Jeb Forrester and his wife, Beth, stood in awe and relief as their eldest son stood up and walked over to them. Jeb was the vice president of Pasadena. Henry Forrester stood silently watching his brother, fear in his eyes. Scott finished allowing his parents to hug him and then he grabbed Henry by the shoulder and winked at him. Henry smiled as the relief washed over him and he grabbed Scott's shoulder.

  Lilliana Hearst pulled her son to her. He could smell the salt of her tears mixed with the lavender she always wore.

  "I'm ok, Mom."

  “Let him go, Lilli. He is fine. No evil shall take this boy.”

  Elena Petrulengo walked over to her daughter and grandson. She reached up and pulled his face to hers. She whispered in his face.

  “I am very proud, Boy. You will make a great healer yet.”

  She kissed him and hollered for everyone to continue loading their wagons.

  “I’m not sure we should go.”

  Larry Hearst grabbed his son’s shoulder and Sam could see that he was on the verge of tears. Sam shook his head.

  “No, we should go, Dad. I’m fine. Bud? You feel ok?”

  Scott turned and looked at everyone.

  “Yeah, I feel ok. Little bit of a headache, but fine.”

  Elena Petrulengo turned to her son-in-law.

  “See, they are fine. And if not, then we are going to the village with the best medicine, so they will fix him there.”

  Elena waved her hand at her son-in-law, dismissing him. Elena Petrulengo was a gypsy. Her daughter had fallen in love with an atheist, but she had made every effort to teach her grandchildren about her people's ways, the old magic of the Romany. She then took her daughter’s hand and led her back to the house. Chelsea and Corey Hearst moved towards their brother. Chelsea reached over and moved Sam's hair from his face.

  "Are you ok?"

  Sam looked at her and smiled. Like her brothers, she had long red hair and blue eyes that were now bloodshot from crying.

  "Yeah, Chels. I'm fine. Really."

  Sam could see the fear in her eyes. Corey was looking concerned as well.

  "Really, guys, I'm ok."

  Chelsea was only sixteen, but she had an old soul. Sam often thought about how many times she had taken care of her brothers. Sam pulled her towards him and gave her a reassuring hug. She squeezed him tightly and pressed her face to his chest. Sam marveled at how strong she was, this tiny delicate thing.

  "Ok, as long as you're sure," she said.

  Sam nodded and Chelsea let him go. Sam leaned forward and grabbed Corey by the neck, nodding with his eyebrows raised. Corey smiled nodded back. Sam let him go and Corey went back to the house with Chelsea.

  Larry watched his children with great pride. He moved to help his son continue loading the wagons. Jeb and Scott began to help. They all worked in a relieved silence. Not knowing what had happened had shaken their beliefs to the core. All the while, Jeb and Larry watched their sons. Something had attacked the boys and something Elena had done had saved them, but what was it?

  In the distance, a falcon watched.


  Sean escorted the children and Alia through the village to the main platform, where he turned and bowed to his queen, kissed the top of her hand. She smiled slightly and nodded as she made her way up the wooden steps of the platform, followed by the children and several soldiers, including Myron Chambers.

  Myron was next in command after Sean. He had been a beat cop in the LAPD before the War. He was a threatening figure at first glance; large and imposing with narrowed eyes that gave most reason to pause, but those who knew him knew there wasn’t a bigger heart to be found. Myron had been at Crystal Shade originally, but he felt the cold blanket of prejudice wrapped tightly around him so he left, only to arrive at Lia Fail. Although born a Baptist, he had embraced the freedom of the Fail, and he had met his wife, Carolyn, not twenty-four hours after arriving. He spent hours telling anyone who would listen how it was love at first sight. Carolyn would tell them it wasn’t that fast for her, but eventually he had won her heart.

  As the Starks took their places on the platform, a formation of men and women, dressed in white and gold uniforms, marched through the gates. They moved into the square in two rows and then opened ranks to allow the leaders of Crystal Shade, the Roberts and the Mergansers, to walk towards the platform. Justin Roberts was forty-five and a good looking man, but almost pretty. Every hair was in its place and he looked as though he had applied make-up only moments before. He was dressed in a white velvet suit and gold tie. His wife Tawny was forty. Her hair had been dyed a golden color that not one of the hair keepers in Lia Fail had been able to duplicate and she too was dressed from head to toe in white velvet and gold. Her eyes were covered in powdered chalk and her lips and cheeks were dyed bright red from the natural cosmetics many women currently used; however, Tawny had not mastered in thirteen years, the right way to wear these enhancements so she verged on looking clownish, which was a shame as Tawny was actually a very pretty woman. The three Roberts children walked up behind their parents. Brittany, Clara and Peter were sixteen, twelve and ten respectively and the spitting image of their parents.

  Stephan Merganser and his two sons, Elian and Albion, dressed in the same attire walked along side the Roberts family. Stephan, an attractive man, was known to harbor feelings of desire for Alia but often came across as arrogant and self-righteous. Elian was a handsome boy of eighteen, but behaved much like his father. Albion had a sweet face and bright blue eyes. He was sixteen, and unlike his father and brother was very shy and quiet. Alia always made sure to acknowledge Albion and secretly hoped he would someday precede all the others to rule Crystal Shade. They needed someone who could teach them about true tolerance.

  Stephan and Justin had built Crystal Shade together and they ran it together. They were both ministers of the Schuyler word and relished the conversions of those they referred to as the "unaware." Stephan was in his early fifties and had lost his wife a year before Alia had lost Paul. Anne Merganser had been abducted. They had never found her body, but did find a pendant she never removed. It was believed she had been murdered.

  The procession stopped in front of the platform and both families made their way up to the top. Once reaching the top, Justin and Stephan bowed deeply before Alia, as did the rest of their family members. Then the Starks returned the tribute, but as the children bowed and curtsied, Peter Roberts made a face at Lisa and Brandon. The twins were a quiet pair and not prone to reacting, so they ignored him, but Amanda saw the look and was about to yell at Peter, when a hand came over her mouth. It was Alisha. She shook her head at Amanda, who was about to protest, but stopped when she saw Alisha mouth the word "later." Amanda stepped back in disappointment and sighed. Alia stepped forward and raised her arms in front of her.

  "Those from Crystal Shade, we at Lia Fail bid you welcome. Please come and set up your wares and unpack. Let it be known that the Gathering has begun. Please follow Chancellor Shorely."

  A huge wave of applause erupted from the onlookers. The Crystals all smiled and tilted their heads in a way that gave insight to the idea that they thought they might catch something if they let
their guard down. Alia motioned for the Crystals to move to the left of the stage where Vivian was waiting. Vivian smiled tightly and lifted her arms over head. Several men and women in similar outfits rushed to her side where they all turned and led the garish troop of visitors to their quarters and the market place.

  Alia turned to Justin and his wife.

  "It's good to see you, Justin, Tawny. You look well."

  Justin Roberts took in a deep breath of air and hooked his thumbs in his white velvet vest, rocking back and forth on his heels.

  "As do you, Alia, as do you. I've noticed that your children are becoming quite grown up. Are you certain that you don't want to teach them…?”

  Alia raised her hand and he stopped mid-statement.

  "Now, Justin, I believe we’re aware of the rules in Lia Fail and at the Gathering itself. No talk of conversion. Besides, a Catholic priest baptized all the children when they were born, at Paul's request. And by being baptized, they were also taught what it means to be Catholic."

  Alia put her hand down and as she did, she felt another hand grasp it and pull it forward. Stephan Merganser had raised her hand to kiss it. Alia used all her strength to avoid a grimace.

  “You look lovely, Alia.”

  Alia looked at this man and recalled that although he wasn't unattractive, there was nothing appealing about him whatsoever. She forced a smile and tightly replied.

  “Thank you, Stephan.”

  She pulled her hand back. Alia had long been aware of Stephan's desire to "rescue" her and her children from a life of heathenism, much to her chagrin. She then directed her gaze to Elian and Albion, to whom she smiled and gently nodded. She noticed that Albion slightly smiled back.

  “You know, Alia,” started Stephan, “I was thinking that you and I might spend some time together this evening. It would give us a chance to catch up.”

  Alia again forced a smile.

  "Oh, I'm sure we'll see each other tonight, Stephan, but I’ll be unable to grant individual audiences for several days. My apologies."

  Stephan twitched slightly at being dismissed, but managed to keep his composure and nodded.

  With that she smiled to everyone and turned to her children, who were watching her with great amusement. She gave them a stern look and indicated that they should go about their business. She motioned to Myron, who stepped up and bowed.

  "Commander Chambers will show you to your quarters. You, as well as all of our visiting dignitaries, will be staying in the Keystone House. I'm sure you'll want to get cleaned up and rested after that long journey."

  Myron motioned for the families to follow him with a look of mock respect. The Crystals moved off the platform and turned to look at Alia, who was watching them walk away.

  "See you later, Justin, Tawny…Stephan."

  Stephan looked back at Alia with a slight grin. Sean now stood to Alia's left and had his hands behind his back. Alia gritted her teeth in her frozen smile as she waved at all.


  Sean took a deep breath and coughed. Alia turned to see him fighting off the laughter.

  "Sorry,” he said. “I just wanted to let you know that St. Paul's is about fifteen minutes away and right behind them is Bethel Israel."

  "Thank the gods! People I actually like."

  "It's only a few days."

  Alia smiled and took his arm.

  "Ten to be exact. You know, I couldn't do it without you."

  Sean smiled.

  "I think you could."

  Alia looked at him, but before another word was spoken, there was a tug on her skirt. Alia turned to see Amanda with her arms crossed, staring up at her.

  "What is it, Sweetie?"

  Amanda looked her mother and let out a deep breath.

  "Peter Roberts was making faces at Lisa and Brandon and that was rude. I don't like him."

  Brandon and Lisa walked back up the steps to the top of the platform and Alia smiled as they stood behind their little sister. Alia got down and looked at Amanda.

  "Well, Little Miss, it was rude, but we are a family of great power and thus great responsibility and because of this we have to be nice to lots of people we don't necessarily like."

  Amanda looked at her mother and tilted her head.

  "Even you?"

  "Even me. Especially me. To rule a kingdom, to rule a people is to lead a people. One must set an example."

  "Like a parent?" Asked Lisa.

  "Yeah, sort of."

  The twins had always been a thoughtful pair. Born during the spring equinox, Alia had always thought they had been given a gift of patience, but she knew that everyone had their breaking point.

  "I think I understand, Mommy," said Lisa. "We'll try to help Amanda understand."

  "Yeah…" answered Brandon. "Even though I'd like to punch Peter Roberts flush in the mouth."

  Alia was taken aback and looked at her son open-mouthed, while Sean started to cough, again to cover up the laughter.


  Brandon looked at his mother and sisters staring at him in awe and turned bright red.


  Alia stood up and took his face in her hand.

  "No, Baby, it's ok. I'm just proud of you all for behaving so beautifully with such…difficult people."

  All three children smiled and looked at Sean. He moved forward, took his satchel and drew from it three coins and laid one in each of their hands.

  "Alright you lot, I think there are some cakes or ice creams with your names on them. Off you go... your mom has some business to attend to."

  The children grinned and forgot about the visitors as they hugged Sean and ran down the step off the platform and into the crowd towards the booths.

  Alia stood and stared after her smallest children, and then turned to Sean with a desperate look he had seen before.

  "Brandon wants to punch someone. I never thought I’d hear that. I feel…"

  He placed a finger to her lips to silence her and leaned into her ear so only she could hear.

  "You're a great mother, Alia. Never doubt that. None of us do."

  He pulled back and winked at her. She smiled and for a brief moment wished that they were alone, completely alone.

  "Excuse me, Your Majesty," started a voice from behind her that made her cringe. She turned and was almost face to face with a handsome boy of eighteen.

  "Yes, Elian?" Alia responded.

  "I just wanted to say hello to you and to Captain Lantry, of course, without the others, before I helped my father and brother unpack."

  Alia forced a smile.

  "Well, it's wonderful to see you, Elian, and thank you for taking the time to greet me personally."

  Elian swaggered and smiled believing this display was making a grand impression.

  "I also wanted to ask your permission to spend time with your lovely daughter this evening at the first dance."

  Alia cocked her head and looked at the cocky young man.

  "Well, Elian, I believe that is entirely up to her."

  She stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder.

  "Good luck."

  Then Alia and Sean, with raised eyebrows, walked to the steps and off the platform. They turned to look at the boy, very smug and proud of himself for talking to the queen of Lia Fail. He waved to Alia and Sean; they smiled and turned back around.

  "He’s just like his father," she said.

  Alia turned and looked at Sean, who was trying not to grin.



  “No, tell me.”

  “Well, you could just let Stephan take you out so he…”

  “Shut your mouth!”

  Alia looked at him with utter distaste.

  “I don’t even want to joke about that…that…uuggghh. I don’t have the words for that man.”


  Alia stopped and forced Sean to stop also just a few feet in front of her. She could see his shoulders shake. She
had an idea and cocked her head to one side.

  “Hmm, you know what? Maybe you’re right.”

  Sean turned around and looked at her with an eyebrow up, no longer smiling.

  “I’m sorry?” he asked.

  “You know, Stephan’s not a bad looking guy. Yeah, maybe I should give him a…”

  Sean turned and started walking to the gate. Alia started behind him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “St. Paul’s.”

  She rushed after him and grabbed his arm and pulled him to stop. Sean looked around, but refused to look at her. Alia began to laugh.

  “Sean Lantry, are you jealous?

  Sean looked at her.

  “Wha, why…jealous? Please. You don’t really think he’s good looking, do you?”

  Alia smiled and folded her arms in front of her.

  "I believe I told you what I think of all of them before they walked through our gates."

  "Yeah.” Sean smiled. “Yeah, you did."

  Alia stood there for a minute smiling, until Sean offered his arm. She took it and they made their way to the southern gate, anxious for the arrival of their friends, unaware that Stephan Merganser had watched the whole scene from a distance.


  The Pasadena wagons moved steadily through the mountains towards Lia Fail. Sam was astride his horse, keeping her next to the lead wagon. His mother had insisted that he wear a hat to protect him from the noonday sun and he was now grateful for the suggestion. His long red hair fell in his face and he kept the hat low over his eyes.

  "Can you even see where you're going?"

  Sam smiled and looked to his left at Scott Forrester.

  "I thought you were taking up the rear flanks, Bud?"

  "I was until Ginny Flores and her group started in. ‘So… who are you going to dance with, huh, Scott?' Spare me."

  Sam laughed.

  "Who are you going to dance with?"


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