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The Gathering

Page 7

by S L Dearing

  The boys in the Squad would come and go. The only constant for Sara was Elian Merganser. He asked her to dance at every Gathering and would drone on and on about how his colony's conversions were going, which Sara had no interest in, but since he was a dignitary's son and she was single, she always felt obligated to dance with him. Sara looked at her mother.

  "Is the jackass Stephan Merganser?"

  "How'd you know?"

  Sara smiled and looked at her mother.

  "The real reason I’m waiting to go out later…Jackass Junior."

  Alia laughed.

  "Poor Albion. At least when his mom was alive he had her, now he's stuck with them."

  Sara laughed with Alia. Sara was just glad to have her mother to herself for a moment. As they sat talking and laughing, Sara realized sometimes she really missed the quiet days when she had both her mom and dad.

  Alia saw the sadness on her daughter's face.

  "What's the matter, Baby?"

  Sara smiled and let a tear run down her cheek.

  "I miss them."

  Alia looked at her girl and wiped the tear away. Alia wrapped her arms around Sara and rocked her gently.

  "Me, too, Baby. Me, too."

  Alia rested her head on top of Sara's and they sat quietly, rocking back and forth, allowing themselves a moment of sadness. After all, the Gathering was a time to remember.


  Kaley Stark had finished changing out of her ceremonial dress and was sitting in the main turret of the east side of the castle and looking out over the festivities when she saw him- Ian Turner. He looked exactly as she remembered, but somehow he seemed older and more like a man. She marveled at how much they differed in appearance.

  Kaley looked like her grandmother, with dark hair, long and straight and green eyes with flecks of gold. Her body was thin and willowy, so much so that her father had taken to calling her the lady ghost, because he said she floated when she walked. Ian was tall and strapping. His blond hair was long all around and reached to just above his shoulders. His eyes were as blue as the sky and he had a dimple on his left cheek just below his mouth.

  Kaley felt her face flush and she groaned at her behavior. She wasn't like other girls. She had things to think about besides boys.

  In spite of herself, she looked out the window again. He was standing in the sun, helping his father set up a tent for one of their people. The sun was bearing down and he had leaned back, the wetness of his hair sticking to his face and she could see the sweat glisten around his forehead.

  She watched as Chris and Tanner walked over to greet Ian. They spoke for a few minutes and she watched as they nodded and shook hands. Her brothers then walked off towards the castle, leaving Ian to go back to work.

  He picked up a hammer and walked over to where a tent stake had been placed loosely in the ground. He then looked back at the sun and laid the hammer down. He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head.

  Kaley felt the air sharply enter her lungs as she watched him. She could see the ripple of every muscle on his chest and stomach, his skin lightly coated with golden hair and glistening with sweat. He grabbed the hammer, lifted the tool behind his head and then pulled it down to the spike, striking it hard. Her fingers curled tightly around the drapery as her left hand came to her mouth and the tips of her fingers lightly caressed her lips.

  "You like him, huh?" came the soft voice from behind Kaley's head.

  Kaley jumped and grabbed her heart.

  "Damn it, Shay. Why to you have to be so quiet?"


  Coeli started to move out of the turret, when Kaley grabbed her sister's arm and turned her around.

  "I didn't mean to snap, you just startled me."

  As the sixteen-year-old turned around, Kaley could see her sister was on the verge of tears.

  "Oh, Sweetie. I'm sorry."

  Coeli shook her head.

  "It's not you. It's just…"

  "What?" Kaley asked.

  "Well, there's this boy I like…"

  Kaley groaned and Coeli looked like Kaley had just slapped her. Realizing she was about to make a mess of things, Kaley began to explain.

  "I'm sorry, Honey. It's just that all the girls in this family seem to think about are boys and I was hoping…"

  "I'd think about girls?"

  Kaley started to laugh at her sister's wit and although Coeli tried to be indignant, she too soon smiled.

  "No" Coeli said. "It's just that I like this boy a lot, but I think he likes Sara. Like every other boy our age does."

  "So who is this guy?"

  Coeli stared intently at the floor with her large charcoal-gray eyes and twirled her long black hair between her fingers, catching the little curls around her fingertips.

  Kaley reached over and took her sister's face gently in her hands and lifted Coeli's eyes to meet her own. Kaley looked into those eyes and saw the fear and longing she knew so well in her own heart.

  "Who, Sweetie?"

  "Sam Hearst," Coeli answered in almost a whisper.

  "Of Pasadena? He's a nice boy, Shay. He's very cute."

  "Yeah, I think so."

  "Why do you think he likes Sara?"

  "I don't know, just a feeling I guess. At the last Gathering, all he did was stare at her. She's so beautiful, you know?"

  Kaley folded her arms and furrowed her brow, much like her mother.

  "I guess you haven't looked in a mirror lately, huh?"

  Coeli's face flushed at the compliment, but she looked at the floor when she smiled. Kaley once again took her sister's face into her hands and stared into those lovely charcoal eyes. In that moment, Kaley realized how much she looked like their other grandmother.

  "Listen to me, Little Girl. Sara is beautiful, but so are you. You know why all those boys flock to Sara don't you?"

  Coeli shook her head.

  "She has confidence, Shay. She walks into a room as if she owns it. I bet if you lifted your head and walked with that air of confidence that you have when you’re singing, half of the Sara Squad would be the Coeli Squad."

  Coeli smiled.

  "I just want the one. I'm not greedy."

  Kaley's brow arched to see if she had made a dent.

  "But I understand, " Coeli continued. "Just put out the same vibe I do when I sing and pretend everyone wants me, right?"


  "I'll try."

  Coeli hugged her sister and turned to leave the turret. Kaley sat back down by the window and slyly glanced back down at where Ian had been standing moments before only to see him pour a bucket of water over his head and then run his fingers through his hair, pushing it back from his closed eyes. She felt her knees go weak.

  "Oh, wow."

  A giggling came from behind her.

  "You're right," Coeli piped up. "All the girls in this family are boy crazy."

  "That's it!"

  Kaley jumped up and chased Coeli out of the room. Below, Ian Turner gazed up to the turret. He was wondering if Kaley Stark was thinking about him. He hoped she was as he turned and went back to work.


  The day moved quickly from morning to afternoon as the remaining colonies arrived one by one, except for St. Viviana's, who didn't attend the Gatherings, and Salt Lake II, who often came late as they had set up their village near the old Nevada border.

  The air was heady with the scents of food, wine, beer and incense, as by now, most of the vending booths were set up and shopping had begun.

  Vance Worley had spent the entire day assisting his father, Duncan. Duncan Worley was the head of the Lia Fail construction department. He and his workers maintained the buildings and defensive walls of Lia Fail and during the next ten days they were the ones to assist in the set up and ultimate dismantling of the visiting villages, stages, etc.

  He and Vance were inspecting the stands and the wagons of the visitors and making sure that they were properly housed and that if they had animals,
they were of no threat to anyone and were also properly housed.

  Vance’s lean, muscular frame was stretched to the top of a tent while he secured the main pole when Duncan turned the flap and walked towards him.

  "Wha'cha doin'?"

  Vance looked at his father and gave him a crooked smile.

  "I think I'm helping you secure a visitor's tent."

  "Have you looked at the time?"


  Duncan lifted his watch and showed Vance that it was almost six p.m.

  "Oh, Damn!"

  Duncan strolled over to the pole, trying not to laugh as Vance started to get impatient.

  “A little faster would be great, Dad.”

  Duncan reached the pole and as his hand slid around the pole, Vance scrambled under his father’s arm and out of the tent. The family that was staying in the tent poked their heads in to see Duncan laughing and securing the pole. He finished and looked over at them.

  "My son's late for a meeting with his future mother-in-law."

  They all laughed and the lady of the tent, who was from Beth Israel, offered Duncan a black and white cookie.

  "Don't mind if I do. Thank you kindly, Ma'am."

  Duncan bowed to the lady and her husband and walked out to the bustling streets as he contentedly munched his cookie. He loved the Gatherings because they reminded him of his childhood and going on cattle drives and barbecues, meeting with old friends. He walked back towards his home to get ready for the evening festivities.

  "There's so much to plan for," he thought. “My son’s getting married.”

  As Duncan walked on, Vance ran towards the main castle, his long black hair flying behind him. He cursed himself as he ran. How could he forget the time? Alisha was going to kill him. As he rounded a corner, not forty yards from the castle entrance, he ran right into Sean, and promptly fell backwards.

  Sean barely flinched and looked down at Vance, who only sighed and started to get up, when Sean extended his hand.

  "You're late aren't you?"

  "I know," Vance growled. “I know, I lost track of time, I was helping my dad and helping the visitors and…"

  Sean raised his hand.

  "Stop. Come on."

  Sean turned and led Vance to the entrance of the castle. They walked into the main foyer and Vance looked around sheepishly. From the dimly lit hallway a familiar voice echoed.

  "We're in here."

  Vance cringed at the queen's voice. He looked worriedly at Sean and then walked into the sitting room to the left of the main foyer. Sitting at the end of the room by the fireplace were Alia and Alisha. Alisha gave him the look, the look he hated.

  "You're late, Mr. Worley. Why is this?"

  Vance walked quickly towards the women and stopped a few feet from Alia, who was not looking at him, but instead appeared to be studying a large blueprint on the table in front of her. He bowed and began to stutter.

  "I’m so sorry. I…I…well, I was…"

  Alia turned her head to look at him and frowned in mock disappointment. She was trying desperately not to laugh. It often amazed her when people felt intimidated by her. Without hesitation, Sean moved forward.

  "I beg your pardon, Your Majesty. I just ran into young Mr. Worley outside and it appears his tardiness was due to an over exuberance to help our visitors secure their dwellings."

  Alia leaned back.

  "Why didn't you just say that, Vance?"

  Vance was taken aback.


  “I don't bite, you know.”

  She smiled at him and started to laugh, as did Sean. Vance shook his head and started to laugh too, until he looked at Alisha, who was not laughing. Vance cleared his throat and got serious.

  "Sorry, Babe."

  Alisha stood up and crossed her arms. She looked like she wanted to throttle him, but she just sighed.

  "You're so easy."

  She then smiled and cocked her head, which caused another round of laughter from everyone.

  "You're all a bunch of comedians."

  Alisha walked over to him and kissed his cheek.

  "You love me."

  Vance smiled and nodded knowingly. Alia got up and kissed her daughter on the cheek and then her future son-in-law.

  "Ok, you two, you don't really need me here for this. Everything is in the works and ready to go. Review the blueprints and see where you want the altar. When you know, then we'll see you for dinner. I expect the two of you will be sitting together?"

  They nodded. Alia walked past Sean and gave him that nice job look that he so enjoyed. Alisha looked at her mother and motioned for Vance to stay. She ran after her mother. Vance shrugged and started talking to Sean. Alisha ran up behind Alia.


  Alia stopped and turned around.


  "For what?" Alia asked.

  "Everything. Just everything."

  She then walked over to her mother and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  "I know I don't always do what you want me to do and I haven't always made the right decisions, but thanks for supporting me on this one. I really love him."

  Alia wrapped her arms around her daughter. She softly laid her cheek against Alisha's head. Alisha pulled her head back to see her mother and Alia kissed her forehead.

  "You're welcome, Lish. It's a good decision. He's a good man."

  Alisha kissed her mother's cheek, smiled brightly at her and walked back into the living room.

  Alia gently touched her cheek where Alisha had kissed her and turned towards the stairs. Her baby was all grown up. She was getting ready to start a new life. She heard Sean come out of the living room and turned to face him.

  "You want me to wait?" he asked.

  She nodded and turned, then proceeded up the stairs, all the while thinking to herself, that she loved being a mother.


  The Hearsts and the rest of their people had arrived late that afternoon. They had unpacked, set up their booths, and were preparing for the first evening meal and the celebrations to follow. All day the people of Pasadena had watched the boys, but they seemed to have no side effects from the attack.

  Elena Petrulengo had searched out the learned healers of Lia Fail the moment the family had arrived at the village. They conferred, but no one knew of the strange air and why it would attack. Nevertheless, Elena passed along the information of how she had stopped the attack with a talisman made from onyx, malachite and turquoise while she used a protection spell. A great light came from the talisman and slowly the boys could breathe again. All too easy she thought, until the boys woke up and could not see, but then Sam had used all the positive things in his life to fight it off as well.

  Several of the healers, including Rona Mason, the Head Healer, did not believe Elena's story. That didn’t bode well for Elena, as Rona was the main consultant to Alia Stark. Elena gently suggested that they save this matter for later when everyone was more rested, but bade them think well on it. Rona smiled tightly and agreed, but only to avoid a conflict this early in the Gathering. They offered Elena a welcome basket as she left.

  Elena walked back to the Keystone House with her basket of potions when she heard the call. She looked into the sky and saw a bird circling overhead. A falcon. She frowned and pulled the talisman from her pocket. As she eyed the bird, she recited the ancient Romany spell her grandmother had taught her as a child to repel the evil eye. When she spoke the last word, the bird screeched and flew off.

  "A bad omen," she thought.

  Elena knew she needed to speak with Alia Stark, but the night’s festivities would keep Alia occupied and she wouldn’t be available until tomorrow. Elena knew that by going over Rona's head, she would make an enemy, but Alia Stark should know the truth and she did not trust Rona Mason. The Fail's healers would continue to debate the importance and truth of what Elena had told them, but she knew that Rona was not an ally and would likely nullify any attempt to tell the Queen ab
out the attacks. Elena decided she would go to the castle and set up an appointment for the next day.

  As she neared Keystone House, she saw Sam and Scott walking towards her. They walked up to her and Sam leaned in and kissed her cheek.

  “Hi, Gram.”

  She touched his face. She didn't like to choose any favorites among her loved ones, but she could do nothing to hide her joy when it came to her grandson, Sam.

  “Hello, My Love. Where are you off to, looking so handsome?”

  She did a little sway when she said it that made Sam and Scott smile.

  “We thought we’d check out the scenery.”

  With that, Sam gave his grandmother a wink and they started off. Elena gave him a little smack on the shoulder and shook her finger at him. Then she thought of something.


  Sam ran back and leaned towards her.

  “Yeah, Gram?”

  Elena touched his face.

  “Listen for the voice of an angel. You'll find what you're looking for there.”

  Sam blinked and smiled.

  “Uh… Ok, thanks.”

  He shook his head and ran back to Scott. Elena watched him shrug as he and Scott walked off.

  Elena smiled, and then remembered she had to get an appointment with Alia to tell her what had happened. The bird. The Boys. These were signs. Elena just wished she could see what was coming.


  The late afternoon sun was beginning to disappear and with each moment the sun gave way to night, the lights of Lia Fail began to flicker on. The solar lamps became brighter with every deeper shade of gray that crossed the sky. Then the lamplighters began their rounds. Every morning they put out the flames and every evening they lit the great torches around Lia Fail. The maintenance of the torches also fell to this group of thirty or forty. They moved like fireflies through the village as they carried their flames, darting in and around the buildings and walls until the village basked in a warm orange glow.


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