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The Gathering

Page 16

by S L Dearing


  Lisa and Brandon were walking through the village streets with several books in their arms, when they ran into their brother Brian, Joe Levine and the Turner boys.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Dork Twins.”

  Brian stared down at them and crossed his arms in front of him.

  “What was the deal last night?”

  Lisa looked at him.

  “It was funny.”

  “Yeah,” Brandon added and shrugged.

  Jerry walked up and poked Brandon hard in the shoulder. He had a headache and hadn't slept well.

  “No, it wasn’t.”

  Brandon reached up where Jerry had poked him and rubbed his shoulder, while Lisa looked at him with frightened eyes. Brian shifted nervously in his shoes.

  “Just don’t do it again. Let’s go, Guys,” Brian told them.

  Brian motioned for them to leave, but Jerry and Liam just stood there and looked at each other and then at Brian.

  “That’s it? That’s the scare?" Jerry asked.

  “Yeah, that’s it, let’s go," Brian said.

  Jerry shook his head.

  “I don’t think so, Brian. I want some payback.”

  Jerry started to punch his hand and looked at the twins. Brandon and Lisa stared at the thirteen-year-old terrified. Jerry took a step towards them, but Brian was suddenly in front of them. They were only supposed to scare them, but Jerry was making Brian nervous. He wasn't acting like himself.

  “I said let’s go, Jerry. If you think I’m gonna let you beat on my brother and sister, you’re wrong.”

  Liam started to look nervous. Joe Levine moved to stand by Brian.

  “Yeah, Jerry, it was joke and they're just little kids.”

  Jerry looked at Brian and Joe and gave them a little crooked smile. The pain in Jerry's head was getting stronger by the minute and he just wanted to hurt someone. Liam started to glance around, looking desperately for an adult he knew.

  “Then maybe I just beat on you, Stark.”

  Liam took a step away from his brother.

  “What’s wrong with you, Jerry? Brian's your friend.”

  Without warning, Jerry spun around and backhanded Liam across the face, knocking him down. He towered over him.

  “Whose side are you on, Liam? Huh?”

  Liam began to tear up. He grabbed his face and began to crawl away from Jerry, who started after him. Lisa and Brandon were now watching from behind Brian and Joe, stunned by what they saw.

  Brian’s stomach was in knots, but he ignored the fear and moved forward, grabbing Jerry’s arm before he was able to hit Liam again. Jerry turned his head, smiled and struck. He felt like he wasn't in control of his body as his fist connected with Brian's face.

  The pain and heat were immediate, but Brian shook his head, touched his nose and pulled his hand back to see it was covered with blood. He wanted to cry and looked up as another fist came towards him. It connected with is right eye. He flinched, feeling the throbbing begin on the side of his head, and then he struck. His arms were flying and he could feel each time his fist connected with Jerry's body.

  He could hear the yelling and he thought he heard Lisa crying, but he just kept punching. He body ached and every blow felt like pins in his skin. He wasn't sure how long his hands would hold up, but then he felt someone grab his shoulders from behind and he struggled against them, his eyes closed tight. The next thing he knew he was being dragged backwards, so he opened his eyes. He saw Ian Turner dragging Jerry off in the opposite direction and he looked up and behind him to see the angry face of Kaley.

  “Stop it!”

  He stopped struggling and she let him go, then she spun him around and grimaced at his face, which was now bruised and swollen and bloody.

  “What in God’s name…”

  "He started it!" Brian explained. "He was gonna beat up Brandon and Lisa for some stupid prank they played on us last night."

  Kaley looked over at Jerry and Ian. Jerry was out of control. He was clawing at Ian and growling. Then it hit Kaley. The imp, he was acting like the imp! Sean came up behind Kaley, with Myron.

  "What the hell is going on?"

  He looked down at Brian and took his face his hand.

  "Christ! Your mom is gonna to flip!"

  Kaley grabbed Sean and nodded towards the screaming Jerry.

  "Doesn't he look like something we saw last night?"

  Sean glanced over and watched Jerry.

  "Damn it!"

  Sean took a deep breath and looked at Myron.

  "Ok, Myron, grab Brian, Kaley, grab the other kids. I'll help Ian with Jerry. Joe, are you ok?"

  Joe Levine nodded and looked at Sean.

  "I need you to go get Mrs. Petrulengo. Do you remember her from last night?"

  Joe nodded again.

  "Take her to Healer Hall, ok?"

  Joe nodded and ran off. Myron moved to pick up Brian who was beginning to wane. Sean ran over to Ian and grabbed Jerry from him. He told Ian to go get Alia.

  "Meet us at the Hall, Ian. Go now!"

  Ian took off running and Sean called for Kaley to gather up Liam, who was still sitting on the ground, crying. They all ran for the Hall and Sean prayed for the first time in thirteen years. He prayed that they could save this boy, too.


  Edward Nyland had struggled with leaving the others back at St. Viviana’s. What if the killers returned? Alex Galindo had insisted that Edward and the others get to Lia Fail and warn everyone about what had happened. Whoever had committed this horrible crime had been wise enough to smash the radio. The roads were now more treacherous then they had ever been and they would have to make haste.

  Alex was the vice-president of Salt Lake II. He was a proud man, who was devoted to the Lord, and due to his faith, he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving those of St. Viviana’s without the proper ritual of burial. There were others who felt the same as Alex and they had volunteered to remain as well.

  Edward had tried to convince them to come, but to no avail. The silence of the ride was more than Edward could stand. He looked over at his son, still pale, even in the bright sun. Bill felt his father’s eyes on him and turned to look at him. He forced a weak smile to quell his father’s fears.

  Edward smiled back at his son and sighed heavily.

  “Do you know how much farther, Dad?”

  “At this speed, we won’t be there until tomorrow. I just hope that whatever’s out there doesn’t pick us up on its radar.”

  “Why would they do that, Dad? Why would they kill all of those people?”

  Edward shook his head.

  “For the same reason they started the War and destroyed the world, Son. Someone wants to hold all the cards and the cards they don't need or want get thrown away.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Avarice and pride, son. There’s a reason why the Heavenly Father decreed them sins.”

  Bill shook his head and looked at the top of his horse’s head.

  “Do you think Mr. Galindo and the others will be safe?”

  Edward looked to the horizon and sighed.

  “I hope so, Billy.”

  The train of wagons and horses moved as quickly as they could through the desert into the mountains, making their way to the Fail.


  Ian had found Alia and explained what had happened. They, along with Janeen, ran to Healer Hall and as they arrived Alia saw Sean running towards her with Jerry Turner.

  She ran to meet him as Joe and Elena came around the corner. Sean was trying to subdue Jerry so he wouldn't hurt anyone else.

  Alia stared in disbelief, as she recognized his behavior. She looked at Elena, who nodded towards Healer Hall. Alia turned back to Sean and Myron.

  "Take them all inside! Now!"

  They all entered the great hall and moved to the center of the room. Standing before the altar, she raised her hands and, save for Jerry's screams, the hall fell silent. The healers moved to
wards the altar to see the commotion.

  "Everyone, please listen to me. I know that Rona has told you she has stepped down as head healer.”

  Rona moved silently to the side of the crowd, listening to the queen with interest.

  “I would like to ask that Beverly Watson take over as head healer."

  The crowd nodded their approval of the choice, as Rona and her assistant Darla Hatchett looked on. Darla was short and stocky, shaped like a barrel, but not heavy. Her short brown hair was cut in a bob and her black-rimmed glasses sat in the middle of her round face, making her large eyes seem even bigger than they already were.

  Beverly Watson, a black woman in her mid-sixties, moved forward, and as she did the group parted to make way for her. She was refined and elegant, a true southern belle straight out of Savannah, and she carried a staff almost as long as she was tall. It was obvious that the majority of the healers had the utmost respect for her.

  Alia continued.

  "Although this would normally be a time of celebration, right now, this boy needs our help."

  She motioned to Sean and Ian who were holding Jerry. He was snarling at all of them. His eyes had a yellow haze about them. His fingers were long and his nails sharp.

  "If I'm correct, he's been infected with the same creature that attacked Scott Forrester last night. Beverly, we need to hurry."

  "Of course, Alia," answered Beverly in her smooth Georgia accent. "All of you gather round our queen. Form the circle. Quickly, quickly now!"

  The healers formed a circle around the stone altar that lay in the middle of the hall. They all joined hands as Sean and Ian brought Jerry to the altar and laid him across it with great difficulty. Alia then motioned for Elena to come forward.

  "Ready, Elena?"

  Elena moved forward and touched Alia's hand. In that moment, Alia felt great comfort.

  "Yes, Alia. Let us begin."

  Elena took out a talisman that looked similar to Sam's and proceeded to place it around Jerry's neck as he gnashed his teeth at her wrists. When she placed it down his shirt and the pendant touched his skin, he began to scream. Alia stood at the top of the altar and was looking down at Jerry's face. She proceeded to place her hands over Jerry's head like she had done with Scott the night before.

  She felt that cold knot in her stomach and the pain of her past. She began to recite the incantation she had used the night before and as Kaley and the healers stood in a circle around her, she could hear them chanting the response.

  Jerry was snarling and screaming in pain; it was odd, like an animal, loud and guttural. The blue glow came again and Alia tried to pull the ooze from his head, but the demon had taken hold. Alia could feel the power of the creature. She felt the beads of sweat on her lip and choked back the fear. She closed her eyes and raised her voice, the walls rumbling as she spoke.

  Those in the circle around her also raised their voices. Sean and Ian tried desperately to hold Jerry down as he thrashed and kicked. Suddenly, he screamed. That same low guttural scream of agony that Scott had uttered the night before and Alia knew it was time to pull.

  Alia looked down and saw the ooze come towards her, but there was more than before, so she stepped backwards still holding tightly to the blackness. Jerry began to struggle even harder and continued to scream, every second sounding more human and less like an animal. Then, without warning, Jerry started to choke. He couldn't breathe and his face began to pale and blue. Sean looked at Alia with desperate eyes, but it was Beverly who stepped forward. As she moved towards the child, the circle reformed seamlessly.

  Beverly laid one of her hands on the boy's lungs and the other on his throat. She began to recite another incantation and half of the circle responded to her chant as the remaining members continued to respond to Alia, who was still chanting and holding tightly to the black ooze.

  From under Beverly's hands radiated a purple glow and Jerry's eyes opened and he sucked in deep breaths of air. Alia took a hard last tug at the ooze and stepped back, falling to the floor, never letting go. There on the floor before her was another imp, but this one was much larger than the other had been. Two feet in length, it lunged at Alia, striking at her with its long sharp talons, but she was ready. She ripped the choker from her neck and shoved it down the demon’s throat.

  Everyone watched as the imp began to scream and then convulse as tiny flames appeared from its black hide, growing larger every second. Its eyes turned red and it began to scream in pain, that horrible guttural animal scream. Then it burst into flames, just as its smaller counterpart had done and they watched as the flames burned down and it was gone.

  Everyone turned to Alia, who they now saw was bleeding from large gashes in her arms and scrapes on her face. Oblivious, she got up and started to walk towards the altar. Myron walked over and sat Brian on the altar next to Jerry. Alia took Brian's face in her hands and checked his injuries.

  "I'm ok, Mom, really."

  "You look horrible."

  "I feel pretty horrible."

  Beverly stepped forward and smiled at Alia, then laid her hands on Brian's face and recited a spell that sounded similar to the one she had just used to free Jerry’s lungs. The purple glow appeared and the swelling went away and the lacerations scabbed over, but the bruises remained and although he looked better, he was not completely healed.

  "Well, I thought I'd give it another try, but I didn't get as good a response on my own. I guess I'll have to work on that…now that I know I can do it."

  Alia smiled at Beverly and took her hand.

  "Oh, Alia, look at those," she said motioning to Alia's injuries. "Let me try again."

  Beverly winked at Alia and she put out her arms. Once again Beverly began the spell and had the same effect she had with Brian. She began to shake her head.

  "Hmm, I'm gonna have to work on that, should’ve healed you better."

  "It's better than it was, Bev. So I take it you're going to accept the position?"

  "Oh, yes, Ma'am. Whatever you need, you know I'm here for you."

  Alia smiled and turned to Jerry and Brian, who were already making up. Elena had been looking over them.

  “I’m sorry, Brian.”

  “It’s ok. It's not like it was you.”

  Jerry looked at Alia with a tear-streaked face.

  “I couldn’t stop myself, Mrs. Stark. It was like I had no control over my body. I could see me hitting Brian, but I couldn’t stop and my head hurt so bad.”

  Jerry continued to sob, wiping the tears from his face. Alia lifted his face and looked in his eyes.

  "Did you feel cold air surround you sometime in the last twenty-four hours, Jerry?"

  Jerry sucked in a deep shuddered breath, looked around and nodded.

  "Last night. We found this weird tunnel in the wall and we went in and that's where Lisa and Brandon scared us, but after they left and the guys went to find all of you at the pub, I went back in."

  Jerry continued to tell Alia the story in great detail. When he was done, she held him. Then he looked around and saw Liam standing next to the altar. Jerry reached over and grabbed his brother into a hug.

  “I’m sorry, Liam. I’m so sorry!”

  Liam smiled and patted his brother on the back.

  “That’s ok. I’m just glad you’re ok now.”

  Alia placed her hand on Jerry's shoulder and he turned to look at her. She again took his face in her hand and looked hard, then she felt Beverly touch her arm.

  "He is fine, Alia. Tired, but fine. Can't you feel it?"

  Alia stopped and took a deep breath. She could feel something. It was the sensation that everything was all right. There was a strange calm over the room, but she knew that this infection was serious. She turned back to Beverly.

  "This is becoming an epidemic, Bev. We need to get to the bottom of this before someone really gets hurt, or worse. Whatever it is, it's in the Fail now."

  Alia turned back to Jerry, who was wiping his nose with his arm and s
he held him again, slightly rocking. He clung tightly to her. Beverly stomped her staff on the stone floor twice, as everyone turned to look at her.

  "All right everyone, you heard the lady. Let's get to snoopin'. I want some answers as to where these things are coming from. Mr. Grayson, I want you to take your immediate staff and research that thing, you got me? Evelyn, I want you to get the others together and start making talismans for our guests."

  Evelyn Tran looked blankly at her new leader.

  "Every guest?"

  Beverly nodded and smiled.

  "That's right, Sweet Pea. But make sure to make the Christians a cross and the Jews a Star of David, so on and so forth. I was hoping that Elena here would assist us. After all, the one you made for your grandson was successful at prohibiting one of those little devils from possessing him. What say you, my Little Gypsy Friend?"

  Elena laughed and slapped her hands together.

  "Of course, Miss Beverly, of course."

  Beverly smiled and continued.

  "And Rona…"

  Rona Mason moved forward and bowed slightly to Beverly.

  "I'm concerned about this new power we all seem to have. Although I have freely admitted to believin’ in the power of magic, this is the first time I've been able to see it manifest itself in my presence. I want you to gather as much information about unusual omens that have been seen throughout our village. Maybe we can determine where this came from and who else might have access to it as well."

  Rona nodded and bowed, then turned towards Darla, allowing her true feelings to be seen only by her assistant. She scowled and frowned at the thought of being ordered to do menial labor. Darla bowed her head and wrapped her fingers around her thumb, moving her hand back and forth.


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