The Gathering

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The Gathering Page 31

by S L Dearing

  The tears fell from her eyes as she tried to stand.

  "Ferage!!! Ferage!!!!"

  Sean looked at her and understood. He looked down at the forest but could see no unicorns. Then he looked over at the gate. There were soldiers in black moving towards the open gate.

  "No!! The gate…dammit!! To arms!!!"

  Sean knelt by Alia and kissed her before running out of the room. Janeen continued to hold Alia.

  "He's dead!! He's dead!" Alia screamed.

  Janeen helped Alia get up and in that moment Alia could see what was happening. She looked at Janeen.

  "The children…save the children!!"

  Janeen's eyes grew wide and she and Alia ran outside. Alia prayed they weren't too late.


  Blaylock ran full speed and slammed into a rookie who was trying to close the gate. The young soldier was thrown off his feet and landed in the middle of the confusion. Rona was fighting off two soldiers, as Darla tried to get Albie to run.

  "Just go, Albie, she's tricked us both!"

  "I can't, my mother!!"

  One of the Black Hordesmen ran past them and into the crowd of people who had been shopping. They screamed and scattered.

  "You took your sweet time opening the gate!"

  "Shut up, Tommy!! Next time I'm locked in a cell, I'll be sure to put you on the fucking list!!"

  Blaylock grinned. He had missed her. He never thought he would ever miss a woman. Together they fought off the soldiers.

  Albion shook off Darla's grip and ran towards the open gate.

  "Albie, No!!"

  Elian had come around the corner and saw that Albion was running outside. Without hesitation, Elian ran after Albion and just as he was about to pass through the gate, Elian grabbed his brother's arm.

  "Albie, where are you going?"

  Albion spun around and looked into Elian's eyes and saw that they were full of confusion. Albion shook his head.

  "I'm sorry, Elian, I didn't mean for it to happen like this."

  Elian looked at his brother in disbelief then felt a sharp pain as a fist connected with his face. The blow knocked him backward and Rona drew her dagger and smiled.

  "No!! Stop it!!" Albion cried.

  Rona looked at Albion and shook her head. Then she motioned for a Black Hordesman to take him. The Hordesman grabbed the boy as he kicked and fought.

  "No, Elian!! Elian!!"

  Elian got up and looked at Rona.

  "Sorry, Kid, but mommy only wants one son."

  Elian frowned and shook his head as he backed away from Rona. She lunged at him, but was thrown backward from a white light. She landed on her back several feet away, pushed herself up and looked over in the direction of the blast.

  Darla stood in front of Elian, her daggers drawn. The look in her eye was one Rona had never seen and it made her smile.

  "Why, D, I've never seen this side of you. Seems like that was a better kiss than I would have imagined."

  "Stay away from him, Rona."

  "Ah, I have my orders."

  Rona shrugged and charged at Darla, who ran forward to meet her. They clashed metal-to-metal for a few moments as Elian watched. Darla moved to the right and then felt a sharp pain in her side. Rona leaned in and sneered.

  "You lose."

  Rona pulled the blade out and let Darla drop to the ground as she turned back to Elian. He looked around for a weapon, finding none. She ran and jumped, but when her steel went to meet with flesh, she felt the clash of more steel and again she was thrown backwards.

  She pushed herself up again to see Chris in front of her. Rona shook her head and stood up. As she did, she saw Rebecca and Hannah running towards the Dining Hall.

  "Tommy, there!"

  She pointed after them and Blaylock chased after them.


  Chris went to make chase, but Rona charged at him and he was forced to defend himself. As he fought Rona, he could see Hannah and Rebecca.

  The girls were almost clear of the melee when they were grabbed. The Hordesman spun them around and held them for Blaylock to see. He smiled and nodded. The Hordesman was smiling and not paying attention. Rebecca grabbed his dagger and stabbed him in the thigh. He let go of both girls.

  "Hannah, run!!!"

  They both ran in different directions, but Blaylock watched and followed the blond hair. Hannah ran and hid behind a barrel. She slowed her breathing and waited a few moments. She then peeked out from behind the barrel to see two large black feet in front of her. Slowly her eyes turned upward as Blaylock leaned over and grabbed her arm.

  "Going somewhere?"

  His eyes were like ice. Hannah screamed and kicked as he dragged her back to the gate. Chris saw this and tried to go after her, but Rona was attacking him from all sides.

  "Hannah!! No!!!"

  Tanner and Ian had joined the fight and they both turned to see Blaylock throw Hannah to a Hordesman outside the gate. Ian went after her and lunged at Blaylock. Ian was out of practice but held his own as he saw his sister being dragged further away.

  Chris left the fight to make chase, but Rona took her dagger and blew along the edge. A blue flame encompassed the steel and she threw it at Chris. It struck him in his side. He yelled and Tanner spun around to see his brother fall to the ground.

  Rona picked up a sword from ground and pressed towards him, but stopped when she felt a sharp pain. She glanced over and saw blood flowing freely from her shoulder.

  "C'mon, you old bitch, let's have a go."

  Alisha stood holding her sword and staring at Rona. Rona nodded and smiled.

  "Sure, you’re so much like your mother…it's sickening," she replied.

  "Thanks, Cow," Alisha retorted.

  Rona attacked, bringing her swords down on Alisha, who deftly countered and thrust. She and Rona were oblivious to all around them.

  Coeli and Sam came running from the crowd, just in time to see Scott get hit and go down. Without thinking, Sam jumped in and slammed into the Hordesman, knocking him over and then he grabbing a knife and stabbing him. His hands were covered in blood.

  Sam looked over at Scott who shook his head and smiled at Sam. Sam then looked over at where Coeli had been standing, but she was gone. He looked around and saw another Hordesman carrying her off, her mouth covered. Sam jumped up and tried to get to her, but several of the Black Hordesmen stood between them. Then he saw Chelsea go running at the abductor. She had a dagger and lunged at him, slicing him across the back. He stumbled and dropped Coeli. Chelsea reached around and grabbed her friend, and Sam smiled as they started to take off running, but then another invader with icy blue eyes appeared in front of them, smiling and reaching down.

  The girls struggled against him and he strolled towards the gate and handed them to the waiting Hordesmen.

  "Take them to the horses and get a move on!"

  He watched them start to leave and then stopped them.

  "Hey! If any of them are touched, he'll fry your nuts for brunch, got it?"

  The Hordesmen nodded and took off. Blaylock turned back around and looked over at Alisha. Then from the distance he could see more Fail soldiers running towards them.

  "Time to go, Rona."

  Rona glanced over at him and nodded. She and Alisha were toe-to-toe. Then Rona saw Lisa and Brandon and smiled. She again blew the flame against her sword and lunged for them.

  Sean came around the bend and saw Blaylock. There was something familiar about him, but he couldn't remember why. He yelled and charged him. Blaylock turned to see Sean and his face turned white. He drew his sword to block Sean's attack and the two clashed. Sean moved quickly and deftly, striking hard and fast. Blaylock blocked but moved backward, obviously intimidated by Sean. Sean was about to deliver a powerful blow, when he was struck in the back. He groaned and fell to his knees.

  Blaylock saw the giant golden fist dissolve into the air, as Rona turned back to her fight with Alisha. Blaylock smiled and raised his sword. Sean r
eached for his weapon, but it was too far away. As Blaylock brought the sword down, Sean was pulled away. The blade connected with the ground and Blaylock looked over to see Stephan pull Sean out of the way.

  "Get out of here, Stephan!" Sean yelled.

  Stephan Merganser handed Sean a sword and then moved towards Blaylock.

  Alia and Janeen had met up with Connie and Duncan. Together they had found the Black Hordesmen who had attempted to go deep within the village and dispatched them. They now came running around the corner. Connie and Duncan jumped into the fight as Alia looked at Chris and Tanner on the ground. Then she saw Sara and Kaley trying to help the wounded soldiers and she could see Rebecca was in the Dining Hall with Brian. Sean was trying to get up as Stephan attempted to fight off the man with those icy eyes. Then she saw them. Rona was going for Lisa and Brandon. The twins were screaming as Rona's sword came ever closer to their young flesh.

  Alisha ran to the children and turned around, pushing them back in the other direction, where Vance was fighting.


  She looked up at him as he turned and caught the children. He looked at Alisha and saw a tear fall from her eye. Then he saw the point of a sword and a blue flame come from her chest. She smiled at him and the point disappeared. Janeen grabbed the twins.

  "NO!!!" Vance cried.

  He ran to her and caught her in his arms. Alia was running at Rona and Blaylock looked over.

  "Let's go now, Rona!!"

  Rona smiled and ran towards the gate as it started to close. Blaylock turned and smiled at Stephan.

  "I guess your old lady was wrong. I guess you do have balls."

  Then he lunged and knocked the weapon out of Stephan's hands and thrust the blade into his side, as Sean was able to finally stand and run over to the fight.


  Blaylock pulled out his sword and ran to the gate. Stephan collapsed and fell into Sean's arms as both Rona and Blaylock jumped onto waiting horses and started to ride off. Alia ran after them, but Connie chased her and held her.

  "You're dead, Rona!! I swear it!!!"

  Rona stopped her horse and turned around.

  "Can't wait!! Just so you know, we have three of the girls. Come to San Bernardino, the black castle, before the Mourning Moon, or they're all dead!! You do understand, don't you, Alia?"

  Then Rona turned and she and Blaylock rode off.


  Alia felt her blood boil and then she turned.


  Alia ran towards her son and seeing his eyes were open and alert she ran to her daughter's side. Tanner helped Chris stand up. Vance held Alisha, softly caressing her face. He smiled at her.

  "Everything is gonna be fine, Babe…the healers are coming…they're gonna fix you right up."

  Alisha shook her head.

  "My dreams…I couldn't tell you…I love you so much."

  Vance began to rock and he shook his head.

  "No, no, you're gonna be fine."


  Alia touched her daughter's face.

  "I'm here, Baby…Mommy's here."

  "I'm sorry, Mommy. I'm so sorry."

  Alia shook her head. She knew this feeling, she knew what was happening.

  "Sorry? For what, Baby?"

  "For lying to Amanda, for leaving."

  Alia felt pain take over as she and Vance held Alisha between them. Alia turned her head and screamed.

  "Beverly!!! Beverly!!!"

  Alia turned back around and kissed Alisha's forehead.

  "Vance is right, Baby, everything is gonna be fine."

  Alisha smiled and looked at them. She then looked over at Lisa and Brandon, who were sobbing. She reached out her hand to them.

  "Oh, Sweeties, don't cry."

  Lisa rubbed her eyes and fell to her knees as Brandon took her hand.

  "We're sorry! It's all our fault! Don't go away, Lish, please don't go away!!"

  Alisha felt the life draining from her and she squeezed Brandon's hand.

  "You listen to me, ok? It's not your fault and I don't want either…either of you to ever think that. We are… are all called home…when it's…our time to go…we go. I love you both very much…never forget that."

  They both continued to cry as Alisha noticed that her siblings were all around her now, save for Coeli.

  "They took Coeli…Mommy, they took Coeli."

  Alia felt helpless as she held Alisha's hand.

  "I'll get her back, Baby, don’t you worry about that."

  Alisha touched Vance's face and her breathing became shallow.

  "I love you…"

  Vance shook his head and looked down at her face, forcing a smile.

  "I love you, Babe."

  Alisha smiled as she stared into his eyes, then her head rolled back and she was gone.

  "NO! No, No! Baby? Wake up! Alisha!!"

  He held her against him and rocked her back and forth. Alia held on to Alisha's hand and lightly stroked the back of it, shaking her head.

  Sara, sobbing, grabbed Lisa and Brandon, who were screaming, and took them back towards the castle. As she moved towards the building, Beverly and the other healers came around the corner. Beverly stopped and her hand came to her face. She walked over to Alia.


  Alia turned to look at Beverly and fought the urge in her to yell and scream at her. Where was she? Why hadn't she gotten there sooner? Her eyes were red and swollen as tears continued to fall.

  "We had to help others, Darlin', I'm so sorry."

  Alia nodded and continued to stroke Alisha's hand. Duncan and Maggie tried to help their son, but Vance wouldn't let go of Alisha. They finally convinced him, as Myron gently picked up Alisha's lifeless body, Alia felt her daughter's hand slip from her own and she watched as Myron carried her towards Healer Hall.


  Elian watched as the healers carried his father towards the hall and then looked over at the crumpled body of Darla Hatchett. He walked over to her and gently reached down and lifted her head.

  He moved the hair from her face and wiped the blood from her cheek. She slowly opened her eyes and he smiled at her.

  "I’m so sorry…" she began.

  Elian shook his head.

  "Don't try to speak, the healers will come and take you to the hospital."

  "No, not me."

  "Of course they will…"

  "No, I helped do this…I'm sorry. I should have tried to stop her sooner."

  Elian looked over at the healers and yelled.

  "Somebody…I need help here."

  Darla placed her hand on Elian's and he looked back down at her.

  "I'm sorry… I deceived you… I…"

  Elian shook his head.

  "Stop apologizing, Darla. If you hadn't stepped in, Rona Mason would have killed me."

  Darla let a tear fall down her cheek and she smiled.

  "You know my name…"

  "Of course, I do. At the last Gathering you helped my father with his stomach ailments. I thought that you had beautiful eyes. Very kind…"

  Darla shook her head.

  "I just wanted…to be…pretty."

  Elian could see that she was fading away. He turned again towards the crowd.

  "Someone, help!"

  "No… it's time…"

  "No they'll be…"

  "No, Elian. I'm glad… I'm…glad I …got to kiss… you. Just… once…"

  Elian felt tears hot against his cheek as he softly brushed his thumb against her lips. Then he lowered his mouth to hers. He looked into her eyes and gently kissed her. As he pulled away, she smiled.


  Then she was gone. Elian felt a hand on his shoulder as David Levine knelt down beside him.

  "She didn't mean to hurt anyone…I know that. She had such kind eyes…” Elian said.

  David sat with Elian until several healers came and took away Darla's body.

  "The Healers think your
dad will be ok. He was really brave."

  Elian nodded and then looked at David.

  "I don't get it…why? Why did they do this?"

  David shrugged.

  "I don’t know… they'll get your brother back…they'll get the girls back. I know it."

  David looked over at Elian. Elian was staring at the ground and frowned.


  Elian shook his head.

  "Rona… she said 'mommy only wants one son'… my mother's dead… she can't…she can't…"

  In that moment, Elian understood that Anne Merganser was still alive. His mother was still alive.


  Albion's eyes were wet and red. They had tricked him and he had let them. He glanced over at Coeli, Chelsea and Hannah. They all rode silently as the horses pounded under them. Then Blaylock raised his arm in the air and the horses stopped.

  "You and you, " Blaylock pointed to two of the younger Black Hordesmen. "Go back and see if they’re behind us. I doubt it, but they might have followed. The rest of you, take a minute…and remember, don't touch any of them!!"

  Blaylock pointed at the girls. The other Hordesmen helped them down and put them together on the ground next to one another, their wrists tied.

  Rona jumped down from her horse and took a long drink from a canteen. Blaylock came up behind her and grabbed her around the waist, smiling. Then he took the canteen and drank from it. Rona smiled as he let his hand move from her stomach to her breast. She rubbed against him as he squeezed.

  "You're looking good, Ro."

  "I'm too old for you, though."

  Blaylock laughed and kissed her hard and she reciprocated.

  "I've missed you, Bitch."

  She crinkled her nose at him as he released his grip and slapped her behind. She looked over at Albion.

  "What's the matter, Kid? Price to high for seeing mommy again."

  "You lied. My mother's dead."

  She sighed and looked over at Blaylock, who smiled and shrugged.

  "Whatever…Tommy, why are we really stopped? They're not following us…yet."


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