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The Gathering

Page 32

by S L Dearing


  Rona shifted on her feet and displayed a look of distaste.

  "Where is he?"

  "Behind you."

  She turned around to meet Brollen's scarred face. He was grinning from ear to ear and was carrying a large sack on his back. Rona raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms in front of her.

  "So where have you been?"

  "Getting something very important."

  "Oh yeah, what?"

  Brollen continued to grin and walked past Rona and over to Blaylock, who raised his eyebrows.

  "Did you get it?"

  Brollen nodded and laughed.

  "Oh yeah, Man!"

  He took the sack from his back and put it on a trunk. He reached into the bag and began to pull out jars of a silvery liquid, with streaks of red and blue through it. Blaylock looked on and smiled.

  "I think you just made his favorite list, Gary."

  "I got as much as I could, filled every jar. It took a little while, so I lost my men as the other ones were trying to stop me, but it gave me enough time to also get this."

  Brollen reached into the bag again and pulled. Coeli and the girls were straining to see what he had in his hand. From inside the bag, Brollen pulled out something silver and then Coeli saw some blue and fur. She started to cry and turned away.

  "No, no, no!"

  Blaylock looked at her, smiled and then turned back to see what Brollen was holding. His smile widened as he stared at the prize. The head of Ferage was still dripping silver blood; the once glittered eyes were now dull and cloudy.

  Coeli sobbed. The other girls cried quietly next to her, trying to comfort her.

  Blaylock took hold of the head and looked into the dead eyes.

  "This one looks familiar…"

  Brollen shrugged.

  "It was big. I figured he could use the horn or eyes for one of those spells he has, ya know?"


  Blaylock frowned as he handed the head back to Brollen.

  "Ok, wrap it up and let's get a move on. We'll stop in a few hours. They won't start after us for a while yet. It'll take 'em time to get organized and bury their dead."

  They all mounted the horses. Coeli was still sobbing as she was put on her horse. From the bushes, the two young Hordesmen returned, confirming that no one was behind them.

  Albion prayed that the girls would be safe. He prayed that his brother and father were still alive and he prayed that God would forgive him.


  Alia sat motionless and alone on her throne, gripping the arms tightly. Alisha was dead. Her baby was gone. That sick feeling of emptiness washed over her. They had taken her child. They had taken Coeli. She felt the wood give way under her fingernails as she stared at the floor.

  She remembered the day Alisha was born. The way she smelled, the flash of her smile. Alia felt the emptiness of her lost children, but more so she felt the unicorns. Their sorrow was all consuming. She didn't hear Janeen walk into the room. She didn't feel her standing beside her.


  Alia stared straight ahead. Janeen placed her hand on Alia's and Alia fought back her rage.

  "They didn't come quickly enough," Alia said.

  Janeen shook her head and knelt down next to her friend.

  "No, the wound in her chest didn't kill Alisha. The blade was poisoned. Rona poisoned her. Chris…he's slipped into a coma, Al…she poisoned them."

  Alia's face cracked and she let the tears come again as she turned to look at her friend. She noticed that Janeen's eyes were red and swollen. She put her hand over Janeen's and held tightly.

  "My…children…Neen, my babies…"

  "I know, Sweets… but we can't do anything to help Alisha. The healers are taking care of Chris and the other wounded as best they can… we need to go after them. We need you."

  Alia shook her head.

  "They came here because of me. They came here to get at me. They hurt my kids… because of me."

  Janeen stood up and grabbed Alia's face, forcing her friend to look at her.

  "Listen to me! You need to get it together… we need to formulate a plan and get organized. You need to get it together for your kids. You still have children who are alive, Al. They need you. Coeli needs you. Do you get me?"

  Alia nodded and Janeen grabbed her and held her.

  "We all loved her, Sweetie, but we need to stand up and take care of business. Ok?"

  Alia nodded as Janeen let her go and stepped back. Alia stood up and took a deep breath. She walked slowly down the steps and then stopped and held out her hand. Janeen walked over and took hold.

  "Come hell or high water…"

  "I don't know what I'd do without you, Neen."

  They walked out of the room hand-in-hand.


  The dead had been collected and cleaned. Their bodies were dressed in their finest garments and they were taken to Spirit Hill. The Fail soldiers escorted those who carried the bodies. Each body was placed on a mound of earth and wood that Duncan's staff had built and covered in oil. Alia walked slowly up the hill. Janeen and Sean stood on either side of her as she walked over to Alisha's body and gently touched her face.

  She flinched slightly as she felt her daughter's cold skin. She felt someone beside her and reached out for a hand. Vance took her hand and held tightly. She turned to look at him. His handsome young face was dark and morose. A young soldier walked to them and handed a torch to each of them. They each laid the torch against the wood and waited as the flames took hold.

  As the flames grew around Alisha's body, the remaining pyres were set on fire by a loved one as the rest of their families and friends looked on from the top of the rampart.

  Darla's body was laid apart from the others. Alia was about to light the wood when Elian walked up beside her and put out his hand.

  She looked at him.

  "It's supposed to be the ones who cared about them isn't it?"

  Alia nodded.

  "I don't believe she was evil. She just didn't believe in herself. Please… let me do this last thing for her."

  Alia looked at the torch and handed it to Elian. He gently took it and smiled as he walked over to Darla's pyre. He leaned forward and lit the wood. Again, flames grew and as they did, they turned green and were pulled into the sky.

  The procession moved slowly back into the village. Alia looked up at her balcony to see her children. They huddled together watching. She felt dizzy and knew she was going to fall when she felt someone grab her around the waist. She leaned into Sean's chest.


  She pulled her head back and looked up at him. His eyes were red. She breathed deeply and forced herself to stand.

  "I'm going to the woods… alone."


  "Alone… I'm sure they're gone. I'll be fine."

  She leaned up and gently kissed him as she turned and walked into the trees. The smoke from the pyres began to seep into the woods as Alia walked quietly.

  In the thicket the unicorns had gathered. They stomped nervously at her approach, but stepped aside to let her see what she needed to see.

  The headless body of Ferage lay still in the middle of the thicket. She dropped to her knees and laid her hands on the hide of the once great beast. It was cold. She let the tears fall again.

  "He was trying to protect me."

  Alia looked up to see Schepta.

  "The one with the scar… he had me cornered and father ran in. It was a trap. I tried to warn him, but it was too late."

  "I promised I would protect you all… I failed, I'm so sorry."

  Alia began to sob as she stroked the fur of her fallen friend. A gentle-looking mare stepped forward, her golden mane sparkling in the early evening moon. She lightly nuzzled Alia's cheek.

  "Enough… we all knew the danger when we came here. Ferage believed in you, Alia Stark… we all believe in you."

  "How can you? I can't even save my own child!!"

>   "How could you? It was her choice. She gladly gave her own life to save that of the young ones… just as Ferage gave his life to save his daughter's. They must be stopped, Alia. You must finish this."

  "I know."

  Schepta stepped forward.

  "I can feel her. She is frightened, but unharmed."

  Alia reached out and lightly touched Schepta's face. They looked into each other's eyes and in that moment, they understood one another.

  "I will tell her."

  Alia nodded and started to walk out of the thicket, but turned and looked back at all the gentle creatures.

  "They'll pay…I swear that they'll pay."

  She then walked silently back to the village. As she walked from the woods, she heard a low tone that made her heart break. When she reached the gate she turned and saw bright light come from the center of the thicket.

  Ferage was now with the goddess. Alia turned and walked back into the village as the great gate closed behind her.


  The dignitaries had all gathered in the Great Hall. Alia sat in her chair staring bleary eyed at the table. Larry Hearst sat to her right. His eyes were dark and ominous as he slowly moved his hand over his mouth. Aaron gently grabbed his shoulder. In that moment, Larry was brought back to reality. He looked at his friend and smiled at the small comfort, only to be reminded of his torment when he looked at Grant Turner.

  The remaining leaders looked at them all quietly. Vivian gently touched Alia's arm. She raised her eyes and looked at the chancellor, then at everyone around the room. She smiled slightly and started to stand. Vivian tried to help her, but Alia put her hand up and waved her away.

  “Forgive me. I’m trying to…I know we have…”

  Alia’s eyes began to well up and she took a deep breath and walked towards the far windows. As she passed by the chair that Stephan had sat in, she lightly touched the back of the seat and continued towards the window. She placed her hands gently on the panes of glass and looked out on the village. It was silent.

  “Strange how everything can change in a second. Just a few days ago we all gathered in this very room trying to stop this very thing from happening and we were still caught off guard. This is all my fault.”

  Grant stood up.

  “It is not! It’s Rona’s fault and that asshole with the eyes. It’s their fault!”

  Alia turned around and smiled.

  “Didn’t you hear her? I have to get to the castle before the Mourning Moon, or they’re all dead. It was me they wanted.”

  Beverly stood up.

  "I heard him, Alia, but then why didn't they take you? They could have just taken you."

  Alia shrugged and walked back towards her seat, but was met by Larry. Her smile disappeared as her eyes watered again. Larry reached for Alia and took her face in his hands. He bent over and kissed her forehead. Alia began to shake as she lost the battle against her tears. Larry held her and looked at the table.

  “It’s not your fault, Al. They made the decision to do this, regardless as to why. We have to figure out what to do now. They took my baby and I want her back.”

  Alia let go of Larry and wiped her face. She walked back to the head of the table and took a deep shuddering breath.

  “I’m going to get them.”

  Sean stepped forward, staring at her.

  “If anyone wants to come with me, you’re welcome,” Alia stated. “But I’m leaving tonight. All of you have a vested interest in stopping this group of mercenaries. I'll take several of our soldiers from the Fail, but I'll need more assistance.”

  Aaron stood up.

  “I think we should consider allowing all young men and women of age to either protect the Fail or join Alia.”

  The dignitaries looked at one another. Finally, Justin Roberts stood up.

  “Alia’s right. We all have a vested interest in stopping these men. It’s true that they might want Alia right now, but what’s to stop them from coming for all of us. Besides, I don’t believe we can all stand idly by and watch our… friends fight alone.”

  The leaders nodded in agreement and looked up at Alia.

  Alia smiled.

  “Vivian, please make an announcement.”

  Vivian nodded and started to walk out of the room. As she did, she noticed Sean staring at Alia, his eyes narrowed and focused. Grant Turner stood up.

  “I’m going with you, Alia.”

  Larry nodded and stood up.

  "Me too."

  Alia took a deep breath and nodded in acknowledgment, then slowly exhaled.

  “I’m leaving Captain Lantry in charge the Fail,” the queen announced.

  Sean gritted his teeth in anger behind his pursed lips. Alia avoided looking at him, knowing in the pit of her stomach that a fight was coming.

  “I’m taking their word that no harm comes to the girls or Albion as long as I reach the castle in San Bernardino by the Mourning Moon. We’ll have little time to plan. So as soon as we have an idea about how many bodies we'll have, we’ll set to work on a plan. And as I mentioned, we leave tonight so let’s meet back here in an hour.”

  The dignitaries all nodded in agreement as they rose from their chairs and left the room. Sean stood completely still, waiting for everyone to leave. Alia moved silently to the fireplace and stood before the dancing flames. Grant and Jeb were the last ones to leave and they closed the door behind them.

  “I'm going with you,” Sean said.

  “I need you here.”


  Sean walked over to Alia and grabbed her arm. She turned to him, her face again wet from tears. He felt as though he had been punched in the stomach. Her pain was all consuming and she had been holding back. He could see it in her eyes.

  “I need to know the Fail is protected, Sean."

  Sean shook his head and tried to turn away. Alia grabbed his face in her hands.

  “I need you here.”

  He grabbed her hands and held them to his mouth and then grabbed her into his arms, holding her tightly. She welcomed the embrace. She was so close to falling off the edge that she wasn’t sure she could do what she had to in the coming days. Sean closed his eyes.

  “I want to kill them.”

  Alia pulled back to see Sean’s face. Tears of anger and sadness rolling down his face.

  “A part of her was mine too, Al.”

  She leaned up and kissed him, long and soft. She knew what he meant and he was right and for a short while, they stood holding one another, staring at the flames, the flames so much like the ones they had seen only hours before on Spirit Hill.


  Tanner awoke and sat up in his chair as he looked around. The hospital, they were still in the hospital. He felt a hand on his arm and looked up to see Sara. She smiled at him.

  “You ok?”

  Tanner nodded and turned back towards the bed in front of him. Chris was still unconscious and pale. Tanner leaned forward and rubbed his face. He felt himself begin to well up and fought back the tears.

  Alisha was dead. Chris was in a coma. They had taken Coeli, Chelsea and Hannah. He wanted to hurt someone. He wanted them all back. Sara grabbed his arm again.

  “Stop it.”

  He looked at her.

  “You can’t bring Alisha back," Sara said.

  “I know.”

  Sara softened her grip on Tanner's arm as he watched his brother. She sighed.

  “They just made an announcement that all those of age can either defend the Fail or go help rescue the girls.”

  Tanner’s mouth dropped and he turned back to look at his brother.

  “You’re staying here, right?” Sara asked.

  Tanner shook his head.

  “No, I’m going.”

  Sara let go of his arm and turned around. Tanner sighed and got up. He turned her around to see her crying.

  “Scott’s going, too.”

  He held her.

  “I have to go after them, Sara. For Chris,
for Alisha and for me… I have to go for all of us. I think Scott has to go for Sam… and for you.”

  He pulled back and wiped the tears from her face.

  "You have to have faith, Sara. Mom would never let anything happen to any of us if she could stop it. She'll get them home, it’s just that Scott and the rest of us have to help her."

  Sara nodded her head.

  "I know, but that doesn't make it any easier. What if…"

  "What if? Dad always said you can't live a life full of 'what ifs.'"

  Tanner kissed her forehead and moved over to Chris. He leaned down and whispered something in his brother's ear. He grabbed the top of his brother's head and held his face to Chris's.

  "I love you, Man."

  Tanner then let him go and moved to leave, only stopping to again kiss Sara's cheek.

  "C'mon, we should see how the other kids are doing."

  He held out his hand and Sara took it. They walked out the door of the hospital room and down the hall.


  "I have to get them back."

  Sam packed a bag as his mother watched.

  "I don't understand why you have to do this, Sam."

  Sam mindlessly picked up a shirt and shoved it into the bag, unwilling to look at his mother.

  "Look at me!" she yelled.

  He stopped and turned. Her delicate features were worn and tired and he felt his heart breaking.

  "She's everything to me, Mom… and Chelsea… I have to go."

  Lily Hearst walked over to her eldest child and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  "I thought this was all over."

  "It is never ever truly over, My Love."

  Elena had slipped quietly into the room and Lily turned to her mother.

  "Oh, Mama, make him understand… please."


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