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The Gathering

Page 39

by S L Dearing

  Blaylock cocked his head. She could see his frustration and she started to laugh. He nodded and grinned at her.

  “Fine, you want it? You got it.”

  He moved towards her and pulled his arm up hard and fast, again hitting her across the face with the back of his hand. Alia slowly raised her head and again stared. The warm stickiness of fresh blood trickled down her face. Her breathing never changed and his assault came again, but she didn’t waiver.

  He pushed her face first over the cot and ripped her pants from her body. He held her face hard against the mattress. She could smell the damp moldiness of the mattress and feel the dirt against the sticky wet skin of her face. Then she felt him enter her. She felt nauseous and dirty. Then she felt her anger growing with each thrust, but she still made no sound. She turned her head towards him.

  "Is that it? Is that all you've got? Hey, does needle dick, the bug-fucker mean anything to you?"

  He sneered at her as the sweat beaded around his forehead. Then he struck her again, punching her in the back.

  "Ugh! I asked if that was all you had, Tommy!"

  He gritted his teeth, feeling all of his strength leave him. There he stood, flaccid and ineffective. He grabbed Alia and spun her around. She was still smiling, her face covered in blood and dirt.

  Again, he slowly put his hands around her throat and began to squeeze. She started to laugh again, and as his hands grew tighter and tighter, he ground his teeth together. He heard her laughter turn to wheezing as her air began to run out.


  The Shape was now behind him and without another word, Blaylock released Alia’s throat and she once again breathed deeply, coughing, but not forgetting to laugh. Blaylock turned slightly, but felt the fury rise up in him and he spun around and with full force, his fist hit Alia in the face, sending her flying against the wall.

  She felt searing pain and then the cold stone, followed by more pain and then nothing. Blaylock scowled at her limp form and then looked over at his Master, who appeared less than pleased.

  "Sorry, she made me mad."

  "Is she alive?"

  Thomas averted his gaze, then turned and knelt down next to Alia. He turned her over and checked her pulse, strong and steady.

  "Yeah. Sorry."

  The Shape shook his head and sighed.

  "You must remember that control is absolutely necessary, Thomas. You can't kill her until after the Mourning Moon. That is this evening, Thomas. Just a few more hours."

  Blaylock nodded and walked out of the cell. The Shape turned and watched Alia's chest rise and fall. He smiled.

  "A few more hours, Mrs. Stark, then it will all be over."

  He closed the door behind him. Alia awoke as the metal key turned in the lock. She held her head and groaned, then pushed herself back against the wall. She wondered about Sam and Tanner. Were they safe? Had they been tortured again? What about Coeli and the girls? Were they ok? She allowed her fingers to lightly trace the black metal now embedded in her skin.

  She had been so stupid. What had she been afraid of? She heard a noise. She looked up at her window and a raven hopped through the bars and landed on the cot.

  Alia smiled and stared at the bird. The bird stared back at her. She felt as though it was there to help her. She flinched as she moved towards it and then she noticed its feathers were changing. The shiny black feathers were turning red and the bird was growing. Alia felt her body lean back as the red feathers grew long and turned into hair. The raven's face grew pale and more human. Its wings grew long and hands appeared from under the now white feathers.

  Alia stared, unable to move, for once again before her stood the warrior queen. To Alia she seemed twenty feet tall, her black eyes glowing and her flaming tresses braided and leather-tied. She looked down at Alia, who was crying.

  "I'm so sorry. I was afraid. I…I…"

  The goddess held up her hand and shook her head. Her eyes softened and she laid her hand on her throat.

  Alia looked down and touched the amulet.

  "You know what this is? He said there was no way to remove it."

  The goddess smiled.

  “Perhaps there is, Alia Stark. Do what you do best and free yourself from his evil.”

  Then the goddess winked at Alia and vanished. Once again the raven was standing on her cot then it flew out the window.

  Alia let her head fall gently against the stone wall.

  "Do what I do best? What, have kids? Screw up? What is that? Dammit!"

  Then her eyes closed and she nodded off to sleep.


  Vance walked slowly through the trees of the forest. The rough bark pinched the palm of his hand as he peered around the trunk. A flash of red hair and then it was gone. He smiled as he ran in the direction of his vision.

  "I know you're here. I'm gonna find you."

  The bright sunlight seeped through the heavy leaves as thick columns of light descended to the forest floor. He seemed to walk forever through the maze of trees. Then he heard her.

  "I'm here. Over here."

  Vance walked slowly out of the woods and into the clearing. The grass was high and blew steadily in the soft breeze. He walked towards her. Her long auburn hair blowing against her soft, tanned shoulders. Her eyes, large and brown.


  "Hey, Babe."

  "You left me."

  She forced a smile as a tear slid down her cheek.

  "I know. I'm so sorry."

  "It's hard to breathe without you."

  She reached up and touched his face. He closed his eyes and relished the delicate traces of her skin against his. He opened his eyes and she smiled.

  "You’re here."

  "You're dreaming," she said.

  "I don't ever want to wake up."

  He pulled her to him and kissed her softly, her hair blowing against his face. His lips tingled as they gently moved against her cheek and he felt her breath against her ear.

  "Wake up, Babe. Please wake up."

  He shook his head.


  "Please… my mother needs you. Please."

  He stepped back and smiled.

  "I never did get my way, did I?"

  Alisha smiled and stepped away from him.

  "Be happy, My Love… breathe."

  She stepped farther away and began to fade. The cold wind blew against his face. His eyes opened as Connie and Quinn stared at him.

  "You ok?"

  Vance shifted and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and ran a hand through his long black hair.

  "Yeah, just a dream."

  Quinn shifted and looked at the castle. They were soon joined by Todd, who was holding a plate of food, which he handed it to Vance.

  "Here you go. You haven't really eaten."

  "Not hungry."

  Connie sighed and took the plate from Todd and shoved it into Vance's hands.

  "Look, you need to eat. Eventually we're going in there and you're going to need all your strength, so eat."

  Vance stared at her and shrugged.


  "Tonight's the full moon. What do you think will happen?" Connie asked.

  Vance shrugged and shoveled food into his mouth. Quinn stared at the birds flying above the castle.

  "When should we start to get ready?" he asked.

  Connie sharpened her blade.

  "When we see a sign. No idea what would be, but we have to wait for a sign."



  They sat quietly waiting for a sign. Vance finished his food and closed his eyes. He wanted to dream.


  The Shape stood on his balcony staring intently at the falcons that moved effortlessly above him, shadowed against the afternoon sun. He was in awe of Alia Stark. She had no reason to fight him like she had, and yet she refused to give in and call to her goddess. He almost pitied her fate. Almost.

  There was a knock on the door.

; "Enter."

  Blaylock opened the door and walked in.


  "Here, Thomas."

  Blaylock walked to the balcony and stepped out. He stood back by the door and waited. The Shape looked away from the sky and sighed.

  "It's time, Thomas. Prepare the main room and prepare the princess. It's your time. Have fun."

  Blaylock smiled, but then looked at his Master.

  "You aren't coming down?"

  "No, not until it's time. You can do whatever you like to them, except kill them… yet."

  "You want me to put the son and boyfriend with Stark?"

  "Of course. Please relay the rules to Rona and Gary. I'll be joining you when the moon rises."


  Blaylock turned to leave but stopped and turned back around.

  "Oh yeah, what about the soldiers in the tank?"

  The Shape turned back to the sky.

  "As soon as I have what is rightfully mine, you can do what you want with them."

  "Um, ok… does this have something to do with the taking of the magic or something?"

  "Yes. There are specific rules that must be obeyed. We promised Mrs. Stark that her soldiers would be left alive and unharmed."

  Blaylock looked confused and shook his head.

  "Well, what about the boyfriend and the son? We did some damage to them."

  The Shape smiled and looked over at Blaylock.

  "Yes, but neither one of those young men ever became a soldier. They merely joined a rescue party. She never asked us to spare them."

  "Oh, I get it."

  Blaylock started to smile and nod.

  "Ok, I'm going. They’ll be ready soon… and Master?"


  "Thanks for the princess. I've been aching for it."

  The Shape smiled and turned around as a falcon landed on the balcony edge.

  "I know, Thomas, I know."

  Blaylock grinned and bowed as he backed off the balcony. He walked silently to the door and left the room. He walked quickly down the stairs and found Brollen.


  Brollen turned.


  "It's time, Man. Let's go get 'em."


  They started to leave when Blaylock saw several concubines walk by, he pointed at them.

  "You two!"

  They stopped, turned and kneeled.

  "Nah, get up. I need you to go get Coeli Stark and make sure you make her presentable for the ceremony."

  They smiled and nodded and then walked towards the dungeon.

  Blaylock grinned and followed Brollen. He could taste peaches.


  Kaley and Ian stood holding one another on the balcony of her room. The early evening sky was still awash with sunlight.

  "Are you sure you're ok with this?"

  Ian smiled and kissed her head.

  "Of course, I am," he said.

  Kaley leaned back and looked into his eyes.

  "I just can't go right now. What if my mom doesn't come back? And then there's Alisha… I… I don't…"

  "Shhh, I said it’s fine. I'm not interested in just getting married, Kale. I'm interested in getting married to you. If I had to wait a million years, I would. I love you."

  She smiled and softly touched his lips.

  "I'm sorry I fought this for so long."

  He laughed quietly and held her face in his hands.

  "I'm not. The way I see it, we had to figure some things out about ourselves. I mean, I've been in love with you since I was twelve, but I wasn't sure what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. I think maybe you were going through a similar thing."

  Kaley nodded.

  "I just didn't want to make finding love be the most important thing in my life."

  "We'll have plenty of time to figure this out, Kaley. As soon as they all come home, we'll go from there, ok?"

  Kaley nodded and fell back against his chest. She relished the way she felt in his arms, safe from the world, warm against his heart and protected by his arms. They watched the sun hang low in the sky as the shadow of the moon began to rise.

  "Whatever they wanted my mother for, it'll be happening soon."

  "She'll be ok, Babe. I know it. I can feel it. Besides, with all the prayers going out to bring them home safe, I'd be surprised if they had a mark on them."

  "I know, God is watching them… and hopefully saving and protecting them."

  "He is, Kale, He is."

  She closed her eyes and prayed to God.

  “Bring them home safe, Lord. Please, bring them home safe.”


  The Horde guard brought Coeli into the main banquet room and made her stand before Blaylock as he sat on the throne. They had bathed and oiled her, dressed her in fine clothing with gold jewelry hanging from her wrists, ankles, fingers and neck; her long black curly hair was shining and her lips were painted red.

  Blaylock leaned back in his throne with Rona standing to his left. He looked over at her and smiled then turned back to Coeli as he placed a finger on the side of his head.

  "Well, well, the princess. Don't we look lovely?"

  The court laughed, but Coeli didn't move. Her hands at her side, she stared at him. Blaylock smiled and laughed.

  "I guess flattery gets me nowhere."

  He got up and put his face to hers, smelling her sweet scent and running his finger down her chest and stomach. He heard Coeli barely gasp and he smiled.

  "No, not yet, Princess, first we have a surprise for you."

  Rona laughed and playfully clapped her hands together. Blaylock lifted his hand and motioned to the end of the hall. On the other side of the room, flush against the long table, white drapes hung over a large object. Coeli could see that there were brown and red stains on them. She furrowed her brow and started to move forward, but the Horde guard held her back. Blaylock smiled and waved his hand. The guard released her and Blaylock gently took Coeli's arm, moving her along the side of the table, followed by Brollen and Rona.

  "Any idea what it is?"

  Coeli kept her face rigid, as she was terrified to see what was behind the stained cloth. Blaylock continued to smile and placed his thumb and index finger on his chin. He began to slow their footsteps, heavy and deliberate.

  "I wonder…"

  When they had reached the end of the table, Blaylock again raised his arm and then dropped it like someone starting a drag race and when he did, the drapes fell away.

  "Voila!! I love it!!!"

  The room erupted in applause and cheering. For behind the curtains there were three crosses and hung upon the crosses were Tanner, Sam and Alia.

  Coeli stood staring, her heart beating wildly in her chest; she began to feel dizzy. She felt herself straining against Blaylock’s hold. They had been savagely beaten. Coeli felt the tears as they rolled down her face. Rona squealed in delight to see her former matriarch hanging and bleeding.

  "Fantastic!! You're an artist, Tommy!!"

  "I am, aren't I?"

  Blaylock raised his eyebrows and smiled at his masterpiece, while Brollen sneered and folded his arms.

  Alia was barely conscious as she hung limply from the middle cross. The black and purple bruises on her face were starting to yellow and there were tracks of dried and coagulated blood that appeared on her body and face as crimson flowed slowly from her forehead. The amulet, black like charcoal, still hung around her neck, pressed into her charred flesh.

  Sam was unconscious, hanging forward. His face was swollen and purple and there were small cuts on his cheeks and lips. His long ginger hair was matted with blood and falling in his face. Tanner was awake, but could barely see. His face was bruised and swollen. His eyes were like tiny slits in a grayish blue balloon, but he could hear everything. He struggled to free himself but it was in vain. Ropes had been tied around their wrists and Coeli could see where they had begun to dig into their skin, much like the spikes in their hands.
  Blaylock was now laughing and dragged Coeli over to see his prisoners, but more importantly he wanted his prisoners to see her. He wanted Alia Stark to see his power firsthand.

  "Beautiful, isn't it?”

  He turned and nodded at the crowd, who cheered on cue. He laughed again and turned back around.

  "Too bad all this artistry is wasted on trash like these three, huh?"

  Coeli struck at him with her free hand. He blocked it easily and grabbed her around the throat, pulling her next to his face. His breath was hot against her face as she struggled under his chokehold.

  "You'll be fun, won't you? I knew it the minute I saw you."

  Coeli continued to struggle and Blaylock looked at her with a cocked head and then he looked at Alia who had regained consciousness. The fury began to build inside her as she saw Blaylock touching her daughter.

  "Hello, Mommy! You're awake? How are we feeling?"

  Alia stared at him, her breathing strong and precise.

  "Well, since you're awake now, we wanted to show you something… wait, the boyfriend's still out. Wake him up!"

  One of the Hordesmen walked over with a bucket of water and threw it in Sam's face. He sputtered and groaned, coughing up pink water, the matted, blood-soaked hair clung to his face. He looked up and saw Coeli. Blaylock held her by her throat, laughing. Sam shook the hair out of his face and looked at them. He fought past the metallic taste of blood on his tongue and the fire in his muscles and he forgot his pain. The only thing he felt now was rage.

  "Let her go!"

  The room once again erupted in laughter and cheers as Blaylock pushed Coeli to Brollen. He jumped up on the table and stood directly in front of Sam.

  "She is a sweet piece of meat, isn't she?"


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