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The Gathering

Page 42

by S L Dearing

  Alia narrowed her eyes.

  "C'mon, Tommy, let's dance."

  "Love to!"

  Blaylock sneered and stepped forward, bringing his sword down on Alia with tremendous force, but she countered with ease.

  Their feet danced wildly over the wood until they reached the end of the table, Alia lunged and Blaylock, looking as if he would fall, threw back his arms and did a flip off the table, landing squarely on his feet.

  Smirking, he beckoned Alia to follow him. She smiled and jumped down. He lunged at her, trying to surprise her with his strength, but he found that for each of his moves she had an equal and precise counter move. He began to get frustrated and sloppy.

  Alia struck with lightening speed.

  “Ooo, keep it together, Tommy!! Patience is a virtue!”

  Alia laughed and struck. The sneer on Blaylock's face grew.

  "So is silence!"

  He lunged again but he felt his impotence becoming apparent to anyone watching the fight. He felt his heart beat rapidly and his breathing quicken. Blaylock lunged and Alia continued to counter his every move. Alia saw Tanner and Sam fighting out of the corner of her eye. They were fighting as quickly as Alia and just as well. The fight had turned in their favor.

  Alia countered another move by Blaylock, then jumped up and let loose a full reverse spin kick to his face. Blaylock stumbled and Alia sent a full front kick to his chest, the force of which sent him flying back against the wall. His head connected with stone and he slumped to the floor.

  Alia now stood before Blaylock surrounded by blood and smoke. He was breathing hard as he looked up at her. He spit the blood in his mouth onto the floor and shook his head as he raised himself up from the floor. He grabbed another blade from a dead soldier.

  "Nice move, Bitch. Ready?"

  "For you? Always."

  Alia snarled and lunged, Blaylock countered and they continued to adjoin their metal with every ounce of strength they had. Alia moved around him feeding on her anger like a fire feeds on oxygen.

  Blaylock was breathing so heavily that he sprayed the blood and sweat that rolled over his lips and teeth with each exhale. His exhaustion was unmistakable and although he faltered only slightly, it was enough for Alia to strike. She tried to slice across his chest, but he turned and she only cut his arm just under the shoulder, but it was deep, and fresh blood poured from his open wound.


  She countered again and struck, but this new pain had given him strength and he repelled her onslaught and countered. He struck harder and harder and Alia moved backward, away from him for the first time. She didn't see the cup as she stepped back. As it rolled under her foot, she fell.

  Blaylock moved in and brought the sword down with all his might. Alia managed to block it, but the second dagger found its way into her shoulder and he fell on top of her and pressed the blade deep.

  She struggled to push him off of her and he twisted the knife.

  “ARRGGHH, get off me you Son of a Bitch!”

  The pain was searing as she reached for her swords. He pushed her weapons away and struck her in the jaw, then he put his face in hers as if he was going to kiss her and smiled. The blood from his wounds dripped on her face.

  "You're nothing you old bitch! Pathetic, ugly and weak! You're dead!! Oh, yeah, by the way, I recognized your boyfriend… Lantry, right? I did his sister. She was one of the first… a little old for my liking normally, but when you're in a bind, you make do."

  He laughed as Alia snarled and she felt the power of the goddess running through her. Her eyes narrowed and turned black. Blaylock saw this and snarled.


  "Stop talking, Ass!!!"

  She brought her knee up and connected with his groin. He grunted in misery as Alia pushed him off of her with a white light, which threw him backwards and away from her. He only stopped when he hit the wall.

  She stood up and removed the blade, then laid a hand over her shoulder as a purple light radiated from underneath.

  Blaylock struggled to get to his feet. Shaking the cobwebs from his head, he staggered and leaned against the wall, staring at Alia. She lifted her hand and the swords returned to her.

  "You're a fucking cheat!"

  "Jealous? Don't be sore, Tommy, we're still paying the game, aren't we?"

  Blaylock’s face was bloody and bruised and his breathing labored. Then Alia saw it, the fear. He was afraid.

  “I’m sick of looking at your ugly face!”


  Blaylock sighed and shook his head.

  "Let's finish this then."

  "Yeah, let's."

  Blaylock ran at Alia and again their metal clashed. They countered and moved around the room. Blaylock lunged with his dagger and as Alia countered he sliced across her chest. The blood flowed as she dropped one of her swords and grabbed her wound, falling to one knee. Blaylock began to laugh maniacally, his hands in the air. Then he stopped and looked at Alia. She held her injury, blood pouring through her fingers, her face distant and pale.

  "No cheating now!!"

  He dropped the dagger and grabbed his sword with both hands, raising it above his head and beginning to pull it downward, towards Alia’s head. In that moment, Alia pulled her other sword from her hip and plunged it upward into Blaylock’s abdomen. The weight of the metal felt good as she twisted it into his flesh.

  Blaylock dropped his sword and grabbed the blade that had felled him, looking at Alia with awe and then horror. She was now nose-to-nose with him and he could see her eyes. They were gold. It was her. He started to shake and tried to push the metal out of his body, but Alia held it fast.

  “No good, Tommy. Game over.”

  She pushed the blade in farther and twisted again as Blaylock gasped for air. She ripped the sword from his body, letting his blood flow as she watched him sink to the ground, slumped against the wall.

  Alia, breathing heavily, stood watching him as he struggled to breathe, then he smiled at her.

  "Doesn't matter…"

  Blaylock spit out blood and coughed up more as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He laughed.

  “I thought you should know…your old man…he cried like a baby when I fucked your other daughter… Colleen, right? He and your son…begging for mercy for her, but she got it all!! Hell, they all got it, didn’t they?”

  He laughed and shook, sputtering and coughing up blood. From the corner of her eye Alia could see Rona, watching from a distance. Alia frowned, cocked her head and without a word she lifted her sword, looked at it and then looked at Blaylock. Time seemed to stop as Alia stared into those icy blue eyes. Thomas Blaylock smiled, blood dripping from his lips. When suddenly, Alia flipped her sword and drove it through the top of Blaylock’s skull.

  Those icy blue eyes stared in disbelief as he tried to speak, but nothing but blood and spittle fell from his mouth. The life went slowly out of him as Alia turned and looked at Rona. She started after her, but Rona ran to the stairs and Alia watched. There was time to take care of Rona later. Her soldiers needed her. She ran towards the battle raging out side.


  Coeli continued to search quietly through the dark tunnels of the dungeon, looking for the girls. The damp stone and eerie light of the torches only emphasized her aloneness.

  She could hear the battle raging above her. The wet stone was hard and cold against her fingertips as she felt her way, and she cried. She couldn't believe what she had heard about Alisha and Chris.

  "Chelsea? Hannah? Can you hear me?"

  Her soft voice bounced against the rock as she moved towards the soft glow in the distance and began to slow. What if there were more guards? She called out again, but softly.

  "Hannah? Chels?"

  "Here! We're in here!"

  Coeli looked around the corner and saw that the hall was empty, then she ran towards their voices and grabbed the metal bars of the wooden door, then felt their fingers against hers.
  "Oh, thank the gods!"

  "What's happening, Coeli? What's going on?"

  Coeli explained as she looked for the right key. As she spoke, she realized that she was having trouble finding the right key. What if it wasn't on this ring, then what would she do?

  "Hurry, Coeli, please!"

  Coeli was so desperate to find the key that she didn't hear the footsteps behind her until she saw the hand on the key ring. She yelped and jumped back. From out of the darkness stepped Albion Merganser.

  "I won't hurt you."

  Then he looked down at the ring of keys and pulled up the smallest.

  "This one."

  He slipped it into the lock and it popped open. Coeli laid her hand on his and he lifted his eyes to meet hers. He shook his head.

  "I didn't know they would hurt you like that. Or your mom or Tanner or Sam…or anyone…I didn’t know. I'm so sorry…it's all my fault."

  He lowered his eyes and stared to cry.

  "I heard Rona…is my dad dead? Did they kill my dad?"

  "I don't know, Albion."

  "I just wanted to see my mother again. But she's not my mom anymore…I don't know who she is."

  "I know, Albie. But we have to get out of here. Do you know the fastest way?"

  Albion nodded and pointed. Coeli took his hand.

  "C'mon, show us the way."

  Albion Merganser smiled slightly and took a deep breath. He nodded and moved forward as the girls followed. The light of the tunnel was dim at best, but Albion seemed to know exactly where was he going. Chelsea took Coeli's other hand.

  "Coeli? Tanner and Sam…are they…?"

  Coeli looked at her friend.

  "They were alive when I came to find you.”

  Chelsea nodded and squeezed Coeli's hand tighter. Hannah looked at Coeli.

  "Did you say that my dad was here? And he's fighting?"

  Coeli nodded as they moved hastily through the tunnels and into a brightly lit room. Albion ushered them in quickly.

  "This is my room."

  "How are we going to get out of here?"

  Hannah was looking at the walls. There were no windows and the room was buried deep underground. Albion smiled and walked to the closet. There was a heavy wooden door. Albion opened it. Inside was a closet like any other with clothes and discarded items, but against the wall was an old drapery. Albion moved it aside and behind the curtain were stairs leading upwards.

  "They lead to a door that opens out the side of the castle. I don't know why it's there or if they even knew it was there, but they put me in here and I found it. Maybe they thought I was too stupid to find it."

  Coeli smiled.

  "Shame on them."

  They all allowed themselves a moment of happiness and laughed. Albion handed Coeli a large shirt from his closet.

  "It should be big enough to cover you up. I have some shoes, but I think they might be too big."

  Coeli smiled and took the shirt, noticing that Albion's face was turning a bright crimson.

  "Thank you."

  Then they heard it. A loud slam as someone had thrown the heavy dungeon door of the girl's cell closed.

  "All right, Ladies. If you come out and take your medicine, I won't make it hurt…too bad."

  Coeli shuddered then locked the door to the room and threw on the shirt that Albion had given her.

  "It's Brollen! Everyone hurry! Get upstairs!! Run!"

  Albion took Hannah's hand and Chelsea followed. Coeli took care to close the heavy closet door behind her and made sure the drape hung carefully over the opening of the stairway before she followed her friends up the stone staircase.

  Brollen was smashing doors and lights as he marched fiercely down the tunnels. His large hand clutched his dagger tightly as he searched for the missing girls. He threw open doors, throwing furniture and glass. As he neared the end of the tunnel, he saw Albion’s room. He laid his hand on the doorknob and pressed. Locked. He rapped lightly on the door.

  "Hey, Albie…open up. I just want to see what you're playing with, Kid. C'mon…it's your pal, Gary…open up."

  The silence from the room amplified the commotion coming from the great hall. Brollen sighed and knocked again.

  "C'mon, Kid…I'm starting to get irritated. Let me in."

  Nothing. Brollen's face turned into a snarl.

  "Open the fucking door, Al!! No? Ok, then I break it down and then I break your face!!"

  Brollen pounded against the door. The massive wooden portal shook against his fists.

  The foursome had managed to climb to the top of the stairs and had reached the door that led to the outside. Breathing heavily, Albion pushed against the door, but it remained closed. He looked around and then pushed again. It remained immovable.


  "I don't know what's going on. It's never been locked before."

  He pushed against it and tried to force it open. Chelsea took hold of the latch and also began to pull and push against the weight of the wood and steel, her eyes wide and frantic.

  Suddenly Coeli remembered the keys tied to her dress. She reached down and untied the ring. She reached over and touched Albion's shoulder.

  "What about these? Do you think it's on here?"

  Albion smiled and grabbed the key ring. Fumbling, he grabbed the keys from the ring and placed them in the lock, each time hoping that it would turn.

  As he continued to try the keys, a great crash carried up the stone steps. Hannah looked at Coeli.

  "Oh my God! He broke through the door!!"

  Albion glanced up and grabbed each key faster. He felt Hannah's hands against his shoulder, her thin fingers digging in and shaking him, pleading with him to go faster. The metal keys were slippery with sweat and he fumbled. He prayed silently to God for help.

  Then they heard him. He had found the stairs.

  "Hey, Little Kiddies… did you find a way out? Oh, wait… is the way out locked?"

  He roared with laughter and dragged his dagger along the stone walls. The high-pitched scratching squeal of metal against stone echoed through the tunnel. Hannah covered her ears to try and block out the sound. Coeli took Albion's face in her hands and looked him in the eye.

  "I believe in you, Albie…I believe in you. Close your eyes and see the key…you can do it."

  "No, I can't…"

  "Yes, you can…you have to…close your eyes."

  Albion shook his head, but closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He saw nothing but Brollen's face and that scar, then he saw his mother. She was holding the key ring. She walked to the door and pulled out the key. He saw it. He opened his eyes and looked at the key ring. There it was, the one with the red stone. He grabbed it and pushed it into the lock and turned. The locked clicked. They pushed the door open and ran, the cool autumn air against their faces. The door led out into a patch of cleared earth near the trees of the forest.

  Brollen had made his way to the top of the stairs and was after them. They ran to the edge of the trees.

  Coeli could see the battle raging outside the castle.

  "Running will only make it worse, Kiddies. Gary's already pissed off!!"

  Coeli turned back towards the woods and pushed her companions into the trees.


  Anne Merganser had turned to look out the window at the precise moment to see Albion running off with the girls. Her hands flew to the window.

  "NO! Albie!!"

  The Shape turned to see what was happening. He pushed her aside and saw her son running off with his virgins.


  He spun around and ran to his elixirs and potions. He ran his fingers quickly over all the red vials and bottles until finally he found it, virgin blood. He sighed.

  "Stop him, My Lord!! Stop him!!"

  "You're lucky he still breathes. Maybe now is the time to cut the cord, My Dear."

  "How did that amulet fall off Alia Stark, My Lord?"

  He narrowed his eyes, fully
aware of the tone she was taking with him.

  "Old magic, My Dear," he forced through gritted teeth. "The kind of old magic most know nothing about. Love… the kind of love that breeds self-sacrifice. In that second, she would have gladly died to save all of them and with that she freed herself."

  "Why did the bird take the amulet?"

  He turned and looked at her. He now saw the lines in her face and the traces of time etched in her eyes, beautiful, but haggard. He had grown weary of her. She no longer held him in her spell.

  "Because it belongs to his mistress… I took it when she wasn't looking."

  "You stole it from the goddess?"

  He smiled and shrugged. Anne shook her head and backed against the wall.

  "You're insane."

  "I've been called worse by better, My Dear. And just in case you’ve forgotten, your offspring is fleeing…"

  Then he turned and began to cast, oblivious to her tears. She turned back to the window and watched in horror.

  The children had taken off running, not knowing where they were going. They became separated and Coeli and Albion were running together.

  "Where did the girls go, Albie?"

  "I don't know! They were with us a minute ago!"

  Brollen saw Coeli's black hair and rounded behind them, his powerful legs pushing him closer. He smiled at the thought of getting to finish what he'd started in the hall.

  Coeli didn't see the root until it was too late. She felt her toes catch on the wood and she fell. She hit the ground hard and felt the wind forced out of her. She scrambled to get up but Brollen was on her. She couldn't see, but she kicked and scratched. She felt his skin give way under her nails and then the sting of his hand against her cheek.

  She was dizzy and her head pounded. She grabbed at the ground, hard and cold under her fingers and then she felt hands on her arms. She struggled, but soon realized the fingers on her were small and thin. Chelsea and Hannah were lifting her off the ground. Her face ached but she had recovered her bearings. She saw Albion trying to fight off Brollen.


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