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The Gathering

Page 44

by S L Dearing

  "All this talent and you just watched as they butchered your Tommy… you are pathetic."

  Rona snarled at Anne and even without the use of her other hand Rona disarmed Anne within a matter of moments.

  Anne spit at Rona again, but Rona moved aside, letting the spittle rest on a wall. It slid down and slithered along the stone and eating its way through the rock.

  Anne began to panic and throw charms at Rona, but she blocked all of them. Rona's eyes were now steely and focused as she chased Anne down the stairs.

  Rona tried to grab the banister as she moved down the stairs, smacking her stump on the wood. The dull ache was a painful reminder of her new condition, pushing her on faster after her prey.

  As Anne ran through the main hall, she grabbed several swords. She looked for an alternative way out, but the only access to the outside was through the main doors and into the thick of the fighting outside. She pressed on through the room, although the air was thick with smoke and the metallic twinge of blood. Her nose twitched as she stepped lightly over bodies and made her way through the hall towards the exit.

  She could hear the battle raging outside, but she knew they would all be so engrossed with each other they wouldn't notice one more concubine fleeing the melee. As she approached the far side of the room, she saw the lifeless body of Thomas Blaylock slumped against the wall.

  She stopped and stared at him with disgust. She saw his eyes, the icy blue under a cloudy haze. There was nothing left. She heard Rona behind her and she ran to the doors.

  The darkness of night met her as she ran through the castle entrance. The clash of swords came from all sides. Anne moved quickly through the crowd, dodging the thrashing weapons. Fire and ash flew softly through the air as she saw her destination, the forest.

  A soldier slammed against her and she struck with her sword. The Horde soldier fell and she withdrew. She had reached the edge of the fighting when Sam saw her. He raised his hand and a great blue light flew towards her. It was like a rope and it coiled itself around her neck and pulled her back.

  She struggled as the magical rope dragged her from the forest edge and back into the fighting. When the light was almost back in Sam's hand, he tossed his arm back and Anne Merganser was thrown through the air and into the middle of the fight. Sam was about to go after her, but several of the Hordesmen advanced and he was momentarily distracted.

  Anne seized the moment and stood up, ready to run to the other side of the castle. A Fail soldier came at her and she spit in her face. The soldier tried desperately to wipe away the spittle, but the snake had begun to move and turn white, and the soldier’s screams were lost in the battle as the acid burned through her face and Anne turned to run.

  As she took her first step, she felt cool metal against her neck. Rona was standing in front of her and had just drawn back her blade. The sword the Master had given her was dripping with fresh blood. Anne stared at Rona, her heart beating, her lungs expanding and retracting. Rona could see that Anne Merganser now understood. Those blue eyes, like a Caribbean lagoon, stared at Rona with relief. Then as one tear rolled down her face, Anne's head lolled to the left and fell from her body, which collapsed moments later.

  Rona smiled at Anne's now lifeless body. She walked over and kicked her head like a soccer ball. She laughed as it rolled off into the distance. Rona spun around, ready to run back into the castle, but found Tanner standing before her, barring her way.

  "Going somewhere?"

  His eyes were shining in the dim light, reflecting the dancing fire around them. Rona felt her stomach drop. He had the same look in his eyes that Alia had when she fought Thomas.

  "They made me, Tanner! They made me do it!"

  A Horde soldier moved behind Tanner, but he felt him and spun around. As the Hordesman struck, Tanner countered and ran him through. He turned back to Rona, who held her sword aloft and slowly circled him, as he calmly watched her. She looked frightened.

  "I didn't want to, but they said they would kill me! You have to believe me!"

  "Spare me the theatrics, Rona. You killed my sister, possibly my brother, and now I'm gonna kill you!"

  He lunged at her and she sneered, countering his strike. The frightened woman, pleading for her life had disappeared and been replaced by the liar and murderess. She stumbled and tripped, forgetting that she was missing a hand. He grinned at her.

  "Oh, what happened? Do you need a hand?"

  She snarled at him and struck again. From her stump she sent out red flames, which turned into hooks. The hooks tried to grab Tanner, but he raised his arm and from the palm of his hand came a blue shield. When the hooks hit the magic shield they withered and disappeared.

  She frowned and screamed wildly as they exchanged magic and blows and she came towards him. Tanner threw his hand up and a bright orange flash pushed Rona back and through the soldiers fighting around them. She landed hard on the ground, her head slamming into the earth. She shook the cobwebs out her eyes and stood up. She walked, then ran back to Tanner, leaping at him and bringing the sword down on him as hard as she could. He countered, but her blade cut through his metal and the sword sliced through his shoulder.

  He rolled over and scrambled to get out of her way, but she struck at him again and caught him on the back, cutting him deeply. Blood flowed from the new wound as he rolled back over. She struck again and caught him across the chest.

  He blocked her attacks with his dagger, but her blows were too powerful and she knocked the dagger from his grasp. He was breathing heavily and staring at her.

  She held the sword to his throat, glancing over her shoulder towards Alia, who was distracted with several of the Horde soldiers. She smiled and pulled back the sword, pointed at Tanner's chest.

  "Maybe it's you who needs a hand?"

  She laughed and pushed the sword forward, but it stopped mid-air and her laughter ceased as her face turned crimson. Around her neck was a blue light that looked like a rope. She was being pulled backwards. She looked at Tanner as she grabbed at the rope with her stump and then noticed that a purple glow was coming from his body. Then she stopped and the rope disappeared. She took long raspy breaths that suddenly stopped. Rona then looked down at her chest. Sticking out of her left breast was the point of a dagger. The point withdrew and she dropped to her knees. She grabbed her breast as blood streamed from the wound. Behind her stood Vance and Sam. Sam grabbed Vance's shoulder, nodded and then ran to help Alia fight off more of the Hordesmen.

  Vance walked past Rona to Tanner and helped him up. Tanner held tightly to Vance's hand and Vance nodded. They began to move towards Alia and Sam. Rona had her hand in front of her and was looking at the blood and started to laugh. They stopped and watched her.

  "He chose me… he chose me over Anne. I was better… a better fighter, a better follower… Alisha suffered, didn't she?”

  She laughed. Vance watched her.

  "I wasn't ordered to kill her you know? It was just for kicks really."

  Rona laughed harder and coughed up some blood, which made her giggle more. Vance's fury was more than he could stand and he walked over to Rona and grabbed her by the hair and smiled.

  "I almost forgot… I just love being cliché."

  The evil smile on her lips turned to terror as Rona saw the dagger in Vance's hand. She shook her head and tried to push his hands away, but as the last vestige of life ran from her body, she felt the blade cut deeply into her scalp and the last thing she heard was her skin being ripped from her head.

  Vance held her scalp aloft and gripped it tightly in his hand.


  Tanner felt a tear roll down his face, not for Rona, but for Vance. It was then Vance let his tears for Alisha come as he tied his scalp to his belt. Neither said a word as they walked back into the battle.


  They held tightly to the unicorns' manes. Coeli wanted to look, but she couldn't. The air around her seemed thin and cold. Then everything stopped and she open
ed her eyes.

  They were all in the clearing. She looked at Schepta and then looked around to make sure everyone had arrived. Chelsea let go of Schepta's mane and hugged Coeli.

  "We're back."

  Hannah laughed as she ran over and joined her friends. They all laughed and then remembered the wounded. They helped Albie get down from Schepta's back and as he leaned on Hannah, she smiled.

  "C'mon, Al, let's get you fixed up."

  He smiled and nodded.

  From inside the Fail, the soldiers stood poised with bow and arrow. They had seen the light come from the forest, but couldn't see what had caused it. Sean ran up the stairs and watched.

  They saw movement and rustling.


  "Hold your fire, Soldier."

  They all stood silently watching, when from behind them, they heard Beverly.

  "Open those gates, Captain!! It's them! Open the gates!!"

  The healers were rushing towards the gates. Sean gave the command for them to be opened, but turned back towards the sentries.

  "Stay sharp, but no one fires unless you hear from me!"

  They all nodded and took their places as Sean ran back down the stairs. He met up with Beverly.

  "Who is it, Bev?"

  She smiled as they walked towards the trees. When Sean looked again, Coeli was walking out of the woods, helping a wounded soldier, followed by Hannah, Albion, Chelsea, the rest of the wounded and the unicorns. Sean's heart leapt as he turned to the gate.

  "You men, get more recruits, we've got wounded out here!"

  Beverly reached Coeli first and helped her put the soldier on the ground, then hugged her tightly.

  "Are you alright, Sugar?"

  "Yes, Ma'am, I'm fine, but they're all hurt."

  "Thank you, Darlin', we're on it. Evelyn, let's get these folks back in shape."

  Evelyn Tran started pointing to the soldiers as the healers took off running in all directions. Chelsea helped Hannah set Albion on the ground as Beverly looked at his wound.

  "My goodness, Mr. Merganser, what did you do?"

  "I'm not a very good fighter."

  Hannah smiled.

  "Not true, he did a great job. He rescued us."

  Beverly smiled.

  "Well then, let's get you all fixed up."

  Beverly began to cast as she held her hands above Albion's side. Coeli looked over at Sean. She smiled, and then leapt into his arms. He held her tightly as she cried.


  Kaley, Rebecca and Sara pushed their way past the Fail soldiers and ran to their sister. Coeli looked at Sean as he smiled and let her go. The sisters embraced and laughed, and soon they were joined by Ellen and Ian Turner, as well as the Hearsts.

  Rebecca looked over at her best friends.

  "Hannah!! Chels!!"

  They all lunged at each other, but didn't fall over until Rachel Levine ran at them and jumped on them.

  "OH MY GOD!! I've been so worried!!!"

  Rebecca nodded and smiled.

  "We all have… I love you guys so much!!"

  The girls all cried again. Albion watched and then looked at his side. The wound had healed over, but it was still tender and sore.

  "There you go, Son. Now you just rest a while, alright?"

  "Ms. Watson?"


  "My father and my brother…are they…"

  "Come now, Young Man…"

  Beverly held out her hand. Albion reached out and took it, then felt someone behind him helping him up. Once he was standing he looked behind him.

  Elian Merganser was smiling at him.


  Elian pulled his brother into an embrace and Albion felt himself start to cry.

  "It was my fault… I let her out… I didn't mean for it to happen like that… I'm so sorry…"


  Albie looked up to see Stephan walking towards him, leaning on a cane.


  Albion lunged at his father who held him tightly.

  "They said you were dead… I'm so sorry… I just wanted to see mother again."

  "It's alright, Son. It's alright."

  Sean reveled in the joy of having these few back, but then he looked to the east and sighed. He would need to wait. They promised.


  The Shape had finished his spell, a potion made from the blood of the unicorn and the blood of the virgins. He had consumed most of the unicorn blood, but there had been enough left to make the elixir.

  He left the room and made his way down the stairs. When he got to the bottom step he turned and looked around the throne and table, until he found what he was looking for. He walked over to Blaylock's body and looked at the wound at the top of his head. He smiled and held the glowing compound over Blaylock's head. Then he let several drops fall into the wound and stepped back.

  The elixir bubbled and foamed as it reacted with the dead gray matter of Thomas Blaylock's head. Slowly the icy blue of Blaylock's eyes became less hazy and eventually cleared. The wound in his head healed over and he lifted his head and looked at his Master.

  "Hello, Thomas… I'm afraid you're not done here yet."

  Blaylock pressed himself against the wall and lifted himself up. He moved his head from side to side and his muscles and bones cracked as he stretched. Then he smiled.


  The Shape smiled as he held up his hand.

  "No, My Friend… I need you to take the book and the trunk to the other place. I need them to be safe as we are done here."

  "What about her?"

  Blaylock's eyes narrowed.

  "There will be another time, Thomas. Now, we must get to safety… re-group…"

  A young Horde soldier burst into the castle and ran a Fail soldier through. The Shape looked over at him and the youth fell to one knee.

  "You, Boy, where is Rona?"

  The soldier shrugged.

  "I don't know, My Lord."

  "Find her and bring her to me… quickly!"

  "Yes, My Lord."

  The young man ran outside as the Shape turned back to the recently re-animated Thomas Blaylock. Although his eyes were clear, they did not hold the signs of any life. They were dark and cold, more evil than before, but Blaylock nodded and moved towards the stairs.

  "They are in my room, Thomas."

  He watched as Blaylock moved deliberately up the stairs. As soon as he reached the top, the main door again opened. The young soldier was carrying Rona's lifeless body.

  The Shape ran to her and took her gently in his arms. He stroked the section of her bloody and exposed scalp. Her brown eyes were cloudy and dull. He again removed the elixir and poured it on her head, her chest and into her mouth.

  Again the elixir bubbled and foamed. Her pale skin healed over becoming warm. The elixir was stolen life, the life of Ferage.

  Rona coughed and sputtered as she started to wake up. She flailed as she struggled.

  "Shhh, Child… you are with me."


  The word was an effort. He looked at her wrist and saw that her hand was missing. He helped her up.

  "Come, Rona, we are leaving."

  He turned to the young Hordesman.

  "Hold her."

  The young soldier held Rona as the Shape lifted his arms and yelled an incantation at the wall. From the darkness a portal appeared and a great wind blew about them. Blaylock had returned with the trunk and he stood next to the soldier and smiled at him, lazily.

  The Shape motioned for the young man to hand him Rona. He took her and held her close as he turned to Blaylock.

  "Hold on to the trunk, Thomas."

  Blaylock nodded and closed his fist tighter around the handle. Then the Shape grabbed Blaylock and stepped towards the portal, but stopped and looked at the young Hordesman. He smiled.

  "You should be running now."

  Then he stepped into the portal and there was a great slamming sound as the three o
f them were sucked into the vortex. The Hordesman closed his eyes and ducked, as the winds around him grew fierce and violent. Then they subsided and he looked up. The portal was closing, but before it did, a black round object flew from the darkness. Again the Hordesman ducked as the black thing flew past him and hit the stone floor.

  You should be running now.

  The blood drained out of his face as he stumbled back and towards the main door. He burst out into the darkness.


  He ran for the trees. Alia saw him and stopped. What could he be running from? She looked over at Grant. She saw the flicker of understanding in his eyes and in that moment she too understood.

  Then the bomb exploded.


  "I can't believe she's gone."

  Kaley held Coeli as she cried. She had been so preoccupied with taking care of everyone else that she hadn't had much time to mourn Alisha. She cried, too.

  "It happened so quickly… she gave her life to protect Brandon and Lisa. It's what she chose…"

  Coeli sat up and wiped her face.

  "She knew, didn't she? She knew."

  Kaley looked down at her hands and nodded.

  "I think so."

  Coeli nodded, too.

  "I miss her."

  "Me, too."

  The girls smiled and looked at each other until they heard a sniffle. Coeli turned to see the younger children in the doorway. Coeli jumped off the bed and kneeled on the floor as they ran into her arms and the weight of them pushed her over. She laughed as they all lay on top of her.

  "We were really worried."

  Brian sat up as he wiped his eyes.


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