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The Lord of Shadows Rises

Page 2

by Terzian, James

  “According to the spies I have in the area, the son has retrieved a box from the shell of his house. I think that contains what I need. Take it from his lifeless corpse if you have to, but do not fail me,” said the voice.

  The woman bowed and responded, “Understood, my Lord.”

  Kira and the two men walked out of the temple. Joined as they left by another soldier who had appeared to take the place of the one who had most recently felt the Lord of Shadow’s wrath.


  Having struggled on his return to school, Alexander was absent the following week to allow him time to grieve. In a clearing near to Samuel’s home, he was practicing with his wooden sword, fighting an invisible enemy. His reflection on the lake next to him as he went through various styles. Why did this happen? What were you part of, Mother, Father? Asked the teen to himself.

  The previous two days, he had spent at the library to see if he could find anything about this Lord of Shadows mentioned in the note found inside the box.

  His search came up empty despite his best efforts.

  I suppose it wouldn’t be public knowledge, thought the teen.

  He was back in the present as a rustling came from the edge of the clearing. “Come out!” he demanded raising his wooden sword in a guard position.

  Four people came out into the clearing. One of them was the red-haired woman, Kira. The other three were mere soldiers of the Lord of Shadows and decked in black tunics with cloths over their faces.

  Stepping forward from the others, Kira said in a smooth voice, “Alexander, you've got something of my master’s. It is a key, and your father had no rights to it. He stole it from my master. Bring it to me, and you will be rewarded. It's of no use to you.”

  Alexander’s eyes narrowed. “Who is your master? Were you the one who murdered my parents?” He growled from his throat while slowly backing away.

  “No, unfortunately I never got the pleasure of watching them burn,” Kira said grinning maniacally. “If you do not bring us the key you have discovered, then we will have to destroy you. Will you be sensible and take us to it?”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I do not have any key,” he lied; he had the box safely hidden in his room at Samuel’s house.

  The woman smirked. “Nice try. However, you will not be alive long enough to protect it” she replied.

  Alexander tensed.

  “Then, we will find out where you have been living and kill all those in that house, too. Now will you take us to it or not?”

  Alexander shook his head, still brandishing his wooden sword and gripping the handle in preparation of the coming fight. He couldn’t trust these people. He knew the key must be very important. "How can I protect Samuel and his family from these thugs? He thought.

  “Kill him,” ordered the red-haired woman as she stepped back.

  The three charged Alexander with their weapons as the woman looked on, a cruel smirk etched on her face. The first man swung wildly with his duel short sword but missed his target and was kicked in the back by Alexander.

  The other two charged forward as Alexander managed to block a wooden staff with his sword. He struggled to push back against the larger of the two men and fell to one knee. The man continue to force Alexander down and kicked the teen in the chest, knocking him flat.

  The larger man raised his blunt weapon, ready to deliver the killing blow, when he was sent back by a strong kick from an unseen assailant. The woman’s attention was caught as she glanced up and saw an elderly man of Asian descent. Wearing a blue robe with the symbol of a white rose on his back, he had his long white hair pulled back in a ponytail.

  “…Who the hell are you?” she demanded, somewhat weakly. The sheer power radiating from this man had made her hesitate slightly. Foreboding and dread shaking her to her core.

  “My name is not important to the dishonorable. You strike a downed warrior. This I cannot allow. You are a disgrace to warriors everywhere.” He pulled out a dagger and beckoned the attackers forward. “Come.”

  The large man sprang to his feet and snarled at the newcomer, he then charged forward bringing his weapon down towards the old man. Quicker than anyone present thought possible, the large man was spewing blood from his jugular vein as the old man slashed across his neck with the dagger.

  Kira wasn’t used to feeling immense fear. Her body could not stop shaking in this newcomer’s presence. He was dangerous. That much was certain.

  The old man glanced at the large man’s body. Seeing their comrade fall caused the other assailants to pause in shock. However, only for a moment, before they gathered up their courage and charged. With little movement both thugs were mortally wounded: one was stabbed quickly in the chest, the other cut across his throat, a wound matching the warrior’s former comrade.

  Turning around, the elderly fighter spoke to Kira, “How about you, young lady?”

  Kira backed away with fear in her eyes. She looked at Alexander and said, “You got lucky, boy, but I’ll be back.” Turning on her heels she fled to safety, abandoning her fallen companions as they lay lifeless on the ground.

  The old man looked at the teen, who was breathing hard and frowned. He has already seen death, and yet he's so young. What brought him to this? Turning the old man shuffled slowly away, the speed and agility he had shown a moment ago no longer present.

  Alexander looked after him as he moved further and further away before he decided to follow him.

  Chapter 2: The Master

  Alexander continued to follow the man until he reached a medium-sized cottage. He had believed he had remained unseen to the elderly man, but a voice soon proved him wrong.

  “I know you’re there, young man. Why not come out?”

  Alexander walked out of his hiding place and approached the man, readying to defend himself even though he knew he had no hope of winning in his current state.

  “Would you like some tea or maybe a soda?” asked the man, walking into the cottage and motioning Alexander to follow.

  The cottage was sparsely furnished. Through the gloom Alexander could make out the back wall and a wooden shelf holding various trophies and medals. On that same shelf were two pictures. One was of a young boy with an older looking man both wearing purple GI’s.

  The second picture was the same adult again, though this time he was joined by a blond woman in a wedding dress. The woman was being carried bridle-style in front of the camera. The picture was black and white, showing its obvious age.

  Alexander sat down, “Soda’s fine. I want to thank you for saving my life,” said the teen.

  Taking a soda from the aging, faded-white refrigerator in the corner, the man passed it to Alexander before pouring some tea for himself. “You’re lucky I came by when I did,” said the old man taking a sip.

  Alexander bowed and said “Thank you. Um, I don’t know your name.”

  The old man chuckled. “Yes, that would be a good thing, introductions. You can call me Master Luray, and you're Alexander, according to the identification in your wallet,” Luray said.

  “Your name sounds familiar. I know that name,” said Alexander, struggling to recall just where he had heard the Master’s name previously. “I know now, you trained my father. But he never completed his studies, did he?”

  “Your father? Ah, yes Theodor,” Luray replied, a faraway look in his eye. “He was a great student, but he had his school to deal with, so he could not complete his training even though he was so close. Though I believe he studied other forms and styles from another dojo, eventually attaining a master level? I was sad to see him study in another dojo, but I gave him my blessing. I am very sorry to hear of the fate of your parents. Do you know the warriors that attacked you before and why they wanted to kill you?”

  “No, I did not know them,” said Alexander bending the truth slightly. “They wanted something that was left to me. That's all I know.”

  “I see, what‘re you going to do now, young man?” asked
the Master.

  Alexander sighed and replied, “I don’t know. I'm lost as to what to do.” Thinking for a moment an idea struck him, he stood up from his seat and lowered himself down onto his hands and knees, asking, “Can you train me, Master Luray, like you did my father?”

  “Why do you want to learn under me?” asked the Master. His eyes seemed to pierce Alexander, bearing deep into his soul, as though trying to decipher the teen’s intent.

  “I did, at first, want to avenge my parents, but I realize this would tarnish their memory. They would never want that. I want to make it so I can defend myself and others close to me. Please, Master Luray?” he asked with steely determination, sincerity and a hint of grief. Luray looked into his eyes and saw, staring back, the fire of a true martial artist. Someone willing to do what he must to protect his friends.

  Master Luray responded, “I could, but you must pass a test first and I must gauge your commitment.”

  Alexander looked at him and asked, “What's the test?”

  Master Luray smiled. “You must land a clean hit on me to pass. Only your father was able to pass my test. You can start tomorrow since it’s clear that you're still injured,” said Luray.

  "Very well,” said Alexander “I will be back tomorrow.”

  “Do you have a place to stay?” asked the Master.

  “Yes, I'm staying with my friend Samuel. I will return and begin my training tomorrow.” Alexander was so excited at the thought of being trained by Master Luray. Everything though was still confusing, explaining the warriors and the content of the box was something he didn’t want to talk about with anyone right then.

  The next morning, Alexander walked into the clearing in the forest and saw Master Luray sitting in the lotus position. Sensing Alexander he arose at once, commanding, “Come at me!”

  The Master took his stance.

  Alexander, heart beating so hard he thought it may explode from his chest, got into his own stance, similar to that of a boxer but with personal alterations to allow more fluid movement.

  Alexander, without warning, charged forward in attempt to catch the Master off guard, throwing a quick jab that was easily blocked. Trying to change tactics he went for a spinning kick, but the Master nonchalantly caught his effort, and he was thrown to the ground.

  “That can’t be all you got, boy,” mocked the Master.

  Alexander sprang back to his feet and went for a sweep, hoping to trip his opponent, but the Master easily jumped over it, returning with his own kick in the process, causing Alexander to fall down against the hard ground.

  Sweat ran in rivulets down his face, while the Master remianed relaxed. The difference in our skill is too great, thought Alexander. The Master smiled while Alexander found it difficult to breathe. Confusion was making Alexander feel light-headed, struggling to keep his balance he fell to one knee. What is this? What is this feeling? Fear? he thought. Whatever Master Luray is doing is making me fearful.

  The old man took in Alexander’s broken form.

  “Having trouble with your balance, young man?” asked Luray. “Your father should have trained you to protect yourself from this attack.”

  Father did mention this attack! Alexander recalled, thinking back over the lessons his father had passed down to him.

  Theodor was in front of his students in the dojo. Alexander stood in the front row of the class next to two other students. “Alright now we will learn how to defend against an attack known as 'Killer Intent' or as it's known in eastern countries ‘Sakki’.”

  “First you must learn how to identify it; it will be a sense of dread or doom.”

  “How do you fight it, Master?”asked a student.

  “You must counter with either pain or use your own will to fight it,” said Theodor. “Sometimes you'll need to summon all of your will just to overcome it.”

  “Now we will begin our lesson with me unleashing only a small amount.” As his eyes narrowed the students instantly started to have difficulty breathing. Several fell down from the fear alone. Alexander found it hard to breathe also before collapsing.

  “Use what I have taught you.”

  Alexander started to move his foot as he fought the oppressive feeling being given off by his opponent. “Impressive, a few seconds under the 'Killer Intent' and already able to move.” Luray kept his attack going. He had no intention of allowing Alexander an easy way out.

  Alexander overcame the feeling of fear by biting his own lip, inflicting pain on himself and effectively releasing the effects of the intent. Trying to gain the upper hand he immediately rushed the Master, but quickly the Master reacts, grabbing Alexander’s shirt and throwing him effortlessly to the floor. “Here is a hint, child. It isn't always the strongest that wins, sometimes it’s the craftiest.”

  Alexander steadied his breathing, relaxing before kicking his shoe across the loose ground, throwing dirt into the Master’s eyes.

  Alexander believing he had the advantage by temporarily blinding his opponent, charged the Master.

  “Clever. That's more like it,” the Master acknowledged as he closed his eyes. “It will though, however, take more than that to beat me.”

  Changing his style once more, the Master beckoned Alexander forward once more. “Let’s see how you fair with this one, young man. The previous stance was Snake-style Kung Fu, useful if you mean to end any battle quickly. This, however, is the Crane-style Kung Fu, useful more for parrying blows and more defensive tactics."

  Alexander, going for broke, went for a punch, but his fist was again easily grabbed, as he was tossed once more by his aged opponent. "You’ll have to do better than that, boy. Your father didn't struggle this much with my test.”

  Alexander huffed, his determination never wavering but rather getting stronger due to the Master’s latest jibe. Flipping himself up again he landed on his feet and went in for a flurry of punches, every punch was again dodged or parried. Every kick was deflected or jumped over. How is he dodging my attacks? Thought the teen as he was effortlessly being blocked and dodged.

  The Master chuckled as he deflected another blow. “You’ve lasted longer than most prospects, but you've yet to land a hit,” said Luray as he dodged a punch just as it passed over his face. Grabbing the teen’s arm he once more sent him flying a few feet back with a throw that contradicted his elderly status. “Taking advantage of my distraction, better."

  Alexander was getting frustrated. His attacks were all proving ineffective. Blast it. How can I land a hit? Alexander asked himself. His skill is too great. He breathed in and sent a powerful kick at the master, but it was blocked with both hands.

  “Powerful. Not bad, but not enough,” said Luray calmly. Alexander then twisted around and tried to kick with his other leg, but the Master blocked it with his own leg. “Nice try, boy,” as he once again threw the boy back with a slight thrust.

  “Want to come again, or have you had enough?” He seemed to have no issue goading the teen with his words.

  Alexander was now breathing harder and replied. “I will fight until I land a hit,”

  The Master smiled kindly and then sighed. “Sometimes you must cut your losses on the battlefield and retreat to fight another day."

  “You are saying an enemy would let me flee?” Alexander received a clap from the Master with that response.

  “Very good, they won’t, but you passed my real test. I will train you,” said Luray

  Alexander looked confused. “But I never landed a hit on you, Master." Causing the old man to chuckle.

  “The point of this test wasn't actually to hit me, but rather to see your determination against a stronger enemy, which you have passed with flying colors. Most of my other prospects gave up before thirty minutes of failure had passed, and therefore failed my test. You, however, proved to me your worth. Now I'll begin your training. Meet me here whenever you're out of school,” said the Master.

  “Thank you, Master.” Alexander bowed his head, as the master bowed in ret

  “Let me write up a training schedule for you to follow when you’re not with me. Meet me here after your classes tomorrow and I will give it to you then."

  “Yes, Master,” confirmed Alexander.

  “Be ready to travel for summer training,” said Luray.

  The two bowed once more. Alexander left the forest, his body raked with pain as Master Luray headed back to his cottage. He was excited about the chance to train another pupil. It had been a long time—a long time indeed.

  Chapter 3: Training

  Three weeks had flown by since Alexander had been rescued by Luray. Each day he went after school to resume his training with the Master. Alexander had never been more exhausted in his life.

  Luray was a brutal taskmaster, pushing Alexander to his limit and sometimes beyond it.

  “I don’t get it, Master. Why are we doing this exercise again?” Alexander asked as he secured a blindfold.

  "When I lost my sight during your test, how was I able to find you and keep you from landing a hit?” Said the Master.

  Pebbles were hurled through the air at Alexander as a slight breeze swayed the grass. “What would have happened if it was you, who had lost your sight in that fight? The enemy would not give you time to recover.”

  Alexander nodded his head. “Understood, Master,” replied Alexander with a sigh, attempting to dodge and block the pebbles thrown at him with very little success.

  “Feel the wind and it will tell you the location of the thrown pebble. Very few Masters have used blind fighting to its fullest, and even fewer have mastered being one with the earth and the wind. It takes enormous concentration,” advised the Master.

  Alexander managed to eventually block a pebble, only for him to be then hit in the arm and the leg. “But you used blind fighting on instinct when I blinded you,” Alexander said.


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