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Oregon Discovery (Trails of the Heart Book 4)

Page 15

by Rachel Wesson

  “Thank you.” Jo bent over each of the girls to give them a kiss. Their innocent happy little faces made it even harder to keep the tears at bay. She caught Rick’s gaze on her. She blew him a kiss before taking her seat.

  “Almanzo is just putting the horses away. He will be in shortly,” Jo said to Bridget as she took her seat.

  “Almanzo has a girl Ma. Her name is Matilda but we have to call her Tilly,” Nancy said before she was interrupted by her twin.

  “She is coming on Sunday and bringing her friend to meet Bridget,” Lena said. “Do you think Al will marry Tilly?”

  “Al is going to marry Sarah. We all know that.” Nancy was so firm in her belief she threw her eyes up to heaven at the idea Al would marry anyone else.

  “He ain’t. Sarah got married already. Remember,” Lena said pointedly.

  “We don’t use the word ain’t,” Jo corrected her daughter.

  “Sorry, Ma. I didn’t mean to upset you. Bridget said we were to be good. That you had a long day.” Lena stuck her thumb in her mouth. Jo would have smiled on any other day. It was Lena’s sure fire method of getting out of trouble. Sucking her thumb and acting years younger than she was. But tonight she was too tired, scared and angry about Rick being ill, to deal with Lena. Before she could rebuke the little girl, Carrie swooped in. “Come on girls, you got to see Ma and Pa. Now, first one to the bedroom gets to choose the story.”

  The twins were gone before you could blink an eye. Jo sent up a prayer for thanks. Her adopted daughter was worth her weight in gold and then some. She had such a kind heart and a real instinct for people.

  “Bridget, why don’t you sit with us? You haven't eaten yet have you?”

  “No Miss Johanna. I was so nervous, I couldn’t taste a morsel. But I don’t want to intrude,” Bridget said twisting her apron as she always did when nervous.

  “Bridget, sit down and eat. You are part of this family whether you like it or not. Jo will need you in the coming months…” Rick flicked a gaze at his wife and corrected his words “years. She will need someone to rely on. Help her through.”

  “Mr. Rick you are scaring me. You sound like you are dying,” Bridget’s comment fell into silence. Nobody spoke. Almanzo came in just at that minute. He looked around.

  “What’s wrong. Why are you all so quiet? Normally I can't get a word in for all the chattering….”Almanzo’s voice died away too.

  “Al, sit down, please. We have some news,” Rick spoke softly. Almanzo sat down straight away.

  Jo reached for Rick’s hand and held onto it tightly as he explained what the doctor had said. He left out the bit about him needing to quit his job. Jo waited for him to finish and then spoke.

  “What Rick is trying to tell you is that he has been told to stop working. Effective immediately.” Jo’s tone was firm but nobody was arguing. They were all staring at Rick.

  “I think the doc is being a bit dramatic, Jo.” Rick protested but Jo ignored him.

  “We will have to pull together and find a way to make the ranch more profitable. Rick will need a lot of rest. He is not to be worried about anything,” Jo said, her gaze on her husband.

  “Jo, I am still alive. You can't treat me as a helpless child,” Rick protested.

  Jo stopped. Was that what she was doing? She was trying to protect him but was she going too far? She looked at her husband, the look in his eyes telling her he understood.

  “Sorry, I just want you to get better,” she whispered.

  “I won’t get better. We have to face facts. But I am not at death's door just yet…” Rick was interrupted by the door opening.

  “Who is at death’s door?” Carrie asked her face white as she stepped into the room

  “How long were you listening?” Rick snapped.

  “I didn’t listen on purpose,” Carrie replied quickly, her eyes widening in her pale face. Rick rarely snapped. “The twins fell asleep almost as soon as their heads hit the pillow. I came back as I haven't eaten yet.”

  “Sorry, darling I didn’t mean to snap at you. Come, sit down and eat,” Rick apologized.

  “I can’t. What is wrong with you?” Carrie addressed Rick.

  “I have a heart condition. The doctor has given me some powders and told me to stop working.”

  Carrie paled. “That sounds serious. Are you dying?” she asked in her usual direct way.

  All heads turned to look at Rick but he was staring at Jo. She gazed back at him for a couple of seconds before squeezing his hand. Jo answered, “Carrie, darling, nobody knows what is going to happen. We have to pray and we need to make Rick rest more.”

  Jo let Rick’s hand go so she could cuddle her adopted daughter. Carrie had lost her real parents and was now facing the prospect of losing her uncle, the man she called Pa all before she reached fifteen years of age. Life could be very cruel at times.

  Chapter 30

  Almanzo gripped the sides of the chair he was sitting on. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Rick had always been so healthy. He was young too. What would they do without him?

  “Jo, Rick, I can take over the ranch. I know most of what’s needed and if I have any questions, I can ask Rick,” Almanzo said, proud his voice was not shaking. He actually sounded confident even though he wasn’t sure exactly how you ran a ranch. But he would learn.

  “Thank you, son. I appreciate that. Right now, let’s not make any decisions other than to eat Bridget’s dessert. I am sure she cooked my favorite pie today.” Rick’s tiredness shone through his voice.

  “Mr. Rick, every pie is your favorite,” Bridget teased back as she stood up to serve dessert. Almanzo looked at her closely. He saw her eyes shimmering but she wouldn’t give in to tears either.

  “I’ll get the cream. Ma, would you like some?”

  Jo had been miles away but Carrie’s question brought her attention back to the table. “No thank you, darling, but I would love some more coffee.”

  Carrie jumped up to get the coffee leaving Almanzo sitting with Rick and Jo.

  “We hear you are having visitors on Sunday,” Jo said.

  “I can cancel. They will understand, “Almanzo offered immediately.

  “Absolutely not. I want to see the girls again. I liked them and it's time Fiona met Bridget. They may know each other from home,” Jo said.

  Rick and Almanzo made the mistake of looking at each other before they burst into laughter. Jo looked mystified. Bridget and Carrie came back, Bridget carried pie covered in cream, and Carrie carried the coffee.

  “Are you going to share the joke?” Bridget asked.

  “I have no idea what I said, Bridget but apparently it was very funny.” Jo didn’t feel a bit amused.

  “Bridget, my wife forgets Ireland is not a small town. She was wondering if you would know Fiona, Almanzo’s Irish friend.”

  “Sure whether I know her or not, she is probably a cousin. Us Irish are all related in some sense. I can’t see why that’s funny,” Bridget said but the men had started laughing again. This time everyone joined in because it was impossible not to. But if anyone had asked them what they had to laugh about, they couldn’t have answered.

  Later in the privacy of their bedroom, Jo’s body shuddered as she sobbed against Rick’s chest. He worked his warm palms over her neck muscles desperate to give her comfort. “Shh…shhh Jo,” he murmured as he ran his fingers through her hair, caressing her scalp gently kneading the stress away.

  As her sobs subsided, he cupped her face in his palm, gazing at her tenderly.

  “I’m still alive,” he whispered kissing her forehead, her temple, her cheek before moving to claim her lips.

  Her weeping stilled as she gave herself up to his embrace. Her eyelids closed under his kisses, her heart stuttering as he brushed his lips against hers before suckling on her earlobe.

  “I love you more now than ever,” he murmured softly against her ear. “I will always love you, support you, protect you…” Each word was punctuated by a kis
s. She couldn’t think straight as she lost herself in his caresses, his mouth and hands exploring her body. His lips moved to the sensitive spot between her ear and neck making her body hum with need for him. His need for her grew more insistent, his shallow breaths warm against her neck before he captured her mouth once more with his own.

  Torn between her body’s needs and her worry for him, she tried to push him away. “Rick, you need to be careful, your heart…” he silenced her with a kiss and then another one.

  “Jo, I am loving my wife,” he insisted as he took her mouth with his once more. “I want to cherish you, protect you and love you forever,” he whispered as he played with her lips. He rose above her, staring into her eyes before he deepened their kiss. She tasted the salt of her tears. All thoughts of the future fled. He was here now. She moaned as his hands moved over her body, returning his passion as her mouth opened between his. Their kisses were both hungry and tender, uniting them body and soul. He clutched her closer, his uneven breathing matching hers.

  She lay spent in her husband’s arms, envying his deep contented sleep just a little bit. She loved watching him sleep. He looked like he had before the horrid illness had made him weak. Rick was right. They had to make the most of the time they had left together. They were luckier than many people. Few ever found real love. Their love for one another was deeper and purer than ever and it would help them both deal with whatever the future held.

  Chapter 31

  Almanzo arranged to meet the girls after church on Sunday. He would drive them out to Jo’s homestead and then drive them back to town later that evening. He was nervous not because he didn’t think the family would welcome his guests but because it would show Tilly his background. She would see he wasn’t well off. None of the land was his, all he owned were his clothes, his horse and a couple of other bits and pieces.

  Sunday came very quickly and he was relieved and anxious at the same time. Jo decided to stay home as Rick wasn’t feeling too good but he wouldn’t hear of dinner being canceled. Bridget had everything under control. She was going to church, unusual for her. She normally waited until the catholic priest was around but today she must have felt the need of spiritual guidance. Carrie and the twins were coming too.

  As Rick and Jo weren’t around to drive, everyone traveled in the one wagon. The children would sit in the back with Bridget and Carrie allowing Fiona and Tilly to sit up front with him. It would be a squish but they would manage. They neared the church, parking the rig under the trees where the horses could find shelter from the sun. It was already very hot despite it only being 11 am. He spotted Tilly and Fiona up ahead. They were surrounded by a number of men but he noticed some of the women giving them the cold shoulder. Angry, he quickly explained to Bridget and Carrie what was happening. Bridget’s face turned bright red.

  “Heathens that's what they are. And them on their way into church. I will be having words with the Reverend.”

  Almanzo was in no doubt she would. He helped her down from the wagon and then she was gone. Her short form strode across the grass quicker than he had ever seen her move. Bridget had been a fantastic addition to their household but in that moment he loved her more than he ever had. He saw Eva and Becky arrive and they too followed Bridget’s example. Carrie hung back waiting for Almanzo.

  “Al, do you think Sarah will ever come back? How could she do this to them? When Rick is so ill?”

  “Don’t think too harshly of your sister, Carrie. She fancies herself in love. She will come back and probably apologize.”

  “I hope you are right. I think she has lost her mind. I hate Edwin. The things he said about Walking Tall and his family don’t bear repeating.”

  Almanzo could only imagine but it wouldn’t do getting Carrie all worked up outside of the church. He turned in time to see Stephen Thompson walking toward them, his gaze focused on Carrie. He poked Carrie gently and gestured toward Stephen.

  “Why don’t you two walk ahead and I will take the twins?”

  Carrie’s smile lit up her face. She leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I don’t care who your parents were, as far as I am concerned you are the best brother a girl could ever have.”

  Struck dumb for once, Almanzo took Nancy and Lena by the hand and walked slowly after Carrie and Stephen. This was what made up a family. It wasn’t about shared blood lines but feelings.

  He saw Tilly lingering at the door. Could she be waiting for him? He smiled in her direction and saw her turn a pretty shade of pink. He walked faster, telling the twins they were late. They were almost running by the time they reached the steps.

  “AlmanzoMaand pa never let us run into the church. Reverend Polk won't like it,” Nancy complained. Then she stopped and looked up at Tilly. “You have a really pretty dress. Were you waiting for Almanzo?”

  Tilly paled and then flushed all at once. Almanzo could have swung Nancy into the air and kissed her but instead, he pretended he hadn’t heard. He offered Tilly his arm and escorted her into the church, Fiona taking Lena’s hand behind him. They were settled in their seat before he realized he was sitting behind Harvey. He groaned. Harvey turned and smirked in his direction. He was sitting beside Julia Bradley who looked as uncomfortable as her ma. Mr. Bradley, on the other hand, looked as if he had found a hundred dollars on the street. Rumor had it, he favored a match between Harvey and Julia. Almanzo hoped Julia would hold out for someone way more suitable. She was a nice girl who’d lost her pa on the trail out here. Almanzo hadn’t met Mr. Long but his family had told him about how nice the man was. Mrs. Long had married Mr. Bradley at the same time Jo had married Rick and Becky had married Scott.

  Chapter 32

  Bridget had excelled herself as usual and the dinner was a huge success.

  “You are a wonderful cook, Bridget. I don’t think I have ever tasted such a magnificent meal.”

  “The beef almost melted on my tongue. You will have to give me lessons,” Fiona said excitedly.

  “Me too although I don’t think a roast meal should be the first dinner I learn to cook.”

  Everyone laughed at the expression on Tilly’s face except Almanzo. He was staring at her in awe. He had never met anyone like her. She knew her own shortcomings but laughed at them. Once dinner was over, Jo suggested the children go outside to play leaving the adults to enjoy their coffee in peace.

  “You have lovely children, Mrs. Hughes, I mean Jo,” Tilly corrected herself quickly.

  “Thank you, Tilly. The twins are a handful at times but we are very lucky to have Carrie’s help. She was always great with children.”

  Tilly exchanged a smile with the young girl who was beaming at her ma’s praise.

  “You have a very nice home, Jo. I love the colors you used,” Fiona said looking around her. “I would love to have a house like this one day.”

  “I am sure you will, Fiona. We are lucky to have so many gifted friends. Walking Tall’s family did a lot of the paintings.”

  “Walking Tall is such a nice man,” Fiona said with feeling.

  “Fiona fell in love with our rescuer,” Tilly teased her friend.

  “I wasn’t the one falling in love,” Fiona retorted hotly. Both Tilly and Almanzo turned pink making everyone else laugh at their embarrassment. Tilly could have killed Fiona. If she was sitting nearer she would kick her under the cover of the table.

  “Thank you, Miss Murphy,” Almanzo said bowing to Fiona sarcastically.

  “You’re welcome,” Fiona replied in kind, her big smile showing her dimples. Then she turned her attention to Rick. “So Mr. Hughes do you think it likely we are going to have a war?”

  Fiona’s question, unexpected as it was, made everyone look at her.

  Tilly almost groaned as Fiona started on her favorite topic, her idol Abraham Lincoln. She adored the man and had often said if Ireland had a leader like him the British would have left years ago. Tilly didn’t pretend to know enough to comment but she thought it best for them not to discuss i
t in public. They didn’t know enough about the Hughes politics and beliefs. As guests, Tilly didn’t want to upset anyone.

  “Fiona, I don’t think now is the time to discuss this.” Tilly tried to deflect Fiona. But it didn’t work.

  “Why? It's an important topic and I am sure Mr. Hughes agrees Abraham Lincoln is just perfect,” Fiona said.

  Rick coughed. Almanzo thought he did it to hide a laugh. He was surprised at Fiona. She was the last person he expected to be political but then he hadn’t expected her to tease him and Tilly either. She was really coming out of her shell.

  “I don’t think any politician could be called perfect, Miss Murphy.”

  “Fiona, please. I think he is wonderful. He believes in equality for everyone.” Fiona’s facial expression was one of total adoration.

  “Call me Rick. As for believing in equality, I do not believe that’s true.”

  “You don’t believe in blacks and whites being equal? I just assumed you know… with your friends. And everything…” Fiona's discomfort was apparent not least because she stumbled and stuttered.

  “Fiona, I apologize. I believe in equality for everyone,” Rick clarified. “What I meant was, I do not believe your Mr. Lincoln believes in it.”

  “But he does. He is prepared to go to war to save the slaves. I think that’s wonderful,” Fiona insisted.

  “He is prepared to go to war to save the Union. While he may not believe in slavery he certainly doesn’t believe in equality. Did you read anything of his debates with Stephen Douglass two years ago when he was running for Senate? He said then he didn’t believe black men should vote, intermarry with whites, hold office or serve on juries. That is not equality,” Rick said softly in his best teachers voice.

  “Oh, but I thought he said he believed in a better life for black people,” Fiona continued to argue but her comments lacked her earlier conviction.


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