Oregon Discovery (Trails of the Heart Book 4)

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Oregon Discovery (Trails of the Heart Book 4) Page 20

by Rachel Wesson

  He came to sometime later. The men were speaking very loudly, their noise hurting his ears.

  “Why are you talking so loud?”

  Walking Tall looked from David to Scott, his concern obvious.

  “Al, we are whispering. You were shot and you hit your head hard when you fell. You will be fine but we want to try to get you back to town.”

  “Shot? Why?”

  “Don’t you remember son?” Scott asked leaving Almanzo to stare back at him. No, he didn’t remember did he? He closed his eyes, screwing them up against the pain. He probed his mind but couldn’t remember anything.

  “Stop forcing your thoughts, it will come back. Mia, give him some more water please.”

  Mia was here. Of course she was, she had given him the horrible drink earlier. So where was ma? She wouldn’t let Mia far from her sight? He tried to look around but any movement hurt.

  “Al, you need to keep your neck straight just until Doc White has a good look at you. Can you do that?”

  He would have nodded but couldn’t. He opened his mouth but nothing came out. He blinked before he fell back asleep.

  “Almanzo, oh my goodness what happened. Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine Jo. Don’t touch him. We want Doc White to have a look at him. I couldn’t get the bullet out.”

  “Bullet?” Jo swayed until Scott grabbed her arm, supporting her down the street as the other men carried Almanzo.

  “Harvey shot him. He was lucky he wasn’t killed.”

  Jo looked into Scott’s face seeing it ravaged with pain. She looked at the other men. David looked unhurt although he was filthy and exhausted.

  “Who? What?”

  “There was a raid on the village. By the time we got there, lots of people had been killed. Walking Tall took Mia back to his wife. She will look after her.”

  “Almanzo’s ma?”

  “Dead, like the Chief and many others. Paco….”Scott couldn’t continue but stared over Jo’s shoulder.

  “Paco is dead?”

  Scott shook his head but his eyes filled with tears.

  “Oh Scott, I am so sorry. What can I do?”

  “Stay with Almanzo. Where’s Becky? Still at home?”

  “Yes with ma. Rick didn’t want any of us to leave but when Tilly and Fiona came, I had to come into town. Thank God I did.”

  Jo ran to the doc’s office to check on Almanzo. Doc White prepared to operate straight away, worried about the length of time infection setting in but the wound looked clean. Jo sat waiting and praying. It was bad enough Rick was seriously ill but now Almanzo. She couldn’t lose both of them.

  David sat with her, having sent a man back to the homestead to tell Eva and Rick where they were. Scott had gone to his own home to make sure Becky and his children were alright.

  Chapter 44

  The minutes passed slowly as Doc did everything he could to save Almanzo’s arm. He came out to tell them the operation had gone well and the bullet was out.

  “Can I see him please?”

  “Yes Mrs. Hughes but he may not make sense,’ Doc White replied. “He is better than he looks though.”

  David held Jo’s elbow and she was glad of her brother in law’s support. They stepped into the small room, Jo’s breath catching in her throat. Almanzo looked so young and fragile, not at all like the strapping 18 year old who had rode into town only a few days before.

  “He’s strong Jo and Walking Tall looked after him as best he could. You know those two are as close as brothers.”

  “Poor Walking Tall. Scott told me Paco was hurt bad.”

  “I don’t think he will recover,” David said sadly. “Harvey and his men attacked before we got there. Paco didn’t stand a chance but he tried to save some of the women and children. You know what he’s like.”

  Jo did know. Paco would do anything to help anyone else particularly a child. She leaned over and kissed Almanzo on the forehead. “You get better fast, you hear me. Your family needs you. A certain young woman is waiting for you at home. Tilly loves you,” she whispered into her son’s ear. He didn’t even blink.

  Jo let David escort her back to the waiting room. “Go home David, Eva has been going out of her mind worrying about you. You need a bath and some decent food. I will stay here.”

  “I can’t leave you alone…” David said, but she saw he was desperate to see his wife and children.

  “Yes, you can. I am not alone anyway. I will call to Mrs. Newland later. Rick might be well enough to come back into town tomorrow with you. Just don’t let him overdo it. Please.”

  “You are a tough lady Mrs. Hughes and we all love you for it.”

  Jo blinked back the tears at the unexpected compliment. David was a lovely man but he wasn’t very talkative. She squeezed his arm and then he was gone. She sat in the office praying as the time passed. Soon the door opened and Mrs. Newland appeared followed by Mrs. Bradley and Julia

  “What are you doing here?” Jo asked.

  “Mrs. Bradley and Julia are going to sit with your son and you are coming home with me for a hot meal, Doc White had the sense to come earlier. So come on now,” Mrs. Newland said. “No arguments.”

  Jo closed her mouth again. There was no point in protesting and she was very hungry. “Thank you so much ladies, and you too Julia.”

  “It’s the least we can do. What did Doc White say? Is Almanzo going to be alright?”

  Jo tried to smile but she failed. “I don’t know yet honey. Doc White is doing all he can but Almanzo still hasn’t woken up. All we can do is pray.”

  “We can do that while you get something to eat and have a rest. Jo, your family needs you. You can’t fall sick on them. Not now.”

  Jo recognized her friend’s guidance for the good advice it was. She thanked them again before she followed Mrs. Newland outside. The older woman offered Jo her arm and so linked they walked down the street toward the store.

  “I wish I could do something to ease your troubles, Jo.”

  “You do already Mrs. Newland. You are so kind not only to me but to Tilly and Fiona. Those girls really need a mother figure and you are perfect.”

  Mrs. Newland smiled although her eyes were still sad. “Rick Hughes is a real favorite of mine. I know I shouldn’t admit that but from the day I met him on the trail, I knew he was a good one. Almanzo is another good soul. I can’t understand that man above sometimes. Why not hurt the wicked and leave nice people alone?”

  Jo didn’t answer. What could she say? She glanced in the direction of home. How was Rick? He would be worried sick about Almanzo. She half expected him to come into town. What was that light on the horizon?”

  Chapter 45

  “Jo? Jo? What is it?” Mrs Newland’s cry caught her attention.

  Jo blinked her eyes again to clear them but it was still there. There was only one thing that would light up so bright from this distance. A fire. “Mrs. Newland, rouse the town. My home is on fire,” she screamed at the startled woman as she picked up her skirts and ran toward Blacky’s. Her screams emptied the saloon and some other buildings.

  “Fire, fire,” she roared as loud as she could. She banged on the door to Blacky’s, who finally came running. “Mrs. Hughes, what’s wrong?”

  “Blacky, my home’s on fire. Look!”

  Blacky and some men followed the direction of her gaze.

  “Seems that might be just a small grass fire Mrs. Hughes. You stay here in town and I will go check it out.”

  “Blacky, my husband and the girls are out there. I am going with you. Mrs. Newland, please look after Almanzo.”

  Mrs. Newland had arrived at Blacky’s some minutes after Jo, her face smeared with dirt and tears. She nodded so breathless she was unable to speak.

  “Come on Blacky, we got to go now,” Jo insisted.

  Blacky had saddled up two horses. Jo didn’t care about who would see her riding astride wearing a dress. She got into the saddle arranging her skirts quickly around her knees and
took off. Her family was in danger. She had to get to them.

  As they raced, she wondered if David had reached them in time. His wife and children were in the building too. Along with Bridget, Tilly, and Fiona. She pushed the horse harder as they saw the flames in the distance. There was no mistaking it for a small grass fire now. It looked like the whole house had gone up. She prayed harder than she ever had before. Please let them have gotten out.

  David ran toward her as she dismounted.

  “Where is everyone?” she asked, the smoke and ash hitting the back of her throat.

  “Don’t know Jo. You got to stay back, we are trying to stop it spreading over the back roof.”

  “Stay back? Not on your life. My children are in there.” Jo pushed up her sleeves and joined the row of people transferring water with buckets and goodness knows what else from the well to the flames. Loads more people had followed her from town and soon there were other teams of people passing buckets from the stream at the back of the house to fight the fire.

  She saw Scott arrive followed later by her ma driving a wagon, Becky and the children in the back. They were kept away from the flames. Scott arguing with Becky who eventually agreed to pass out drinks of water to thirsty men. Jo kept praying and just when all hope had been lost, the rain came. It fell down heavily beating out the rest of the flames. She stood in the pouring rain watching her home. How on earth could anyone have survived that? She fell to her knees, the sight of her precious home a blackened ruin proving too much for her.

  “Come on Jo love, come away. This isn’t helping…”

  “Ma, I can’t. Everyone I loved was in there. Where are they?”

  Della didn’t answer, she didn’t have to. It was written all over her face. She believed Eva, Rick, the children, and Bridget were dead.

  “Tilly and Fiona were there too. They came to us for safety.”

  “Why? Why did they need protection?” David shouted at her

  “Stop shouting David, can't you see the state of her.”

  “Sorry didn’t mean to shout. I’ve been shouting at people all night. Jo, tell me, please. I am worried sick about Eva. Maybe she and the children went home?”

  “Paddy checked your home. There is nobody there,” Della said softly.

  David sat on the ground beside Jo, his devastation painful to watch.

  “Tilly and Fiona believed Richard Weston, the man from the massacre was working with Harvey and Deputy Davitt. They were frightened. They thought they were planning something.”

  “Harvey was too busy killing Indians and shooting Almanzo to worry about Tilly and Fiona,” Jo spat.

  “Almanzo was shot? Is he ….”

  “No Ma. he’s with Doc White.”

  “Pa, pa …..

  The three of them turned in disbelief at the sound of Eva’s son calling David. Soon the little lad burst through the trees.

  "I told them you would be here. They didn’t want me to sneak out but I had to. That cellar smells real bad.’

  “Cellar? Oh my God you got into the cellar. All of you?”

  Her grandson didn’t answer Della as David had him in a vice grip. Jo had already gone running in the direction the child had come from.

  “Come on Della. We got a second chance.’

  David half pulled, half dragged Della with him as he carried his son back the way the child had come. He had forgotten Rick had gone further with his cellar telling David he wanted a second means of escape from the house. They pushed through the vegetation until they came to what looked like a barn. Only the family knew the cellar ended here.

  “Eva, come out darling. It’s safe,” David added his voice to Jo’s who was shouting at her family to come out. Eva appeared, picking up her skirts and flying into David’s arms. She was followed by Bridget carrying Lena and Carrie carrying Nancy. Tilly and Fiona came out holding hands, tears flowing down their cheeks. Jo hugged each one and then stood waiting. Rick would always be the last to leave, having made sure they were all safely accounted for. She smiled as she watched Della greet her daughter and grandchildren before glancing back at the building. Rick was taking his time. Was he ill? She pushed the door open but there was nobody inside.

  Chapter 46

  “Eva, where’s Rick?” Jo asked, a horrible suspicion making her stomach roil.

  Eva paled, even more, right before her eyes.

  “Isn’t he with you? He said he was going for help. He told us to hide in the cellar. He wouldn’t come with us. I thought when you were here he had come got you….” her sister's voice trailed off but Jo had stopped listening. She screamed Rick’s name over and over and over again. He didn’t come. Scott did. He slapped Jo hard holding her tight as the hysteria played out.

  “Jo, Rick is a brave resourceful man. He loves you so much. We might still find him.”

  Jo looked into Scott’s eyes knowing he didn’t believe what he said.

  “He’s gone.” she said.

  It took some time to find Rick. He was lying near the front door, his gun by his side. To his left, lay Richard. The men carried Rick over to where his wife was waiting. She sat holding his body, crooning over him as if he was a new born babe. Her ma and sisters kept the children away. They knew their pa was gone. They didn’t need to see this too.

  Della moved to sit beside Jo, not touching her daughter but wanting Jo to know she was close. She waited as her child cried her eyes out for the man she loved. Della wiped away her own tears. She’d loved Rick like a son and would mourn his passing for the rest of her days. But she had to look after the living now. He would have wanted that.

  “Jo, darling, let’s go into town and see how Almanzo is doing.”

  "I can’t leave Rick he needs me, Ma.”

  “Sweetheart, Rick will always be with you. Forever. His son needs you now. The girls want their ma. Come on darling. Let Rick go. We will ask Reverend Polk to do the service. Then you can say goodbye to him properly.

  Jo looked at her husband’s face. He almost looked like he was sleeping. He’d been shot in the back. She wished for a moment she’d been with him. There was no way she would have left his side, not for an instant.

  “He died a hero protecting his family. Tilly and Fiona said he insisted they all get into the cellar. Eva was going to wait upstairs with him but he tricked her into going. He bought them time to get away. If he hadn’t, the men would have found the cellar and then well… we don’t want to think about what could have happened.”

  “Ma, I can't live without him.”

  “You can, and you will. You knew he was dying.”

  “Yes, but I thought we had some time together. Now, he’s gone and I didn’t get to say all those things I wanted to say. To tell him how I feel about him. How much I loved him. I love him so much ma.”

  “He knew that darling, everyone knows. You and Rick were a match made in Heaven. Nobody can take that from you. Try to take comfort from the fact he died a man. He protected his family. Family meant everything to Rick, you taught him that.”

  Jo closed her eyes remembering her first argument with Rick when she had believed he intended to abandon his nieces Carrie and Sarah. Sarah. How was she going to tell her? Where would she find her?

  “Sarah….she doesn’t know.”

  “Someone will tell her.” Della knew she sounded dismissive but if she was honest Sarah was the last person on her mind. She was concerned about Jo and Almanzo. She didn’t like the sound of what Scott had told her. Almanzo seemed to be badly injured and she wanted to be sure he wouldn’t die. She didn’t think Jo could cope with that on top of everything else.

  “Come on darling, let’s go. Al needs us. You need him.”

  Jo gave Rick one last hug before she placed him gently on the sheet beside her. She glanced up at Bridget who was crying softly beside her.

  “Look after him for me please Bridget. I will be back later.”

  “Yes, Miss Johanna. I’ll take right good care of him. I promise ye.” Bridget’s
tears still flowed.

  Jo gave her a weak smile in acknowledgment and then she stood up and taking her ma’s arm walked toward the waiting wagon. She couldn’t ride a horse back to town. Not in her state. As she walked, the people who were still gathered around parted allowing her passage. She spotted Tilly and Fiona, standing a little apart from everyone else. Fiona was crying on Tilly’s shoulder but the older girl was staring into space, her white face frozen in an expression of terror. Jo shook off her ma’s arm and went toward the younger women.

  “Tilly, Fiona, come with me. We are going into town.” Jo surprised herself by how normal her voice seemed.

  Tilly stared at her, blinking rapidly but she didn’t say anything. Fiona kept crying.

  “Come on, into the wagon. We have to hurry,” Jo repeated.

  “Mrs. Hughes, this is all my fault.” Tilly said, stopping Jo in her tracks. “I killed your husband just as surely as if I had pulled the trigger.”

  “Nonsense Tilly, you didn’t do anything,” Della said firmly.

  “Richard was after me. He didn’t even know your husband. If I hadn’t been here, Rick would still be….”

  “Dead,” Jo replied, her voice cold. “Rick would have died soon from his illness. This way, he died saving people he loved. He may not have known you very long Tilly but he knew how important you were to our son. Please, get on the wagon now. I have to go see Almanzo.”

  Jo didn’t wait to see if the girl followed her. She climbed into the wagon. They soon saw she was serious as they climbed in as well and then Della drove into town in silence. When they pulled up outside the clinic, Jo got down and walked in.

  Tilly and Fiona weren’t sure what to do.

  “Mrs. Thompson, I tried to apologize to Jo but …. Well I don’t know if she understood. She seems so…”


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