Oregon Discovery (Trails of the Heart Book 4)

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Oregon Discovery (Trails of the Heart Book 4) Page 21

by Rachel Wesson

  Della knew what the girl was trying to say. Jo seemed unemotionally involved but that was her daughter’s way of coping. She would fall apart later in private. “Jo is dealing with things the best way she can. She always did put others first. She is very worried about Almanzo but she is concerned about you two as well. We all are.”

  “But it’s our fault. If we hadn’t gone to the homestead, Rick would still be alive. I told Tilly we had to go out to your family. I shouldn’t have said anything,” Fiona wailed as Tilly held her hand tightly.

  “The only person responsible for what happened to my son in law is the man who pulled the trigger. You girls are not to blame. Rick would have insisted on protecting you. That was the man he was. Never believe you were to blame. Nobody in our family thinks that. Why don’t you go with Mrs. Newland to her house, have a bath, get some rest and then come back? I am sure Almanzo would love to see you when he wakes up.” Della smiled kindly but Tilly’s reaction astounded her. The girl picked up her skirts and practically ran away. She looked at Fiona who stared after Tilly before turning to Della.

  “I’m very sorry Mrs. Thompson, she is so upset. I will look after her.” Fiona left too leaving Della with Mrs. Newland.

  “I heard the news, Della. I can scarcely believe Rick Hughes is dead. He was a wonderful man, a good friend, neighbor and an amazing teacher. He did so much for this town. We shall miss him.” Mrs. Newland wiped a tear from her face. “My home is yours for as long as you need it. Please tell Jo the same.”

  “Thank you, Dorothy. I must go in and see how my grandson is doing.”

  Della took the hug Mrs. Newland offered and then turned, taking a deep breath and headed into the doctor's clinic. She hoped and prayed good news awaited her.

  Chapter 47

  Tilly didn’t care who saw her running through the street and into the store. She wanted to pack her bag and leave this town. It was one thing her life being in ruins but she had destroyed a whole family. Almanzo would never forgive her but even if he did, she couldn’t forgive herself.

  “Tilly, wait. Nobody blames you. None of this was your fault,” Fiona cried but Tilly didn’t look up.

  Tilly took the small trunk Mrs. Newland had lent them and started throwing her things into it.

  “Tilly, where are you going?”

  "I don’t know but we’re leaving. We should never have gone there. Rick Hughes would still be alive.” Tilly’s heart beat faster. She closed her eyes but opened them again just as quickly. She could smell the smoke, the fear, hear Rick ordering them into the cellar. Eva arguing with him but he insisting they take the children to safety. He’d promised to follow but at the last minute closed the trap door and put something on top. Eva had tried to open it but despite Tilly, Fiona and Bridget helping, it wouldn’t move.

  “Tilly, Rick knew what he was doing. He sacrificed himself so we could live. You can’t repay that by running away. You need to stay here. Almanzo needs you by his side.”

  Tilly raised her tear stained face to Fiona. “Would you want me if I killed your father? He must hate me.”

  “Yes I would and no he doesn’t. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself and help me get the bath ready. We both need to clean up and get back to help. Jo is at the hospital but the Hughes homestead needs cleaning. We have to salvage what we can. Standing around here crying isn’t going to help anyone,” Fiona spoke sternly as Tilly stared at her. Then she hugged Tilly close. “Tilly, you have wanted a loving family as long as I have known you. Someone to love you for the person you are rather than the person your parents felt you should be. You’ve found that with Almanzo. Don’t throw it away. Don’t let Master Richard take that from you too.”

  Tilly tried to smile at Fiona’s intentional use of the word Master but she was too upset. She wanted to believe her friend but…the fire, the devastation, Almanzo being shot, it was all too much.

  “Tilly you’ve fought back from the minute I met you. You can’t stop fighting now.”

  Tilly hiccupped. “I don’t think I can face those people.”

  “You have to. This isn’t about you, Matilda Masterson, and the sooner you learn that the better.”

  Fiona slammed the door behind her leaving Tilly staring after her. She sat on the bed as shame overwhelmed her. Fiona was right. She was being selfish, running away instead of staying here facing up to what happened and helping the innocent victims rebuild their lives. Nancy and Lena had lost their father, Carrie too would need support and Jo. Almanzo was hurt, she didn’t even know how badly.

  She didn’t need a bath. She needed a quick wash and then she’d go to the clinic. She had to see him. If only for a couple of seconds to see he was alright.

  When Fiona returned, she looked a little sheepish. “I have the water boiling on the stove. I’m sorry for shouting at you.”

  “Don’t be. I deserved it. But I don’t have time for a bath. I have to check on Almanzo,” Tilly said.

  “I’m coming too. We need a quick wash and can have a bath later.”

  The girls washed up and changed before heading back to the clinic. As they approached they saw Scott up ahead.

  “How is Almanzo?” Tilly asked.

  “He hasn’t regained consciousness yet. The doc is worried about him and Jo.”


  “She just sits and stares at him, hasn’t made a sound. Della tried to get her to go back with her but she refused.”

  Tilly hugged herself. Poor Jo was probably trying to make sense of what had happened. “Can I go in?”

  “Yes, try to get Jo to rest if you can. I have to go to speak to the Sheriff.”

  Tilly was about to push the door when she remembered Broken Wing. “Mr. Jones, what happened to Almanzo’s ma?”

  Scott stared at the ground before looking up, a bleak expression on his face. “We were too late. She died along with most of the Indians who sheltered you.”

  Tilly blinked back the tears. “Does he know?”

  “He knew she was injured. She sent him to rescue Mia.”

  Tilly’s heart nearly stopped. The sweet little girl with the lovely smile who’d helped Broken Wing to look after them. “Oh no, please tell me Mia survived.”

  He nodded. “Walking Tall has her. She is safer with Paco and his friends at least for the moment.”

  Tilly noticed the strain when he mentioned Paco but she didn’t want to inquire any further. He seemed in a hurry to get going.

  She took a deep breath and pushed open the door of the clinic. Doc White looked up and showed her into Almanzo’s room.

  She stared at his white face. He looked so young lying on the bed, so vulnerable. His arm was in a sling but otherwise, he looked unmarked.

  “Can I speak to him?” She asked the doctor.

  “Please do. I don’t know if he can hear you though.” The doctor put his arm on Jo’s shoulder. “Mrs. Hughes I am ordering you to bed. You need to rest.”

  Jo didn’t reply but sat holding Almanzo’s hand in hers, staring at him.

  “Jo, please try to rest. I will look after Almanzo for you,” Tilly said softly.

  Jo looked up into her face. “I can’t lose him as well.”

  “You won’t. But you have to do what the doctor says. The twins need their ma.”

  Jo didn’t blink but stood up and followed the doctor out of the room.

  “She is going to make herself ill,” Fiona commented.

  “It’s her way. I can’t imagine what she is going through. They were so much in love.”

  Fiona let out a sob but tried to turn it into a cough. Tilly gave her a quick hug and then turned her attention to Almanzo. Drawing the chair closer to the bed, she sat and held his hand.

  “Tilly, I am going to go ask Blacky to take me out to the homestead. I need to work.”

  Tilly nodded in response to Fiona, not taking her eyes off Almanzo. She heard the door close behind her.

  “Almanzo, I know you can hear me. You need to wake up. Jo needs you. The girl
s want their big brother back. You can’t sleep anymore,” Tilly said softly watching his face for a reaction but none came. She continued talking about this and that, all the time stroking his hand.

  Chapter 48

  Almanzo saw gray instead of black. Flickers of light. He heard her speaking to him. Tilly. She was here. But where were they? He tried to open his eyes wider but they wouldn’t move. He had to let her know he could hear her. Forcing his fingers to move, he tried to squeeze her hand.

  “Almanzo, you moved. I know you did. Do it again.”

  He tried but this time his body wouldn’t co-operate.

  “Darling, please try. I need you to tell me you can hear me. Can you open your eyes?”

  He heard her desperation. Straining hard, he focused on his eyes. He had to open them, he just had to.

  “You did it, you’re going to get better.’

  He winced as she kissed him, her body hitting against his wound.

  “Oh I hurt you, I’m so sorry. Doc White, Doc White, come in here quick…”

  She was making so much noise his head hurt. He wanted to tell her to be quiet but his mouth wouldn’t work. The wave of blackness started falling, he was ready to sleep once more.

  “Don’t you dare go back to sleep. You have to show the Doc and Jo you’re awake. Listen to me.”

  How could he do anything but listen? She was screaming at him. He opened his eyes again – making out not figures but murky images. Then he closed them as the brightness hurt. This time he was going to sleep.

  “He’s passed out again hasn’t he?”

  “Yes Miss but that is okay. His body and mind need to recover. The fact he regained consciousness means he should be okay now. Mrs. Hughes, it may take a while but your son is coming back to us.”

  Jo stared at Almanzo and then the doctor before her eyes came to rest on Tilly. “Thank you,” she murmured.

  Tilly moved off the bed quickly and drew Jo into a hug. “Mrs. Hughes, Jo, please go and rest now. Let your family look after you. The twins are worried and scared. They need their ma. Bridget wants to look after you too.”

  Jo’s body shuddered as Tilly held her. The racking sobs brought tears to Tilly’s eyes. She continued to hold Jo carefully as one would a child. She knew crying would help. Doc White disappeared and soon afterward, his assistant came in with a cup of tea for both of them.

  “Doc White put extra sugar in it too. He’s gone with Mrs. Newland. Seems a baby is in a hurry to be born.”

  Tilly smiled at the lady, thanking her for the tea. She helped Jo sit down and then held the tea cup out to her, encouraging her to drink. As she drank, Jo started to talk about Rick. How they’d met, their wedding and their plans for the future. Tilly listened, sucking in her breath more than once as she tried to stop the tears falling.

  “I was lucky Tilly. The love Rick and I shared, well it’s rare. I know there are plenty of married people in Oregon but how many of them are as happy as we were?”

  “He was a lovely man. He saved my life. I feel guilty for causing him to lose his.”

  Jo put the cup to one side and took Tilly’s hands in hers. “Please don’t feel that way. Rick died doing what he needed to do. Protecting his family and those they love. If you love Almanzo, Rick’s son, as much as he did, that’s payment enough.”

  “I do love him, Jo…”


  “What about the people of Portland? They don’t care much for my having returned from the Indian camp. I don’t want my reputation to adversely affect Almanzo. He is respected around these parts.”

  “Tilly Masterson, if I was feeling a little stronger, I would shake you. The local gossips will be talking about something new next week. You and Fiona were victims of a scheming madman just the same as Rick was. Nobody worth anything could hold that against such wonderful women. Now don’t let me hear you talk that way again.”

  Tilly didn’t reply, she couldn’t.

  They both sat in silence watching Almanzo’s chest rise and fall with each breath. He looked like he was smiling.

  “Did you know his ma died?” Tilly spoke without thinking. “Sorry, I meant Broken Wing.”

  “Yes, Scott told me. Almanzo will be devastated, he was so happy about finding her.”

  “Well, at least they got to find each other and make up before she died. Too many times people die without getting that chance.”

  “Are you talking about your father?” Jo asked gently.

  “Not really. My father and I were never close. I was thinking of Fiona really, something she said a while ago about her parents. She doesn’t know who they were or anything about them.”

  “That must be difficult. But she has a good friend in you.”

  “I think she may have found something more in Portland.” Tilly thought of the way Blacky and Fiona acted around each other. Blacky was a widower with young children. Fiona could have the family she craved and a good man too. If only there was some money left over from her father’s estate to give to Fiona as a wedding gift. She smiled at herself thinking of weddings when Fiona hadn’t even admitted to liking Blacky in that way.

  “Jo, did anyone say why Richard was trying to kill everyone?”

  “No. I haven’t spoken to anyone. Scott went to see the sheriff. Do you want to go and find out what is going on?”

  Tilly shook her head firmly. “I want to be here when Almanzo wakes up. Everything else can wait.”

  Jo picked up her shawl and with a last kiss to Almanzo’s forehead, she said, “I am going to find my girls. I will be back soon but I know he is in good hands.”

  “Thank you.” Tilly stood and kissed Jo on the cheek then took her seat once more holding Almanzo’s hand. As the time passed, her eyes grew heavy and she fell fast asleep still holding his hand.

  Chapter 49

  Almanzo watched her sleep, content to lie there holding her hand. She snored softly making him laugh. Wait until she woke up and he would tease her about that. Girls hated knowing they snored.

  Watching her, he thought of the events of the last few days. He knew his ma was dead. Her injuries had been too bad to recover from. He wondered if they had buried her yet. He hoped she had been given a traditional Indian burial as she seemed to have found peace with the tribe. He should check on Mia although he knew Walking Tall would look after her. His thoughts turned to Rick. He’d heard Jo and Tilly talking, not that they knew he was listening.

  Rick was dead. It was hard to get that into his head yet he knew the man he considered his true father had died in the way he wanted. He had protected his family and Almanzo’s girl. Almanzo held Tilly’s hand tighter. Somehow, he would live through the hurt of losing those closest to him so long as this woman was by his side. They had a future thanks to the actions of Ma and Rick.

  She stirred as he stroked her hand, her eyes opening slowly. She flushed a pretty pink catching him watching her.

  “You’re awake,” she whispered.

  “Couldn’t sleep, someone kept snoring.”

  The tinge of pink grew darker. “I don’t….” she stopped realizing he was teasing her. She kissed his hand. “How do you feel?”

  “Like a bear played with me for an hour or so,” he responded.

  “Almanzo, you had us so worried. When you didn’t wake up, we thought…”

  “Don’t Tilly. I’m alive and I will be fine. I need you to call Doc White to help me out of the bed. It wouldn’t do for you to see me undressed. Not until we are married.”

  Tilly flushed such a deep color, she lit up the room. Springing back from the bed, she got flustered. “Heavens, I’ll get the doc. Oh, he isn’t here. He’s gone to a birth. What, who…”

  Almanzo was laughing now. She was in such a tizzy. She glared at him.

  “Sorry, Tilly but you are not exactly helping. Just go outside and I will sort myself out.”

  “I can't let you try to get out of bed alone. I’ll stay here but close my eyes. If you feel dizzy you can call me.”r />
  They were rescued by Doc Whites assistant who came in on hearing the laughter.

  “Come on Miss, out you go and let the patient get dressed. Almanzo Price, you ain’t got anything I never saw before. Now get dressed lad I don’t have all day.”

  Tilly ran leaving him to the tender mercies of Doc White’s assistant who was old enough to be his grandmother, not that it reduced his embarrassment any.

  Thankfully, he was only slightly dizzy as he managed to get dressed. But the effort tired him out. He had to lie down again but this time fully clothed. Tilly came back in fussing over him, telling him he should have stayed in bed for a while to get better.

  “Tilly Masterson if you keep nagging me, I am never going to marry you.”

  She stopped talking long enough to stick her tongue out at him. Surprising her, he grabbed her arm with his good hand and pulled her down to the bed for a kiss.

  “Almanzo, the assistant may come back in.”

  “You heard her. Nothing she ain’t seen before,” he said before claiming her lips again. “I love you Miss Masterson and I don’t care who knows it.”

  “I love you too Mr. Almanzo.”

  Chapter 50

  Thompson Homestead

  “Tilly, Sheriff Rodgers is coming. You best tell the rest of them.”

  Tilly nodded in response before going into the house to tell Della, Jo and everyone else. They walked outside waiting for the Sheriff to dismount.

  “Want some coffee, sheriff?” Della asked.

  “In a minute please Mrs. Thompson,” he replied before turning to Tilly. “I knew I recognized your Mr. Weston.”

  “He was not my Mr. Weston,” she protested but the man didn’t listen. He was too caught up in his story.

  “His real name was, I believe, Henry Furlong and in 1840 he married the 14-year-old only child of a wealthy businessman by the name of Menton. He had been married before, a few times actually. Two years after the marriage, Menton was dead leaving all his riches to his daughter and her husband.”


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