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An Inconvenient Love (Crimson Romance)

Page 10

by Alexia Adams

  “Amore, tesoro mio, do not worry. I am not going anywhere,” he whispered against her lips. He kissed her deeply as he slowly entered her again. This time there was no pain. Instead waves of pleasure radiated from her core to the tips of her toes. Her legs were wrapped around Luca’s back. She squeezed him tighter, but still he kept up the slow rhythm, until she had to bite her tongue to stop a scream. She called out his name with what seemed to be the last breath in her body.

  Luca increased the pace until she gave up all pretense of being in control and allowed the sensations to carry her to a distant shore. Suddenly the world exploded into light and her whole body vibrated. A minute later Luca went taut. He whispered unintelligible words into her ear, over and over as if unable to stop himself.

  She drifted back to reality slowly, still in awe at what had transpired between them. Olivia had told her that when it was good, it was earthmoving. But nothing had prepared her for the spectacular, time-stopping pleasure she’d experienced with Luca. Not a single thought of England had been able to form in her overwhelmed brain.

  • • •

  When Luca eventually opened his eyes the next morning, the room was aglow with soft sunshine. He’d slept deeply, finally satiated for the first time since meeting Sophia. Reaching for her, he was surprised to find the bed empty, and a flash of panic raced through him. He couldn’t have dreamed such pleasure, such a connection with his beautiful wife.

  Sitting upright, his relief was palpable to find that the events of the night hadn’t been another dream. The sheets were askew and the blankets tumbled off the bed. His clothes were neatly folded on the chair across the room. A faint splash of water revealed the location of his delectable wife.

  He lay back in bed, reliving the highlights of the night before. Never in his life had he experienced such passion, such pleasure. More than just a physical release, it was as if a dam had burst in his very core, swamping his body with emotion.

  He threw back the sheet at another splashing sound and went in search of his wife. She was stretched out in the bath, her eyes closed, a Mona Lisa smile on her lips. A thin layer of bubbles obscured her body from view, but like seductive lingerie, it lured him to join her.

  A shower man, he’d questioned the expense to restore the wrought iron tub when he’d renovated. He hadn’t taken a bath since he’d been a child. With Sophia in the water, every last euro was money well spent.

  “Mind if I join you?” He didn’t wait for her reply and stepped into the warm water.

  Sophia opened her eyes, and her lips parted in a surprised expression. Her gaze ran the length of him, lingering for a long, hot moment on his groin where his blood began to pool once more. An answering flame of desire heated her eyes. This may be a quick bath.

  “I take that as a yes,” he replied. She moved her legs over so he could sit, but he wanted more body contact. He’d waited long enough; he was no longer content to just look at Sophia. He needed to touch her, have her touch him. “Here, let me scrub your back.” She shifted in the bath so her back was facing him. He picked up her sponge but soon discarded it in favor of using his hands.

  When the water sloshed out of the bathtub for the third time, he lifted her out and gently placed her on her feet before him. She reached for her towel to dry herself off, but he had a better idea. The heat from their bodies soon evaporated any water left on her skin after his hands and lips had passed over her. When she melted against him, he swung her into his arms and carried her back to the bed.

  This morning their lovemaking had a frantic pace to it; they couldn’t get enough of each other. When finally they climaxed together, an involuntary scream came from Sophia and a loud groan of completion from him. She hid her face in his chest, but he wasn’t going to let her become ashamed of her pleasure. A timid smile played on her lips when her eyes finally met his.

  “Your mother is going to be pounding on the door soon, asking what’s going on,” she said shyly.

  “The only question my mother will be asking is when she can expect her first grandchild.”

  Sophia stiffened in his arms. “We’d better get up. I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” he said, nibbling on her ear. He began to trail love bites down her neck when she pushed him back.

  “I mean it, Luca. You can’t keep me prisoner here in bed without feeding me. It’s against the Geneva Convention.” Her breathy voice contradicted the seriousness of her words.

  “The Geneva Convention only applies to prisoners of war, not prisoners of lovemaking. But alright, let us get something to eat.”

  She rolled off him. Cool air replaced her body warmth and he repressed a shiver. He flung back the sheets and followed his wife.

  “Good God, Luca, it’s almost nine o’clock. You’re late for work.” She’d wrapped a satin dressing gown around her but he could see where her nipples pressed against the silky fabric. He forced his eyes to her face, which still held a pink glow from their recent activities. Her hair framed her face, in wild abandon. He didn’t care if he never went into work again.

  “I will work from home today. With my mother here, they will understand in the office.” Still he stared.

  “Oh, it’s because your mother is here that you’re staying, is it?” She undid the belt and let the robe drop to the floor with a seductive laugh.

  “That is the official story. You know the real reason is because I cannot bear to leave you.”

  “I guess we won’t be going on honeymoon on the weekend though. Now that your mother is visiting and … well … we’ve already done it.”

  He flipped on the shower and grabbed her as she walked past, pulling her into the warm spray. “Oh, we are still going. Mama will be fine. Thierry, her husband, is coming tomorrow, and she will not even notice we are gone. Plus, I want two days with you and only you.”

  She put her arms around his neck and kissed him. It was another half hour before they were both dressed and made their way downstairs.

  • • •

  “Buongiorno, Sophia. Did you sleep well?” Giada had a huge smile on her face as she asked the question. After a quick breakfast in the kitchen, Sophia had found her mother-in-law enjoying the morning sun on the terrace. Maria had brought out a carafe and set it on the table.

  Sophia didn’t look up from pouring her coffee until she was sure she had her smile under control. “Very well, Mama Giada. And you?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  Luca strolled out onto the terrace and wrapped his arms around her from the back. He pressed a kiss where her neck met her shoulder, sending a zap of electricity through her.

  “Luca, you have not gone to work?” Giada’s smile increased.

  “You should be a lawyer, Mama. You ask questions you already know the answers to,” Luca replied. He released Sophia and filled his coffee cup before sitting on the arm of her chair.

  “I am just surprised. I have not known you to take a day off work in years. You even worked on my wedding day.”

  “I am working today as well. Just from home. I want to make sure you do not scare away my wife with all your questions.” Luca ran his hand down her hair, and Sophia had to force herself not to trail her hand along his firm thigh. He’d given her another orgasm in the shower, although he hadn’t entered her, saying she was going to be sore enough as it was, having just lost her virginity. But it was such a delicious ache.

  Her eyes closed as she remembered the pleasure. They snapped open when his mother spoke again. “My only question is when I’m going to be a nonna?”

  Luca’s eyes met hers with suppressed laughter. She had never seen him so lighthearted. He looked years younger and so gorgeous, she inhaled sharply. “I think we should make Mama wait one year for every time she asks us about grandbabies. What do you say, Sophia?”

  “I say you should go to work and leave your mother and me to talk.”

  He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the lips. “As you wish. But if she gets too nosey, tell her to mi
nd her own affairs.”

  She flicked her eyes to Giada, knowing she’d never have the guts to tell off her mother-in-law. The pure delight in the other woman’s eyes set Sophia at ease. Seeing her son so happy had done a lot to give their relationship a good start.

  Luca left the terrace, whistling.

  “He is so happy. I worried he would be too busy at work to find a wife.”

  “He does work a lot, but we’re dealing with it.” Well, trying to.

  Giada picked up a magazine from the glass-topped table. “I had a stop-over in London and bought some magazines. Maybe you would like to read something from home?”

  Sophia picked up the other magazine from the table. Her stomach roiled as she stared at the cover. An icy chill gripped her, despite the warm sunshine. The euphoria that had her floating burst like a bubble, hurtling her back to reality.

  She glanced again at the magazine. Maybe it had been a mistake, an image conjured up by the mention of her past last night. No such luck. Staring at her from the cover of the magazine was Kathy Summers, the girl who had been the final catalyst in destroying her childhood. She repressed a shudder—she was older now and stronger. Sophia flipped the magazine over and stood.

  “Maybe later. I’m going to take a stroll through the garden. I love the scent of the flowers in the morning air. Would you like to come with me?”

  Chapter 10

  “Luca, can you help me with this?” Sophia emerged from the bathroom, struggling to pull up the zipper on the back of her soft blue silk dress. It was sleeveless with a sweetheart neckline. Fitted down to the thigh, it then fell in soft folds to her knees.

  They’d arrived at Villa d’Este earlier that afternoon. As he’d said, Giada hadn’t seemed to mind that they were going away so soon after her arrival. Her husband had arrived the previous evening, and Giada had been like a giggly school girl, excited to see him, even though they’d only been apart a couple days.

  “You know, only the promise that soon I will be unzipping this dress allows my fingers to do this. Helping you put on your clothes goes against every fiber of my being.” Luca’s breath was hot against her ear and when he kissed her neck, making her knees wobble. It took every ounce of willpower she had to step away from him.

  She grabbed the matching wrap and took a moment to admire him. He was dressed in a grey suit with a white shirt and pale pink tie. His black hair was brushed back and her fingers itched to run through it and release the curls. She preferred him slightly disheveled, a satisfied smile on his face. In private anyway. Now he looked every inch the powerful businessman, intent on securing the deal. Only tonight’s business was pleasure. Another shiver coursed through her already sensitized body. They may have had two nights together already, but that didn’t mean she’d had enough of him, or, it seemed, him of her.

  The maître‘d sat them at a table on the terrace, next to the lake. She took a quick look at the menu handed to her, but her thoughts were too jumbled to decipher the contents. “I can’t decide what to eat; it all looks so good. Would you order for me, Luca? I’d like a surprise, something I haven’t had before.” Tonight seemed like the perfect time to try new things.

  Luca ordered their meal while she stared at the twinkling lights across the lake. “If you like surprises, then you should appreciate this.” He handed her a small velvet box.

  They had exchanged wedding bands at the registrar’s office, but he’d not given her an engagement ring. She hadn’t really thought anything of it. Jewelry wasn’t a big thing for her, probably because she’d never had anything of value. With slightly shaking hands, she opened the small box and her hand flew to her throat.

  “Oh, Luca, it’s exquisite,” she breathed. Inside the box lay a large pear-shaped, faceted emerald surrounded by smaller diamonds on a gold band. The cut of the stones looked old; however, the brilliance of the gems gave it a timeless elegance.

  “I know it’s not a huge diamond like you were probably expecting and deserve. I will buy you those as well. This is the family ring. My father gave it to my mother, and his father before him. It has passed down to the first male to give his bride for over a hundred years. My mother has been keeping it for me. She gave it to me this afternoon to give to you.”

  “It is the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen. I will treasure it until the day I hand it over to our son to give to his bride.” The legacy of the piece was almost overwhelming. She’d never had anything with family tradition to add to its value.

  Luca slid the ring on her finger and then raised her hand and placed a slow kiss on it, all the while holding her gaze—his eyes promising much more of the unexpected.

  Without her even noticing, the waiter placed their first course on the table. She lifted a taste of the creamy soup to her mouth when a chill coursed down her spine.

  “Sophia? Sophia Stevens? Is that really you?” A husky voice with a polished English accent called out.

  She dropped the spoon as if scalded. It clattered against the china bowl, spewing its contents across the place setting.

  Seven years. How could she still remember the voice after seven years? How could it cause terror to well up in her heart after all this time? She’d thought she’d exorcised that particular ghost, and now it had come back to haunt her in the flesh. Seeing her face on the magazine a couple of days ago had been bad, hearing her voice now was worse.

  Luca glanced at her as she grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly. Black spots danced before her, obscuring his concerned face. She tried to reassure him with a smile, but it never formed. Before she could even take in a shaky breath, the owner of the voice appeared at their table.

  The woman was tall with long, blonde hair, the color as natural as a Saharan waterfall. She wore heavy makeup and a deep red dress that left little to the imagination. The neckline, if it could be called that, as it was nowhere near her neck, revealed an abundant amount of breast, which Sophia would bet were not natural either. The hemline only made it to mid-thigh, showing an ample amount of leg, teetering on strappy sandals with six-inch heels. A cloud of Poison perfume enveloped her, an apt choice of scent given the wearer’s venomous personality.

  “Kathy Summers.” Sophia exhaled sharply. It was as though someone had punched her in the stomach, she was barely able to breathe. Trying to stop herself from shaking, she squeezed Luca’s hand tighter.

  “Actually, I’m called Kate now—now that I’m famous,” the other woman said smugly. She tossed her hair over her shoulder and turned a blinding white smile on Luca.

  “Yes, I’ve seen your face, and other assets, in the papers. But I don’t remember you having such a posh accent. Whatever happened to your north London drawl?” She waited while the actress stopped devouring Luca with her eyes and looked at her once again.

  “Ah, we’re a long way from Tottenham now, dahling.” Kathy wrinkled her nose, as if disgusted to be reminded of her past. “What are you doing in Italy, Sophia? I almost didn’t recognize you.”

  “I’m not surprised.” The bile that rose from her stomach tinged her words with bitterness. The blood that had drained from her face earlier came back in full force as a flash of pure anger and hatred filled her. “The last time I saw you, you were covered in my blood.”

  • • •

  Luca’s stomach clenched at Sophia’s words. Was his wife in danger? He started to rise from his seat but sat back down as her grip on him tightened. Her eyes begged him not to escalate the already unpleasant scene.

  He recognized the woman from the restaurant in London. The one who had caused Sophia to flee on that occasion as well. He’d looked her up; she was some sort of B-list British soap star, known more for her body than her acting ability. But he still had no idea where she fit into Sophia’s past.

  “Yes, well, that’s ancient history.” The artificially enhanced actress looked around as if to make sure no one else heard Sophia’s comment.

  “Not when you look at the scars every day.” Sophia’s jaw clenched at t
he words. “I think your friends are looking for you.” She indicated the group of people waving at Kate.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you around.” Kate dismissed Sophia with a nod but flashed another dazzling smile at him. She sauntered over to her dinner companions with an exaggerated swing of her hips.

  Sophia was extremely pale. Although she was making a valiant effort to hold herself together, she started to twitch. His heart burned.

  “I, um, I need to leave. I have to get out of here, get away from her. Please,” she looked beseechingly at him, “please, can we go home?”

  “Yes, of course.” He rose and helped her out of her chair. Her whole body was shaking now and he kept his arm around her for support. “Come to the car. Someone will collect our things tomorrow.”

  Within minutes, Sophia sat in the passenger seat of the Maserati, cocooned in a blanket he’d pulled out of the back. He stole quick glances at her as he wove through the streets of the town, noting that she was still pale. At least the trembling had stopped. Once they were on the motorway, he stepped on the accelerator and the powerful car hungrily ate up the miles. Soon they were pulling through the gates of the villa and into the driveway.

  His stepfather appeared at the top of the stairs, wearing only a burgundy dressing gown, as they entered the hallway. He held a phone in his hands.

  “It is okay, Thierry,” Luca reassured the other man. “It is just us, no need to call the police.”

  Thierry took one look at Sophia’s distressed expression and didn’t inquire the reason for their unexpected return. “Sure, call up if you need us,” he replied before returning to the bedroom.

  “Come into the snug; it is more comfortable,” Luca said. He gently steered Sophia toward the room at the back of the house. “I will get you a brandy to help calm your nerves.”


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