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Loaded (Reckless MC Opey Texas Chapter Book 4)

Page 15

by KB Winters

  “That would be great. Let’s go upstairs so we can talk.” Before I could tell her I wasn’t in the mood, she grabbed my hand and tugged me up the stairs and down the hall until she was sitting on the edge of the tub in the master bathroom. “I can’t stop smiling.”

  “The shock is wearing off,” I told her and worked silently but efficiently as she told me the details of her kidnapping. I barely listened because it wasn’t something I wanted to think about. More to the point, I didn’t want to have to figure out how to stop thinking about it for the rest of my life. So, I listened with half an ear while I disinfected cuts, stitched her lip, and applied bandages. “I’m gonna check your vitals to make sure you and the baby are fine.” I took several deep breaths and took her blood pressure. “BP and pulse elevated but normal considering everything. You should take it easy over the next couple days and then go see your OB, okay?”

  She nodded. “Are we good?”

  “Yep, we’re great. Now that you’re back. I’m more upset with myself that I didn’t notice you were so far along.” Her clothes weren’t particularly baggy, but in hindsight, she’d been wearing a lot more tunics and flowing hippie shirts as Martha called them.

  “Almost seven months. I’ve been trying to hide it, I was so afraid that if I even spoke about it, somehow they’d find out. I told Gunnar to keep quiet as well.”

  I nodded, understanding. Peaches was still a friend. Just because we didn’t share every part of our lives, didn’t diminish her importance in mine. “Now that’s not an issue, we’ll have to hurry to get a baby shower planned.” I flashed the best smile I was capable of in the moment.

  But she still stared at me, like she was searching for something. “Are you okay?”

  “Me? I’m fine. Nothing to worry about.” I put a final butterfly bandage on her cheek and stepped away. “And you are too. Better?”

  “Yeah. Exhausted and achy. Hungry as hell.” Her smile belied her words, and I knew she was happy to be back with her family. “And you?”

  “Fine. Ready to sleep for a few days,” I assured her.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me. Vivi has to get home before she has those babies in the air, so tomorrow I plan to sleep like the dead.” Peaches stood and wrapped me in another hug and this time I leaned into her and accepted the affection. Holding her tight and maybe a little longer than necessary.

  “I’m so damn glad you’re all right, Peaches. Both of you.” I said as I rubbed the baby bump. How had I not noticed?

  “Thank you for keeping my girl safe. You’re the best.”

  “It was my pleasure. I want you to eat and then rest tonight and all day tomorrow. Listen to your body.”

  “I will. Thanks, Annabelle.”

  “No problem,” I said and repacked my bag, ready to head back to my home and my bed. “Call if you need anything.”

  “You’re leaving?” I didn’t miss the flash of disappointment in her eyes, but I needed to get back to my life.

  “You guys should enjoy some time alone. Together.” With a final wave, I turned away and walked down the familiar staircase as the kitchen exploded with the sounds of conversation and laughing. I wanted to go in there, to belong to this rag tag group of people who fought hard, played hard, and loved just as hard.

  But I didn’t feel like I belonged there. They weren’t my people; they belonged to Peaches. And Wheeler.

  I took one last look at them, the men hugging and kissing on their women, laughing now that the danger had passed.

  Then I walked out the front door and didn’t look back.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  Peaches was back at home on the ranch where she belonged. Both mother and baby were safe. I was pretty sure Gunnar would keep them both wrapped in cotton for the next hundred years or so. I popped a couple ibuprofen because no matter what Annabelle thought, I was done with that other shit. Completely and totally done with stupid fucking pills that didn’t dull any of pain, only made me an asshole to the few people who gave a shit about me.

  And I was hauling ass toward the big house because it was a little past noon and Martha had promised another feast now that all the trouble had passed. And because I couldn’t wait to tell Annabelle…a lot. We had a lot of things to discuss and top of that list was an apology. For using her and for being such an asshole for no good damn reason. I saw the expression on her face last night. She was worried. About me.

  Annabelle was a beautiful, accomplished woman, sexy and intelligent, and she wanted me. For whatever crazy twist of fate the gods were playing at, Annabelle wanted me. A banged up old Ranger with enough baggage to fit on a luxury jet and a bum leg to boot, and she wanted me.

  It was damn time I stepped up to be the man she deserved. If she would even give me a second chance. Or was it the third? The fifth? Whatever chance it was, I would grovel if I had to.

  The main house was chaos. Absolutely fucking chaos in the best possible way. Even Holden had dragged his ass away from his woman and out of that little cabin long enough to join the rest of us to make it a full house. Gunnar held Peaches close while Maisie talked her ear off about whatever it was that fascinated little girls. Saint and Hazel sat near the other end of the table, quiet and lost in each other. Slayer and Cruz joked around while Mitch kept mostly to himself, always on the outside looking in.

  We were alike in that way.

  “Well, well. The hero has finally decided to bestow his presence upon us!” Slayer stood and bowed with a flourish, both middle fingers aimed in my direction along with a luminescent smile.

  “Yeah and fuck you too.” I mouthed the word.

  “Wheelie, you saved Peaches!” Maisie scooted off the bench and ran over to me, slamming her little body into mine and hugging me fiercely. “Thank you, Wheelie.”

  Even the cutesy nickname was beyond sweet so I ignored the guys laughing and bent down to scoop her up. “It was my pleasure. She’s my favorite smart ass.”

  Maisie gasped. “You said a bad word.”

  “I did? No I didn’t, I said she was an intelligent donkey.” With the most innocent look I could muster, I stared into her blue eyes until laughter shook her little body.

  “No, you didn’t!” The sound of her giggles bounced off the walls, bringing a smile to every mouth in the room. Kids had a way of making people forget all the hell they walked through and just feel happy that they did it to get to this one moment. Another quick hug, and I was forgotten about in favor of another round of chocolate pecan pancakes.

  The seat across from Saint was empty so I grabbed a mug and took that seat. Martha wouldn’t suffer anyone trying to take over her kitchen, even if it meant something as simple as getting my own coffee. “Smells real good, Martha.”

  “Tastes even better,” she called out confidently and I nodded my agreement. Despite the drama with her daughter helping a club enemy, Martha didn’t seem to hold a grudge, which only made me respect her more. Losing a child was never easy, but it was smart of her and the other twin to stick around. They were safe here.

  I had no doubt about the quality of the food, so I dug in, grabbing one plate just for a stack of plain buttermilk pancakes drenched in butter and syrup and filled the other with biscuits, bacon, sausage, eggs and hash browns, while casting clandestine glances around the table. It was a man’s breakfast, and I was starving. None of us had been able to eat much before taking on Farnsworth. Martha’s late night meal had been like an appetizer. I’d gotten up early and rushed over here from the bunkhouse for two reasons, breakfast and Annabelle.

  Breakfast was delicious and slowly disappearing.

  But where was Annabelle?

  “She went home last night,” Cruz answered a question I hadn’t asked, not out loud anyway.


  “Who, he says.” Cruz smacked Slayer’s arm and laughed, giving him a ‘can you believe this guy’ look while pointing at me. “The pretty little doctor, that’s who. She’s gone.”

; Dammit. It had been a mistake to assume she’d stay once the trouble had passed. The club had turned her life upside down, at least for a few days, and she was probably eager to get back to normal. Whatever that looked like for her, because I never bothered to learn. “Hmph,” I grunted in reply.

  “Eloquent,” Slayer laughed and shook his head. “Let me give you a tip about women, Wheeler. They like it when you at least pretend to like them.” He shrugged. “I find it helpful, and I’m irresistible.”

  Cruz laughed. “You wish, man. That whole mountain man look is played. The ladies are all about the exotic look these days.”

  “Doesn’t matter what you look like if you act like an asshole, though. Am I right Peaches?” Slayer asked.

  She blinked and stared at Slayer before nodding back at me. “Language, and yes. Even your pretty face can’t overcome being an asshole, Wheeler. Care to fill me in?”

  I shoved a final pancake into my mouth and stood. “Hell no, not even a little bit. But I am glad you’re okay,” I told her and went to smack a kiss against her cheek. “Gotta go.”

  “She’s not as tough as she looks.” Peaches whispered the words in my ear and looked deep into my eyes to make sure I understood.

  I did, but she was wrong. “You’re right, she’s a hell of a lot tougher.” She just didn’t know it yet.

  Peaches nodded, a small smile gracing the corners of her mouth. “Good luck. Annabelle is stubborn and reluctant to trust.”

  I barked out a laugh at that understatement. “No kidding. Take it easy today, or I’ll tattle on you.”

  She gasped in outrage, and I gave her a playful wink before leaving the main house, leaving the Reckless Bastards and Hardtail Ranch in my rearview while I went in search of AB.

  I knew she wasn’t at home the second I pulled up. The windows were all dark and her car was nowhere to be found, but still I climbed the stairs and knocked. And waited.

  Two minutes later I was back on my bike and headed for the hospital. Suddenly, it was important as hell that I see Annabelle now, that we clear the air between us. Last night I’d done plenty of thinking before drifting off to sleep, and my thoughts were full of one person, one thing.


  The crazy damn woman was already at work after nearly a week of drama and danger, not to mention looking after a kid during that time. And instead of resting or having a spa day like rich lady doctors tend to do, she was back at work. Healing the sick and bandaging the injured. And when I stepped inside the chaos of the ER, I found her kneeling in front of an old man who was trying to look down her shirt.

  “I’m pretty sure trying to get a shot of cleavage is a clear sign this isn’t an emergency, Elmer.” There was clear amusement in her voice, and the old man smiled even as a dangerously red flush stained his cheeks.

  “No harm in trying to do whatever I can to feel better, is there?” He shrugged and flashed another grin. “I don’t mean no harm, Doc.”

  While he talked and flirted, she laughed and joined in, taking notes one minute and checking his pulse the next. “I know you don’t, old man. I just have to keep you on your toes, maybe then you’ll start taking care of yourself.”

  “And give up our little dates? How could I?”

  She was gorgeous as she tilted her head back and laughed. The sound was as beautiful as it was welcoming, soft and feminine but also sultry and smoky. “You’re good for my ego, too, Elmer. No more barbecue this weekend, okay?”

  “But Doc, the football—”

  She held up a hand, her serious doctor expression stopping whatever excuse he’d been about to offer up. “No excuses, Elmer. Your blood pressure is too high. Next time you come in here like this, I’m admitting you.”

  He stood and glared at Annabelle and I flexed my hands just in case she needed me. “What the hell kind of Texan watches football without a damn barbecue?” he grumbled

  He continued to whine, and I was grateful only for the fact that it kept her laughing.

  “The kind who wants to see if the Cowboys ever make it to another Superbowl?” she said.

  More than half the waiting room groaned at her dig, and she laughed even harder. “Try chicken breast. Or cauliflower. I hear its all the rage these days.”

  “I understand the rage part of that, Doc. You have yourself a good weekend, and I guess I’ll be having chicken.”

  She laughed again and patted his back. “You’ll be perfect. I’m even rooting for the home team,” she assured him and guided him toward the door.

  “That was pretty damn impressive.”

  She startled and turned with a wide-eyed gasp at my words. “Wheeler? What are you doing here?” Immediately her shock turned to worry. “Is something wrong? Is Peaches all right?” Hand to her chest, Annabelle was a picture of concern.

  It gave me the perfect opportunity to get my hands on her, even it they did just rest on her delicate shoulders that felt far too frail lately. “Everyone is fine. Eating too much and talking way too loud. I came to check on you.”

  “Me? Why? I’m fine.” She tried to step back, away from my touch, but I couldn’t let her. Not yet.

  “I needed to see for myself you were fine. You left before we could talk.”

  Her expression softened slightly. “Did you sleep well?”

  This was exactly why I was here. Annabelle was good people, through and through. She gave a damn about other people, even when she shouldn’t. “Dreamless and peaceful. Nothing but that damn ibuprofen too.”

  Surprise showed, but she banked it quickly and looked around. I did too, noticing that we had a pretty big audience of nosy townspeople and even nosier nursing staff.

  “I’m glad to hear that, Wheeler. You look well rested, but how is your pain?”

  I shrugged. “Better than it should be considering what I put my leg through yesterday, but I can manage it. I promise.” She opened her mouth and I cut her off, smiling. “I’m taking it easy and listening to my body.”

  Finally, I earned a smile just for me. “I guess I tend to sound like a broken record to my patients. Hazard of the job.” She shrugged it off and tried to step around me. “What are you doing?”

  “We haven’t talked yet.”

  She sighed and went around me, slapping a folder on the large round reception desk in the center of the room before turning back to me. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m at work. Some place I haven’t been all week because I’ve been busy with other things.”

  “Which is why I’m here, AB. To make sure you’re not exhausted. To see if you need lunch or maybe a ride home after work?” Yeah, I sounded like a sorry ass pussy whipped half man and I knew it. The strange thing was, I didn’t give a damn. Not even about the young nurses clearly lingering behind Annabelle for the sole purpose of eavesdropping.

  “Thank you for the offer, Wheeler, but like I said, I’m fine.”

  “You’re damn stubborn too.” She was so determined to be strong, to show the world just how strong and independent she was that the frustrating woman didn’t realize when someone was offering a hand.

  “Then why are you here?”

  “Because I can’t stay away, AB.”

  She barked out a laugh. “You’ve managed just fine over the past few months. It might take some time, but I’m confident that with a little effort you’ll be able to again.”

  I blinked in surprise at her words and looked around the room to see if there were hidden cameras around. “You want me to stay away?’

  A throat cleared and we both turned to the woman behind the desk. “Maybe you two want to take this conversation somewhere more private? Get some privacy, at least.”

  “Right.” Annabelle nodded and flashed a grateful smile at the woman. “Thanks Tish.” She motioned for me to join her, and I followed her down a long hall, shaking my head at the way her baggy work attire hid all those sinful curves. The ones that had haunted my dreams all last night.

  “This is a little too private, don’t you think?�
�� The elevator was too small, it made me far too aware of the petite brunette beside me. Even through the stench of hospital disinfectant, I could smell her scent. Her essence. It had me leaning in closer to her, hungry for any part of her.

  “We’re going to the cafeteria. You can talk while I grab some breakfast.”

  I didn’t bother telling her that it was late afternoon and far past the breakfast hour because I didn’t think she’d appreciate it. “You’re buying me a meal? This is already going better than I expected.”

  I ignored her glare. “Did you hit your head last night?”

  “No,” I sighed and stepped off the elevator first, holding the door for her. “But I’ve been acting like an asshole for no reason, and I’m sorry AB. You didn’t deserve it. Any of it.”

  She froze and turned to me; eyes narrowed to suspicious slits. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “Kind of, actually.” She grabbed a tray and picked up a salad and a burger. “I appreciate the apology, but it really isn’t necessary, Wheeler.”

  “Because there’s nothing between us anymore?”

  She swallowed, but in her hesitation, I had my answer. She was already pulling back, I could feel it. And didn’t it just make me the world’s biggest asshole that the feel of her pulling back only made me want her more? No, not more, but it made me realize how much I wanted her. How much the thought of not getting to see her again, up close and in my arms, actually affected me.

  “Was there ever?” she said. “Besides sex, I mean?”

  Fair question. But dammit, why couldn’t she just listen to what I was saying in the moment? “Maybe not but just because there wasn’t doesn’t mean there can’t be. Right?” I scratched my head and rolled my eyes. “Did that even make sense?”

  AB found a table easily since there were only a handful of people in the cafeteria, choosing a table with a view of the outside. She dropped down and carefully laid out her silverware and then placed the napkin over her lap, covering the blue scrubs she wore.


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